While Jeremy S. will have his full review of the FN 509 Tactical up in the next few days, here are some more details and photos to keep you all happy courtesy of Ammoland. If you would like to see the full set of photos, please read my post there.
The FN 509 Tactical brings several new features to the market, the most interesting being the new mounting system.
New 24-round mags are also a part of the FN 509 Tactical package. You can see that they are all-steel construction with a standard FN 509 baseplate and a sleeve to prevent over-insertion of the mag.
When you lay the new 509 Tactical next to the older original 509 (The stipple work was done by TXT Custom Gun Works) you start to pick up on other small changes like a new slide lock lever and a larger magazine release. That Apex Tactical trigger isn’t stock on the original 509.
So what is a boy to do with a bad-ass gun that happens to have a threaded muzzle, a next-level red dot mount, and a rail for a light? Add an RMR RM02, throw a Surefire X300U-A on there and dig around for my TBRCi Micro Comp to get an FN 509 Roland-style pistol.
How does the 509 Tactical shoot? Pretty dang well if you ask me. Both 7 and 15-yard groups were shot freehand and standing. The 7-yard group was shot with Federal Syntech 124-grain 9mm and the 15- yard group was shot with S&B 115-grain range trash ammo.
Again, this post should give you just enough information to tide you over to Jeremy’s undoubtedly exhaustive review that is sure to publish shortly.
MSRP if you care about that sort of thing is $1049 and the pistol’s availability date has not been announced at the time this was written.
wish my steyr had that mag release button.
I have a 509 and I have (no lying) over 10,000 rounds through it and I just don’t like it. It is very well made and I’ve had no real problems with it. However, my groupings at 10 plus yards are inconsistent at best. With a Smith or a Glock-no problem. This thing, I just can’t keep them together. Anything closer than 10 yards and it’s as accurate as the rest of them. I’m glad to see the groupings here are similar to mine. I guess it’s a duty pistol and not a target pistol so I shouldn’t be to hard on it.
I don’t like the trigger. Glock trigger beats it in my opinion.
You’re right. There’s something about the trigger that just doesn’t feel right in my opinion. I know Robert and Hickock45 rave about the thing. I wanted to give it a chance but I just don’t like it. I’m not consistent with it and that bugs the crap out of me.
They are duty pistols. I do know that they will shoot well if you the shooter is of the right skill level. That gun met all the same accuracy requirements as the Glock 19X.
FN makes good stuff. Too bad their customer service is THE WORST. Negative 5 stars out of 5 stars. Right up there with Comcast.
was gonna say this. they change the name of their flagship line of pistols every 5 years and then they pretend like they never had anything to do with the FNS. Sorry FN, not gonna happen. Especially with 3 really good striker-fire clones already competing(SW, GLOCK, SIG) and with more options than FN’s giant duty pistols.
Here is my story about their shitty CS. I bought a SLP Mk I Tactical shotgun from my dealer on June 8. When I got home I realized that several things were missing from the box: choke wrench, different choke tubes, small and large butt stock pads, small and large cheek risers. All I had was the gun and manual. Wish I would have realized this at the point of sale. Anyway, I figured no big deal, I can just call my dealer and they can have FN send one a replacement kit super fast. Well, not so fast. Turns out FN is staffed by a bunch of fucking retards that don’t have a clue what customer service is all about. As of right now, I still don’t have the replacement kit! It has been 6 weeks!!! This should have taken 2 days tops. FN should have next day aired the replacement kit directly to my house. Instead they keep saying they are going to send my dealer a replacement kit. We are still waiting. I’m simply disgusted with this company and I own several of their products (SCAR 16, SCAR 17, FNS, 509). This has left a bitter taste in my mouth. I simply can’t believe how bad their CS is. Fuck them.
wow. i have been researching the slp for a first autoloader. i didnt know the customer service run-around shenanigans affected everything. forget them and thanks for the story and warning.
…that is unless that shotgun is so badass you still would recommend it >:)
I’m actually so disgusted I’m going to try and return it. I doubt my dealer will let me though. I haven’t shot it yet obviously because the cheek riser is the wrong height and I don’t have the choke wrench to make sure the correct choke is installed. I’m done with FN forever. Fuck those asshats.
I’ve handled but not shot an FN 509. I admit I am fairly intrigued by this gun, probably the FN name more so. But, when push came to shove for my last gun purchase, I’ve been so happy with my Springfield XD mod 2 service 9mm that I bought the 5″ bi tone version as well. Now, I can’t foresee adding a service size 9mm pistol to my collection anytime soon as I already have several, including my Kimber Pro Carry II 1911.
I’m glad my old guns are not “tactical”. Cause that would mean they are more dangerous but better of course, then I would have to shoot better, but I would be cooler, I get confused
The rear sight guards on the RDS cover plate look goofy. They should have kept to the styling given to the FNS/FNX Tactical. If the rear sight needs to be protected why not just build that into the slide?
Just run it with a dot and it isn’t an issue.
I’ve wanted an FNX-9 Tactical since the FNX-45 Tactical came out. Hopefully they’ll do an FNX version of this and I’ll be all over it. I hate striker fired pistols.
Despite the fact that FNH is one of the top firearms manufactures in the world I have never found their offerings appealing. Except for the BHP, FNH has never been on my purchase list.