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Feds Crack Down On Machine Gun Conversion Devices In Wisconsin

Darwin Nercesian - comments 31 comments

One must wonder if the incoming Trump Administration’s well-laid plans to streamline the government and trim the bureaucratic fat might affect the propensity of federal agencies to waste taxpayer dollars chasing fabricated monsters. With less than two months remaining until inauguration day, we can only speculate, but for the time being the feds are back at it, this time targeting what they call “illegal machine gun conversion devices” in the state of Wisconsin. 

Federal prosecutors and law enforcement agencies in Wisconsin have teamed up to target what they say is a “rising threat” posed by illegal machine gun conversion devices (MCDs). The dolts behind this epic squander are U.S. Attorney Timothy M. O’Shea for the Western District of Wisconsin, working alongside the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Putting their heads together and still not reaching the smooth brain capacity of a koala, these misfits have detailed a strategy they are confident will combat the proliferation of MCDs through enforcement, investigation and public education. 

Since they’ve decided to lob me easy ones, let’s address enforcement, investigation and public education. First, I’d love to see some actual enforcement of the law of the land. The last time I checked on this subject it was the Second Amendment. Pretending not to understand the words on paper doesn’t erase them or change their meaning. The very name they use to describe these devices denotes the status of a weapon, or arms, specifically and unequivocally protected in the Bill of Rights. Second, I’d investigate those who think legislature exists to circumvent the Constitution including anyone who attempts to enforce these illegal measures like the compliant little brown shirts they are. Finally, I agree with public education entirely, and I believe we saw how a little education goes a long way in this last election. People are starting to catch on and the shift seems to be heading in one direction.

Don’t be constrained by reason and logic, U.S. Attorney O’Shea. Tell us all about the grave danger we face from these inanimate objects. 

“Machine gun conversion devices are extraordinarily dangerous… Discharging a weapon equipped with such a device in a public area endangers every child and adult within range. Keeping these illegal devices off the streets in Wisconsin is one of my highest priorities,” says O’Shea. 

But who is it that discharges any firearm in a public area like this? It certainly isn’t your average law-abiding gun owner. With an estimated 32% of Americans owning guns and around 400 million firearms in the hands of private owners, I promise you that if they were really the problem, it would be glaringly obvious, terrifyingly so, but it isn’t. 

The issue of violence facing our country today has far more to do with unchecked criminal behavior, prosecution-averse district attorneys trading justice for votes and political currency, a wide open border and mental health issues nobody wants to discuss because they are so triggering and the pharmaceutical industry is not done profiting from it. 

It is important to remember that the Second Amendment does not exist so that we can go hunting, even though that is an activity many of us enjoy. It is also not meant strictly for protection from common criminality, though it is certainly effective in that role. The uncomfortable truth that the government is more than aware of is that the Second Amendment exists to put American citizens on equal if not more advantageous footing than those they elect to represent them. The founders knew, like any government, that the one they created would one day demand more and more power over the people, and that citizens would need to be well-equipped to stand their ground, speak truth to that power and even liberate their country from its tyrannical rule. It is with this in mind that I ridicule and accuse those who pursue a fool’s errand and an oppressive means to erode the rights of my fellow countrymen. 

31 thoughts on “Feds Crack Down On Machine Gun Conversion Devices In Wisconsin”

    • Thank you I was just looking at a map to figure out where criminal masterminds congregate in Wisconsin. I get it various gangs are everywhere but never struck me as a hot spot.

          • Read the second part of the qualifier 😉 The closest I have working knowledge in that region would be Buffalo NY. Further south I have some dated experience but it was more when the Sinola was dominant.

    • No.

      Draw a longitudinal line at the eastern edge of Dane County, where Madison is.

      Everything west of that line is in the Western district. Which is to say, not Milwaukee, Green Bay, Sheboygan, Racine, Kenosha…

      Apparently and unsurprisingly, our boy Timothy hails from Minneapolis.

  1. Not sure what the author’s point is?

    I don’t see any reason why we should be arguing in favor of illegal glock switches and DIASs from temu/wish etc.
    Responsible firearm owners should know better, leaving only those who we really don’t want to have guns anyways.

    Now if they can show chicago the same treatment and baltimore and jackson and …

    • The point is. Arrest/jail the favored cohort of dopers/gangbangers that murder their fellow hood rats & neighbors (Black lives matter)? Stop vilifying an inanimate object (guns)

    • drew…If you had a giggle switch would you shoot up the neighborhood or would you treat it like any other firearm? My doing without because some criminal or incompetent cannot live responsibly is like you doing without a motor vehicle because some people drive under the influence, etc…there’s your resson.

    • Point is that the government is active in some form of gun restriction, so it must have evil intent, even if the author has to conflate law-abiding gun owners with people violating the [arguably unconstitutional] law.

      Perhaps a slow news day waiting for more details of the UHC CEO’s killer’s gun to come in?

      • Point is that the government is active in some form of gun restriction, so it must have evil intent
        Serpent –

        The general point is much broader than that – All Governments eventually demonstrate evil intent. Period. It’s the nature of Man. There has never been a single Nirvana / Utopian society created by Man.

        The Constitution attempts to slow that slide towards evil by telling the Government what they cannot do, and 2A is part of that.

        Consider this: Many on this site feel the NFA and even the GCA as unconstitutional under the 2A as they represent infringements.
        Now, consider the 1000s of other things that a Government “manages”, and ask if they are willing to infringe on something codified in 27 words, what are they willing / able to do with those 1000s of other things?

        Re-read the Declaration of Independence –
        That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness]……. And then ask yourself…. Has Government become destructive of these ends? Arguably, King George did far less….

          • Well, yeah, we’re talking Ginger and Mary Ann.

            Bob Denver was a super nice guy, and another unfortunate victim of cannabis prohibitions.

  2. I think Trumps fat trimming is to get rid of Bidens grifters and replace them with his own.
    BTW I voted for Trump however when it comes to power I trust no one.
    Machine guns.
    Well according to the Second Amendment We the People are supposed to be able to possess them, along with anything else.
    Bear Arms also was not intended to be what a person could physically bear either.
    It went to shit when the word twisting politicians got involved to change the meaning.
    These were the Traitors that We The People should have ousted.
    To late now, now we argue over what is and what isn’t a weapon of war, anything can be a weapon of war.
    We the People are supposed to have the Right to have weapons of war.

  3. Oh, and if Kamala would have become president there would be no pretending to erase the words in the constitution.
    We shall see what we shall.

  4. Trump Vows to Shut Down Operation Choke Point…Again.

    h ttps://www.shootingnewsweekly.com/business/trump-vows-to-shut-down-operation-choke-point-again/

  5. It Started Out as a Joke. Little Did They Know This Group Identified the Healthcare CEO Killer.

    ‘Larry’ had an eventful day on December 9. He was joking with a friend that a young man eating at their local McDonald’s looked like the person in the pictures released by authorities following the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson …

    These men were loudly joking about how this individual looked like the New York City shooter. …

    A McDonald’s employee could also hear ‘Larry’s’ chatter and later called the police, who arrived and detained Mangione after finding fake IDs, a firearm, and a manifesto that appeared to be directly speaking to the crime that was committed. Authorities also say $8,000 in cash was also on Mangione, though Larry didn’t know. He ate, left, went to church, and later discovered the person they were talking about was the alleged shooter.

    … Mangione has been formally charged with the murder of Brian Thompson. Meanwhile, this McDonald’s location has been under siege by bad Yelp reviews as angry leftists rage that employees here called the police to arrest the uber-rich, Ivy League-educated everyday man who committed a murder because his back injury and subsequent surgery supposedly prevented him from having se*.”

    h ttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2024/12/10/witness-describes-when-he-recognized-the-healthcare-ceo-killer-at-mcdonalds-n2648880

  6. Healthcare CEO K- ill – er

    h ttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2024/12/10/witness-describes-when-he-recognized-the-healthcare-ceo-killer-at-mcdonalds-n2648880

    “… Mangione has been formally charged with the murder of Brian Thompson. Meanwhile, this McDonald’s location has been under siege by bad Yelp reviews as angry leftists rage that employees here called the police to arrest the uber-rich, Ivy League-educated everyday man who committed a murder because his back injury and subsequent surgery supposedly prevented him from having s*x.

    • One insanity plea with special sauce, to go…

      On a totally unrelated note, if I could avoid the special sauce, I might actually buy a burger at Micky D’s. Occasionally.

    • “everyday man” and “[suspected] murderer” suggests the people leaving bad yelp reviews are living vicariously through this “person”, which in and of itself is disgusting (but also offers insight why they want more gun regulation – a feeling/belief that they would not be responsible firearms owners)

  7. The purpose of the Second Amendment was clearly stated by the founding fathers in the Preamble to the Bill of Rights where it says “The convention of a number of states having at the time of their adopting of the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse, of its powers that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added”.

    Note that when the Second Amendment was written, every weapon was a weapon of war, there were no restrictions on the private ownership of weapons by law abiding, private citizens and the citizen militia (i.e. the people) were equally matched with the Continental Army. After all, if they weren’t equally matched, it would be pretty hard to deter or “prevent misconstruction or abuse” of the government’s powers – so in reality, the citizen militia of today should have the same firearms as the current US military.

    Unfortunately we are no longer equally matched because we have let our gun rights be eroded by buying into this notion if we just “compromise” to accommodate the people who – for whatever reason – don’t like guns they will quit trying to take away our gun rights. History has shown that no matter how much we “compromise”, it’s never enough so we need to stop “compromising”.

    The other reasons people state for the Second Amendment are corollaries to the main reason that exist because if you have “arms” to deter or “prevent misconstruction or abuse” of the government’s powers, you can also use them to hunt, target shoot or for self defense.

  8. No Jim Smith.
    Now if you’ve got the time I would like to debate with you what is and what isn’t an assault weapon and why citizens shouldn’t be trusted to have them.


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