The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the federal agency responsible for policing guns in the U.S., said it seized 1,500 weapons modified with auto sears in 2021, a staggering increase over 2020, when only 300 were recovered.
“Auto sears are everywhere on the street right now,” said Jefferey Boshek, a 21-year ATF veteran who now serves as the special agent in charge of the Dallas Field Division. “They’re one of the scariest things we’ve dealt with since I became an agent.”
The ascent of the auto sear has been propelled by its availability and ease of use. The American market is largely supplied by China, where manufacturers sell the devices on websites like Alibaba and directly to consumers, law enforcement officials say. Auto sears are often advertised as airsoft parts or tools and shipped with false documentation and packaging labels. They can also be created using a 3D printer. Once in a person’s hands, installation can take just seconds and requires scant technical knowledge or tools.
“It is so simple,” said Rick Vasquez, the former head of the ATF’s Firearms Technology Division. “The information is out there, and the knowledge to do it is out.” …
[Homeland Security chief of public safety and border security Joe] Lestrange said that in the last three years, Homeland Security had seized 4,348 auto sears and opened up over 600 investigations related to the devices. While the agency regarded those seizures as successes, he said auto sears continue to show up in criminal investigations at an alarming rate. Stopping the flow of the devices, he added, depends on gathering new intelligence about how auto sears are entering the country. “We don’t know what we don’t know,” said Lestrange.
— Alain Stephens and Keegan Hamilton in The Return of the Machine Gun
*pearl clutching intensifies*
That said, it would be nice if the libs would realize that regard for the law is the only thing keeping every Glock in the country from having one of these and every AR-15 in the country from having a “coat hanger” well.
These will probably see a large amount of use in crime because most of the people who would want to do a mag dump at the range are too smart to buy them and don’t want a knock on the door from the feds.
So how long have you been physically retarded? Your entire life? or was there an incident.
If they won’t guard the southern border, allowing, no, facilitating flow of millions of illegals there, how would they possibly control drugs and other illegal materials there? I’m surprised the number of auto-sears is not higher. At least the thugs will run out of ammo sooner.
You don’t know that it is not higher. All they know about is the ones that have been found. That could be a minute percent of what is actually out there.
And won’t high shit (aiming at). So good.
It’s where the missed bullets go that is worrying.
Also, if the country destabilizes enough I see crates of RPGs and AKs coming in although those may be via proxy such as the cartels.
I have little doubt they’d be totally happy to feed both sides weapons and ammo with no markings just to sow discord.
Having them advertised on Facebook didn’t raise their concern?
those were most likely honeypots
Pretty sure having bad thoughts directed toward anything even tangentially associated with China is a racist hate-crime. At the very least your ESG score will take a hit.
To ensure yourself a positive standing with the regime you should be holding the door open for sears, fentenyl, toxic dog food, lead coated toys and any other slave-packaged industrial waste China wants to send our way.
That’s the woke thing to do.
“Pretty sure having bad thoughts directed toward anything even tangentially associated with China is a racist hate-crime.”
The nanosecond China ‘liberates’, er, brutally invades Taiwan, China gets to join Russia in the popularity doghouse…
Sanctions would hurt China more than Russia.
The nanosecond China conquers Taiwan, the Administration shrugs its shoulders and says, “Oh well, the Taiwanese government fell before we could help, nothing we can do now” and pens a new trade agreement.
Ukraine messed up a lot of plans when it failed to fall before Day Five.
I think it is funny that Russia is/was asking China for help with the war.
Another free market success!
SOMEONE will always step up to supply a market demand, regardless of legality if there is a profit to be made, be it alcohol, drugs, pot, or restricted firearms and firearms related accessories.
Prohibitionism is a fool’s errand.
What I find ironicatbest is that the Chinese get what ” Shall Not be Infringed ” means better then America’s ‘Supreme Court Judges’ .
Bring back Norinco and scrap the NFA , from cheap automatic pistols to cheap nuclear war heads, all hand need is the $.
Silly as that may sound it’s more or less true, then I think ” If China is out to get US (like I think they are) why would they sale me a machinegunm?
To get us to kill each other off, and eliminate our ability to actually defend ourselves. Get machine guns into the hands of the criminals, and the foolish rednecks so they can kill each other and leave to dirt poor to be controlled by the limousine liberals who have sworn allegiance to the CCP
Personally, I would much rather practice with my legal firearms and be able to actually hit my target with 1 or 2 rounds. Rather than hose down the area and still not hit anything I wanted too. While full auto does have it’s purpose in combat, it has very limited utility in the civilian world. Mainly as a range toy or a way to turn expensive ammo into noise and smoke. Or possibly is getting that car to turn aside while a possum is crossing a road.
Not really. For the vast majority, ownership of firearms in China is illegal. Mao, knowing that power comes out of the barrel of a gun, made sure to disarm the peasants.
I am reading a book right now about crime in America. Politics and crime intermingled are not a new phenomenon. While corrupt gooberment before Prohibition was not new and startling, with Prohibition corruption in all forms of goobermint became rampant. Just about everyone was flouting the law, from the Prez on down to the fresh immigrant right off the boat. JFK’s daddy was one of the leading importers of illegal booze in the country, if not the leading importer. His connections with the Irish mobs and the Italian mobs were what lead to JFK’s election to the prez. Old Joe’s backstabbing the mob is what lead to JFK getting snuffed and then on to LBJ, probably the cookedest prez to sell the white house.
One would think that the so-called leaders would have learned from Prohibition. Perhaps it was because so many of them were making big bucks from the mob with bribes and campaign contributions and get out the vote or we will break your knees campaigns they really didn’t want to do away with prohibition. It may well be the case with arms smuggling. We hay have a lot more Senator Lees in Schitzomento and Washington than we know about. He wasn’t fooling around. He was attempting to import rpgs and light machine guns for his gang buddies while raising money for his campaign war chest If that isn’t a dead on description, I don’t know what is.)
I hope you realize that the source for this article, is more than a little biased against the legal gun community. Anything The Trace prints is financed by Bloomberg and unlikely to be credible, unless it supports his agenda, total elimination of guns in America.
“I hope you realize that the source for this article, is more than a little biased against the legal gun community.”
No shit, Sherlock.
TTAG running it is a ‘Know the enemy’ kinda thing.
Stick around long enough, you’ll see more of the same from time-to-time…
One wonders what sort of legislative proposals are forthcoming from the usual suspects on this one. I don’t think it entirely beyond the realm of possibility for a call to have Glocks classified as the equivalent to an open bolt weapon – i.e. a “readily convertible” weapon subject to NFA rules.
Such a call would be unlikely to get very far, but that never stopped politicians from trying. After all, it’s not their money being wasted…
literally all i get from this is ban glcks.
or lift the restrictions.
“literally all i get from this is ban glcks.
or lift the restrictions.”
Simple solution, re-open the MG registry and make ’em legal, like they have before…
That won’t stop the problem, because criminals do not obtain their firearms or sears legally. Back in ’34, gangsters couldn’t buy machine guns legally or obtain them illegally, and their use in crime dropped off dramatically. Today, not so much.
Can’t stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere.
What the ATF is really saying is that the ATF is really bad at the job of stopping criminals from obtaining auto sears, but very good at harrassing law abiding gun owners over auto reset triggers. DISBAND THE ATF NOW!
@Country Boy: Hammer, meet nail head. 100%, The more the BATFE speaks about what a great job they do, the worse they are at doing their job. There is no need for the BATFE anyone, maybe as BE, because alcohol is no longer illegal, nobody uses tobacco anymore, firearms are Constitutionally protected, and we only have to worry about mad bombers. All guns laws are unconstitutional.
I guess this means they are now in “common use” and therefore should be legal according to the courts.
May need another decimal point for that argument but give it a year.
If you are a useful idiot the only logical knee jerk answer to the drama filled article is Gun Control. Gun Control sneaks around and uses the criminal misuse of firearms to chew on The Second Amendment. For Gun Control zealots your freedom is no concern of theirs anymore than Ukrainian citizens are a concern to putin.
That little pissant Glock pictured with the auto sear is nothing compared to a criminal misusing a motor vehicle. Last week a 63 year old woman in New Orleans was dragged for blocks by a vehicle hijacker until she died and her arm was severed. Not so long ago innocent parade goers in Wisconsin were mowed downed, disfigured and murdered by a deranged individual in a vehicle. Millions of vehicles out there everyday and one in the hands of a criminal far exceed the power of a Glock that may or may not work due to the fact criminals are generally stupid and their firearms are generally trashy.
Bottom line…History confirms Gun Control is rooted in racism and genocide and that’s nowhere the ATF or anyone else needs to go for answers.
Come on, Debbie. These gizmos are already majorly illegal, so no more gun control needed.
Can’t afford to spray 18-32 boo-lits in a second…I thought we already militarized the cop’s? Don’t a lot of them have giggle switches?!? So much BS.
So far the federal government has not been able to stop Chinese fentanyl from coming in, their attempts to stop Giggle Switches will be the same.
how many people did that fentanyl actually kill too? I would argue potentially tens of thousands.
Only killed career criminals being knelt on by white racist cops.
Still killing. Fentanyl is the leading cause of deaths for males age 15-34.
In comparison Giggle Switches are leas dangerous than toe stubs….
To the intended target. To the general public?
The real takeaway from this is that most of those 250,000 Cartel Sicario Sleepers in the USA are armed with full-auto Glocks. Just F****g Great !!!
Its almost as if you can’t stop the signal.
But because of how the NFA works with prohibited persons, the people blatantly violating it wont even see a minute of that 10 year mandatory sentencing.
Well all I can say is they need to have some long pistul braces on them Clocks , I’d rather not have them gangbangers spraying boolits all over anymore then they already do. Being able to aim a little might help?
Why? Machine guns should be treated the same as any other gun.JGB FJB.
Another classic reason to have all pistols registered. Most people buying these sears are not criminals but people wanting the thrill of owing a full auto pistol. If every pistol was registered to the owner the amount of people buying these and installing them would drop dramatically.
Once your ordinary Joe gets his gun stolen or he decides to sell it at a big profit because now its full auto would also end very quickly if all pistols were registered.
I think most of the purchases are made by one individual at a time this is why there are so many of them out there. If they were being sold by a middle man with a big inventory its not hard to trace that down very quickly and arrest the middleman.
Mandatory sentencing would also help without the usual plea bargaining. Even criminals who’s buddy got sent up for 10 years would also get the message very fast that it just is not worth it considering emptying one on semi-auto is almost as quick.
I think that the average low intellect buyer of a full auto sear is a complete moron as even veterans that I spoke to told me that when they were in combat in Vietnam they seldom used full auto as it was only a waste of ammo compared to aimed fire on semi-auto. Yes there were dramatic footage taken in Vietnam in some battles where some people were just blasting away on full auto but the experienced troops knew better.
I might add WWII Veterans told me that in training everyone wanted the Thompson Machine gun but soon threw them in the nearest ditch when in actual combat because the M1 was the better tool for the job.
With the current insane lack of Universal Back Ground Checks it only makes crime with guns just too damn easy for both the ordinary Joe wanting a thrill ride with a full auto sear and the hardened criminal who can install an auto sear after buying his gun without paperwork at a gun show, flea market, local bar, newspaper add or internet chat room.
Take away the gun and the auto sear is useless. Again Universal Background Checks and Safe Storage laws are the key to drastically reducing the amount of guns with or without auto sears out on the street.
Your argument for registration makes zero sense. How would that stop somebody from modifying the gun that they are in sole possession of? They would just restore it to stock before selling it. Criminals will still steal guns and that will still be the fault of the criminal and no one else.
Mandatory sentencing worked/works great for drugs. Why not apply it to all laws? That’s sarcasm in case you weren’t sure. Mandatory sentencing for victimless shit is peak out of touch with reality boomer logic.
Full auto pistols are dumb and pointless, but fun once in a while. Somebody probably thinks the same about you, too. Should we ban you? The utility of something should have no bearing on its legality.
Jeffrey Epstein’s island went on the market. You should buy it and set up your dictatorship there. Then you can enjoy your utopia and leave the rest of us alone.
to Anonymous
Your broad general statement on drugs is to sweeping and shows a complete lack of understanding on the subject. There are people addicted to drugs who should not be going to prison and people who sell drugs who more often than not get off the hook because they have the huge amounts of money to hire the best lawyers while people addicted to drugs do not have such money or lawyers.
Trying to equate the drug problem as a carbon copy of the gun problem shows a compete lack of understanding of both.
Wow. Your brain looks like a pretzel, doesn’t it.
And you still have yet to give a citation about your outright lie about a 6yo being executed in Texas for stealing bread. But since this claim, like all your statements, is nothing but a lie you can’t provide a citation.
As usual Jethro W.M. you ignored the post by Booger Brain. For once he got something factually right. I never claimed that I do not occasionally make a mistake and I agree with Booger Brain the story originated from England not Texas but it was done by your people i.e. the Far Right. So your rants and gloating are basically non sequitur. The place was wrong but the story was true.
This story was part of a documentary on Cable years ago. Unlike you I realize that education is an ongoing life long process that is why I watch hundreds documentaries. You obviously do not and your posts certainly prove it.
The only reason you admitted to your lie, and lie it was. herr dacian the nazi was because I hounded you about it.
Now about that education bit. You’ve never said anything about degrees. And it is obvious from reading your comments that you are not educated.
And you were doxxed here. I’ve been to your facebook. You have no where near any higher education listed there and you are not nearly as old as you claim.
to Jethro W.M.
It takes a mature man to admit when he made a mistake and you have never on this forum done so. Most of your posts have no substance to them and are only childish rants and name calling.
Earlier this week a relatively unknown poster pegged you for what you really are i.e. nothing more than an uneducated half wit.
You seem to think that everyone you hate simply could not be a product of higher education. Subconscious projection in regards to your lack of education. You can lie to your conscious mind but not your subconscious mind.
It was Texas England, just like theres a Paris Texas.
England where they made slaves of the children.
Relatively unknown? If you were half as smart as you think you would recognize a troll that has been haunting ttag for quite a while. herr dacian the nazi.
You are not a product of a higher education. If you are then the state of education has surely declined disastrously since my youth.
You did not make a mistake. You told another lie. Which is your thing. Lie at all times. You cannot tell me that you seriously believed that a 6 yo had been executed in Texas for stealing bread.
I’ve said it before. You are one seriously mentally ill individual.
That’s a lot of idiocy…
Oh goodie, another hot take from our favorite IQ 90 share-blue shill.
3d printed glock auto seats aren’t going to work well but you could probably take dimensions off of it.
Or look at a glock lower half a minute and pay attention to how the striker releases. Get a metal backing plate and file a little notch offset to the side where you can put a piece of steel “ramp” at that will release the striker and tig (or jb weld) your “ramp” on at 90 degrees. This is full auto, not select fire but I think even a unskilled novice like myself could turn out hundreds of these in an 8 hour day.
I’m not interested in wasting my ammo like that but if you are I see no problem other than some unconstitutional law saying it’s illegal.
“3d printed glock auto seats aren’t going to work well but you could probably take dimensions off of it.”
No need to measure, since the original patent paperwork is is easy to search for :
Sounds like they’re now in common use and no longer subject to ATF regulation to me.
!!! Best comment !!! Thanks for the laugh!
I saw these on Facebook as a sponsored advertisement. Of course, I reported it as a highly regulated product, which fakebook promptly ignored. But no way I can advertise even my site of on facistbook because, well, you know.
The article was published in The Trace…
I’m sure they are fighting it. Like Epstein fought against child rape, or Liz Cheney fights for Trump’s legacy, or how North Korea fights for human rights, or how the taliban fights against terrorism!
Nothing new. The CHICOMS have been shipping illegal machine guns to the U.S. since the 1990s, and are the REAL suppliers to the Mexican cartels. Other than the legal risks of obtaining these sears, the quality is highly suspect and possibly dangerous to the end user.
If these auto sears are made to the same quality standards of most other Chinese-made garbage, they will function for two mags and then fail in spectacular fashion.
First off, I would be a bit suspect of any gun parts sold on some Chinese discount product website. Secondly, the whole gun control scheme is all about control and only in a distant second place are guns a concern. Some one wants to feed a full auto weapon, and tote around enough ammo to make it useful for anything than shooting an unfortunate pigeon or the windows out of the third floor, it’s their back to break. As well as their wallet or credit card to melt. In the real world, outside of suppressive fire in combat ops. a full auto weapon is nothing but a range toy.
As for the BATF, they need to be disbanded and closed down. Or at least sent back to be the tax collectors they were supposed to be. A very bad example of bureaucratic mission creep.
Someone in the comments is demanding universal registration and background checks of firearms. Sure, go yourself into the hood and get the criminals, thugs, gangstas and dope dealers to undergo said background checks for their weapons, and get them to register their guns. Let me know how that works for you. Once again proving just how useless such measures really are.
Anyone hear seen one fired on a range? I suspect after the 1st round all others launched randomly into orbit.
Never scene or heard one.
Sounds like more false fabrication to justify unconstitutional regulation.
Lying liars and the rules they make up.
“They’re one of the scariest things we’ve dealt with since I became an agent.”
The other “scariest things” are breeds of canine.
Hey when a savage pack of chihuahuas are ripping your lungs out you’d want a full auto and all hubcap magazines you could pack.
The “gun community” supports the ATF in their attempts at trying to confiscate these devices and arrest the people who have them.
Because the “gun Community” does not support my ultimate goal of having 200 to 300 million new machine gun owners in this country.
Because the “gun Community” never supported the bump stock.
Because the “gun Community” has never supported, and is in fact terrified, of the possibility of large numbers of, law-abiding American citizens owning machine guns. Because with large numbers of people owning machine guns this would will lower the value of collectible machine guns.
Because the “gun Community” sees machine guns as a cash cow. Very expensive guns that are used as a financial investment.
Many of them are not really happy that Ukraine started handing out select fire weapons to grandmas and 12 year olds. As their country once again was being invaded by the Russians.
What people are afraid of are criminals with machine guns. The problem is with the Libertarians Liberals and the Left, who support the destruction of the nuclear family is, they created these large numbers of undisciplined unsupervised children. From single mother homes. Who unfortunately many of them will become criminal children.
And it is the communist Chinese government that is exploiting the destruction of the nuclear family, in the United States. By the targeted flooding of Glock switches into American cities that are the most destabilized by this family destruction. These Glock switches are not showing up in Rural America. That is not an accident.
And I noticed there is an absence of joy??? The so-called gun-owning drug legalization crowd who supports open borders, and the free flow of drugs across the U.S. boundaries. Is unusually silent about the flow of machine gun parts across those same borders???
As I said before the drug legalization crowd has never supported the Second Amendment. They expect, and support, the chaos that uncontrolled drug use causes. And that is why they have always supported gun control. Because they don’t want “law abiding” drug addicts, drug users, and drug dealers to have guns.
And you thought those people really believed in Liberty??? They never have. Because they don’t believe in the responsibility and the consequences that go with it.
For those that are old enough to remember. And who watched the 1970s TV mini-series called “Holocaust”. As I did as a kid back then. The last two episodes of that series covered Jews planning and collecting money to buying guns. These anti-gun Jews had finally come to the realization that the government wanted to murder them. And in several scenes civilians used machine guns, to fight off that murderous government. In fact in one particular scene a boy perhaps 12 or 13 years old, is given a machine gun. And he uses it against those murderous government soldiers. The Warsaw Ghetto uprising. This boy who was raised by a father and a mother and who received their love and disicpline. And he understands the great responsibility that is expected of him.
Back in school my friends and I discuss that scene and we cheered as, a boy our age or younger, was using a machine gun to shoot Nazi soldiers.
And that is why the atheists who are socialists Progressive in their political orientation, always hated the Boy Scouts. Because the Boy Scouts we’re teaching boys about the responsibility of handling and shooting accurately guns. They also never liked the Christian aspect of the Boy Scouts of America. Even though these atheists don’t have any children of Their Own.
The gun grabbers in the Hollywood movie community, have edited out the scene of that boy using a machine gun. The only place you will find that scene now, is on an old VHS tape collection. Or perhaps a DVD collection. That was not edited. And I have the VHS tape collection. When the History Channel rebroadcast that miniseries many years ago. I noticed that scene had been edited out.
“Stopping the flow of the devices, he added, depends on gathering new intelligence about how auto sears are entering the country.”
I have it on good authority that many are coming in through our uncontrolled southern border. Don’t tell the Biden administration, or they might do something unthinkable, like enforce the laws of this country.
The “gun community” supports the ATF in their attempts at trying to confiscate these devices and arrest the people who have them.
Because the “gun Community” does not support my ultimate goal of having 200 to 300 million new machine gun owners in this country.
Because the “gun Community” never supported the bump stock.
Because the “gun Community” has never supported, and is in fact terrified, of the possibility of large numbers of, law-abiding American citizens owning machine guns. Because with large numbers of people owning machine guns this would will lower the value of collectible machine guns.
Because the “gun Community” sees machine guns as a cash cow. Very expensive guns that are used as a financial investment.
Many of them are not really happy that Ukraine started handing out select fire weapons to grandmas and 12 year olds. As their country once again was being invaded by the Russians.
What people are afraid of are criminals with machine guns. The problem is with the Libertarians Liberals and the Left, who support the destruction of the nuclear family is, they created these large numbers of undisciplined unsupervised children. From single mother homes. Who unfortunately many of them will become criminal children.
And it is the communist Chinese government that is exploiting the destruction of the nuclear family, in the United States. By the targeted flooding of Glock switches into American cities that are the most destabilized by this family destruction. These Glock switches are not showing up in Rural America. That is not an accident.
And I noticed there is an absence of joy??? The so-called gun-owning drug legalization crowd who supports open borders, and the free flow of drugs across the U.S. boundaries. Is unusually silent about the flow of machine gun parts across those same borders???
As I said before the drug legalization crowd has never supported the Second Amendment. They expect, and support, the chaos that uncontrolled drug use causes. And that is why they have always supported gun control. Because they don’t want “law abiding” drug addicts, drug users, and drug dealers to have guns.
And you thought those people really believed in Liberty??? They never have. Because they don’t believe in the responsibility and the consequences that go with it.
For those that are old enough to remember. And who watched the 1970s TV mini-series called “Holocaust”. As I did as a kid back then. The last two episodes of that series covered Jews planning and collecting money to buying guns. These anti-gun Jews had finally come to the realization that the government wanted to murder them. And in several scenes civilians used machine guns, to fight off that murderous government. In fact in one particular scene a boy perhaps 12 or 13 years old, is given a machine gun. And he uses it against those murderous government soldiers. The Warsaw Ghetto uprising. This boy who was raised by a father and a mother and who received their love and discipline. And he understands the great responsibility that is expected of him.
Back in school my friends and I discuss that scene and we cheered as, a boy our age or younger, was using a machine gun to shoot Nazi soldiers.
And that is why the atheists, who are s0ci@lists Progressive in their political orientation, always hated the Boy Scouts. Because the Boy Scouts we’re teaching boys about the responsibility of handling and shooting accurately guns. They also never liked the Christian aspect of the Boy Scouts of America. Even though these atheists don’t have any children of Their Own.
The gun grabbers in the Hollywood movie community, have edited out the scene of that boy using a machine gun. The only place you will find that scene now, is on an old VHS tape collection. Or perhaps a DVD collection. That was not edited. And I have the VHS tape collection. When the History Channel rebroadcast that miniseries many years ago. I noticed that scene had been edited out.
The only way to stop this is to ban machine guns! If only we had law on the books make this illegal that would stop the senseless killing of kids with these murder machines. Think of the children!!! Oh wait????
The only way to stop this is to ban machine guns! If only we had law on the books make this illegal that would stop the senseless killing of kids with these murder machines. Think of the children!!! Oh wait????
The only way to stop this is to ban machine guns! If only we had law on the books make this illegal that would stop the senseless killing of kids with these murder machines. Think of the children!!! Oh wait????
𝑫𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒏 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚? 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕’𝒔 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝑰 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒋𝒐𝒃 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 $200 𝒕𝒐 $300 𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒒𝒘𝒆03 𝒅𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆.
𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒍𝒚 𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆__________ 𝑾𝑾𝑾.𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒃𝒛
this is why we need machine guns. To get rid of retards like you as soon as humanly possible.
How else are you supposed to protect all those drugs they are shipping in? Come on man! We are getting cheaper drugs from our most favored nation status one way trading partner? F J B, LGB !
Good. I hope they kill much leftists with them. Defund the police.
Y’all are legit retarded….
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