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POV Footage of a Handgun Hunt for Deer (You’re Welcome)

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Here’s a video of something you’ve likely always wondered about: handgun hunting for deer.

Our video contributor TexasNative00 took his .38 Special and hopped into a treestand, priming himself for jus the right the opportunity at this deer.

Would you ever try handgun hunting?

0 thoughts on “POV Footage of a Handgun Hunt for Deer (You’re Welcome)”

  1. Don’t waste your time writing these loons. Every one of them has an army of handlers that screen everything coming in. Your plea for help will fall on deaf ears. What needs to be done is to find genuine defenders of freedom and primary every one of these scumbags. We need to make 2018 the year that the air gets sucked out of the room these blowhards are in.

  2. That poor derringer!!! Good Lord he tarted that poor thing up like some common Baltimore street walking corner worker! Doesn’t he know that engraving and inlays would look much more classy on that piece? Hasn’t this fool seen the exquisite engraving done on guns throughout history or is he just trying to virtue signal by making guns into hideous examples of “art”?

    • It’s called quilt shop camoflage.

      Ever wonder why you never hear about quilt shops getting robbed? This is why. 🙂

  3. If he owned that gun, he can tart it up any way he likes. I just don’t want to look at it… or pay for it. Don’t hate artists at all… just have strict criteria for what I call “art.”

    BTW… is this guy related to Obummer’s “pajama boy?”


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