Police crime scene
(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Fun fact — your attacker is more likely to be someone you know rather than a stranger. And violent abusers tend not to take breakups well. On April 2, Florida Man Kyle Nye Davis, who had a history of physically attacking women, tried to attack a woman he had severely beaten the night before.

That woman had gone to the home of an ex, Brian Kefauver, for protection. When Davis tried to get at the un-named woman again, Kefauver defended her and himself by shooting and killing Davis. After reviewing the facts, prosecutors have ruled the shooting a justified defensive gun use.

From the chronicleonline.com . . .

Brian Kefauver, 30, was justified when he shot and killed Davis after Davis broke into Kefauver’s home, threatened Kefauver’s life and struck him, according to a June 30 memorandum by Assistant State Attorney Peter Magrino.

Kefauver was able to grab his 9mm handgun during Davis’ attack, and fire three rounds, striking Davis twice, in his chest and torso, before Citrus County Sheriff’s Office deputies responding to the disturbance arrived to find Davis dead.

Safety tip: if you’re a Florida Man, don’t kick in the back door of another Florida Man.

According to Magrino’s memo, the wounded woman sought refuge at Kefauver’s home off of West Mistflower Place before Davis kicked in a backdoor and lunged at Kefauver, who has children with the woman.

Davis weighed around 200 pounds, and stood at 5 feet, 11 inches tall during the incident, while Kefauver weighed around 130 pounds, and is 5 feet, 8 inches tall.

How badly had Davis already injured the woman?

For six days, Magrino’s memo states, the injured woman was hospitalized for fractures to her ribs, nose and jawbone.

Kyle Nye Davis won’t be attacking any more women. (courtesy Hoke County Sheriff’s Office)

So to sum up, the smaller guy used a gun to defend himself and an injured woman against a much bigger guy who had just kicked in his door…an attacker who was under the influence of, well, substances

At the time of his death, according to Magrino’s memo, Davis had alcohol, cocaine and benzoylecgonine in his system. Magrino also noted Davis’ criminal history, especially his violence toward women.

We’ve said it a thousand times before, but it still bears repeating. This is exactly why people own firearms. Police can’t respond quickly enough to stop very bad things from happening when a violent, abusive thug kicks in your door.



  1. It appears Kyle didn’t absorb rejection very well. Not nearly as well as he absorbed lead and drugs.

    • Micheal “Jaba The” Moore vomits and finds this in his mouth diarrhea;

      (The (below) constitutional amendment was written by Michael Moore of Michigan and presented to the 117th United States Congress on July 11, 2022)

      SECTION 1.
      The inalienable right of a free people to be kept safe from gun violence and the fear thereof must not be infringed and shall be protected by the Congress and the States. This Amendment thus repeals and replaces the Second Amendment.

      SECTION 2.
      Congress shall create a mandatory system of firearm registration and licensing for the following limited purposes: (a) licensed hunters of game; (b) licensed ranges for the sport of target shooting; and (c) for the few who can demonstrate a special need for personal protection.

      All who seek a firearm will undergo a strict vetting process with a thorough background check, including the written and confidential approval of family members, spouses and ex-spouses and/or partners and ex-partners, co-workers and neighbors. A mental health check will also be required. There will be a waiting period of one month to complete the full background check.


  2. You want to empower women? You want to make them equal? Nationwide constitutional carry is a good first step.

    Only the enslavers preach gun control.

    • Democrats would rather her take a beating than defend herself with a gun. If she dies. She dies. Meanwhile, Democrat lawmakers will be using her tax dollars to pay for their private, armed security.

      “Everybody takes a beating sometimes, right? Sometimes you get in a scuffle, and maybe you do get hurt a little bit. That doesn’t mean you get to start plugging people with your full metal jacket AR-15 rounds.”
      -liberal prosecutor in Rittenhouse trial

      • Same can be said for Albert from the UK and his ilk. They would rather see a woman raped, beaten, and/or dead rather than allow her to defend herself.

        It’s disgusting and cowardly when you get right down to it.

        • Should we check “Albert’s” posting times against a clock set to UK time?

          At a guess, UK should be 8-9 hours ahead of US time zones. I know UK is typically 8-9 hours behind AUS eastern time (currently 1237).

        • 12 Midnight in London
          = 8 p.m. in Miami
          = 7 p.m. in Dallas
          = 6 p.m. in Denver
          = 5 p.m. in Los Angeles
          = 4 p.m. in Anchorage
          = 3 p.m. in Honolulu

        • “12 Midnight in London
          = 8 p.m. in Miami“

          Trump voters…

          That might be right if we were indeed living on a flat Earth…

          “Time in Miami vs London
          London, United Kingdom time is 5:00 hours ahead Miami, United States”


          “I love the poorly educated!”
          Donald J Trump

  3. 200lbs live weight.
    The guys got kids with the woman, more mouths to feed, groceries are high, why’d they call the cops?

  4. “Safety tip: if you’re a Florida Man, don’t kick in the back door of another Florida Man.”

    It’s dangerous to exceed peak “Hold my beer and watch this”…

  5. Most of the TTAG community have heard me mention my friend Mike. He lives in Citrus County. That’s Crystal River and Inverness. Nothing about this story surprises me. You ass around down there and someone will shoot you. Florida is not just Disney World and beaches.

  6. Actually, this incident shows the vast difference between it happening in Florida, as opposed to NYC, or IL, or Baltimore, DC, or any other blue hovel.

    More than anything else- even above permitless/Constitutional carry or complete 2A reciprocity is to force prosecutors onto the same page concerning the defence of one’s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness (property). If one has “the right” to self defense, even in a Castle Doctrine state, the intended victim can, and often will, face a review by the legal head of the locale, and, could end up with a mountain of legal bills, loss of reputation and even property in a likely civil action if prosecution was pushed.

  7. Sorry guys but ONE case does not alter anything. This ‘perp’ was known to both the shooter and the woman he had beaten up the day before. He was known to be violent and known to possibly be armed. If this had been a random attack on just the man with the gun it woyuld under the law been a very different set of circumstances.
    I’ve had a similar incidence some time ago. I was in a pub with a mate and his fiance when an ex-girlfriend walked in. This ‘ex had attacked my mate the a day before with hammer putting his right arm in a sling. The police had been called but my mate refused bring charges. We were actually discussing THIS incident when she walked into the pub sat down and siad she was soory. The quite out of the blue she picked up a glass and slashed my mate across the neck., What did I do? I knocked her clean right out that’s what I did.!! According to the priciples in the opening comment if I’d had ANY WEAPON I could have righteously bloody well killed her with all due justification {male female make NO Difference does it?] And there’s the difference I used PROPORTIONAL FORCE. I was interviewed by the POLICE and the lady involved did spend a day in HOSPITAL and she was under the influence of both alcohol and marajuana and I did get a fortuately mild warning in the form of a ‘Police Notice but no further action. Once again my mate refused to bring charges.

    • I stopped reading at “one case doesn’t prove anything”.

      The fact that you worded it that way says “one case” does in fact, prove a lot.

    • Jesus, that’s not even an exciting made up story..you should have said how you told her you were a Royal Air Force Armorer, and then gouged out her eyes with a recoil spring from a Browning Hi Power ..it’s still all B.S., but go big or go home ( across the “pond” where you allegedly live).

    • Albert…

      You obviously do not understand use of force.

      But let me get this straight….you were in a bar with your boy friend. your ex boyfriend came in…and you got into a physical altercation because you were drunk and there were some fisticuffs and you think that is the same situation as this Florida incident.

      Yep… you don’t know the first thing about use of force and/or domestic violence and it seems not even basic hand to hand self defense.

      • Plus, you beat a woman and you think thats a good thing and basically brag about it now.

        Plus your tale trying to imply some sort of “qualification” to butt in here like you know what your talking about seems ‘contrived’ and specifically tailored to this article.

        • Plus Albert. the irresponsibility you displayed in your “tale” is astounding.

        • Albert you idiot.. what you claimed to have applied is “Deadly Force” not propotional force.

          Force with blows by hand that causes one to be “knocked out” is serious harm (it causes concussion, that’s why she was knocked out). Seriois harm by such under the circumstances you described is deadly force you idiot

          In your fictional tale you applied the same type of force you accuse us of being so gratuitous with. You did just what the defender in this article did, you applied deadly force.


      • “you were in a bar with your boy friend. your ex boyfriend came in… “

        Always with the homo-erotic insults.

        A fascinating glimpse into your internal thought process.

        Have you ever considered counseling… Or gender reassignment surgery?

        • Have you considered counseling, miner? Trolling is a recognized symptom of mental illness. The only apparent reason you’re here is to fling insults.

          I’ve only ever been to one anti gun site and I did not comment.

    • Idiot hall – there are about 2 million such cases every year. Defensive gun use is defensive gun use, and this is certainly not an isolated incident. Didn’t I ask you once before to check out John Lott’s studies? I knew you wouldn’t do it. You prefer to stand in the progressive/Marxist echo chamber.

    • Boring night prince among kings Albert? Nothing on the telly? Decided to put the wind up those pesky colonials?

      Still pining for the Empire on which the sun never sets and those good old days in the public boarding school? And those navy lads promising the great traditions of rum, s0domy, and the lash?

    • Albert: The invader, Davis, was 5’11” and 200 pounds. The defender, Kefauver, is 5’8″ and 130 pounds. In the absence of firearms, who do you think would have won the fight? As I said elsewhere, this was a straightforward case of home invasion in which the lives of the residents are presumed to be at risk so that defense with deadly force is justified.

      Even if the attack had occurred in public, defense with deadly force would still have been justified due to the disparity in size and strength between the two men. This is one of the flaws in the ideal of a gun free world. Small victims are helpless against bigger assailants unless they have a gun to make the disparity in size irrelevant.

    • Micheal “Jaba The” Moore vomits and finds this in his mouth diarrhea;

      (The ((below)) constitutional amendment was written by Michael Moore of Michigan and presented to the 117th United States Congress on July 11, 2022)

      SECTION 1.
      The inalienable right of a free people to be kept safe from gun violence and the fear thereof must not be infringed and shall be protected by the Congress and the States. This Amendment thus repeals and replaces the Second Amendment.

      SECTION 2.
      Congress shall create a mandatory system of firearm registration and licensing for the following limited purposes: (a) licensed hunters of game; (b) licensed ranges for the sport of target shooting; and (c) for the few who can demonstrate a special need for personal protection.

      All who seek a firearm will undergo a strict vetting process with a thorough background check, including the written and confidential approval of family members, spouses and ex-spouses and/or partners and ex-partners, co-workers and neighbors. A mental health check will also be required. There will be a waiting period of one month to complete the full background check.

      SECTION 3.
      Those who meet all the requirements for the restricted gun owners groups and successfully pass the background check must take a firearms safety class and pass a written test on an annual basis.

      SECTION 4.
      The minimum age for the restricted groups who can own a firearm is 25 years old. Renewal and review of the firearms license will occur on an annual basis.

      SECTION 5.
      Congress will stipulate and continually update the limited list of approved firearms for civilian use, including weapons in the future that are not yet invented. The following firearms are heretofore banned:

      • All automatic and semi-automatic weapons and all devices which can enable a single-shot gun to fire automatically or semi-automatically;

      • Any weapon that can hold more than six bullets or rounds at a time or any magazine that holds more than six bullets;

      • All guns made of plastic or any homemade equipment and machinery or a 3D printer that can make a gun or weapon that can take a human life.

      SECTION 6.
      Congress shall regulate all ammunition, capacity of ammunition, the storage of guns, gun locks, gun sights, body armor and the sale and distribution of such items. No weapons of any kind whose sole intention is the premeditated elimination of human life are considered legal. Congress may create future restrictions as this amendment specifically does not grant any American the “right” to own any weapon.

      SECTION 7.
      Police who are trained and vetted to use firearms shall be subject to comprehensive and continuous monitoring and shall be dismissed if found to exhibit any racist or violent behavior.

      SECTION 8.
      Persons already owning any of the above banned firearms, and who do not fall into the legal groups of restricted firearms owners, will have one month from the ratification of this Amendment to turn in their firearms for destruction by local law enforcement. These local authorities may organize a gun buy-back program to assist in this effort.

      • Isn’t it interesting that the current second amendment prohibits the Michael Moore amendment.

        Apparently Michael Moore has as much issue with not understanding the constitution as democrats do.

      • SECTION 9. The sole punishment for any offense against which deadly force is a legal defense shall be imprisonment of the offender for the remainder of his life. He will not be eligible for parole, sentence commutation or pardon. If an offender is not prosecuted, any of his victims may require the prosecutor to show that the preponderance of the evidence cannot support a conviction.

        That should give the thugs pause for thought although it won’t stop the crazies and the fanatics.

    • Albert


      Albert, you obviously do not understand use of force in self defense.

      basically, proportional force is that force less than deadly force which is used to repel or stop an instance of less than deadly force.

      You claim in your fairy tale that this imaginary woman slashed you boyfriends neck with a glass (if it was broken, you don’t say) – that is an application of deadly force by this woman. You further claim in your fairy tale that you hit this imaginary woman knocking her out.

      Deadly Force is an amount of force that is likely to cause either serious bodily injury or death to another person.

      A blow with the hand (fist, open handed, etc…) or object, that is ‘knocking a person out’ causes at a minimum mild (can be severe) traumatic brain injury (AKA a concussion) which is serious bodily injury.

      Albert, you applied deadly force and not proportional force. In other words you applied deadly force the same as the defender in this article did except you did it with your hand.

      Albert…. your fairy tale is nothing like the Florida incident at all. If we look at your fairy tale and how you relate it there are some things that stand out which indicate a different event than what you related in your fairy tale and that event is: You were drunk/intoxicated, and beat up a woman who according to your fairy tale you placed in the hospital after you doing this.

      Its really odd that you and your boyfriend just happen to have been discussing this very Florida incident article when suddenly a female appears and slashes your boyfriends neck and you are the defender. I find the reversal of roles here interesting and telling – in the Florida incident the bad guy is a male but in your story the bad guy is female. How odd that you and your boyfriend just happen to have been discussing this very Florida incident article when an attacker appears (your woman) to victimize a victim (your boy friend) and you act as defender (the defender in the Florida incident article).

      Its almost like your story is from the same basic script played out in the Florida incident story except the woman in your story is not a victim but rather the attacker. How odd that all this in your story coincidentally happened right when you and your boy friend were discussing the same basic scenario incident in the article.

      …. and its really odd that your boy friend with the slashed neck didn’t seem to need to go to the hospital but this woman upon which you inflicted deadly force did need to go to the hospital. This woman is the only one in your fairy tale upon which you concentrate for the effects of force despite your boy friend suffering a very serious injury (slashed neck in your story). Your boy friend in your fairly tale seems to be a minor to insignificant pivot point and seems to be used as a ‘prop’ for you to get from incident beginning to result end so its pretty darn unlikely there was a ‘neck slashing’ with a glass (not to forget there was no indication the glass was broken so as to be used as something to slash a neck) but the woman is a central character for your result end and for your story and your story is all about what happened to her rather than what happened to your boy friend and you gloat about it almost being obviously proud with your bragging tone that you hit this woman. This fairy tale of yours never happened like you laid it out, you contrived it.

      So here’s what you really related in your fairy tale if any of this did happen: You were drunk/intoxicated and beat up a woman using deadly force.

      How long have you hated women Albert?

      • and also Albert, how odd that you seem to relish the blow of your hand knocking this woman out. Why do that when your boy friend has a slashed neck that you seem to ignore for the rest of your story? Then instead of the proportional force of pulling the woman away you apply deadly force by striking her hard enough to knock her out with a single blow, sort of like a hollywood movie hero defender rushing in to vanquish the bad guy female from her savage attack upon your victim boyfriend.

        Albert, how long have you harbored this desire to hurt women?

        • Clarification for my…

          “Then instead of the proportional force of pulling the woman away…:”

          Albert, because you indicated it was one instance and you acted after the fact … force applied after the fact is generally illegal unless its less than actual deadly force apllication (yes even in the UK) to prevent a further instance of likely occurrence .

          The deadly force you applied after the fact was not warranted but proportional force was warranted to prevent further injury if it was likely that may be comitted by this imaginary woman and if it did in they instance you can apply deadly force.if its reasonably believed it will happen if not stopped with deadly force.

          This is what a law abiding DGU person faces every time they pull the trigger in a self defense DGU, for each and every shot, if its reasonable belief that the imminent instance of the threat of serious bodily harm or death will happen to cause that if its not stopped by deadly force. Its not just start shooting at any time ya feel like it because someone was mean or you thought it might happen like you portray it.

          Although your story is contrived/ fabricated anyway.

      • “Its really odd that you and your boyfriend just happen to have been discussing this very Florida incident article when suddenly a female appears“

        I think you misread his post, he was saying they were discussing the incident of domestic violence that put his friends arm in a sling, not this particular incident in Florida.

        • I didn’t misread.

          His whole thing is trying to liken his made up tale to the Florida incident in the article.

    • “mate” = faux brit speak. lil D is STILL a moron. How many internet “personalities” does it have? Can pharma fix him?

      “Kefauver weighed around 130 pounds, and is 5 feet, 8 inches tall.” – my picture of lil D (and living in mommies basement).

      • I have little doubt that lil’ d has very likely been ‘brought to us by phizer’ already.

        • Wow. Hey ttag, did you really just send me off to speech moderation camp for the word “fizer”? Did the wef provide you with their custom tailored algorithm? Pretty damn pathetic guys. Imagine how many commenters and thus clicks you’ve lost to this absurdly progressive lib nonsense. Any rebuttal or explanation or screw it?

    • Prince Albert, you are right. Here’s two more cases that happed in my county in the last few days. Home invasions. First, was a middle aged gentleman that had been fishing that morning. One bad guy dead, one severely wounded, two more in custody. All, except the dead guy, are facing 2nd degree murder. Among other things. Same day. Another home invasion. Victim is a retired firefighter. Not exactly a bad guy. The other guy was. Good guy took one round to the shoulder. Bad guy took four rounds for his trouble. Prince Albert, you tend to think of thngs over there, we’ll take care of those over here. Besides, you guys better be careful. With Biden at the desk, the next time you dial 911, no one may answer the phone.

      • Prince Albert, before you say it. The bad guys would have been armed anyway. That’s why We call them bad guys.

    • The absolute bare minimum estimate for the number of defensive gun uses annually is 70,000 – that’s nearly twice the number of deaths using guns including all the ones that a reasonable person wouldn’t count (in order of prevalence: suicides, gang killings, accidents) and an order of magnitude greater than the homicides that do count; three orders of magnitude higher than twice the average number of Americans killed in de facto REAL “mass shootings” (the double digit casualties kind which the media bothers to focus on at all).

      But sure, stick with “one doesn’t change anything”.

  8. Albert beats women. Film at 11.

    Talk about something that has nothing to do with anything.

    • Not true. The last time Albert tried to beat a women, she hospitalized him for three months. Just a tiny little lady, too, only weighs 92 pounds!

      • And he was embarrassed when the hospital asked about the red paddle Mark’s on his behind.

    • Albert’s quite the violent guy. He kicked one guy in the throat through the window of his car while sitting in it and now he tells us he knocked out woman for glassing his “mate”.
      Well I’ve been in a few bar fights myself, and never have I been able to cut somebody without first breaking the glass. I guess he left that part out, how she picked up the beer mug?, busted it then cut his pu$$y friend because his mate was to slow, or to drunk to do anything about it.
      Albert your story’s should come with a pair of rubber boots and a scoop shovel.

      • “Albert’s quite the violent guy. He kicked one guy in the throat through the window of his car while sitting in it……”

        AH: Hi everybody, I’m from the UK! Isn’t that weird?!



  9. .22lr
    .357mag,.41mag,.44mag even faster.

    • The infamous .9mm is mentioned yet again…I’ve been looking for one for decades and no luck. When I find one it is bound to be the smallest, lightest carry piece ever! Hopefully Federal is making HST’s for this cartridge by that time.

  10. Prince Albert, you defended yourself. Or your mate. I guess having a woman beat the shit out of a friend two days in a row might be a bit much for even an Englishman to stomach. Still, I don’t understand why you had to resort to violence. Couldn’t you have just talked her out of committing violence? Did you have physically strike her? You said you knocked her out. You could have caused her a concussion. That can cause serious long term health consequences. Was that level of violence necessary? Alcohol and marijuana! Wow! Aren’t both of those substances legal over there? Colonials shot the living shit out of you guys. Twice. We only wanted to be left alone. We still do. Go bother another of your former colonies. I’d suggest one that didn’t shoot the shit out of you.

  11. One thing’s certain- here- in any state, had a chick sliced open someone’s neck in a public place in an unprovoked manner, or even after some harassment, the chick would’ve been hauled in whether “your friend” pressed charges or not. Seriously, you must have a pretty low opinion of American intelligence if you think we should believe this story.

    As to your charge that one of us would’ve shot your gal after the fact UNLESS SHE WAS NOW THREATENING THEM AS WELL, you’re even further out into the Daisy field. It’s fine for you to disagree with our system but don’t come around here bragging when London, led by its Islamist mayor, has a horrible violent crime problem that is only “addressed” by further hampering and hamstringing the good people who will abide by whatever laws your tyrants think are best for them.

  12. Obviously “fake news.” We all know that abusers will just take the gun away from the abused and use it on them. So, you know, victims are safer if they don’t have the ability to defend themselves in the first place, and stuff.

    /if I need a sarc tag here, you’re probably at the wrong site…

  13. In Illinois, if someone breaks into your house violently, you do not have to show fear for your life. I assume Florida is similar. For sure, there was no where else for the people in the house to retreat to.

  14. Legally, this was defense against a home invader. Davis checked all the boxes to justify his getting shot. Romantic involvement between him and the woman he beat is irrelevant.

  15. White trash shenanigans

    Bubba was beatin Britney on a bender so she dun ran to Cletus’ house

  16. Florida broad – choses as her champion the “ex”. A guy who weighed a 130 pounds, and is 5 feet, 8 inches tall to defend her “honor” against 200 pounds, and stood at 5 feet, 11 inches tall?

    I suspect the bimbo set them both up.

  17. ‘God didn’t create all men equal, Sam Colt did’. An ‘Old West’ adage about the inventor of his namesake handguns used during the late 19th century by many lawmen, soldiers, cowboys, outlaws and settlers.

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