Dan Zimmerman demonstrates the suspect's technique

There’s not much to this story, but it’s so absurd that it needs to be on the record.Β Wednesday night in Rockford, Illinois, a man ordered a pizza from an unnamed restaurant. The non-customer then intercepted the delivery man in the parking lot, attempting to rob him…while pointing a loaded rifle magazine at him.

Needless to say, this tactic was ineffective. The two men struggled briefly before the magazine-wielder ran off. The delivery man called police to file a report and did not suffer any injuries from the incident.

The suspect is described as a 155-pound 5’8″ black man in his 20s or 30s, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and black pants.

Is this the dumbest robbery attempt you’ve ever heard? A candidate for second place might be the guy who got chased out of one house with a gun immediately before being shot in a different house. Or maybe the guy who got shot after breaking into a home with a ‘Smith & Wesson Spoken Here’ sign on the door.

Regardless, we’re glad the pizza guy knew the difference between a firearm and a magazine (which is more than can be said for some politicians).


    • That would have to be some strong marijuana. Maybe this guy was just hoping the victim believed the MSM lies about “high capacity clips” being extra deadly.

      • Honestly the picture of the young wannabe gangster holding an extended mag to the grip of a j frame revolver comes to mind.

      • The problem with Libertarians is they don’t want to hold people accountable for their misdeeds when those individuals are intoxicated. Because Libertarians are non-judgemental.

        Libertarians are incapable of holding someone accountable for a crime when the criminal was intoxicated. To them that is “special circumstances”.

        It’s one thing to want to legalize drugs. It’s quite another to refuse to hold people accountable when they commit crimes while they were intoxicated.

        • If true, that would make for some interesting laws. I assume if someone injured me or mine while drunk, they could not be prosecuted. But I could get drunk and then go murder the entire family, and their dog, and I could not be prosecuted either. We could probably save a lot of money on LE. OH! Just struck me, if the person who harmed me or mine was *not* drunk, makes no difference, I can get drunk and go kill him anyway. I’m not thinking this is an accurate representation of Libertarian beliefs.

  1. It was originally supposed to be a five-man robbery team, but the guy with the upper got into an argument with the guy with the lower, the guy with the barrel missed the call because his phone was out of minutes, and the guy with the gas tube system and the bayonet lug had to attend a Bris.

    True story.

        • Duh, they got the lower receiver at a gun show using the gun show loophole. Geeze, is everyone here that out of the loop?

        • Dear Tom Tigercat,

          The “/s” at the end of Blahpony’s comment indicates his comment was sarcasm. Quite possibly because of the widespread (false) idea among the gun grabbers that guns bought online do not have to be accompanied with the normal background checks.

          Big Bill

  2. Civilians need to realize, as our government has, that even a gun part or accessory is a dangerous, potentially illegal weapon itself. The pizza man made the wrong choice, he needs to put his hands up and comply, do not resist violence, save that for the police. Back to re-education camp with him!

    Imagine if the robber had used an unregistered machine gun, eg bump stock by itself, or had an actual firearm (AR lower or unmounted silencer). Glad criminals understand they can now use partial weapons, no need to waste time and money, they can still get the same charges!

  3. Well the gun grabbers and the media keep saying how dangerous those high capacity magazines are.

    Just shows we need some common sense gun education for our politicians and journalists.

    I do find this difficult to believe though.

  4. Gee my errant 41 year old son delivers pizza for a “living”. I’ll warn him!πŸ˜„πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‹πŸ˜

    • Rockford is basically a scaled-down version of Chicago. Just as bad, but not as big.

      The main difference between Rockford and Chicago is you can drive around (not through) Rockford without getting stuck in traffic.

  5. I can only imagine my reaction being held at “magazine point”. I’d turn around laughing looking for the hidden camera. My question is if he did that to a ccw holder and was shot would it be justified? I’m thinking no, but i’ve been wrong before.

  6. That’s one of the reason why we need to ban high capacity magazines. It would be harder to hold and display a 10rds magazine. More gun control POTUS, please keep it up!

  7. …and they wonder why so many are in prison… Well because maybe they are stupid. Want a better life?, stay in school, don’t hang in gangs, don’t do stupid shit. If you think you are going to get rich robbing pizza delivery people, you really are stupid. Prison is not cool.

    • And you’re not going to look cool with this story hanging over you. The cons will be laughing for days.

  8. When glutens are outlawed…only outlaws will have glutens…nope, not quite…not even close…what is a gluten, anyway? -30-

    • Or a 3D printed one, and we all know how loooong 3D printing takes. So poor sucker gets hungry while waiting and tries to get a pizza with the only complete gun part he has.

    • Or he offered to give him strippers in exchange for the pizza. He didn’t say he meant stripper clips of course.

  9. I have a sister-in-law who gets scared every time she sees a live round in my house/truck/campsite/wherever. I’ve explained to her a dozen times that a round without a gun is almost as harmful as a new-born kitten but she seems impervious to reason.

    • I know a few of them too, I’ve told them to think of it like a battery. Won’t work till it’s in something, but to each his own i guess. Some just refuse to reason, and it’s ok. I don’t understand skinny jeans, and never going to.

  10. He forgot to say !!Bang bang!!!……. Besides Daily Digest how about some more of those caption this photo, sans prizes

  11. Alright guys, maybe we’re all wrong. Maybe the guy forgot his wallet, and figured a pmag loaded with .556 is worth around 20 bucks. Could happen, just read 2 days ago a 23 year old in Florida tried to use a bag of weed to pay at a McDonalds drive thru. So a pmag payment kinda makes sense now.

  12. Now we know why 30 round magazine are so dangerous and should be banned!!1 A person doesn’t even need a Firearm

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