
A new Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audit questions how FBI and DEA gun parts slated for destruction ended up in a “ghost gun” seized during a criminal investigation. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Drug Enforcement Agency are being accused of storing the pistol parts where they could easily be taken by anyone inside their Quantico, VA training academy.

“We concluded that inadequate policies regarding the destruction of employee issued firearms create significant risks that firearms or their parts could be lost or stolen and used in subsequent crimes without accountability,” said the advisory memo from Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz to FBI Director Christopher Wray and DEA Administrator Anne Milgram.

During the OIG inquiry, Horowitz concluded the items most likely came out of unsecured barrels that both agencies used to store employee gun parts prior to destruction, with the report stating that virtually anyone working at Quantico could access the “gun cleaning room” where the barrels were stored.

“The gun cleaning room was accessible to thousands of employees and contractors at Quantico, including FBI and DEA armory employees, FBI and DEA academy trainers and students, cleaning staff, maintenance contractors, and others. Because the gun cleaning room was in a shared building that also held the Quantico cafeteria, security control measures were limited to a Quantico access card provided to every individual that had access to the grounds at Quantico. There were no safeguards to ensure that the location where the slides and barrels were stored was secured, document who had access to the location or DEA property, or document when the slides and barrels were destroyed,” according to the memo.

In addition, neither agency claims they had set a protocol for handling the parts.

Have you ever been caught doing something wrong, so you took full responsibility for negligence in an attempt to disarm your accuser because you knew the punishment, if any at all, would be far less than copping to something more wilfully nefarious, which was what you were really up to? Yeah, that’s what this sounds like to me.

“Indeed, in the investigation that led to this memorandum, the OIG was unable to identify the individual or individuals who stole the DEA slide and barrel that were later recovered during an arrest,” Horowitz wrote in the memo.

I’m also more than a little annoyed by the cavalier attitude of, “Oh well, we can’t really pin this on any person or group of people, so just be more careful next time.” Try making “mistakes” of a similar nature as a private citizen and you’ll see a whole different perspective on what .gov expects when it comes to accountability. 

This became an issue in 2023 when it was discovered that an unidentified suspect had been arrested with a “ghost gun,” typically constructed at home from kits that did not require a background check or serialization. While investigating the case, the DEA realized the barrel and slide came from one of the agency’s issued weapons that was scheduled to be destroyed in 2019. 

“According to DEA records, the slide and barrel were part of a DEA employee-issued firearm that had been destroyed over three years earlier,” the memorandum stated.

Since completing the report, the agencies claim they have improved security measures and protocols for storing and destroying employee-issued firearms, with the FBI saying they have relocated the unit handling the guns to Alabama as of 2021.

If I sound skeptical, it’s because I am. Consider businesses in the firearms industry that have been steamrolled, from bump stocks to pistol braces, forced reset triggers to 80% kits. The federal government has a way of letting you know that even if they lose in the end, the damage is already done. From pretending that the plain words of the Second Amendment might mean something different to double standards like the Fast and Furious debacle and arming terrorist organizations. If you can give me a reason to trust, I’ll listen to what you have to say in the comments below. 


    • What else is expected from 3 Letter agencies after 4 years of a man in mental decline and his elderly abusive cackling sidekick running the show? The Gun Control duo and their ilk get off on seeing guns in barrels heading for destruction just like they would get off on seeing Gun Owners headed to concentration camps.

      cackle’s unbridled enter-your-home love for Gun Control makes her the Fascist. Of course History illiterates who are as dumb as a fencepost will believe her slanderous spew and vote accordingly. And that belief in harris is in part to Gun talking blowbags who had 4 years to Define Gun Control by its History for the Gun Control History illiterate public and what was it? Crickets.

    • You can’t blame Biden/Harris for this:

      “DEA realized the barrel and slide came from one of the agency’s issued weapons that was scheduled to be destroyed in 2019“


      Joe Biden/Kamala Harris wouldn’t be inaugurated for another two years.

      The parts should’ve been destroyed in 2019, it was the Trump administration that dropped the ball and diverted the parts into the black market.

      • “The parts should’ve been destroyed in 2019, it was the Trump administration that dropped the ball and diverted the parts into the black market.”

        Hmmm… false

        It was someone who had access that picked up the part. The Trump administration had nothing to do with it.

        But… on the other hand Biden (and Harris) traded known arms trafficker Viktor Bout, nicknamed the “merchant of death”, for Brittney Griner, a woman who smuggling drugs into Russia (supposedly less than 1 gram of cannabis oil in her luggage, she says she packed by mistake), to win black constituent approval, while leaving Paul Whelan, a man who had served his country in the Marines, to rot in a Russian prison. And as a result of using Bout as the trade thousands have died world wide due to the weapons trafficked by Viktor Bout.

        • “The Trump administration had nothing to do with it.“

          False, the parts were scheduled by the Trump administration to be destroyed in 2019. Donald Trump did not leave office until January 20, 2021.

          “the agency’s issued weapons that was scheduled to be destroyed in 2019“

          Why did the Trump administration fail to destroy the parts in 2019?

          “while leaving Paul Whelan, a man who had served his country in the Marines”

          Paul Whelan was arrested in 2018, on Donald Trump‘s watch:

          “On 28 December, however, he was arrested by Russia’s FSB state security agency“

          Donald Trump did not leave office until January 20, 2021. Donald Trump had over two years to negotiate a release with his good pal Vladimir Putin, yet Donald Trump failed.

          But don’t worry, the Biden/Harris administration was able to do what Donald Trump failed to do, achieve the release of Paul Whelan:

          “Updated 1 August 2024
          Former US Marine Paul Whelan has been released from a Russian prison after more than five years in custody.“

          And you say, “a man who had served his country in the Marines” as if that makes him somehow more valuable a person than Griner.

          The fact is, Paul Whelan was a liar and a thief who received a bad conduct discharge from the Marines who kicked him out for larceny:

          “But in 2008, Mr Whelan – who had by then achieved the rank of staff sergeant – was discharged from the Marines for bad conduct.
          The Pentagon, which released his records, said the charges related to larceny. CNN reports he was accused of using someone else’s social security number, and “writing bad cheques”

          You see 40 ounce, you could not be more wrong about this situation and the actual facts of history.

          Most of your bullshit stories are like this, you parrot some MAGA Republican talking point and claim victory, but a casual Google search will show that everything you say is bullshit and the facts in the situation are actually diametrically opposed to what you claim.

          • “the parts were scheduled by the Trump administration to be destroyed in 2019”

            100% false

            They were scheduled by agency, not by the administration.

            and the rest of your BS is just that BS.

            “You see 40 ounce, you could not be more wrong about this situation and the actual facts of history.”

            I never said a word about any of that you posted for him. I simply said he had served his country, and that is a 100% fact. Even your own post show that he did serve his country in the Marines just like I said. I said nothing about his character, I never said it made him ‘more valuable’ – it was a juxtaposition context and if you understood context, well.

            It is not a MAGA Republican talking point, its a matter of documented action by the Biden administration, and I never claimed any ‘victory’ for anything.

            A Google search will show…

            Biden (and Harris) traded known arms trafficker Viktor Bout, nicknamed the “merchant of death”, for Brittney Griner, a woman who smuggling drugs into Russia (supposedly less than 1 gram of cannabis oil in her luggage, she says she packed by mistake), to win black constituent approval, while leaving Paul Whelan, a man who had served his country in the Marines, to rot in a Russian prison. And as a result of using Bout as the trade thousands have died world wide due to the weapons trafficked by Viktor Bout.

            So why are you lying about it Miner49er? Oh wait, don’t bother to answer, lying and spin and leaving out context and cherry picking is your thing.

            • “They were scheduled by agency, not by the administration.“

              So the executive administration is not responsible for the actions of the agency?

              Well then, you can’t blame the actions of the rogue ATF agency on the Biden administration, you can’t blame Obama for ATF ‘fast and furious’ either.

              Like you said, those actions were “by the agency, not the administration”.

              Or is that somehow different?

              Hypocrisy, thy name is MAGA Republican.

              “thousands have died world wide due to the weapons trafficked by Viktor Bout“

              Wait a minute, now you do want to restrict international trade in arms?

              What happened to your fear-mongering about the UN and their treaties to restrict international arms trafficking?

              Oh, I get it, it’s all about what serves your political goals…

              Sadly, its just more MAGA hypocrisy, how surprising.

              And you didn’t answer the question, why wasn’t Trump able to get Paul Whelan released through his multiple secret meetings with Putin over the last four years?

              Donald Trump was the president when Paul Whelan was arrested in 2018, and yet Donald Trump let him rot in a Russian prison.

              You attacked Joe Biden because he was able to get Paul Whelan released, but his arrest and imprisonment happened on Donald Trump’s watch.

              More MAGA hypocrisy.

              • “And you didn’t answer the question, why wasn’t Trump able to get Paul Whelan released through his multiple secret meetings with Putin over the last four years?”

                you are correct I did not ‘answer the question’, and that’s for a couple of reasons..

                1. its wasn’t an honest discussion ‘question’.

                2. It wasn’t a question, it was more of your mental illness TDS accusation.

                “Wait a minute, now you do want to restrict international trade in arms?

                What happened to your fear-mongering about the UN and their treaties to restrict international arms trafficking?”

                Moron, you don’t know the difference between international trade in arms and arms trafficking.

                I never did any such ‘fear mongering’ – you lied again.

                I’m would be kinda glad Trump would not kiss Putins ass to trade a known arms trafficker. Trump would have saved countess lives by not doing that.

                Heck, had Biden and Harris not kissed Putins ass to trade known arms trafficker Viktor Bout, I would have been just as glad they didn’t. But sadly …

                Biden (and Harris) traded known arms trafficker Viktor Bout, nicknamed the “merchant of death”, for Brittney Griner, a woman who smuggling drugs into Russia (supposedly less than 1 gram of cannabis oil in her luggage, she says she packed by mistake), to win black constituent approval, while leaving Paul Whelan, a man who had served his country in the Marines, to rot in a Russian prison. And as a result of using Bout as the trade thousands have died world wide due to the weapons trafficked by Viktor Bout and Biden and Harris facilitated those deaths by trading him.

                Why did Biden and Harris kiss Putins ass to give him what he wanted? There were plenty of others the U.S. had imprisoned that could have been traded. But the one particular arms trafficker Viktor Bout known to be the number one trafficker of Russia sourced weapons to Mexico and other countries, and maybe the deals in Russia that Hunter and Joe made millions of $$$ from had something to do with it.


                I didn’t ‘attack’ Joe Biden. I stated a matter of documented and historical fact as juxtaposition context.

                And even if I did ‘attack’ Joe Biden, why would a low life like you be trying to defend this dementia ridden marxist who would snuff out your constitutional rights in heart beat if he could get away with it ?

                Ya think Joe Biden is gonna give ya a ‘atta boy’ pat on the head for ‘defending’ him?

                There is so much spin and disingenuous and false in your post, i’m not going to even bother addressing the rest of it because its so obvious.

                Why are you so afraid to discuss the context points Miner49er? You do this all the time, completely ignore context and go off topic to try to broaden the subject with your mental illness TDS and you post spin and outright distortions and disingenuous and lies. Why are you such a coward to not want to discuss but rather excrete BS? What makes you such a coward, aside from being a radical violent far left wing idiot that hates the constitution and the U.S. and advocates for the death of American citizens and defender of pedophiles and human trafficking (you don’t realize it but that’s what you have portrayed in your many posts over time), so what makes you so afraid of actual discussion instead of mental illness TDS excretion?

        • “The Trump administration had nothing to do with it.“

          False, the parts were scheduled by the Trump administration to be destroyed in 2019. Donald Trump did not leave office until January 20, 2021.

          “the agency’s issued weapons that was scheduled to be destroyed in 2019“

          Why did the Trump administration fail to destroy the parts in 2019?

          “while leaving Paul Whelan, a man who had served his country in the Marines”

          Paul Whelan was arrested in 2018, on Donald Trump‘s watch:

          “On 28 December, however, he was arrested by Russia’s FSB state security agency“

          Donald Trump did not leave office until January 20, 2021. Donald Trump had over two years to negotiate a release with his good pal Vladimir Putin, yet Donald Trump failed.

          But don’t worry, the Biden/Harris administration was able to do what Donald Trump failed to do, achieve the release of Paul Whelan:

          “Updated 1 August 2024
          Former US Marine Paul Whelan has been released from a Russian prison after more than five years in custody.“

          • “False, the parts were scheduled by the Trump administration to be destroyed in 2019.”

            100% false

            The agency scheduled it, not the “Trump administration”.

            and the rest of your post is just as much BS.

            Yes, Whelan finally got released, but that was not the context of my post. The context of my post was the trade at the time with known arms trafficker Viktor Bout, nicknamed the “merchant of death” and the deaths that resulted from those trafficked arms and by that action of trade Biden and Harris facilitated those deaths.

            Why did Biden and Harris kiss Putins ass to give him what he wanted, I mean there were plenty of others the U.S. had imprisoned that could have been traded. But the one particular arms trafficker Viktor Bout known to be the number one trafficker of Russia sourced weapons to Mexico and other countries, and maybe the deals in Russia that Hunter and Joe made millions of $$$ from had something to do with it.

            Why are you so afraid to discuss the context points Miner49er? You do this all the time, completely ignore context and go off topic to try to broaden the subject with your mental illness TDS and you post spin and outright distortions and disingenuous and lies. Why are you such a coward to not want to discuss but rather excrete BS? What makes you such a coward, aside from being a radical violent far left wing idiot that hates the constitution and the U.S. and advocates for the death of American citizens and defender of pedophiles and human trafficking (you don’t realize it but that’s what you have portrayed in your many posts over time), so what makes you so afraid of actual discussion instead of mental illness TDS excretion?

        • An even better question is, why over the past four years has Donald Trump not achieved the release of Paul Whelan from his butt buddy Vladimir Putin? Reporting is that Donald Trump had at least seven secret meetings with Putin over the last four years, yet it took Biden/Harris Admin negotiations to achieve Mr. Whelan’s release.

          And we’ve also learned that during the Covid crisis when America had a shortage of Covid testing, Donald Trump secretly supplied Vladimir Putin with Covid testing equipment, “while leaving Whelan, a man who had served his country in the Marines, to rot in a Russian prison.”

          Donald Trump didn’t give a shit until it was election time.

          The actual facts of history show Donald Trump is a traitorous infantile bastard, who thinks America’s heroes are “suckers” and “losers” while admiring Hitler and his “loyal” generals.

            • Was Trump’s attack on John McCain, a POW who served honorably also “shit that didn’t happen”?

              “Trump attacks McCain: ‘I like people who weren’t captured’
              By BEN SCHRECKINGER
              07/18/2015 12:22 PM EDT

              “He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

              McCain, a former Navy pilot, spent roughly five-and-half years in a notorious North Vietnamese prison known as the “Hanoi Hilton,” where he was repeatedly tortured. He spent two of those years in solitary confinement.“

              I am sure you will vote for a draft dodger who lied about his ‘bone spurs’ and attacked a real American hero who served his country with honor and distinction, it’s the MAGA way to worship traitors to the Constitution over bona fide American heroes.

              • Here Miner49er, I’ll quote the parts of your post that are relevant to the discussion –

                ” ”

                what are you such a coward afraid to discuss instead of rage with your mental illness TDS?

              • Traitor known as songbird McCain lol ok now where was he wrong assuming your quote was remotely correct and in context? Running out of misdirections that people will give a shit about just like the Democratic party.

              • “Traitor known as songbird McCain lol ok“

                Total bullshit, another of your empty claims. Just because you want to believe doesn’t make it a fact.


                “what are you such a coward afraid to discuss instead of rage”

                The original claim was that the Biden/Harris administration was responsible for the lost firearms parts.

                I showed from the dates in the article itself that it was the Trump administration‘s responsibility to destroy those parts in 2019, and they failed to do so.

                40 ounce, it was you who tried to change the subject and bring up issues totally unrelated to the subject of the article above, your attempted distraction was:

                “But… on the other hand Biden (and Harris) traded known arms trafficker Viktor Bout“

                No rage, I proved the individual you blamed Biden for not releasing was actually imprisoned on Donald Trump’s watch in 2018, and Donald Trump failed to secure his release.

                Even during the secret meetings Donald Trump was holding with Vladimir Putin over the past four years, he failed to achieve Paul Whelan’s release.

                Trump failed, but the Biden/Harris administration was able to secure Paul Whelan’s release and now he is safe at home with his family in the United States.

              • so once again completely missing the context Miner49er. So i’ll ask again…

                why are you such a coward afraid to discuss instead of rage with your mental illness TDS?

                “No rage, I proved the individual you blamed Biden for not releasing was actually imprisoned on Donald Trump’s watch in 2018, and Donald Trump failed to secure his release.”

                I didn’t blame Biden, I stated documented and historical record fact – heck, even the left wing media covered it. It doesn’t matter that Whelan was eventually released, what mattered in my plainly obvious context was that he was not released in exchange for Viktor Bout. Its a matter of historical and documented fact that Biden did not trade Viktor Bout for Whelan – and you completely ignored the context to launch into your mental illness TDS.

                Here is what I said…

                Biden (and Harris) traded known arms trafficker Viktor Bout, nicknamed the “merchant of death”, for Brittney Griner, a woman who smuggling drugs into Russia (supposedly less than 1 gram of cannabis oil in her luggage, she says she packed by mistake), to win black constituent approval, while leaving Paul Whelan, a man who had served his country in the Marines, to rot in a Russian prison. And as a result of using Bout as the trade thousands have died world wide due to the weapons trafficked by Viktor Bout and Biden and Harris facilitated those deaths by trading him.

                It doesn’t matter that Trump was in office when Whelan was imprisoned – that has nothing to do with what I said. I was talking about the instance of Biden (and Harris) trading known arms trafficker Viktor Bout,….

                Biden (and Harris) traded known arms trafficker Viktor Bout, nicknamed the “merchant of death”, for Brittney Griner, a woman who smuggling drugs into Russia (supposedly less than 1 gram of cannabis oil in her luggage, she says she packed by mistake), to win black constituent approval, while leaving Paul Whelan, a man who had served his country in the Marines, to rot in a Russian prison. And as a result of using Bout as the trade thousands have died world wide due to the weapons trafficked by Viktor Bout and Biden and Harris facilitated those deaths by trading him.

                Why are you so afraid to discuss the context points Miner49er? You do this all the time, completely ignore context and go off topic to try to broaden the subject with your mental illness TDS and you post spin and outright distortions and disingenuous and lies. Why are you such a coward to not want to discuss but rather excrete BS trying to distract from the context.

                Learn what context means Miner49, and stop raging about like a 5 year old angry because their toy broke, and learn to discuss. You need some serious mental health professional help for your mental illness TDS.

              • “The original claim was that the Biden/Harris administration was responsible for the lost firearms parts.

                I showed from the dates in the article itself that it was the Trump administration‘s responsibility to destroy those parts in 2019, and they failed to do so.”

                sigh, if you wanna play word games then ok…

                The agency didn’t destroy the parts, in a system that was set up under the Obama administration. So why did the Obama administration set up a system to make the parts insecure and open to theft?

                “This became an issue in 2023 when it was discovered that an unidentified suspect had been arrested with a “ghost gun,””

                Then it was the Biden/Harris administration responsible for the lost firearms parts not being accounted for when they took office and during their tenure in office. There ya go, I proved it using the date in the article of 2023.

              • “The original claim was that the Biden/Harris administration was responsible for the lost firearms parts.”

                No, it wasn’t.

                The original statement was “Hey, these are our “Top Men”. No criticizing allowed.”

                to which you replied “You can’t blame Biden/Harris for this: …”

                You turned it into “”The original claim was that the Biden/Harris administration was responsible for the lost firearms parts.” in your delusional mental healthy illness TDS. No one ever said the Biden/Harris administration was responsible for the lost firearms parts in the post you replied to with “You can’t blame Biden/Harris for this: …”

                You imagined the whole thing in your delusional zeal to jump in and start excreting your mental illness TDS.

              • Lol such bullshit it still rings true and promotes angry denials devoid of logic to this day. He sold out his fellow servicemen in the camp and he sold out his nation repeatedly as a representative. I look forward to your word salad it is quite tasty.

  1. In all likelihood the parts have always just been tossed and not really destroyed. Someone probably just dug the parts out of the trash after it was picked up. I have known a few garbage men in my time and it is shocking what they find.

    • Context?

      Nope, nothing but distraction and misdirection:

      “It doesn’t matter that Whelan was eventually released, what mattered in my plainly obvious”

      The article is about the diversion of federally owned firearms parts from proper disposal into the black market, it’s not about prisoner swaps no matter how hard you try to shift the discussion.

      It’s just more of the MAGA word salad diversion program, all because you lost the point.

      We’re back on track, the article is about the Trump administration failing to carry out the destruction of these firearms parts in 2019.

      If the Trump administration had done as they scheduled and properly disposed of the parts in 2019, they would not have made it into an illegal firearm.

      And while you may think “it doesn’t matter that Whelen was eventually released”, I can tell you his family and friends are certainly glad the Biden / Harris administration was able to secure his release and bring him home.

  2. “with the report stating that virtually anyone working at Quantico could access the “gun cleaning room” where the barrels were stored.”

    Sounds like their vetting process for working at Quantico is as strict as for the tens of millions of Kamalistas illegally entering the country.

    Maybe they should try vetting as deeply as they do to purchase a firearm at a dealer…

    • One job I had to issue security cards and assign access. Although I could assign access to particular doors for individuals, the best way was to create groups, assign the groups to access particular areas, and add or remove people from the groups. And being IT I had full access to everywhere.

      How hard can it be at Quantico to use something similar to restrict access to where the gun parts were stored?

  3. Why are the fedclowns destroying usable/of value taxpayer owned property? Oh,hate guns.

    “scheduled to be destroyed in 2019” – Trump did it

  4. Must have been Glock slide and barrel, I am not aware of other duty firearm manufacturers who put a serial number on the slide and barrel. If they were serviceable why were they scrapped?

    • Lots of Euro military guns and especially combloc guns have matching serial numbers on frame, barrel, slide, even on the magazines -although maga aes usually only electro penciled on later at the armorer’s level. Yes, we are talking about full serials too -not just partials on the larger parts. The yuros and commies are really uptight about documenting everything and keeping track of the smallest things around firearms.

  5. Parts are parts.

    I’ve bought lots of parts kits online and invariably they come from “destroyed” guns where only the ATF-defined “firearm” is the frame/receiver and only that part is destroyed while the rest of the parts are sold off. This is the whole business model of a few companies that “destroy” firearms for free/cheap. They make the money selling the parts.

    No huhu.

    I’ve bought such parts kits were the slide and other parts have the matching serial numbers on them still and even import marks and numbers too. No big deal because a slide is not a “firearm” any any numbers on it mean nothing. The frame was destroyed and all is good.

    • You can point to the number and say “see, not a ghost gun”.

      I had a Chinese Mosin-Nagant rifle that had different serial numbers for the receiver, bolt, and barrel. A real mix-master.

  6. “Consider businesses in the firearms industry that have been steamrolled…”

    Yeah, like all the FFLs who were railroaded for inadvertently missing a jot or tittle in the paperwork. No wonder so many of them are switching to software versions of the 4473, even though it makes the data more easily accessed by AFT inspectors.

  7. Reminds me of all of the guns in Louisiana (and probably elsewhere) taken out of the “slated for destruction” bin and tossed in the back of a police cruiser for anytime a cop needed a drop gun to “prove” that the suspect he just killed was armed. A sheriff’s deputy was, years later, convicted of second degree murder after he killed a teenager he “believed” was armed (it was a lighter), and covered it up with a drop gun. Kid’s dad could not believe his son was armed, and finally was able to trace the firearm to a seizure of a crime gun that was supposedly destroyed.

    • the ‘ham sandwich’.

      an old retired cop once told me of the ‘ham sandwich’.

      way back when, well, the 1980’s and before….in some jurisdictions when cops shot unarmed suspects they would ask another cop of they had a ‘ham sandwich’ of they did not have one their self. ‘ham sandwich’ was code for a throw down gun so they could claim the suspect had a gun.

    • “janitors will have access to almost everywhere“

      Yep, that’s how we got the details of Russia’s hypersonic missile program.

      This is all in the public domain now so there’s no problem with sharing the info:

      “8 spies gained access to Russian top-secret military plant
      Thursday, September 19, 2019 3:00:00 PM

      Eight unknown persons received access to the top-secret Russian defense plant belonging to the Tactical Missiles Corporation, one of Russia’s major weapons manufacturers. The persons could also have gained gain access to highly classified data.

      “Unknown people had access to the secret plant of the Tactical Missiles Corporation in the city of Korolyov for more than a year. The local security service found out that someone had hired eight janitors, but, they did not exist. The system recorded multiple entries into the plant after 6 P.M.,” reports the news outlet Baza.

      Initially, it was assumed that it could be a mistake. However, after investigating, it was found that the eight issued passes were never used by the existing plant janitors.“

      TMC was doing development work for Putin’s hypersonic missile program.

  8. “The agency didn’t destroy the parts, in a system that was set up under the Obama administration“

    Policy document to support your claim?

    Now you are just making stuff up, sad.

    The Trump administration was responsible for the FBI and ATF in 2019, and just because the parts were discovered in a criminal’s gun in 2023 doesn’t somehow absolve the Trump administration for dropping the ball in 2019.

    Personally, I was gratified to see TTAG run an article about the Trump administration‘s failure to properly dispose of firearms parts during his term in office.

    It shows a sense of fairness and balance in their journalism.

    • sigh, if you wanna play word games then ok…

      The agency didn’t destroy the parts, in a system that was set up under the Obama administration. So why did the Obama administration set up a system to make the parts insecure and open to theft?

      “This became an issue in 2023 when it was discovered that an unidentified suspect had been arrested with a ‘ghost gun,””

      Then it was the Biden/Harris administration responsible for the lost firearms parts not being accounted for when they took office and during their tenure in office. There ya go, I proved it using the date in the article of 2023.

      According to the delusional Miner49er’s concept: Biden and Harris should have personally gone and accounted for these parts when they took office and kept track of them during their tenure in office, and they did not do that. Also, Biden/Harris should have been personally responsible for tackling the thief when the theft happened, Joe would have been especially good at this as he is used to falling down and Kamala could have used her super power of nonsense word salad to disorientate the thief as she has done to most the rest of the country.

      Thanks Miner49er for pointing out the Biden/Harris responsibility they failed at. Just another in a long line of things like, for example, the border and the economy.

      In an article that didn’t mention Biden or Harris – you bought them into this with your comment.

      The original comments statement was “Hey, these are our “Top Men”. No criticizing allowed.”

      To which you, Miner49er, replied “You can’t blame Biden/Harris for this: …” that was the very first mention of them in these comments. You were so eager to jump in to excrete your mental illness TDS ya just could not resist…but since you did and in context with Biden/Harris..

      Biden (and Harris) traded known arms trafficker Viktor Bout, nicknamed the “merchant of death”, for Brittney Griner, a woman who smuggling drugs into Russia (supposedly less than 1 gram of cannabis oil in her luggage, she says she packed by mistake), to win black constituent approval, while leaving Paul Whelan, a man who had served his country in the Marines, to rot in a Russian prison. And as a result of using Bout as the trade thousands have died world wide due to the weapons trafficked by Viktor Bout and Biden and Harris facilitated those deaths by trading him.

      Oh wait….Whoopsie! There is another of those things Biden and Harris failed at by facilitating those deaths.

      Personally though, I was gratified to see TTAG run an article pointing out the Obama administration set up system failed and made the parts insecure and open to theft and it was the Biden/Harris administration responsible for the lost firearms parts not being accounted for when they took office and during their tenure in office.

      It shows a sense of fairness and balance in their journalism.


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