• Yupper…Emergency medical should be a priority for all gun owners. Very easy to get wounded in a fight and bleed out.

      I carry a medical kit with supplies for 2 wounds attached to my range bag and another in my car. Would carry one on me if I could figure out how.

      Shooters need to know how to stop bleeding, pack wounds and apply a tourniquet one-handed.

      • +1. Greg from Alston and I took just such a course and I put together a just-in-case kit.

        I’m going to retake the course every year.

  1. You are more likely to save lives with your medical skills than you are to take lives with your shooting skills. Have fun at the training!

  2. Collateral damage is always part of all, can be you, can be a bystander, o a random individual, a tourniquet can be the difference between killed and wounded…

  3. I like that he said drop the gun and don’t move in the same sentence. Lol don’t know why that’s funny to me, it just is

  4. There is not enough time for the gun to hit the ground from the time he finished saying drop the gun to the time he starts firing.

    • If you’re involved in a DGU, you may not have the luxury of giving the BG time to comply. But it’s still not a bad thing if witnesses remember you saying things like “drop the gun” or “I don’t want trouble”.

  5. Good courses ALWAYS start with the emergency medical plan. Who’s a traines EMT, if any? Where is the first aid kit? Is there cell phone reception or where is the closest hard line? A few people are designated to have specific jobs in case a Serpa holster incident arises. It’s all part of situational awareness. You are in a situation where everyone has a loaded gun and is attempting to learn new techniques. Then there are the rules of behavior the individual course/instructor implements during training. Shit happens to the best instructors with the best skills. If you ask they will all have stories if they’ve been at it long enough.

    • I’m an EMT-B (and training to become a firefighter) My range bag does carry a small trauma kit and my S-10 always has a full response bag and a bug-out bag behind the seat. When hunting I carry a first aid kit in a drop-leg type pouch that also has a snakebite kit within since I usually hunt in dry mountainland.

      Here’s a small article on range bag first aid kits that a former Corpsman wrote: http://www.downrange.tv/blog/first-aid-gear-for-the-range-bag/13973/

      Come to think of it, that’s not a bad idea for the next Ask Foghorn, since I believe he is also an AEMT or EMT-B: for most folks, what would you include in your range bag in case of emergencies, and what kind of training would you recommend for the average shooter or hunter.

  6. Have fun Robert. Give us a full report when you’re done. I expect to be taking this course in the next year or so.

    BTW, if you haven’t taken the trauma course at AFS, tag along with Ralph the next time it’s offered. It’s well worth your time. Let me know too, a refresher is always a good thing and I’ll try to join you.

  7. A range EMT bag is a must as far as I’m concerned. I was lucky enough to have a Great Lakes Corpsman instructor set up a full bag and give me a lesson and training materials. I also purchased a DVD from https://www.4americansafety.com/ about treating gunshot wounds which seemed thorough to me. Even though I didn’t make the BSA a career, I did take “Be Prepared” to heart.

    I took an upper-level course at Sig Sauer Academy. Very professional and fairly priced, I thought. I’ll return. Enjoy!

  8. Y’know, the Feds should require all active shooters to take an active shooter course and obtain an active shooter license. I’ll bet it would completely eliminate all active shooter incidents for all time.

    Well, my modest proposal makes as much sense as “gun free zones,” so it’s worth a try. For the children.

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