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TTAG Central Command received a question yesterday about our content contest. Reader J. Howard asked if a video submission would qualify as a valid entry to win the coveted FNS-40 Long Slide that’s up for grabs. Although I initially answered in the affirmative, after consultation with the Dear Leader, we came to the conclusion that videos are really a whole ‘nother beast unto themselves. So thanks to the unending generosity of the people at FNH USA, we’re branching off into a second contest. That’s right, in addition to the current written word competition, we’re starting a second category just for moving pictures. Talkies even! And since video production takes a little longer than banging out a post, you’ll have until midnight, Sunday, December 8 to get your entry in. Just email a link to us at [email protected] and be sure to put VIDEO CONTEST SUBMISSION in the subject line. We’ll post the best candidates here and the academy will announce the winner on December 9th.

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