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Dallas News |

We got this from reader Rydak:

Sad story.. but just another example of why you can’t rely on police. And I say this as a 23 year veteran police officer…as much as I love my profession and the pleasure that comes with helping people, this is just one of many examples of why people need to not have a fales sense of security by depending on police.

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  1. It sounds like a systemic procedural problem. As such, they clearly need to change how they do things (and are already taking steps in that direction), but I don’t think it’s the kind of situation where they will be able to point to and fire just one or two people. Unless, of course, they find someone that was napping or something, but I don’t think that’s the case.

  2. It’s sad, and unfortunate that it happened. But the truth of the matter is.. no matter what business your in, whether your building automobiles by the thousands, or your processing bank deposits, or your responding to incoming calls for emergencies…. eventually some mistakes are going to happen.

    Which is why, as the title of post suggests, you can’t rely on some other source as your only means of personal protection.

  3. I’ve been saying it for years, the sooner you realize you are on your own the better off you will be.

  4. you’re not on your own. dial 911 agter you have armed yourself. if the police show up before you have to use your weapon, score. if not you can show in court you took steps to avoid having to use deadly force. your personal safety is your responsibility, but we have to work within the system that society has set up or we face harsh concequences.

    • Ultimately though, there’s only one person you can always rely on to be on the scene: you. That means you’re the only person you can rely on 100% to save you. For all the reasons you list, it’s better to call 911, but one shouldn’t rely on them to be there in time.

      This applies at the personal, family level as well. A lot of guys have the “protector” self-image, and envision themselves protecting their wives and families. There’s nothing wrong with that, per se, but ultimately, the best protection you could ever provide is to get them to learn to protect themselves. What good is your gun and your skills if you’re out of town, or at work, or at the grocery store when something happens? Or what if the worst happens and you take a shot in the first moments? Is your family just doomed then? Or will someone be able to pick up the fight?

  5. I have to say, this Chief seems to be a real stand up guy. He didn’t give any excuses and acknowledged there is a major problem, not that even if police had responded as would be expected they would have been able to prevent the crime. I hope he stands by his words and makes the necessary changes. It’s certainly a tragedy, and goes to show that we can’t and shouldn’t leave it to the police to protect us.

  6. My condolences to her family and friends.

    Sad as it is to say it, but all of us must live like 911 doesn’t exist. Phone lines can be cut, cell phones can drop calls, and squad cars can be tied up on a pre-existing call. Good luck getting a speedy police response when there’s a violent robbery on the other side of town.

    This is assuming the 911 and police comm systems are in top order. In a lot of cities and states they aren’t. Your local community will not publish a notice on the front page of the paper saying “BUDGET CUT SHUTS DOWN 911 CENTER”. Chicago recently laid off half their 911 response staff, and the CPD is severely understaffed. For a lot of us, dialing 911 very well could lead to a busy signal or an apologetic operator saying they’re really, really sorry, but they have to switch to a different comm board and that it will take 5 minutes to tell dispatch to get an officer to you.

    Not that I dislike Law Enforcement, but a 911 call to me is a paperwork formality necessary for establishing official record of a justifyable homicide. Its no different than calling the cops after an accident.Its just tragic so many people think dialing 911 is going to save them, when in fact they’ll be greeted with “Please hold, your call is important to us” at the worst possible time.

    • I’m an LEO, and I’ve called 911 and got a busy signal. Then I tried the direct line, and got cut off. It took 2-3 minutes to report that particular car fire blocking lanes on the freeway. Good thing it wasn’t a matter of life and death…

  7. Ugh, my folks in southeast Dallas and it’s a poor craphole area in the middle of the ‘Hood. Their neighborhood is nice with nice families all around for neighbors but the surrounding areas around their cul-de-sac are unsavory, at best. I can’t get my mother to go along with having a firearm for protection. She’s staunchly anti-gun, which is exasperating to me.

    • Don’t know if it would help, but you might buy your mother a book titled “Dial 911 and Die”. Very convincing set of examples on the value of being able to protect yourself.

    • Don’t know if it would help, but you might buy your mother a book titled “Dial 911 and Die”. Very convincing set of examples on the value of being able to protect yourself.

      (Apologies if this is posted twice – had a glitch in the comp.)

  8. Thoughtful comments from both the video and the posts here. It’s refreshing, thanks to the TTAG community.

    Around where I live, some of the media coverage I’ve seen with similar subjects (police, mistakes, accountability) end up being a messy, counterproductive, vitriolic, string of finger pointing and political grandstanding.

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