Police say they shot and killed a female suspect in a shooting at the The Covenant School this morning in Nashville, Tennessee. They report that the unidentified shooter killed three children and two adults before police arrived engaged her.
An active shooter event has taken place at Covenant School, Covenant Presbyterian Church, on Burton Hills Dr. The shooter was engaged by MNPD and is dead. Student reunification with parents is at Woodmont Baptist Church, 2100 Woodmont Blvd. pic.twitter.com/vO8p9cj3vx
— Metro Nashville PD (@MNPDNashville) March 27, 2023
The shooter is reported to have entered the school through a side entrance and opened fire on the second floor. A police spokesman reported that the shooter was armed with two “assault-type” rifles and a handgun.

Fromt the AP . . .
Police said the shooter appeared to be in her teens.
The Nashville victims were pronounced dead upon arrival at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital and Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Other students walked to safety Monday, holding hands as they left their school surrounded by police cars, to a nearby church to be reunited with their parents.
Police officers with rifles, heavy vests and helmets could be seen walking through the school parking lot and around the grassy perimeter of the building Monday morning. Helicopter footage from WTVF also showed the officers looking around a wooded area between the campus and a nearby road.
BREAKING: Alleged gunman in Nashville school shooting was female who entered through a side entrance of the school, armed with at least “two assault-type rifles and a handgun,” officials say.
“We are efforting now to identify her.” https://t.co/J8fihPNR3n pic.twitter.com/ZmbIMTg6YS
— ABC News (@ABC) March 27, 2023
Today will also be remembered for a gun control advocate setting a new land speed record in hijacking a Nashville Police Department press briefing in order to push for more gun control laws literally before any of the victims’ bodies had cooled.
An anti-gun lobbyist just hijacked Nashville police’s press conference on this morning’s shooting at a private Christian school that left six dead. pic.twitter.com/cpfWU39mt2
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 27, 2023
As we always caution in these situations, initial reports frequently contain bad or slanted information. Proceed accordingly.
Matt Walsh is already on the scene asking everyone how they know the shooter was a female.
Yeah, maybe he identified as female, right? Or is it that Congress has not defined what a “female” is yet.
In all seriousness, if this was a female, this is a very unusual event.
Muslim female suicide bombers are quite common outside of the United States.
Nice racist comment when you do not even know if she was Muslim or not. Its a typical racist remark for the Far Right.
We will never get mass murder under control until we pass severe vetting laws for all gun purchases and safe storage laws just like European and Asian countries have done decades ago and their laws work and work much better than our total lack of such laws.
Actually this for little Dickian or whatever he calls him self. Muslim is not a race.
under control until we pass severe vetting laws for all…
and Blah…blah…balahblahblah…blah…blahblahblahblah… Get a new line of crap, this stuff is really quite stale…
Lol who mentioned race dipshit?
Dacian, Have you ever lived in any of the so called civilized countries you brag about? Perhaps you would like the police state most of those countries have become. I lived in Germany for several years. As well as Japan for 4 years. The major reason most people don’t own or have ready access to firearms in the expense of getting the permission from the bureaucrats. In Japan the police don’t need a warrant to enter and search your home or property. In Germany the process is not difficult, but the bureaucratic red tape and ridiculous fees convince most working class and middle class workers give up and do without. Luckily for me, my job required me to be armed at all times. And have access to real military grade weapons. Sometimes working for Uncle Sam has it’s advantages.
Off the top of my head a few Chechnya on Russia are about the only incidents of female suicide bombers that I remember but curious enough to look into it.
It’s racist white left wing liberal comments made here, that are keeping us from facing the truth. But not me.
Female Muslim suicide bombers have killed people in Afghanistan. India. Pakistan. Israel. Russia. And other countries around the world. And Muslims are white, yellow, and other skin colors.
Also. The terrorist bombers that murdered the people at the rock concert theater in Paris France, and hundreds of other people, one of them was a Muslim female.
to old man in alabama
quote———In Germany the process is not difficult,——–quote
And their mass murder rate is way lower than ours. Thank you for proving my point that European and Asian gun control works and works quite well.
To lil’d, everything comes down to race because he is one of the self-appointed saviors of the oppressed people-of-color.
No bigger racist than the black hating, freedom destroying Communist Dacian.
Idiot dacian, the man didn’t say that this shooter was Muslim. What he correctly pointed out is, outside of the US, it isn’t rare for Muslim suicide bombers to be female. Understand now? One person pointed out that female shooters are rare in the US, and the answer was, female suicide bombers aren’t nearly so rare, outside the US. None of those stated facts are wrong. You are wrong for searching out a reason to be ‘offended’. Is your middle name Al Sharpton?
its not islamophobia
if they really are trying to kill you
which they are
dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. The fact that Muslim women are often suicide bombers is NOT a “racist comment”. It is a FACT OF LIFE. Try using your head for something other than a hat rack?
And their (Germany’s & Japan’s) mass murder rate is way lower than ours.” Lol!
Tell THAT to the Jews of Europe and all the non-Japanese Asians (of Chy-Nah/Korea/Vietnam etc.) that the bucktoothed Coke-bottle glasses wearing soldiers of the emperor exteminated a little more less than a century ago.
Nah, for him, he uses his head as a buttplug.
Lamp, I hope you don’t consider this to be a “ringing endorsement”. LOL
Reports now the shooter was a prior student at the school :
“Authorities say they believe the 28-year-old female shooter who killed three children and three adults at a private Christian school in Nashville was a former student”
Not a female…Just a male with a Mental Illness pretending to be female.
I heard female reported on the radio without the “trans” identifier. I thought that was unusual. Now it makes sense. Are the reporters intentionally confusing everyone so the dead mass shooter won’t be offended? When are we going to stop playing this stupid game?
Edit: apparently it really was a girl. I think.
Some kinda leftwing genderqueer beach.
Not a female…Just a male with a Mental Illness pretending to be female.
Actually it WAS a female pretending to be a dude…
“In all seriousness, if this was a female, this is a very unusual event.”
We had another similar shooting not long back, I really hope someone is keeping track of these events, to prove mental illness is a real driver of these acts…
Oh, man, check this shit out :
“Meanwhile, it has also emerged that the mum of the woman identified as the Nashville school shooter had vehemently campaigned to prevent mass shootings in the classroom. Audrey Hale’s mum urged her friends to join her in signing petitions to ‘Keep Guns Out of Schools” and “Make large-capacity gun magazines illegal’ on her Facebook page.”
A “Fuck you mom” kinda thing, perhaps?
that’s an interesting angle…was she really a female?
Gonna guess some pronoun fuckery is involved.
Now the pronouns are was/were.
She was a ‘confused’ female (probably) all hopped up on various ingested male hormones, mind/body altering drugs. Yikes.
Guy or girl? If it’s a “trans female” then it’s a dude.
According to leftists if you think you are of another sex than your actual biological gender…than it is so, regardless of chromosomes, genitalia, etc… Liberalism is a mental disorder.
According to leftists if you think you are:
A pencil, then you are…
They came out and said it was a tranny, male playing female. Can you imagine the flips they will go thru to sanitize the evidence on this one !
No, it was a FEMALE pretending to be a MAN…
15 minute police time. Only 14 minutes 55 seconds too late…
P.S. Great move Satan! Disguising the shooter as a young female!
Lets see how long this one stays on the news.
SHE actually WAS a young FEMALE..
I live 40 miles from Nashville. The local news is now reporting that the female shooter has self identified themselves as being guess what????
Answer- What is a woman?
What is a woman?
ANY human being that does NOT possess the (Y) chromosome…
Biden already talking about asw ban. Fuck all of them. I didn’t have anything to do with it. Come and take it, come and take it, come and take it!
calm down Redneck, no laws will be passed and even if the states pass anti-gun laws they will be struck down by the supreme court. nothing to worry about.
Would that I could have your sunny, naive attitude about what is legislatvely possible in Congress. Unfortunately, I live in the real world, so . . . .
And by the way, while I am PARTIALLY heartened by the Bruen ruling, relying on SCOTUS to “save us” from Congress? That is a thin reed, my friend.
Saying ” . . . nothing to worry about.” is a level of cognitive dissonance I have no wish to achieve.
Amen. I’m no tough guy, just an ordinary old guy. Still, little left to lose at my age, once they try to disarm me with unConstitutional laws. Might be the last thing I can give my country…
JustSayin — exactly what is the last thing you are going to give your country if law inforcement comes to your door to disarm you?
Spelling the word “enforcement” ☺️
Art it’s knockoff Miner what do you expect.
All of my lead
schools should be a closed environment…the only people who belong there are students and staff…and the occasional parent…access for anyone else should be difficult to obtain…
“access for anyone else should be difficult to obtain…”
The murderer shot out the door glass and crawled inside…
Is it now time, since the CADET CORP no longer exists after a century of being, for VETERANS and FFL’s to now stand armed guard at our schools?
Since the “open border” scam of the Biden admin. has overwhelmed police resources, more and more crimes will be committed as there are fewer police to respond as they are stretched thin dealing with more and more illegals.
It is only going to get worse under Biden.
Don S, the only way to protect children nowadays is to remove them from any institutional School system. Homeschool is much safer than those options. The staff (parents) and some of the students can be armed at all times in a homeschool. if we vacate the public school system completely it will collapse. And private schools should have better security than public.
We also need the school tax money that is taken from parents to go with the kids.
DeSantis signed a school choice bill yesterday in FL
7 dead, including the 28 year old shooter. Already pushing to ban evil semi auto tools that help keep us from becoming a police state due to promise of asymmetric (Guerilla warfare) if a potential future leftist, fascist tyrant wannabe group desires to implement such.
28 year old?
What happened to ‘teenager’?
The older one gets, the younger everyone else looks. People in their 20s now look like teenagers to me. ☺️
She looks young?!? As mentioned I shot NO ONE. I ain’t giving up chit…🙄
Convenient timing. Any Bill’s up for vote at this time?
i can predict the shooter was on FBI “radar”
Or payroll?
Paddock is alive and well sipping margaritas on some island.
They never killed Osama bin Laden either.
^Not me.
Upon hearing news of the tragedy Gun Control zealots began to stampede. News the perp was female and their brakes were smoking hot. Let’s see how the knee jerk Rat Party spins it all to their advantage…They will do that because Gun Owners fail tragedy after tragedy to define Gun Control by its history of rot. That leaves dumbbells seeing Gun Control as an answer when History Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is an agenda rooted on racism and genocide. An agenda that should have been abolished alongside its sidekicks slavery, lynching, etc.
“They will do that because Gun Owners fail tragedy after tragedy to define Gun Control by its history of rot.”
Not all gun owners are as dumb as you and play the race card every time someone talks about guns.
You emulate your race-baiting heroes, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Rashida Talib, Cory Bush, Don Lemon, and all the asshats on CNN and MSNBC, etc.
cato…If Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Rashida Talib, Cory Bush, Don Lemon, and all the asshats on CNN and MSNBC, etc. Emulated me they would be defining Gun Control by its History of Rot for snot nosed History Illiterate mealy mouth punks like you. Come back and talk to Teddy Bear and I’ll make coleslaw out you…you libelous-pos.
cato…Last sentence should read: out “of” you…you libelous-pos. I apologize for the word omission you libelous-pos. Just want to make sure you comprehend every word you libelous-pos.
Well cato is a drive by responder…It must be busy asking individuals at Gun Shows if they can define Gun Control by its History and corresponding with people in high places. And hell has froze over.
Nope I was out installing a 2-Chan dash cam in my BMW.
“Come back and talk to Teddy Bear and I’ll make coleslaw out you…you libelous-pos”
And exactly how would you do that? In another post you talked about blasting 150 rounds and missing your target. What kind of moronic-fuck, madcow-kunt, thinks it’s in any way acceptable to blast up a playground with kids, school, church, other houses, in or around your neighborhood because you are some kind of spray-and-pray dumfuk?
You are a fucking menace.
What is this female you speak of? I thought they had been eradicated in the great wokening of 2020 after demonstrating they cannot compete athletically and that men can carry babies to term.
White house secratary already preaching gun control also. They will never admit that it is a problem with our society turning away from God which lets satan move into the void. I imagine that the Marxists in our country are celebrating this event.
I never have figured out why God cast Satan to Earth with all you humans. Seems like God should have put him on the planet Slug instead.
Probably put Satan on the same earth with humans, for the same reason he put you marsupials here. To make you all suffer!!
As usual with these things, the prudent approach is to wait ~72 hours for the facts to come out. Early reports are always incomplete, and frequently contain significant factual errors.
At this point in time, people and organizations that aren’t arming up in defense of this sort of thing are naïve. They like their money protected by people with guns, but for some reason their loved ones don’t get the same consideration. Mind-boggling.
As for the perp, let’s wait and see. I have some theories, but I’m withholding judgement for now.
She identified as a 20 year old white male living in her mother’s basement.
brenda spencer’s sister?
Wonder if the shooter was an atheist?
Can’t say if she was an atheist now, but reports indicate she attended the private Christian charter school which would indicate she was a Christian at some point.
I’m betting a sexual abuse victim.
Trannies often are.
I was taken to church a lot in my youth. I was not a christian. My parents were, I was not.
There’s quite the difference from attending a Christian school and being a Christian.
So, once someone attends a Christian school, they are a “Christian”, and all bad deeds can be blamed on the church?? Just askin’, for a friend.
Forget the weapon used; it doesn’t matter. Forget the ‘ideology’ of the murderer (radical trans activist, FWIW). She/he/it murdered six people, because they were deranged . . . kinda like you. Hope you don’t live near any schools. Perhaps, in addition to the sex criminal registry, we should have a ‘deranged Leftist/fascist whackjob’ registry?
Get a grip on something other than your tiny dick.
Audrey who identified as “he/him”, y’all decide if he/him was an atheist. In the meantime Joseph Goebbels, I mean our AG has taken over the P.R. for this story all media will now goose step.
Once again, its proven and shown that waiting for police to arrive and handle it is not the answer to fewer or no deaths or injury. If there had been armed teachers or school staff inside the school and they had engaged the shooter chances of fewer or no death or injury is a lot more likely than waiting for police to arrive and handle it.
Waiting for police to arrive and handle it always gives the mass shooter just what they need – and that is (on average for most mass shootings, a mass school shooting is a mass shooting just at a school) a minimum of 3 minutes of kill zone dominance, and sometimes longer (over 97% of mass shootings 1950 to date, and then there is Uvalde).
An already on scene ordinary law abiding armed person who engages the shooter quickly removes that advantage from the mass shooter and provides a much better chance (more than 94% better vs waiting for police where its more than 80% likely there will be serious injury or death) in the moment than the victims have waiting for police to arrive (over 95% of mass shootings 1950 to date where an ordinary law abiding armed person was permitted to go armed) .
How about taking school security and locking the F@#%ing doors, gates, whatever.
Downunder junior schools are locked during school hours. To gain entry you need to call a number or use an intercom.
Uvalde (and other school shootings) showed us that a policy of locking the doors does not always keep the doors locked.
.40 cal,
Don’t disagree, but not locking doors is a training issue. If teachers refuse to learn, fire their sorry asses.
Step one should be DON’T use GLASS doors on a “HARDENED” building… Just sayin’…
Yeah Southern Cross, but we can only harden schools so much and then they become prisons. We also need to make the consequences for this so terrifying that only a totally deranged person would even consider this. And then make a better effort to pre-empt them. Undoubtably there were once again, warning signs with this monster.
all mass shooters (yes, mass school shootings are mass shootings) have mental illness that drives them to commit their mass shootings, they are already deranged. they are not deterred by a thought of terrifying consequences and expect and desire to die anyway either by their own hand, an ordinary law abiding armed citizen, or by police.
As long as ALL doors can be opened from the inside by ANYONE, it is the exact opposite of a prison… I think the idea of their brain matter scattered all over a wall IS a deterrent, this shooter had an alternate target but opted for the one she knew was the less secured…
Since the shooter was a woman CNN already forgot that the shooting ever happened… but will remember about it if it turns out she’s a Republican.
“but will remember about it if it turns out she’s a Republican.”
Doubtful, her mom is a gun-grabbing Leftist Scum ™…
How did they know this was a woman? Government officials can’t seem to define what one is. How do they know it didn’t identify as a man, or one of the other Heinz 57 varieties they’ve established?
I’ll take a wild ass guess here and say “she was on our radar”!!
This is why Biden and those in charge are directly responsible. They have not banned all semi automatic guns in this country when they could have a long time ago. Why didn’t they? There were no semi automatics when the second amendment was signed. There was no need to shoot as fast and as many bullets as you can pull the trigger, for hunting or even to protect your home. However, it’s not too late. If we adopt the New Zealand initiative which they heroically put in place after the horrific Christchurch Mosque mass shooting, we can give Americans a chance at amnesty by turning in their semi automatic guns for a one time tax credit with no felony penalty. After that point, there would be severe punishments if caught with gun ownership. Let me be clear — No one is trying to take away your hunting rifles and home defense shotguns. No one has ever tried taking away those guns designed and envisioned by our founders.
So the 1st Amendment only protects the Pen & Paper, and yet, you’re here on the Internet……..Got ya’.
However, little BOOTLICKER, the “No one is trying to take away your hunting rifles and home defense shotguns” is a farce because you’ll simply call them “STREETSWEEPERS” and “SNIPER RIFLES”.
This is not the real David Hogg. Its someone trying to start an argument and get lots of replies, an impersonator afraid to use his real identity and tell the truth and not the lies they tell like this ‘David Hogg’ impersonator is doing like the cowards the left wingers are.
In other words trolling to provoke a reaction by use of lies.
.”40 cal Booger” says:
“afraid to use his real identity and tell the truth“
hes imitating you Miner49er
Zing zing! In fact, zings all around!
I can’t believe you stepped in it again. But there is precedent.
Too many pre woke Harvard level words in the screed, can’t be Hoggie
No one has ever tried taking away those guns designed and envisioned by our founders
Hmmmmmm, I believe King George tried that, see how it worked out for him… Takes more than Braindead just saying it or concocting some bullshit Executive Order to ban the most popular rifle in use today…
Muskets got banned in NY under our new law.
Muskets got banned in NY under our new law.
If you were here, you would be seeing my “shocked” face…
Honestly the only surprise is they can no longer use the muskets are the only thing covered by the 2nd canard ever again.
Come and take it Davey. I’ll be sure you get the ammunition.
Sorry kid, my AR’s are hunting rifles. The AR-15 is used as a varmint rifle and the AR-10 is used for hogs and deer. Both being much lighter and easier for an old man to work with.
Choice of weapon makes little difference when a shooter has several minutes before armed response is brought to bear. The shooter could have used a century or more old lever action or bolt action rifle to do as much or more damage in the 14 minutes she had before being stopped by MNPD.
This and most other mass casualty shootings are the result of leftist/progressive society. Destroy old fashioned values and morals and this kind of thing is the result.
Hell, she could have used a butcher knife and done double the damage… She must have had an agenda of specific targets and needed to “find” them… Two loaded ARs and a handgun with a minimum of 10 rounds could have been 50 or more bodies in the 15 minutes before the cops got there… And why two rifles? An extra magazine or two would have been a lot cheaper and much easier to manage…
More scarier.
Two is one and one is none.
Of course they’re going to use an AR. That’s all the media and pols talk about. Also, more ban talk equals more sales to everyone.
Maybe it was worried about one of the rifles malfunctioning.
Stop calling him a she.
Stop calling him a she.
This creature was born a female with female chromosomes, female genitals and breasts capable of producing milk… Maybe she WANTED to be a guy and actually PRETENDED to be a man but she did NOT have male genitals, could NOT produce semen/sperm or Testosterone and no matter how hard SHE tried she would never achieve that ULTIMATE mark of the male of the species that (Y) chromosome because “SCIENCE”, you surely recall “follow the Science”… Be whatever the hell you want to be but you can’t force me to acknowledge OR accept your insanity…
Another Dacian persona has broken through his/she/it’s brain!!!!
Well so far we know the Teen Girl was 28 years old. Or maybe it was a he and he just identified as a she. And maybe a shogun identified as an assault rifle. It’s terrible 7 people died by “assault rifle” if it was the case. FBI and CDC stats show about 400-500 year will die from assault rifles of the 35-40 THOUSAND that will die from a gun my murder or suicide. As terrible as that is about 64,000 will die from fentanyl … why are Democrats obsessed with saving those 500 a year while they totally ignore the fentanyl coming across our southern border?
Low hanging fruit and ease of pumping the fear porn. Much easier to vilify an inanimate object than actually do anything useful.
“totally ignore the fentanyl coming across our southern border?”
In 2020 there were 4.8 thousand pounds of fentanyl seized by CBP, But in 2021, fiscal year 2021, it increased to 11.2 thousand pounds of fentanyl. That is a direct result of Biden administration policies. We’ve seized over 12.5 thousand pounds of fentanyl this year alone.
Its been updated: Its 6 people, 3 kids and 3 adults murdered – police confirmed during a press conference. The shooter was a teen age female who was a former student at the school.
Ironically, there was a bill introduced the Tennessee legislature (Senate Bill 1325) recently to allow school staff to carry concealed handguns on school grounds. The bill would require school staff to have a valid handgun carry permit and requires that school staff would have to undergo 40 hours of training in school policing, among other requirements.
(note: Tennessee is a constitutional carry state now, no permit is required for a non-prohibited person to carry open or concealed. However, federal law prohibits carry within 1000 feet of a school but a state is free to allow carry on school grounds if the person has a state permit (or under other conditions, for example, here people without a permit and conceal carrying on their person can drop off and pick up their kids at the school if they remain in the car – it depends on how your state interprets the federal law) and that’s why Tennessee is requiring the permit for school staff to carry concealed on school grounds.)
Not a terrible idea, hopefully not going to be stalled by a crazy being crazy.
Perhaps it’s past time to accept the world as it is, and deal with it accordingly.
There is no solution to this that doesn’t include armed citizens going about their normal routine. Whether that’s at a school, church, gas station, Walmart, or any other place. There are simply not enough so called “first responders” (police, NG, ATF, et al) at the local, State, and Federal level to stand guard duty at every potential target in this country.
I did some quick research and found this, just to try to wrap my head (and everyone else’s) around the shear scope of this. All estimates of course, but probably pretty close, give or take a few percent.
There are 128,961 public and private K-12 schools in the U.S., according to 2019-20 data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Here’s how they break down:
All: 128,961
Prekindergarten, elementary, and middle schools: 88,909
Secondary and high schools: 27,155
Other, ungraded, and not applicable/not reported: 12,897
Additionally, there are:
384,000 Houses of worship (Est.) as of 2012.
And 10’s of millions of brick and mortar retail establishments from small mom & pops to the big guys.
The Government simply cannot handle this, and they know it. But to admit that would expose the utter futility of any and all gun control laws or regulations, and the governments impotence.
“Perhaps it’s past time to accept the world as it is, and deal with it accordingly.”
Very true words. The world has never been about fairies, unicorns and rainbows, it has always been cruel and violent. The prudent have known this since the beginning.
The path to ut0pia is usually the road of bones.
Or, we wake up and join the rest of the world with some common sense gun laws. Too bad snowflakes like the cretins that dwell on here can’t image a life without weapons of war at the ready
At least you got your name right…
2A = Snowflake, trust me, a semiautomatic rifle is NOT a “weapon of war”. No armed force in the world issues a semiauto firearm to its armed forces. Clearly you are a gin control cretin.
Once all the gunms are gone the BATFE can start using the E part of their alphabet agency.
The shooter is a female-to-male tranny ….
Into the memory hole with this one.
The shooter is a female to male trans ….
Into the memory hole with this one.
As one of the chosen.
“Audrey Hale: Former student left map and manifesto after shooting six at Nashville Christian school”
We have a pic :
5 Facts to know about Audrey Hale :
“1. In a news conference following the event, Don Aaron of the Metro Nashville Police Department stated that the alleged shooter, who was fatally wounded by law enforcement officers, was a female in her “teens.” However, the truth is that the suspect is not a teenager, but actually, a 28-year-old woman.
2. According to preliminary police investigations, the 28-year-old shooter who massacred six people at the private school in Nashville had previously attended the same school. Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake stated at a press conference on Monday, “From my initial findings, at one point, she was a student at that school.” He continued by saying he didn’t know what year she had attended the institution. According to him, Nashville police have also reportedly determined her residence. He stated that there was a vehicle nearby that provided them with information as to who she was.
Also Read: Gun control lobbyist crashes Fox News’ Covenant school shooting coverage, passionately delivers speech
3. The first reports came in about 10:15 a.m. local time on Monday, and according to Don Aaron, police responded to the report of an active shooter at the Covenant School immediately. Officers entered the building through the first floor when they arrived, he claimed. Then, according to Aaron, they heard gunshots coming from the building’s second floor. Authorities reportedly shot the suspect in a second-floor lobby.
4. Aaron claimed that when the police arrived at the location, they found a woman who had opened fire. She was gunned down by two responding officers after they began shooting at the suspect, according to Aaron. Aaron claimed that she had a handgun, two “assault-type” rifles, and possibly more weapons.
Also Read: Covenant School Nashville shooting: Video shows students rushed to reunite with parents in school buses lined with police cruisers
5. The shooter’s identification has been determined by the authorities right now. As first responders got to the crime site, they saw “a female who was firing.” The name of the suspect is Audrey Hale. Moreover, it has also been noted that the 28-year-old shooter from Nashville is a biological female who uses the pronouns “He/Him” on their LinkedIn profile. The police also later officially confirmed that the shooter was a transgender person.”
Pic :
let’s wait for info… your link, not so sure of the info there…in one part it says she comitted suicide shooting her self but later it says she was shot by police.
at a police news conference earlier the police identified her as a teenage female and not a 28 year old adult and they said she was shot by police and that’s what killed her, and did not say anything about being a female to male transgendered person.
The woman who crashed Fox is a self admitted gun ban lobbyist.
“in one part it says she comitted suicide shooting her self but later it says she was shot by police.”
Wishful thinking, I’ll bet.
They consider suiciding after to be a ‘noble’ thing to do, a modern martyr kinda thing… 🙁
Remember when Jane Fonda said people should murder pro-life Christians??? This mentally ill individual may have taken Jane up on it.
You should have been swallowed during the procreation process.
He was swallowed, but he swelled up like a watermelon seed.
Yikes, must have been some serious HGH, steroid, testosterone shots that pumped up that gals volume. Nutters gotta nut.
Transgender shooter had a manifesto ….
Oh, I can’t *wait* to read the ‘manifesto’ of yet another miserable Leftist Scum ™ taking out their anger on 9 year-old little kids.
Rot in hell for eternity, loser… 🙁
I never got the whole “manifesto” thing. My own mother might be interested in reading a paragraph from me about my views on politics, philosophy, and life in general. Nobody wants to read page after page of that.
Word elsewhere is it’s another LGBTQ tranny nutcase who did it.
Dacian’s boyfriend, no doubt.
40% of them remove themselves. Only stands to reason some of that 40 will want to “take the bigots” with them.
Society should keep encouraging mental illness. Clearly it’s all healthy. Just like the morbidly obese. Healthy at any size.
Another case of no armed security on the premises and, apparently, no barriers to entry. You can’t depend on police to arrive in time to stop a maniac like this. As the old saying goes “when seconds count police are only minutes away.”
The local news media is reporting that this religious school had some form of organized self-defense. And that they had attended some form of training in case of a disaster such as this one. Of course we will not know about the extent of their defense plan, and their training until much later.
As the police have proven. The only thing that stops an active shooter is someone with a long gun. Preferably an ar-15. Which is what stopped the shooter.
Short of having one of those on your person, wherever you go in public. Your sidearm is going to primarily be something that you can use, to force the attacker to break off. Giving you enough time, for you and your loved ones to escape.
Your sidearm is going to primarily be something that you can use, to force the attacker to break off.
You are sadly misinformed… OR you don’t know to properly use a “sidearm”…
If you train. Take at least 2 or 3 classes in a year. Dry fire every day. And live fire at the range at least once every month. Twice a month is better. Then yes. In the best circumstances, for you, you could possibly stop the shooter.
That doesn’t mean you won’t get shot as well.
That doesn’t mean you won’t get shot as well.
Been there done that more than once WHILE defending with a rifle… If you’ve got a plan and the confidence to engage it, survival chances greatly increase and with the ability to use whatever firearm you happen to have on hand you CAN be successful in overcoming almost any threat… HINT: you can’t run and hide and then attempt to thwart an attacker by sticking the gun around a corner and firing blindly in their direction… Getting shot does not necessarily mean getting dead…
That’s my training regiment. What’s yours?
That’s my training regiment. What’s yours?
Well, to be honest I don’t feel the need to take “classes” I actually had some of the best training on the planet during several tours in Vietnam… I don’t “dry fire” every day either, I know my weapon well enough, always carry it in one of two places and am proficient at retrieving it from either location… I do live fire at least once a week and occasionally twice, firing a minimum of 100 rounds from my EDC and alternately running a couple of mags through each of my other weapons… I also include practice with my weak hand to make sure I can continue the fight if I’m wounded on the strong side… I’ve been handling firearms for over 60 years…
Chris T in KY, You are full of MALARKEY! While I agree that each gun owner should practice with dry fire, live fire, and training courses, the ability to shop a bad guy with a gun if greatly enhanced by a good guy. There are hundreds of instances to prove your B/S as B/S.
I have been handling firearms since 1962, shotguns, rifles and handguns. I am a certified NRA instructor in 8 different disciplines.
Your quals? It is one thing to have an opinion. It is another to have the REAL LIFE experience and training to back it up.
MADDMAXX, anyone who says he does not need further training is someone to stay far, far away from when they are on the range.
anyone who says he does not need further training is someone to stay far, far away
Did I say THAT?… Thought I said I don’t CLASSES, over 60 fukking years’ experience and three years as a war fighter in the city (see Hue City “68 Tet”) and the jungles of Vietnam has pretty much taught me all I need to know… I do PRACTICE weekly or did you miss that part.. Or is it just MY turn, fuk with someone that gives a damn…. Teachers can only teach what they know and I don’t think some 30/40 something year old with nothing more than some book learning and few hours on a fantasyland course can add to the real life experiences I’ve been privy to…
I’m glad the special military units who constantly train, don’t have the kind of hubris you have. Hubris that tells you, you don’t have to train at all. Because you’ve been doing this for so many years.
you don’t have to train at all. Because you’ve been doing this for so many years.
Are you STUCK on STUPID, or did you just intentionally ignore the fact that I GO to the RANGE weekly? What the fuk do you think I do there? stand around and watch? take my bullets out of their magazines and THROW them downrange? I am NOT a Special Operator, I will NOT be expected to go head to head with a highly trained enemy and my experiences and weapons use is a hell of a lot more involved than your fukking “classroom” bullshit… Get over yourself, quit making ignorant uninformed assumptions, you don’t know me, you don’t know where I’ve been or what I’ve done so YOU do YOU and quit fukking worrying about me… I guarantee you I put more rounds through my guns in a month than YOU and a lot of the other posters on this site do in a year… I seriously hope YOU are not comparing your “training” to that of Special Operators that might be called upon at a moments notice to travel halfway around the world and put their lives on the line against an equally trained enemy… I on the other hand face about a .001% chance of being confronted by some drugged out tweeker who doesn’t even know how to load the gun that he is attempting to aim “gangsta style” totally unaware of what will happen IF he pulls the trigger… Just go away, I’m not the one YOU want to fuk with and you just make yourself sound like some kind of elitist moron…
That’s my training regiment.
You probably meant “training REGIMEN” but WTF, Right?
lets not waste a bunch of time here
shall we
on blaming things or people that dont matter or are not to blame
lets lay the blame squarely
100 percent
were it needs to be:
democratic party inc
Except, the Democratic Party isn’t (democratic, that is.)
Did anyone notice the Highland Park IL activist that just happened to show up at the press conference demanding draconian gun control.. what a coincidence!!… Folks. the war is here already… Did anyone notice the 70 car toxic chemical train that derailed about the same time… The chocolate factory that blew to smithereens and killed 7 workers…keep your eyes open!! and your head on a swivel folks…
It’s instances like this, where I find myself supporting background checks for the simple fact that desperately mentally ill individuals should be prohibited from purchasing firearms.
So you endorse requiring proof from a “PSYCH EVALUATION” before being allowed to purchase firearms??
Blatant violation of several “CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS”!!!
Many countries require a “PSYCH EVALUATION”, yet they still have mass shootings!!!
And it is clear that you are not an “AMERICAN” in the USA!!!!
Background checks are “REQUIRED”!!!
Is this another Dacian persona???
And it is clear that you are not an “AMERICAN” in the USA!!!!
No I’m an American in the USofA.
Background checks are “REQUIRED”!!!
Is this another Dacian persona???
I find myself supporting background checks
Where did you read that IT purchased those guns through an FFL… Or even acquired them legally?
Plus background checks would pick up involuntary commitment as well as serious psychological disturbance if diagnosed and reported as it is supposed to be. But really if they are motivated enough and not disorganized in their mental state getting a gun is easy even in Europe.
reported as it is supposed to be.
The key word is “REPORTED” which has been a common factor in a number of mass shootings over the years… NOT reporting for whatever reason appears to be the norm..
Need the chaos to save you from. See also bureaucratic laziness to support the previous idea with no accountability.
My above comment was sarcasm. I do not support background checks anything that is harassment/infringement is unconstitutional and that’s what background checks are.
I was wondering but we are stuck with them for now either way so may as well use them either force control seekers to live up to their own rules or expose them for how useless they really are.
The only way a background check might have worked in this case is to consider on a legal level a transgender as a mentally unstable person on drugs that is therefore a prohibited person. Otherwise, there is no point.
Our nation has become a freak show.
Thanks, democraps.
Female with mental illness pretending to be a guy.
I thought when they say trans woman, it means they’re talking about a guy who wants to be called a girl.
The Daily Mail calls this a trans female. Yet, it’s a woman who wants to be called a guy, correct? Things were much simpler in the old days, like four years ago.
Might just depend on what day of the week it is. These people are just mental.
Remember that trans ideology is part of the wider “successor ideology” movement, what some call “woke-ism”. It is a feature, not a bug, in that ideology that “the rules” change at a breakneck pace, and be everyone is expected to immediately adopt the new rules and pretend they are an absolute and eternal standard of morality, until the next rule change tomorrow. Because it’s not about the rules, it’s about who gets to make the rules.
Gun free school zones act kills again.
I am absolutely convinced that the whole concept of ‘the gun free zone’ is dangerous and needs to go away. There could have been armed staff that could have easily moved in just as soon as the doors were being shot out.
I don’t give a rat’s behind what the perpetrator claimed it was. It was born male and therefore is MALE. The heck with this “transgender” crap.
No, she was born female and claimed to be male. Which is why she had a S&W EZ rack pistol. Because she didn’t have the strength to rack a normal pistol.
Adub, According to the news media (agree they are not reliable), she is not a “she” but a he. Now only God knows which.
The shooter was identified by police as Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old biological woman who identified as a transgender man. Hale was a former student at the school and lived in the Nashville area.
The problem seems to be with that “identifies as” thing… A transgender man is a biological male pretending to be a woman… Audrey Hale was born a female and was pretending to be a man that would make HER a transgender FEMALE… I hope that helps clarify the situation, but I’m not so sure it will… Anyway her mother says SHE was born a biological female and her real name is Audrey…
MADDMAXX Considering that the police in some quarters are WOKE, I find that suspect at best.
WELL. “Walter” the guy who claims 99.9999% of cops don’t falsify reports, maybe hearing what HER fukking parents had to say will help you figure it out…
The former Christian school student who gunned down six people, including three children, hid weapons in the family home, unbeknownst to the shooter’s parents, who didn’t want their troubled child to be armed, Nashville police said Tuesday. Audrey Hale, 28, legally purchased seven weapons from five local stores and later sold one of those firearms, Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake told reporters. Hale had been under a doctor’s care for an undisclosed “emotional disorder,” he said. “Her parents felt like that SHE should not own weapons.
MADD MAXX, I don’t give a rat’s behind what her “parents” say. And that is correct, “Einstein”, 99.999999% of police don’t file “false reports” in spite of your nonsensical propaganda. It is yet to be determined if the “she/He” was a former Christian School Student. The police REPORTED that MAYBE it was a “former student”. OK, she/he purchased seven weapons. And? Under the HIPPA law, a doctor CANNOT report to anyone that the doctor has a patient under his care for anything let alone a mental problem UNLESS there is a clear and present danger posed by the patient. I did not write the law; the Leftist do gooders did. It does not matter what “her parents felt”. It’s the LAW.
I was only addressing YOUR inability to accept the FACT that the perp WAS in fact a BIOLOGICAL FEMALE pretending to be a man, yet YOU choose to ignore the FACTS of the PARENTS statement and attack the messenger, YOU are the one who said the COPS are NOT to be believed because “Considering that the police in some quarters are WOKE, I find that suspect at best” (your words)…. You are a walking contradiction with a NEED to ALWAYS be right… I didn’t say she attended the school (those are words from an interview with the parents which you’ve dismissed), it’s not even relevant to the fact that SHE is a BIOLOGICAL FEMALE… Look up the “family photos” showing HER as a child and STFU you are a bloviating, authoritarian, windbag…
MADDMAXX, when the autopsy comes out then I will believe.
IT was born a FEMALE and IT died a FEMALE…
Tucker Carlson was right. Mentally ill people shouldn’t have guns, they should be in asylums.
This was an act of terrorism. DO NOT let the.
media memory hole this.
They will be going into overdrive to excuse, obfuscate, or sweep this under the rug as fast as they can.
The drugs and very confusing ideas being shoved down the throats of our youth are destroying them. The Democrat party is making them crazy, suicidal, and very angry. This is happening in a place with a constitutional right to firearms and is being used as a reason to remove such rights. The lunacy of the left MUST be defeated or it will continue to infect more and more of our society. We can talk about this woman’s state of mental health but if we never deal with the mental instability of our leaders and lawmakers then it’s all means nothing outside of mass self-destruction.
It was a tranny. Lock them all up.
The ideal situation. Killers or other criminals killed right there.
One of the most troubling things is how many officers just kept piling up on the scene that didn’t need to be there…THE SCENE WAS SEALED AND SECURE!!…They were just hanging out shooting the shit(e) and walking around with their carbines looking for TV cameras to film them….Supervision needs to be there to run most of those clowns BACK INTO SERVICE!…While they are hanging around the city could be hit in many other ways…Criminals watch TV too!…They would love to see an window to go out and rape and pillage the city and hunt victims to exploit…There was NO REASON for officer to keep pulling up and walking in…Especially another FRUITCAKE contemplating doing a mass shooting….
Any business or school that disallows its employees to lawfully carry should be subject to civil liability for any and all injuries/fatalities caused by a gunman who could reasonably have been stopped had the employee been armed.
Once again far too much levity and political haymakingThere IS no bloodyrelationship between POLITICALLT motivated events in EUROPE [plike theHOLOCAUST and the trulybterrifying number od gun crime deaths in the USA PewrAnnum whicxh are MULTIPLES of tbose taken by AMERICA’S Armed Forces.
I seethattheree arethose coresp[onents that tinkthattrhere should be ARMED GUARD inbn every scholl minthe uSA -What atruly,truly terrible reflection o=n American Society. I cannot think of a single other, lets take NATO as an example as a ‘collection’of nations of a similar level of Civil Society nad a Democratic and secular form of Government,NOT ONE of them would even considersuch measures or have any need too. [And before you take me to task I do know that over the years ther HAVE been isolated incidents of, for want of a better description ‘ school and other mass shootings. People inthese countries simply do not go about btheir daily business thinking that they or their children might be shot at any timeIT’s not even a subject of normal conversation.
I am now in my mid 80’s and can remember glimses of WW2 . I was also a Ser5geantbArmoure,Smallarms Istructor and Musketry Coach inthe RAF and a member of the UK Arrmy Infantry Reserves so a do know what firearms are and whatthey can do and I’d guess that I [ or was] as a PROFESSIONAL a bloody sight more familiar with them that you average American gun nut Since leaving the Services in the mid 90’s apart for a brief sojourn with “” Match Rifle and some skeet I have ner had the slightest urge or sesn the need to own, beg, borrow or other wise oibtain any kind of firearm and certainly I have never seen the need either.
it sounds like you responded to the wrong article.
what the heck are you rambling on about?
Nothing you posted makes any sense at all, its all gibberish.
BLAHHH-blahh-blahblahblah-blah-blah-blahblahblahblalh-blah-blah… WTF is THAT about… Is English your first language? Do you talk like you type? If so anyone within earshot will most likely agree that you are a blathering unintelligible moron…
You seem to be losing it (mid 80’s), hey, it happens. That, and talking about subjects you seem to know nothing about regarding another country (the most relevant nation, America). Just let America keep running the show as we have done for the last century or so…until (gulp) China takes over (thanks leftists).
Albert L J Hall, Give it a rest. How about those TWO mass shootings in Germany?
has video of the shooter entering the school. The doors were locked, but the shooter shot out the glass in the doors and entered.
I saw that earlier this morning. It’s as if no one understands that glass can be shot out. Doors like that are not meant to stop firearms. They are intended to stop people from just walking in (or out). This is an aspect of the whole mass school shooter thing that is rather disgusting if not disturbing and sick. Those in control seem to think they need to lock helpless people in a room with armed killers.
Always amazes me that glass doors get used over basic fire doors (not perfect but would take a bit longer). If one were to be realistic about actual security any windows should start a minimum of 5 feet off the ground, all fire exits should be locked from the exterior by default (fire department has the key) and alarm if opened at any time that is not a fire drill. The main entrance should be the only way in and out during school hours and a minimum of 15minute burglar protection for the entrance if a armed security presence is available. But protecting children is not a purpose of public school
sub 2000’s are now AR’s LoL
According to Brandon SHE had AK47s…. I guess if she’d used a double barrel shotgun to “blast through the doors” it would have been okay with him…
A Nashville police spokesman has this to say yesterday when asked if The Covenant School was the only school that was targeted . . .
It was the only school that was targeted. There was another location that was mentioned, but because of a threat assessment by the suspect, TOO MUCH SECURITY, they decided not to.
Texas House Sergeant at Arms attacked by Transgender Female just days before Nashville school shooting…
She drove her HONDA “FIT” to the school, no wonder she was suicidal…
I wanna see the bumper stickers ….. we all know it was plastered with them ….. surely there were a Bidet/Mattress campaign one, a LGBTQ Rainbow, a “Coexist”, and a “Hate Has No Home Here” one somewhere on the back.
No doubt, but not a lot of bumper (or anything else) on one of those things…
March 28, 2023, 2:48 PM EDT / Updated March 28, 2023, 5:38 PM EDT
By David K. Li
The former Christian school student who gunned down six people, including three children, hid weapons in the family home, unbeknownst to the shooter’s parents, who didn’t want their troubled child to be armed, Nashville police said Tuesday. Audrey Hale, 28, legally purchased seven weapons from five local stores and later sold one of those firearms, Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake told reporters. Hale had been under a doctor’s care for an undisclosed “emotional disorder,” he said. “Her parents felt like that she should not own weapons. They were under the impression that when she sold the one weapon, that she did not own any more,” Drake told reporters. “As it turned out, she had been hiding several weapons within the house.” Police could have sought to take those weapons had officers learned Hale was a threat to others, according to the chief. “Had it been reported that she was suicidal or that she was going to kill someone and that had been made known to us, then we would have tried to get those weapons,” Drake said. “But as it stands, we had absolutely no idea of actually who this person was, if she even existed.”
GunMAN? That Ashbey Beasley sure has some really bad luck to be in close proximity of another mass shooting? But hey, at least they’re not trying to convince us that she heard of the shooting at home, hopped on her bicycle & rode 3 miles back to school, weaved her way thru/past a massive presence of LEO’s & get into a locked down classroom, just in time to make a video. Ala David Hogg
If sexual misappropriation were considered the mental disease that it is, and treated as such, there’s a fair chance that this miscreant would have been involuntarily committed long before she reached the age of 28…and therefore ineligible to legally purchase a firearm.