Crime scene investigation
(Roger Nomer/The Joplin Globe via AP)

new study on 2021 homicide trends released by the Council on Criminal Justice found an additional 5 percent rise in homicides (on the heels of a 30 percent increase in 2020) in 22 major American cities. Los Angeles, Louisville, and Washington, D.C., among others, saw homicides increase by more than 10 percent.

Activists, leading media, and politicians continue to pin the homicide wave on economic disruptions caused by the pandemic, but a far more plausible factor is the increasingly dysfunctional criminal-justice system that fails in its fundamental duty to protect the most vulnerable members of society.

Last year, police retirements were up nearly 50 percent and resignations by 18 percent across 200 police departments nationwide. Portland—which, since the summer of 2020, has seen sustained nightly violence in its downtown perpetrated by far-left radicals—now has fewer police officers on the force (789) than at any point in the past 30 years. Mayor Ted Wheeler was previously sympathetic to the national “defund the police” movement but has recently admitted the city’s police-staffing crisis: “There is such a thing as too few officers. . . . I can objectively say we are critically short staffed.”

In Philadelphia, which last year suffered more homicides than in 2014 and 2015 combined, the police department is short about 300 officers after mass departures in the aftermath of the local police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr. last fall and the death of George Floyd. Chuck Wexler, executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum, says of the national staffing shortage, “It is an evolving crisis.”

— Rav Arora in An Ongoing National Crisis


  1. Bail reform and “peaceful protests” have been the best firearm commercials my area has ever seen. Not sure what the percentage of ownership is in NY now but it went way up over the last 2 years.

  2. We might argue that there are still too many cops. Bill Clinton’s move to put 100,000 more cops on the streets to combat Joe Bidens predators have probably mostly retired by now, but they’ve steadily been replaced over the years.

    Arm the citizens to deal with crime, retire some more cops, and things will settle down in just a year or two. When someone attacks Grandma, there should be three or more citizens standing around to gun the bastid down.

    • It takes 100,000 cops to rote to Ametica from the Biden crime family?

      That explains a lot.

      Let’s Go Brandon.

    • And bring back that quaint Southern tradition of lynching, that should bring the rate down.

      • The myth of..

        Capital punishment, rapidly, after a legal trial does reduce repeat offenses. And deters.

        • A case reported in Cal Reports, the official record of CA Supreme Court decisions from right here in River City. In the mid 1800s, a thief stole a barrel of flour worth more than $200. Was tried and convicted and sentenced on Wednesday and hung by the sheriff on Saturday morning.

          The CA Supremes didn’t find anything wrong with the proceedings although they did comment that carrying out the sentence did seem a mite hasty.

          My how CA has changed. Most of our death row inmates either get freed after an appeal is granted, new trial is ordered and all the witnesses have died from old age so the case is dismissed or the prisoners die of old age on death row. They even get organ transplants to prolong their life which is the most Orwellian twist to the criminal penal system I have ever heard.

      • Maybe bring back dueling? The great sci-fi writer Robert A. Heinlein said it best in “Beyond This Horizon:

        An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

        There would be a lot less road rage and other posturing were it so.

  3. An armed society is a polite society. Buy moar guns America! Every American should buy their daughters a stylish pistol for their 13th birthday. Every American should buy their children a .22 rifle for their 10th birthdays, a shotgun for their 12 birthdays, and deer rifle the first year the child can legally hunt big game. (varies slightly, state to state I think) And, another pistol should be a standard high school graduation present. After that, the kids are on their own. I don’t care what caliber, what platform, what style, what color the guns are. Every kid should have a small collection by the time he graduates from school. College graduation, I’m undecided. Maybe a slightly used Russian tank?

    • Now that’s the best advice I’ve ever seen with the name “dacian’ attached to it. Too bad he doesn’t believe it.

      As for a “slightly used Russian tank” – have you ever tried to parallel park one of those bastards? It’s not so bad if you have a car in front and one in back but if everyone has a tank it is a bitch.

      BTW, I gave my stepson my slightly used Ruger P-85 for his 18th birthday.

      • Mine got a DB-308 AR-10 for his 18th.
        Gave him a choice between a new Walther PPQ45 or my near new German made SIG P220 ST (standard accessory rail model) for his 21st.

        He chose wisely…….I miss that old P220 ST on 45acp range days. 😟

      • I bought mine eldest son a 1934 Mosin for his 18th. A few years later, he completely restored it down to all the period-specific details. Commissioned a leather artisan to custom-craft a Russian-style sling and buttstock ammo pouch. Then had a machinist custom-craft a proper offset sight mount to accommodate the simple optics that were used by the Soviets. He ended up spending four digits ($$$$) to complete it, but it’s now a fully functional museum-quality piece.

        He now rides in an American truck, with a full B.O.B., battle belt, soft armor, and custom AR-15 kitted with the help of an ex-SpecOps friend.

        Proud of that man.

    • Every American should own a Modern American Musket by their 18th. Gave an AR to each of my kids before then.

      • I agree.
        Except one son insisted on a Steyr AUG bullpup.
        He’s the odd one out.
        I must say though, it is fun to shoot.

    • Whoa.

      Too far. Tracked vehicles will destroy asphalt roads too quickly. Those are fine for rural drivers. It would be more prudent to drive a wheeled vehicle on city streets.

  4. Alabama is now ‘constitutional carry’ (AKA “permitless carry”) – or more correctly will be next year when the law goes into effect.

    • A victory in Alabama that seems to be receiving not much here and there press. The Governor of Alabama being a Woman would be enough for an upset marxist media to take their football and go home but news of the law being signed arrived via a reply left on yesterday’s Gun Meme Of The Day.

      BTW…If you missed it I posted an update about my justrails order and all went very well.

      • Yes Debbie, I missed it. Glad your order with justrails went ok.

        Personally though I’ll not use justrails. I still remember how they screwed me.

  5. As the article makes rather plain, the problem is not more guns. The problem is people who are out of control.

    Are more police the answer? is better mental health clinics, etc the answer? The simple answer is not simple.

    More police would help some. Better mental health facilities might help too, somewhat. But the real answer sure and swift law enforcement with sure swift punishment for violent crime.
    Rudy Gulliani had a partial answer. It was called “the broken windows” policy. It worked! Crime went down because the police enforced the law. Petty criminals and other alike realized that they had to follow the “rules” (law) or they would be delt with.

    We need to get rid of the “woke” prosecutors, judges and politicians. BOTTOM LINE! These people are trying to :”build the better mouse trap”. Sorry folks but the old one works just fine when you use it properly.

    • Better mental health facilities might help too,

      Maybe. I’m not convinced. Crazy people don’t do very much really crazy stuff. How many crazies walk out onto a freeway, and play chicken with an 18 wheeler? Not a whole lot, huh? There are few people who are so crazy that they intentionally hurt themselves. Why? Because it HURTS, of course!

      Crime should hurt. More serious crimes should hurt more. The most serious crimes should result in death. Think of firearms as a gene pool filter. The more crazies filtered out, the fewer crazies will reproduce.

      Seriously, if every motorist in Philadelphia drove with a pistol plainly visible on the console, or on the dash, carjackings would cease. It might take a month to get the last of the really stupid ones, but we have a month. Very, very, VERY few people are crazy enough to attack a person who is clearly armed, and prepared to defend himself.

      • dacian_we_are_legion Oh please. “Crazy people don’t do very much really crazy stuff”?

        Sir, I have worked in law enforcement for 35 years. Since I retired from State Corrections after 25 yrs there and ten as a police officer, I have seen a lot of crazy people do a LOT of really crazy things. They may not go out and play chicken with an 18 wheeler, but they sure do a hell of a lot of other crazy things. And a hell of a lot of them hurt other people, including family, friends, and neighbors. Just read the newspapers.

        Crime should hurt? What planet have you been frequenting? For your edification a firearm is an inanimate object incapable of committing any crime or other action. IN spite of what you seem to think a gun can’t fire itself.

        As to crazy people “won’t reproduce”? Where do you think these crazy people come from? I hope sincerely that your post is “sarcasm”” but unfortunately there are a lot of dumb people out there who swallow this kind of nonsense, hook line, sinker, rod, reel, boat, anchor and chain.

        • A gene pool filter is an inanimate object, yes. You have to USE that inanimate object to get the desired results.

        • think walter, Unlike you, Lefty, I do think. Did your mom have any children that lived?

        • Riderless/ShootOff, Nice try, but your mouth wash just isn’t cutting it. I served 10 as a police officer. But you keep living in your fantasy world.

        • Beverly, you specifically stated, mere days ago, that you served 6yrs as a cop, not ten as you now claim. That isn’t a thing that any honest person gets that far wrong and you know it. And I know you know it. And now everyone here knows it as well… Beverly. Dig dig dig.

        • Riderless/ShootOff Let me make this very very clear. You are a liar.
          I served ten years as a police officer.

          You bring the word scummy a whole band new meaning.

        • I’ll repeat it so that it’s perfectly clear to YOU, Beverly, as well as to everyone else here: which is it, your previous recent statement of 6yrs as a cop or your more recent statement of 10yrs? It can’t be both, can it? Fantasy land? A liar? Me? Perhaps you should look in the mirror, Mr Vietnam vet. Or is that horsehockey as well? The legal definition of which would be Stolen Valor. And it has a legal definition for a reason… Beverly.

      • “How many crazies walk out onto a freeway, and play chicken with an 18 wheeler?”

        more and more, here. they look you in the eye and curse and swear and dare you to hit them.

  6. When you have socialist-democrat politicians and George Soros sponsored Prosecuting Attorneys why would you need to advertise? Firearms and ammunition sell themselves in a Sellers Market.

  7. I gotta coupla’ more gats last year. And lights n sights and as much ammo as I could possibly afford. I shot more than I ever had thanks to my best friend paying(and me guiding him as best I could). I am NOT the po-leece. I live in Cook County where a lot of cop’s aren’t my buddy. If BlackLootersMurder or antipunks (or plain ole gangbangers)invade I am prepared. Go & do likewise…

    • Prices kept me on the sidelines most of ’21, only added three to my collection.

      Sold a near new/in box/2 mag/factory nickel finish Eckernford production P220 45acp though.
      Owned it for only 14 months, sold it for over 6x purchase price.
      Eckernford gun values spiked when shut down the SIG facility.

      Showing the CEO a 6x return on a 14 month owned gun has her approving of my collection more. 😄

      Didn’t tell her I flipped the profits onto an Uber-rare NIB Bernardelli Practical VB 9 Para ‘Black Stallion’ though. 🤫

      • You certainly are very detailed in your descriptions.

        I just call mine “The tan Glock, the bigger Glock, the Baby Glock, my carry gun, the 1911, the shottie, the other shottie, the .22, the rabbit gun, the smaller deer rifle, the bigger deer rifle, the go-to AR, those other ARs in the safe, etc…”

        Mrs. Haz understands that. She knows nothing of the differences of calibers and cartridges, so I refer

        • Gremlins in the TTAG cogworks again. The final sentences of my comment were cut off and not posted. Weird stuff going on with this site as of late. Earlier this week, my “Haz Face” avatar disappeared from one of my comments after I came back to the same page later in the day, after appearing there upon posting.

        • I put the deets up here because my firearm collection is shared on a few Forums.

          I’ve actually made some $s reviewing/assessing/appraising classic German semi-auto handguns here in Texas.

          Far from paying my bill, but making some lunch money while expanding knowledge on a hobby/topic of interest is always a plus. 👍

          I’ve had some issues with posts on TTAG today also.

  8. Over here in Massachusetts it was absolutely insane to walk into a gun shop in 2020. The media was pumping out articles about ‘this is it, the is the apocalypse’. I remember going to a gun shop to pick up a revolver I was waiting for and the store was packed wall to wall with liberals who learned an important life lesson that guns were in actual fact harder to buy than toothpaste. It was insane listening to what people were requesting. Literally breaking any law to get their hands on a gun. I think some of the hysteria has died down, but the number of gun owners in this deep blue state did a spike upwards. The only thing that slowed down new potential gun owners was the government sitting on new permits applications cause ‘covid’.

  9. The elephant in the room is that CRIMINALITY is directly proportional with UNWANTED pregnacies. Just think about it for a moment. Which child do YOU think is most likely to sink into criminality ?? The WANTED child that has a stable parenting [ this DOES not mean that stability in parenting nessessitates both parents being present at all times] or the unwanted child which is the case in pretty much EVERY case of voluntary and legal pregnacy terminations. The other cause is lack of eductation-m which equates to lack of opportunity in later life. It is not a coincidence that the average reading age of the average criminal in an American prison is less than ELEVEN YEARS OLD and over half are funtionally totally illiterate. Incidentally pretty much the same pattern is displayed in most societies.
    by the way GULLIANI’s Broken Window policy did not on close examinatiion work and the Police Commisioner who implemented it was sacked. Neither does a ‘greater’ Police Presense on the streets make much difference either
    You cannot blame Police Officers for quitting when the mere stopping for a traffic violation can get the officer shot but bif or when the officer take preventative action he or she is likley to find them selves charged with criminality themselves It’s in essence not that much better in the UK though the use of firearms in criminalacts is as rare so whilst an Officer may be subjected to violence very seldom indeed will he or she in the UK be faced with a firearm If they are there are armed Police squads than make the US Armed Police look like a set of Sunday School teachers. Crims in the UK know that if they are apprehended with a firearm whilst commiting a crime the very least they will get is 14 years whether they actuallyb use it or not. They also know that if they DO NOT give up their firearms they will, most likely end up in a box.
    The other thing most Americans fail to understand is that ALL the UK’s Draconian guncontrol measure are pretty much 100% supported by the electorate. Not a single Political Party would gain a single vote by relaxing UK gun control legislation. In fact I’d be betting that it would lose a few. Opposition parties would gleefully leap upon any relaxatgion of UK gun laws.

    • We’re so sorry uncle albert…that you subjects are little girls who support your own subjugation. Troll somewhere else.

      • What is funny about this, is the UK wouldn’t survive a day against Russia with their populace and training. Even the Ukrainians are better. And the most hilarious part, is if Russia were invading, they would be calling for citizens to receive arms for resistance against the Russians. And I’d be laughing, the entire way.

    • If education is one of the problems of criminals wouldn’t more Sunday school teacher cops be a good thing?

    • sir albert…Ol’ Chap you and your ilk are responsible for filling more heads with ghastly socialist demoCrap than a useful idiot like you could ever comprehend. Jolly Good Show.

      Furthermore since the UK is comprised of “subjects” and not free men and women don’t come around begging for weapons from the USA like you fools did during WWII…or will do should putin come knocking on your door.

      Furthermore Ol’ Chap…History Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is rooted in racism and genocide therefore Gun Control is a racist and nazi based agenda…I challenge you or anyone else to prove otherwise.

      • “Gun Control is a racist and nazi based agenda”

        (laugh) in england?

        you’re right. in england, one race is pushing gun control on the english.

    • @AH

      Thank you for so carefully and completely elucidating exactly why the New World Colonies demanded and received a messy divorce from Mother England roughly 246’ish years ago.

      You firmly believe that it is better to beg permission rather than to beg forgiveness…and therein lies your problem….

      Best of luck on yer future as a kneeling Subject…Mr. Chamberlain.

    • Gangs in the UK are known to use “human holsters”. Low-rankers carrying the guns for the higher-ups.

      • “Low-rankers carrying the guns for the higher-ups”

        true in the states too. “hey hey don’t pay no mind, you’re under 18 you won’t be doing any time”

    • “The elephant in the room is”……………..

      …….a subject posting content to a US based firearm website, giving his views on firearm ownership to American citizens. 🤪
      There, fixed that for you.

      Didn’t we curb stomp you guy once in the late 18th, and AGAIN in the early 19th centuries? 🤔
      IIRC, we did that SPECIFICALLY so we WOULDN’T have to hear subjects blovating on like a pachaderm with chronic gas, and eventually allowing ourselves to be disarming by tyrannical leaders. Yet, here we are.

      Back to the queen’s zoo with you AH.

    • Well, your post explains a lot, Albert. You were an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy? Mama didn’t breast feed you, you had to suck on a cold bottle? Daddy didn’t need you? You grew up eating fully leaded paint chips?

      Hmmmm – I suppose you’re in good company with BoJo. No one ever bothered to teach that Brit how to comb his hair.

      Now that I think about it, most of your monarchs have had similar life experiences.

      Why don’t you guys just give up, surrender to Scotland, and let them make things right?

    • The elephant in the room is that CRIMINALITY is directly proportional with UNWANTED pregnacies.

      WRONG. Criminality is directly proportional with the number of irresponsible parents. Irresponsible parents make unwanted pregnancies. Irresponsible parents beget children that grow up with lacking education, lacking principles, and lacking moral compasses.

    • Albert says statement A:

      Neither does a ‘greater’ Police Presense on the streets make much difference either…

      Then later follows with B:

      If they are there are armed Police squads than make the US Armed Police look like a set of Sunday School teachers.

      And I’m sorry. Logically, A doesn’t mesh with B.

      Do prisons and enforcement work or not? Does a greater police presence better enforce the law or not?

      The other thing most Americans fail to understand is that ALL the UK’s Draconian guncontrol measure are pretty much 100% supported by the electorate.

      Not surprised. More the reason you should stay over there and us stay over here. Thank God you’re on an island on the other side of the planet.

    • Mr Albert ‘Hand Licker’ Hall; that last paragraph of yours certainly ain’t something to brag about. But for you I guess maybe it is… may your chains rest lightly.

  10. The same old Right Wing Bullshit i.e. lets execute more people and build vast prisons holding millions of people. The U.S. already imprisons more people than any other industrialized nation and crime keeps getting worse. Even a retarded Neanderthal would realize that something is not working here but Republicans and the Far Right are not that far enough advanced on the evolutionary scale to see it or understand it.

    In the past under the Nixonian “war on crime” they spent billions on hiring more thug untrained cops to kill people or lock them up for decades even for minor non violent crimes rather than spend the money on social programs. And admittedly even the Democrats admitted they made a big mistake with the 3 strikes and you are out laws that were passed. People who had committed a minor non-violent crime went to prison for 20 years costing the tax payers millions of dollars. When the person got out of prison many of them had never even seen a computer and did not even know how to look for a job and hand no job skills to get a job so they were tempted to go right back to being a criminal.

    Locking the barn door after the horse escapes is not a solution to crime. Societal problems are complex and cost money to alleviate and that is why the Republicans refuse to spend money as the more tax dollars they spend the less tax dollars are left for them to steal to give in corporate subsides (welfare for the filthy rich) and part of that money comes back to the Republicans in the form of lobbying by the rich. Its a “I’ll steal tax money for you and you give me some of it back”.

    Foreign countries have done a much better job at funding worker retraining and not only just by their governments. In Germany private industry matches and often exceeds spending money on worker retraining while in Capitalvania the worker is considered nothing more than a Medieval troglodyte worker slave to be exploited and worked to death with no benefits and with starvation minimum part time wages. Its the “Cult of Walmart” philosophy.

    Many families now have both parents working 2 and even 3 shit part time low paying jobs with zero benefits. The stress of life causes many divorces and children grow up by themselves as “Latch Key Children” who soon realizes what kind of life is ahead for them and they then resort to taking drugs and even suicide. Suicides among Capitalvanian teenagers are now at record levels and this has never been equaled in the past.

    Where there is extreme poverty there is violence and crime and no amount of record incarcerations or mass murder by the state i.e. executions is going to lessen any of it. Desperate people do not care what the laws are as they do care to live anymore.

    And of course to add to the total insanity Republicans who are prostitutes of the NRA and the gun industry refuse to pass laws keeping criminals and mentally ill people from buying all the second hand guns and firepower they want. Mass murders are now considered the “acceptable norm” and the Paranoid Far Right scream “Losses can never be too high” when it comes to inconveniencing me to go through a back ground check to sell or buy a gun.

    The proof is in the pudding as many Foreign countries are now paying their workers higher wages than Capitavlania does, as well as giving them higher benefits and they have less crime and less homicides with firearms. France now pays labor job workers triple time for work on Sundays which amounts to $33.00 an hour. Just one example proving that Capitalvaina is truly the “shit hole” of the Industrialized world to live in, in the 21st Century.

    Record numbers of American youth are now emigrating back to their original countries of origin in both Europe and Asia because they know the U.S. has become too dangerous to live in and does not provide the cradle to gave security that many foreign nations have been providing for decades.

    • Fake dacian. You can tell because of the juvenile level of writing which shows a severe lack of education.

    • Quote———-The same old Right Wing Bullshit i.e. lets execute more people and build vast prisons holding millions of people. The U.S. already imprisons more people than any other industrialized nation and crime keeps getting worse. Even a retarded Neanderthal would realize that something is not working here but Republicans and the Far Right are not that far enough advanced on the evolutionary scale to see it or understand it.———-Quote

      Just to clarify: I’m OKAY with prisons. As long as they are filled with ex-gun owners who spouted “from my cold dead hands” before they were batoned, arraigned, and imprisoned for owning weapons of mass destruction (firearms). Did they find a 80% lower in your clothes drawer? 10 years prison. Did they find a firearm that was not on the universal background check list that we will soon try to pass? 10 years prison. Did they find a firearm unsafely stored in your home with teenagers in the home? 10 years prison for you. CPS to repossess your kids and send them to a reeducation camp to teach them firearms are bad, and to educate them on the cisgendered heteronormative male white patriarchy, and trans those that can be trans-ed. After all, a nation that has lots of prisons and laws is a nation that is extremely tolerant #tolerance! and does not use the majority to make lots of laws that result in lots of prison stints. #democracy!

    • Quote———-In the past under the Nixonian “war on crime” they spent billions on hiring more thug untrained cops to kill people or lock them up for decades even for minor non violent crimes rather than spend the money on social programs.———-Quote

      To clarify more here – when I say “non violent crimes” I am NOT talking about illegal gun possession, illegal gun transfers, illegal gun transportation, and illegal gun carrying. Those are super violent, indirectly, sort of, in a butterfly effect sort of way, that causes GUN VIOLENCE! A law like safe storage laws, and universal background checks. Breaking those laws are “violent” crimes. And prisons should be full of people that break them.

      Lastly, the problem here isn’t the legislature making lots of laws. It’s the cops that are enforcing those laws! They are the problem here! I mean – their job is literally to apprehend, detain, investigate, and arrest individuals who are breaking laws. But the problem isn’t the laws. It’s that these cops are “thugs” and they need to hire fewer of them, and have them stop enforcing the law, so we can get some social workers out there. When a person doesn’t undergo a universal background check. Send a social worker. When a person doesn’t store their firearms safely in their homes. Send a social worker. Psych! Send a swat team to baton them in the head and arrest them and jail them forever! Because social workers aren’t for those that propagate GUN VIOLENCE!

      F your hobby. Get in line or else. #tolerance #democracy #ban-guns

    • Quote———-And admittedly even the Democrats admitted they made a big mistake with the 3 strikes and you are out laws that were passed. People who had committed a minor non-violent crime went to prison for 20 years costing the tax payers millions of dollars.———-Quote

      Which was NOT written and supported by Joe Biden. NO! Biden had nothing to do with this!

    • Quote———-People who had committed a minor non-violent crime went to prison for 20 years costing the tax payers millions of dollars. ———-Quote

      And this is unacceptable. But most gun laws, such as violating NFA, owning a machine gun but not using it, and other gun related laws require a 10 year prison sentence, even if you hurt no one. But I’m okay with this, because these horrible people propagate GUN VIOLENCE!!!

    • Quote———-Locking the barn door after the horse escapes is not a solution to crime. Societal problems are complex and cost money to alleviate…———-Quote

      And this is how we democrats like to solve the problem. Throw money at it. Your money. The end.

    • Quote———-Societal problems are complex and cost money to alleviate and that is why the Republicans refuse to spend money as the more tax dollars they spend the less tax dollars are left for them to steal to give in corporate subsides…———-Quote

      Because taking LESS tax = subsidy. Get it? The collective is entitled to their money, and if we aren’t getting it, they are stealing from US. We are subsidizing THEM!

      • As an example. There are some years where Amazon paid zero tax! If amazon takes 100% of the profits and invests them back into the company, they have zero profits. But I’m really upset with that! Because I wanted that tax money to spend on social programs and other random stuff on my wish list. And they didn’t pay it! They stole from me! I’m subsidizing them!

        Further, Elon musk paid almost zero tax the year before last. Yet he is worth 216 billion dollars!!!! WTF!!!! WE are entitled to his money. How dare he not pay lots of tax! Now, granted, his entire wealth is in the form of stock, and he didn’t sell any stock in 2020, and his salary from the company was nill:

        As Technoking of Tesla and Chief Executive Officer at TESLA INC, Elon Musk made $0 in total compensation. Of this total $0 was received as a salary, $0 was received as a bonus, $0 was received in stock options, $0 was awarded as stock and $0 came from other types of compensation. This information is according to proxy statements filed for the 2020 fiscal year.

        But … but… money! He has money! And we need to take it! #capitalvania #envy #loserville #electpocahontastorobmusk

    • Quote———-Foreign countries have done a much better job at funding worker retraining and not only just by their governments. In Germany private industry matches and often exceeds spending money on worker retraining while in Capitalvania the worker is considered nothing more than a Medieval troglodyte worker slave to be exploited and worked to death with no benefits and with starvation minimum part time wages. Its the “Cult of Walmart” philosophy.———-Quote

      And when I say “cult of walmart” philosophy, I’m talking about advocating for $15/hr while standing there, doing nothing, and watching customers check themselves out at the self checkouts.

      Also, I love germany, but instead of moving there, I’m going to complain incessantly about the US of A, but never leave. There is just something about this place that is better, which is why I will never leave.

    • There was just so much that I left out. More clarifications!:

      Quote———-Many families now have both parents working 2 and even 3 shit part time low paying jobs with zero benefits. ———-Quote

      And this has nothing with do with are garbage public education system that is teaching them diversity, equity, and inclusion, and nothing practical they can use when they graduate. In countryside schools there used to be FFA and those classes taught kids how to weld, use a torch, butcher animals, fillet a fish, farm, and other useful tasks. There used to be woodshop class, but schools determined saws were not safe #SAFETY! and thus we had to phase those though. Nope. Kids graduate high school, knowing how to check their privilege, check their phones, send an emoji, put on a condom, and how to discuss topics of oppression. Most, do however, know how to tie their shoes, and can do really basic math. Out of school, they are perfectly prepared to flip a burger at a McDonalds for minimum wage, or stand at a self checkouts at walmart and watch customers check themselves out.

      Quote———-The stress of life causes many divorces and children grow up by themselves as “Latch Key Children” who soon realizes what kind of life is ahead for them and they then resort to taking drugs and even suicide. Suicides among Capitalvanian teenagers are now at record levels and this has never been equaled in the past.———-Quote

      So to help out, democrats have started up their “throw money at it” solution, with social programs. Do you have it rough and are impoverished and married? Get divorced! The government will pay single moms big $$$$. Get divorced, and the marry the gov! Have as many kids as you can for additional $$$. Divorced single moms can get WIC, EBT cards, SNAP, LIHEAP, TANF, section 8 housing, Obamaphones, CHIP, EMTALA, SSI, USDA national hunger hotline, free school meals! Just get divorced, get your single yearly income below the threshold, and start getting paid!

      Have a “latch key child?” Get them a university student loan! To help them pay for a bachelors in gender studies at harvard! They will be paying that loan the rest of their life like an indentured servant, but, get enough votes, and we can get some “forgiveness” going on! #democracy

    • Quote———-Where there is extreme poverty there is violence and crime and no amount of record incarcerations or mass murder by the state i.e. executions is going to lessen any of it. Desperate people do not care what the laws are as they do care to live anymore.———-Quote

      Unless!… those are gun laws. Gun laws are going to lessen that crime, and violence. Gun violence to be exact:
      and 10 years it should be! Probably more, if we could get enough “votes.”

    • Quote———-And of course to add to the total insanity Republicans who are prostitutes of the NRA and the gun industry refuse to pass laws keeping criminals and mentally ill people from buying all the second hand guns and firepower they want. Mass murders are now considered the “acceptable norm” and the Paranoid Far Right scream “Losses can never be too high” when it comes to inconveniencing me to go through a back ground check to sell or buy a gun———-Quote

      Because prisons aren’t the answer, except in this instance, where I think they are! Republicans need to pass “laws” that police and government, and courts, and prosecutors uphold, so those people get punished, in a prison, not for hurting anyone, but for selling a gun, or buying a gun, or possessing a gun, that we don’t like! You thought I was going to say “social worker” again right? No. We need a cop batoning these people and they need to be locked up, because gun violence!

    • Quote———-The proof is in the pudding as many Foreign countries are now paying their workers higher wages than Capitavlania does, as well as giving them higher benefits and they have less crime and less homicides with firearms. France now pays labor job workers triple time for work on Sundays which amounts to $33.00 an hour. Just one example proving that Capitalvaina is truly the “shit hole” of the Industrialized world to live in, in the 21st Century.———-Quote

      Uh… I’m sorry. But I made this up. I looked for a source, but couldn’t find anything. It’s probably made up, and I probably heard it from a disgruntled worker whose life didn’t turn out the way they wanted. Now, I would like to add, that probably no one is working on Sunday in France. And they certainly wouldn’t be working, at all, even if they wanted to, in France if legislation like this were passed.

    • Quote———–Record numbers of American youth are now emigrating back to their original countries of origin in both Europe and Asia because they know the U.S. has become too dangerous to live in and does not provide the cradle to gave security that many foreign nations have been providing for decades.———-Quote

      I heard this from a guy who knows a guy. I’d love to have the source, but I couldn’t find it. Conservatives would want nothing more than to know that people were “going back to where they came from.” But that isn’t happening. The truth is, everyone on earth wants to emigrate to America. That’s why we have hordes of immigrants daily. That’s why there is a visa “lottery.” And that is why it is so difficult to get a visa, and certainly to get citizenship here. The easiest way to get into America, is to disguise yourself as a refugee coming from central america. Then you are almost guaranteed entry. And you don’t need a visa or anything! But yeah! Everyone is actually leaving, they are not coming in, but leaving America, because it is so bad! Just check this chart out to see immigration declining!

  11. Still waiting for a RIA VRF 14 shotgun that I ordered on Father’s Day of last year,
    Ordered it from one of the largest gun shops in OREGONE,
    They have seen the last of my money.
    This is what happens when the dealer gets a big head & lets jerks sell weapons for him that think his old time customers are rubes.
    Since I have a little bit of class left , I won’t spit out his name yet, just a hint though, the shops name starts with a capital K,,,,

    • I thought Special K was a cereal not a gunm shop. As for me I’m sticking with Frosted Flakes, THEY’RE GRRRRREAT

  12. Every law-abiding American should buy as many firearms and as much ammunition as he or she can afford and safely store. Every law-abiding American should be able to carry any manner of firearm for self defense, in any location, without a permission slip from from the government.

    As for fewer cops on the street, it’s why I live in the boonies. As Paul said above, if every law-abiding citizen was armed, things would settle down soon enough. All of the scumbags would be pushing-up daisies.

    • “Every law-abiding American should be able to carry any manner of firearm for self defense, in any location, without a permission slip from from the government.”

      does training play a role here?

        • in practice it most certainly is. are police without training acceptable? neither are citizens without training,, acting as police, acceptable.

          (which is why the 2nd is about a well-regulated – well-practiced, well-drilled, well-trained – militia, not individuals acting merely on their own recognizance)

        • You just can’t help yourself, can you rant?. You just have this fantasy of a new Fatherland in America. Every body marching in lock step. No freedom, no individuality.

          Every right given in the constitution is an individual right. No training, no joining an approved group.

        • While training is not required, it should be sought. Use of any potentially dangerous piece of equipment does require some basic training in it’s proper use. No training is why we see so many unintended deaths in the cities while the intended target skips away to offend another day. Anyone who chooses to own carry, or even steal a gun needs to learn how to actually hit their intended target, and not the kid sleeping 3 houses over.

      • “…….does training play a role here?”

        Most certainly.
        We need to train Americans to stop purchasing so much unnecessary garbage. This way, they can buy more firearms and ammo. 👍

  13. I’m finally completely restocked on every caliber of ammo that I need, which means that I’m ready to add a few guns. I’d like a vintage Winchester Model 70 to start. I’d like to add another AR but new ones can’t be sold in MA thanks to our pronoun confused AG, and old ones can sell for $2 grand or more. Crazy, but that’s Massivetwoshits for ya.

    • I’ll think I’m completely restocked when the floor joices break and the foundation gives way.

      • “We’re gonna need a bigger boat”. Not that I buy into that nonsense; they’re no good to you in the ground or at the bottom of a lake. And hurry the hell up with that neutrino fission Maytag thingm, will ya?

    • I identify as a damaged, cracked, and re-welded upper receiver.

      My pronouns are shot/shoot/shootem.

      I’m a cisgendered heteronormative male white patriarch that weeps daily because of my privilege. Please call me a racist or a bigot. It makes me feel better.

  14. Several years ago…

    In my hometown, the Department of Corrections rolled up into our church parking lot on a Wednesday night. Three clearly marked sedans with 4 agents in each car. They confronted one of our members with questions about a person with a name we did not recognize. Our church hosts several AA and NA groups as well as divorce recovery on Wednesday nights along with our typical church activities. There was a chance that the person was present with one of those groups but not familiar to us.

    The DOC agents informed us that his ankle monitor last pinged in our parking lot. Then, they left.

    We had shelter in place while a team of men searched the entire facility. We locked the exterior doors and monitored each group as they left. Everyone left in groups.

    The city police department arrived on scene in 45 minutes as our pastor waited.

    We have armed members at all events. Our only unlocked entrance is monitored at all times.

    • Maybe the person that the DOC was investigating was one of those evil doers who insisted on going to church during lockdown.

        • An acquaintance in PA who oversees AA meetings actually had to do the meetings in his automotive restoration facility. This was due to the churches being shut down.
          Nosey state police actually rolled in after seeing the front lot full of vehicles. They attempted to break up the meeting because scamdemic. 🤪
          He informed them his facility was private property and they needed to kick rocks outta there.
          None of their damn business what was going on.

        • jwm, normally I’d agree on the iced tea thing but these American Vintage are pretty damn good. Not sweet. Very Patriotic (especially for up here in the colonies). Try em if you ever see em. They’ve got a nice 5% Green Tea as well, for the… less practiced among us.

  15. The main environmental crisis we face now is flooding due to liberal tears. Lets go brandon-harris!

  16. Advertisement didn’t sell firearms, the G’e’o’r’g’e S”o”r”o”s funded prosecuting attorneys caused the increase in first time firearms buyers.

  17. Firearms advertisement has on occasion mentioned that an advertised product is effective as a defensive weapon. Or have mentioned that a particular weapon is similar to what weapons are in the hands of military or police forces. OK. So should we also go after Dodge or Ford for mentioning their products are the same or similar to what are used by military or police? Or go after the automobile manufacturers because someone used their vehicle to commit a violent crime? Should we go after Boeing because their aircraft were used in an act of terrorism? How about going after the rental company that rented the truck used in the OKC bombing? Sorry, but no company selling a legal product has any control of how that product is used or misused after it leaves their control. Cell Phones get used to plan or discuss crimes. Should we sue the manufacturer for this? Maybe go after the social media providers for the use of their platforms over the communications between rioters or the flash mobs looting stores.
    For all their whining and complaining, the leftists and their useful idiots in the anti gun groups have done more to sell firearms than any advertising any single gun maker could ever do.

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