One of apparently only 50 of these pistols ever produced, only 34 of which were imported into the United States, this HK P7M13-SD is currently up on Gunbroker with 10 days left on its auction.
Designating a firearm that is made to be shot suppressed (or is integrally suppressed), “SD” in this case means the pistol is equipped with a threaded barrel and is tuned for use with a suppressor. This was always extremely rare with the HK P7’s gas delayed blowback operating system.
Unlike my HK P7PSP or the HK P7M8 that followed it, the P7M13 managed to fit a staggered magazine into its frame so it holds 13 rounds of 9mm in the magazine instead of eight. Many consider it the pinnacle of HK P7 development (some purists prefer the M8), but that’s probably only because the -SD is so insanely rare it isn’t even given a vote.
If anyone is looking for a President’s Day present for me, there’s 10 days left to win the auction!…
No effing way would I spend that on a pistol.
You do you, boo.
A rare double stack H&K, squeeze cocked P7, yes very rare, rare does not equal valuable, or functional useful. A better choice would be a SIG P226. And also 38 years later, the P226 is still in production.
the P226 is a great gun. I have two of them.
@.40 cal Booger I couldn’t agree more.
And in the category of “more money than brains” we have a winner.
Dig deeper into the higher priced items on gunbroker you will find far crazier.
I know. I watch those sometimes. Saw a transferable M16 go for $35K once.
For lack of legal ability in my home state and budget not supporting it I never really followed full auto trends but would that be 10-15k over the typical price?
Pocket change for Elon, why not?
That’s a nice piece of HK drip
you said squeezecock.
Well, go right on ahead, if you wanna… 😉
At least he didn’t mention the P7s German designed gas chamber. 🤔
Local gunstore had a Vietnam era M60 for 40k. Wife said no, I said I wanted a divorce, she called my bluff, I’m still married and no M60. 🐀s
Thank you for making me laugh.
Have a blessed day !!
Made me laugh too. And… good for Mrs. Hortense!
I’ve owned a few P-7 M8 over the years. A few other HKs too. Government paid me to shoot MP-5 SD A few of times. Never heard of this pistol. Got to say though. There’s always something esoteric. If you own a M-13, other than for collector value, you didn’t think about it very hard. If you own an M-10 you thought about it even less. Just me. BTW, I told HK that at FT. Benning in about ’92 the M-10 would never sell (and even the M-13 wouldn’t continue to sell). Pissed them off. Especially about the M-10. It was just past prototype stage. .40 S&W was brand new. HK had high hopes. They faded quickly.
I played around with a friend’s P7 years ago, before there was any decent defensive 9mm ammo available. He still loves it.
I, however, have never been able to understand the allure of the safety mechanism of a P7. Neither can I understand the long cocking action on Krieghoff cape guns (where a doublegun’s safety should be) or the crazy cocking mechanism on my Blaser Ultimate rifle, which appears to be a hammer and is a bitch to use with a scope mounted.
I guess the Huns just want one to be REALLY CERTAIN before they squeeze that trigger.
^ “ …the Huns…” ?!?
Thanks for taking me back to 6th grade.
(k- 8, same Catholic school)
And… that too made me laugh. Been there, done that.
Craig, the trigger has creep, but breaks about as clean as anything else out there. The squeeze cock takes a little getting used to, but a normal firing grip puts the weapon into service. Next, and this is important. Because of the low bore axis and the fact that’s it’s only chambered in 9mm recoil/muzzle rise is nearly negligible. Not non-existent, but if you can shoot you’ll hardly notice it. The gas system does have an unusual recoil impulse until you get used to it. Finally, loose control of your weapon? (Happens) It decocks as soon as you drop it. Know of a P7M8 for sale? Always interested.
Other than a good 1911, it’s the best semiauto pistol trigger I’ve ever experienced. It does get hot after 50 rounds, however.
P.S. – The P7M10 was chambered in .40 S&W, btw.
Thanks, but I’ve heard all the praises for P7, and probably put 150 rounds through the one I played with. I just never could see the reasoning myself, over my Gold Cup, or any of my S&W revolvers at the time, probably late 90s/early 2000s. And now that I’ve gotten into the auto phase with other .45s, 10mm, .40 and 9mm, I still see no reason to pick one up for myself. To be honest, I don’t even have, nor do I want, a “safety” on my EDC (P365) let alone a decocker.
To each his/her/its own.
And I’m still waiting for someone to explain the cocking mechanisms on the Krieghoff Cape rifle/shotgun combo and the modular Blaser rifle. Both still have a “safe” mode… It’s got to have something to do with the German lawyers. Both are great, and fairly expensive firearms, but there are more simple ways to cock a break action and bolt action.
I believe proper usage is “the hun” (for qty of 1 or 100000).
You could have bought a Steyr GB.
A Styer GB? I remember a picture of Chuck Taylor throwing the pistol down range. After it malfunctioned. Again. Just because it’s new, doesn’t make it better.
“I believe proper usage is “the hun” (for qty of 1 or 100000).”
You saying “Hun” is also plural? Nah.
Believe me, anyone who comes in “hordes” would damn-well demand special recognition for “more than one”… Particularly someone with any sense of Teutonic background.
Stop by my booth tomorrow in CR and we can debate it…
That’s a funny looking Glock. I’ll trade you a high point c9 for it.
That being said, I’d like to see more TTAG content like this. Gun content doesn’t seem to be interesting to the commenters though, only politics.
Even as what some might call an HK fanboi, this seems excessive to me.
But at least it’s not another uber expensive 1911.
I actually picked up some SiCo bits and bobs today and at the store I had to laugh at all the 1911’s they were selling used/on consignment. Unfuckingbelievable the number of 1911’s, high end ones too, that no one wants.
Of course, I had to ask. The answer made me LOL but probably wouldn’t be popular ’round these parts.
strych9, yeah, I agree. Too much sugar for a dime. However, if you run across any of those high end 1911s or HKs (not the stupid shit like a VP70Z). Let me know. Aren’t you in Florida? I make it down to Crystal River often. Let me know if you trip over anything interesting. My, and my friends, intertrests are very wide.
I’m in Colorado but I’d be happy to facilitate a gun to a good home across the country if you like.
I can go back and get a list. Couple of them had some nice scroll work added, generally those were in the $1300 range. Dunno how the internals are since I didn’t strip any of them.
Obviously I’ll omit the dumb stuff like the “We The People/Punisher” cerakoted Rock Island. Not that there’s anything really wrong with a RI, even one covered in gaudy goldish stuff specifically, but I get the feeling that’s not really your jam.
We need to talk. If you are willing. Posssm and Alien have spoken to me. Concluded a couple of deals. Not scared. I’ve worked fiinancil crimes. I can hunt you down and kill you. Kidding. 850-694-9405. About to crash. Local news is over. Call if you have a deal.
I’ll check back with them and take some notes on the nicer guns.
Let me know if you’re looking for anything specific in terms of historical stuff. One of the places I frequent somehow manages to get original Lugers with the presentation boxes about once a year. They have also had a Singer 1911, a Glisenti and a very nice Nambu in the past. I think the old guy there hunts down that stuff just so he can touch it, but I’ve never asked.
For what it’s worth around 2000 a LGS had a couple of used Delta Elites that were pristine.
They probably had a round count under 500, the nickel one maybe even less.
One nickel and the other was blue. $450 for the nickel and $400 for the blued one.
They couldn’t give them away because they said the 10mm was a “dead” caliber.
10mm ammo wasn’t common (they didn’t carry any) and was expensive.
To make a long story short I figured the next time I stopped by I would buy the nickel one.
The next time I stopped in they were both gone.
The LGS took $700 for both, the guy that bought them was going to try and convert them to .45.
I have serious regrets about that day, I had the cash to spare.
It was a small LGS that went out business a couple of years later that was in the “Trak Auto” mall.
Since Trak Auto went out of business in 2001, it had to be 1999 or 2000.
When the P7M13 first came out I thought it would be “the answer”. Remember this was before the skyrocketing popularity of the Glock. I was offered a P7M13 and the man let me have it awhile to shoot it to see if I liked it. Even back then in the late 80’s they were not cheap, he wanted $750 for it with 3 magazines.
I could not have been more disappointed in this gun.
For its small size it weighed a ton.
The trigger pull was so mushing I never knew just when it would break when I fired the gun.
The gas system got dirty very quickly and often caused malfunctions even when you were using the correct ammo. More on this below.
This gun is ammo finicky because of the gas operated system. If found out that if you were using a fast burning powder like bullseye it worked fine (if the gun was clean) On the other hand if you used a slightly slower burning powder like Unique the action started to open prematurely giving the gun a real pounding as well as your hand.
On a summer day when shooting just one full magazine the gun overheated like crazy. As a matter of fact it had a piece of plastic on it to keep you from burning your hand as the gun quickly heated up from firing. You can see it in the above picture in front of the trigger. Overheating a gun’s barrel is perhaps the very worst thing you can do to a barrel. It does not take long to ruin the barrel.
The squeeze cocker made a loud clickety Clack when you released it which would have gotten you killed in a break in as it would have given your position away when a criminal broke in looking for you. Yes I know that that there is a way to stop the clicky clack when uncocking it but trying to do this under pressure would not work out so well in real life.
HK after first inventing the gun had so many people shoot themselves with this gun that they increased the pressure required to squeeze cock it which was both somewhat good and somewhat very bad. Most people cannot hold the squeeze cocker in very long which results in them not being able to shoot the gun very accurately and when they do release their grip you have the loud clickety clack. Supposedly this increased pressure to cock it was supposed to reduce accidental discharges but like most ideas it did not turn out to be a panacea as many people still kept accidentally shooting themselves with this gun.
This gun was noted for breaking firing pins and one Maryland Cop got killed because of this defect when he was in a firefight.
The gun was discontinued because it was always very high priced when compared to its competitors and with the advent of the Glock its squeeze cocker suddenly offered not much of an advantage over the Glock and the Golck was a hell of a lot cheaper and way lighter in weight.
For people who like to save money by handloading with hard cast lead bullets the HK was not able to handle cast bullets because lead shavings would clog up its gas vent hole in the barrel.
And before some loud mouth starts chiming in that you cannot shoot lead in a Glock either I beg to differ. Yes you can shoot lead in a Glock but it will void the warranty. And no, lead bullets will not blow up a glock if you clean the barrel after every shooting. As a matter of fact any gun with any type of rifling if it accumulates enough leading will blow it up and that even includes the old time kids single shot .22 rimfire rifle (Ask me how I know this). I have fired as many as 250 rounds of lead bullets (hard cast) out of a Glock with only minimal leading but for safety’s sake clean it out after every shooting session. I have been shooting Glocks since the 1980’s and have seldom fired jacketed bullets out of them, mostly all hard cast lead. So much for the gun writer bullshit that you will disappear in an atomic explosion and the disappear in a red puff of mist if you shoot lead out of a Glock.
The HKP7M13 was also noted for accidentally shooting people both the operator of the pistol or in the case of the cops when they accidentally shot people much like they still do today with Glocks. The problem with the HK is that when you draw the gun in a panic situation you get it in a death grip almost as soon as your hand is around the grip which of course cocks the gun and snagging the trigger on the draw has gotten a lot people shot which includes the operator or in some cases innocent people who cops shot accidentally.
Today because the gun is no longer in production and because its an oddball curiosity they get horrendous amounts of money for them but if you do not own one do not feel bad, in fact you are damn lucky you do not own one if only for safety’s sake. If you do own one it is a good investment because of the skyrocketing prices for them, as long as you keep it mint and if your smart never fire it.
Great job lil’dtard.
You blovated on about why you don’t like the P7 and the high bid jumped to over $20k. 🤪
Dacian, are you really being paid to troll? I ask because I can’t imagine anyone willfully exposing their ignorance and stupidity unless they were being compensated for it. An H&K P-7 pattern pistol is one of the most reliable pistol I’ve had experience with. The only ammunition restrictions I recall were not to shoot lead bullets. HK said the lead could shave off into the gas port. It could inhibit reliability. As I said, I’ve shot with H&K on U.S. Army ranges. Have you?
Let’s break this down. Clickity Clack? I thought the operation of a firearms actions were supposed to melt bad guys into jello. I have $10,000 I’ll wager I’ve touched more felons than you. I have official government documents. Don’t you like that kind of stuff? Besides, clickity clack will be the thing he doesn’t hear before he starts soaking up CCI/Speer 124+ P hollowpoints. They’re supersonic. They get there before the clickity clack noise. Are you really that stupid, or just willfully ignorant? Now, I have an HK P7M8, factory hard chrome, box, papers proving everything I’ve said. I have met and am friends with a couple of regular commenters here. You, sir, are merely a nusince. I remember a cat an Aunt called Nusince. I liked the cat better than you. Is he was certainly more intelligent.
The last one sold for $24,995 on Jun 21, 2020.
I wonder if this the same gun and even though I like HKs, no way.
There are few that would understand the need or value of such a gun.
I expect this one to go for more. “It’s 1 of 34 and I keep it in my helicopter.”
“The helicopter is on my yacht.”
Only the poors don’t have a helicopter for their yacht.
Some things never change……
This sold for around $42.5k once tax, shipping and FFL fee is added to winning bid. 🤯