(nothing to do with Mr. Bloom) reports that police have arrested two women after one of them ran through a Wendy’s threatening employees with a stun gun. A pink stun gun. That looks like a big ass Chicklet. Apparently, Holly Hills Wendy’s employee sparked the incident when she forgot to include mayonnaise and mustard packets with the accused’s drive-through order. Which led to an initial bitch slapping through the window. “Employees say Melanese Reid and Katrina Bryant used profane and discriminatory language . . . Police say Reid chased one drive through employee through the kitchen area of the restaurant, armed with a [Cheetah] stun gun that was turned on and making ‘electronic noises,’ according to the police report . . .

Reid told police she was in fear for her life during her argument with the Wendy’s worker. Reid faces a charge of degree to aggravated assault with a deadly [?] weapon. Katrina is accused of principal in the first-degree to aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Never mind the salt. Who the hell needs EXTRA mayo on a Wendy’s burger? And someone ought to be thankful the mayo mad Wendy’s woman was using the 2.5 million volt Cheetah. The company makes a 3.2 million volt version called “Shock and Awe.”