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      • Regardless, I just checked and I think Munden is still the fastest at under 0.2 sec on a single balloon and slightly over a sec on five targets.

  1. This looks like a return to the quick draw contests that were popular in the 1950s, at the height of the Western movie/TV show craze. It’s a definite skill, but seems kinda silly to me.

    What kind of ammo is this guy using? Looks really lightly powered.

  2. it’s not silly. if you have the time and resources spend them any way you wish. having said that, i don’t think it would be for me. i would like to see a cowboy action event 1 day.

  3. Bob Munden can do this while drinking a Dos Equis between each shot and still beat that time…. 🙂 all kidding aside…

    Munden is much faster. Here is scientific evidence to prove it.

    Munder is super human!

    My question is does anyone quick draw close too that fast with modern day firearms? If not why not?

  4. Pretty impressive. Or to quote the great Bruce Lee:

    “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

  5. Oh come on! He is starting 1/2 way through the draw! Lets see him do it starting with his fingers on the cap bill when the light goes on.

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