If a picture is worth a thousand words….. see attached.
DSH Firearms is opposed to the Board of County Commissioners of Leon County’s restriction of private sales, 3-5 day waiting period and any other anti-2nd amendment effort to restrict firearm ownership in Leon County. Gun Shops have an inordinate amount of paperwork, Federal and State requirements, that already exist that restrict gun ownership in this country . . .
The burden of additional background checks for guns that already belong to private citizens is not only against our beliefs, but it also places an additional amount of employee time, paperwork and liability on our employees and stores. We are unable and unwilling to cooperate in conducting these background checks.
As one of the highest volume dealers in Tallahassee, we have a large and fiercely loyal customer base, many of whom would support a recall effort for any Commissioner who voted to infringe on their 2nd Amendment rights.
Dawn Hoffman
DSH Firearms
2613 Centerville Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
[h/t Gator in Tallahassee]
Compelling note! Someone knows how to talk to people. Kudos.
I very much appreciate how “See what happened in Colorado? You could be next!” is an effective tactic for engaging the opposition these days.
It’s particularly delicious because it’s the legal political equivalent of “That’s an awful nice business you got there, be a shame if anything happened to it.”
Nevermind that this is illegal under Florida state law which pre-empts any/all local gun regulations. I really think its time the pro gun forces in FL Man up and add the “teeth” they keep threatening these anti gun localities and counties with. Should be a fine of $100,000.00/Day for any County or Town with firearms laws on the books that do not mirror state law.
Without those frequently threatened “Teeth” Florida is just 1 bad election away from having Miami become the New York of the South in regards to guns.
Actually, they are playing games with the 1998 Florida Constitutional Amendment that lets them do so on gun shows on public property. However, it has been stretched to beyond that by a couple of counties in Florida and hasn’t been challenged in court, yet. Jon Gutmacher talks about it here:
We have to pound this ordinance back even if it means recalling some commissioners. Fortunately, we do have recall in FL for municipal and chartered county officials.
Playing the “ReCall Card”?
I’ve said it before, and sadly this is just more proof: The terrorists have won. Abetted by the media and the authorities. These fools will report anything cylindrical as a gun.
And now for the next chapter in George Zimmerman, Professional Suspect.
I would have thought the guy had left FL long time ago, but apparently not.
Saint GZ: better get your ish straight.
I have read several stories (some truly horrifying) where an attacker came back to continue or kill any witnesses to the attack. These ranged anywhere from immediately following the attack to days after the attack.
In my mind, if the predator is still in your house, you are still under attack.
I grew up in Boone, thankfully I was lucky enough to grow up around many hunters and firearm owners.
Get real stoned with them and they’ll be more likely to listen to your ideas on guns and constitutional freedoms.
No joke.
Works easier up here in Washington or Colorado these days.
Why do you think both democrats and republicans alike hate marijuana legalization?
Nevertheless, if your friends went as far as to call the police on you, they’re probably not open to the suggestion of going to the range. To them, you’re the potentially crazy, kill-everyone roomate, and they’re already plotting their next steps to either get you kicked out, or move out themselves, at which point they’ll tell everyone to avoid you because you’re a crazy serial killer who just hasn’t struck yet.
On the other hand, if their reaction is more like “so that’s what those look like” or “can I see it?” then you’ve got a green light to invite to the range.
I had a friend of mine over about a year ago with his Seattle hipster girlfriend. He liked watching Sons of Guns, and although he doesn’t know shit about guns, he’s shot with me before. So I pulled out a few AKs to show him, his girlfriend walks into the room, and I just hand one to her, only saying “it’s not loaded”. She grabs a hold of it and she immediately went bug-eyed. Priceless.
If someone wants to open carry then good for them. It’s their right. Are they detrimental to “our cause”? Definitely not any more than the douche baggery on the comment section of articles appearing on this web site.
Dawn and Tom at DSH are top-notch. Other dealers in town have told the county to pound sand as well, including the owner of one using some of his advertising time to tell them as much.
However, I wish folks would get this preemption thing in FL right. Florida Statute 790.33, the preemption statute that advises local governments that firearms regulation is the state is ” . . . occupying the whole field of firearms regulation . . .” begins with the words “Except as expressly provided by the State Constitution or general law . . .” The Florida Constitution, Article VIII, Section 5, Local Option, paragraph (b) says: “Each county shall have the authority to require a criminal history records check and a 3 to 5-day waiting period, excluding weekends and legal holidays, in connection with the sale of any firearm occurring within such county. For purposes of this subsection, the term “sale” means the transfer of money or other valuable consideration for any firearm when any part of the transaction is conducted on property to which the public has the right of access. Holders of a concealed weapons permit as prescribed by general law shall not be subject to the provisions of this subsection when purchasing a firearm.”
This is what the stupid local COUNTY commissioner has proposed. It is NOT preempted by state law, but is, in fact, allowed by the state law AND the FL Constitution. Will it get anywhere? Highly doubtful but is typical of some members of the commission and is supported editorially by our local newspaper.
Ray Santos of Ray’s Gun Vault had a damn good advertisement on the radio this morning slamming the ordinance.
There are no true Appalachians at Appalachian State.
The calendar says November 20, but this reads like April 1.
The proposed amendment would be almost as effective at protecting people as a restraining order. Almost.
Good laugh, though.