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The suspense is finally over. The time has come to announce the second (and final) winner in our TTAG FNS-9 giveaway. If you’ve been following along, you know that we’ve had a lot of great entries – more than we could have hoped for – but we only have one more gun to award. So without further ado, the second winner is…

Ryan, for his post Iraq – A Laboratory of Gun Control. In it, he draws vivid parallels between his first-hand experiences in Baghdad when those in charge imposed draconian gun control on the citizenry and the likely similar results here should those in the gun-grabbing community get their way. As he concluded,

There are bad people that wish to do harm to others in every culture and country in the world. The strong and the many will always try to prey on the weak and defenseless. Gun control doesn’t work; I’ve seen it play out in front of my eyes to horrific consequences in Baghdad. We need to remain vigilant and politically active so that it never plays out in front of our eyes here in the United States.

Do yourself a favor and read the whole thing.

Thanks for your service Ryan, and thanks for sharing your experience with us.  Congratulations and we hope you enjoy your new FNS-9!

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  1. Congrats Ryan! Great job.

    Quick question: will the remaining entries continue to be published?

    • Yeah, good question. And can we get them all a TTAG T-shirt or something? I hate the thought of the non-winners not getting anything for their great submissions. I enjoyed them all thoroughly, and feel like they all really added to the value of reading TTAG.

  2. Great pic! I am also a favor of the many entrants who got posted receiving some schwag. Maybe TTAG coffee mugs?

  3. I really enjoyed reading everyone’s articles. Kudos to everyone taking the time to stand up and speak out.

  4. Congrats, and good job, Ryan! That was a great read! Enjoy your prize, you deserve it.

  5. Congrats to both winners, and thanks again to everyone who contributed. Every one of the contest entries that were published for the rest of us to enjoy was good reading.

  6. Damn you, Ryan! Damn you and your…insight and experience and…writing. And congratulations. 🙂 I really wanted that gun, but you definitely deserve the win. That was a great article.

    It was a lot of fun reading the submissions. (And a lot of fun seeing mine get published.) TTAG needs to do something like this again. As far as I can tell, it’s a win for everybody.

    • +1
      It was great to see all the submissions published from different perspectives, and just the opportunity for mine to reach that many people is still a win for me.

      My submission for “Guns in Anime” is now re-published at, and thanks to TTAG’s spotlight on my contest entry, I will be a regular writer for the imfdb blog.

      More importantly, Ryan definitely deserves to be the second winner! Looking forward to see Ryan do a write-up review of his FNS like Jessi will for hers I hope.

  7. Good choice, his article was one of my favorites.

    Great contest, too. Perhaps we could do it again sometime?

  8. Awesome! Congrats to every one of the finalists and the two winners. I know the sponsors would dictate the frequency of this contest but with the diverse content submitted from it, we should have a similar write in at least once a year.

  9. Thanks fellas. The irony of being issued a weapon for writing a story about participating in the forced disarmament of an entire country is not lost on me…

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