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Feast Your Eyes on the New Walther CCP M2

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The Walther CCP M2 is a gun packed with technical features.

The aisles and display cases at any reputable gun shop are always full of more handgun choices than a normal human knows what to do with. How are you supposed to choose with so many things to consider?

Walther is doing their best to make the decision a lot easier. If you want to zoom in on a new handgun that’s bound to make an impact on the market, the 9mm CCP M2 is worth your attention.

For starters, take a look at this informative video, highlighting several of the features that make it unique.

Start with Walther’s self-designed ergonomics, which are known to be some of the best in the business, and add a non-slip grip texture, and you’re already catching on to the high points of the CCP M2.

The gun is only 1.18 inches wide at it’s largest point, making for easy concealment no matter how you carry. There’s a smart ergonomic design to the thumb safety, and the reversible button mag release works for either lefties or righties.

The 3 dot sights and picatinny rail give you options, and the 5.5-pound trigger pull sits right in the sweet spot.

Walther went out of their way to simplify the disassembly and cleaning processes with their fixed stainless steel barrel and innovative tool-less take down design.

The bottom line is, everyday carry choices continue to evolve. If you’re the type who expects the best of the best that’s available, then the CCP M2 from Walther needs to be highly considered.

0 thoughts on “Feast Your Eyes on the New Walther CCP M2”

  1. Welp.
    I finally managed to squirrel away a few dollars the wifey doesn’t know about and she’ll likely be getting one of these in a few days.
    Don’t worry, she doesn’t read TTAG.

  2. I’m a feasting my eyes on some pork chops, fried tators with onions and a glass of chocolate milk by golly. The gun looks good too.

        • I have a buddy who is really into P7’s. He’s the only one I know who’s ever owned one (actually several, in his case). I’ve never seen any in real life outside of his collection. I reckon most don’t get taken out to shoot much since they stopped making them and the values have skyrocketed.

  3. Original CCP definitely has its niche of low strength needed for slide manipulation without a full sized 380.

    “The gun is only 1.18 inches wide at it’s largest point”

    Shield is .95, Glock 43 is .83. That’s still significantly wider than most concealed single stack handguns. Walther implies it’s counting from the width of the safety though.

    ” making for easy concealment no matter how you carry.””

    Something tells me that doesn’t apply to shirtless in a shoulder rig.

  4. Nice looking gun. Tell me if I’m wrong, but I think most striker, and some internal hammer fired guns, require that the slide be racked again in case of a soft firing pin strike, of faulty primer. My little Taurus 380 is the same way.
    This can put you in a world of hurt. Yes, it seldom if ever has happened to you, but it can!
    Because of this I prefer a double action revolver, or pistol, or a system, such as the SCCY CPX2, where the trigger resets the hammer (no striker here) on each pull.

  5. The problem with my Walther is that the bullets will rattle in the magazine if you shake the gun. Granted, you aren’t likely to move it that fast back and forth, but the magazines should be tighter than that. Walther tried explaining it away to me as an issue because they were double-stack magazines. My S&W M&P 45ACP is also double-stack magazines but no matter how hard I shake the gun, I cannot hear any noise whatsoever. Just FYI. This information relates to the Walther Creed, but I suspect this gun’s magazines do the same.

    • Nope. It’s a single stack.

      Some double stacks rattle, some don’t. Some individual magazines do, some don’t. The double stack rattle bugs me to… but I also realized that if this is the worst part of my day, then I’m doing pretty good.

      Be safe.

  6. Get past the hype and it looks like a descent weapon. Definitely not “all that and a can of beans” as others have pointed out.

  7. Had a Walther CCP (M1 I guess you would call it). One of the few gun purchases I’ve ever regretted. The engineering on this thing was terrible. I’m not even sure the design is safe. I was very intrigued by the delayed blow back operation, but it was a far cry from my delayed blow-back HK P7. Not even close in quality to the Walther PPQ series.

  8. Fixed barrel got my attention for sure. But no way would I ever buy a striker-fired DAO polymer anything unless and until it shoots plasma in the 40-watt range.

  9. Having bought the CCP early on and then a couple yrs later, neither were guns I kept. The trigger was atrocious and the need for a take down tool was a pain to use. I don’t know if the Mod 2 will be any better, but there are better choices available. I do have a P99 AS that is a keeper for now. With that one the rail is too short for a standard weapon light, but a mini laser works just fine.
    Back to the CCP, there were recalls made to fix issues of drifting pins, and FTE or FTF with some ammo brands.


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