Joe Biden Kamala Harris
(Kevin Lamarque/Pool via AP)

As we have said before, President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris represent a clear and present danger to liberty, freedom, the Constitution, and the values that have made America the greatest country in the world. Given the results of the Georgia runoff election, anti-rights politicians and bureaucrats are set to control the Congress, the White House, and the administrative state, including the rogue Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

Biden and Harris have made it clear that their dangerous agenda includes incredibly expansive and unconstitutional gun control policies, and that they expect Congress to pass many new laws restricting rights, conduct, and property. Indeed, since the 117th Congress was sworn in, many statist, anti-American gun control bills have already been introduced.

In the coming months and years, the attacks on our fundamental rights and liberty will likely be unprecedented, relentless, and lawless. From expanding categories of prohibited persons and “red flag” laws to “universal background checks,” bans on free speech and ‘3D’ printing technology, encryption bans, deplatforming, “Operation Choke Point” and banking restrictions, new prohibitions and restrictions on firearms, magazines, ammunition, and other constitutionally protected arms, expansion of the irrational National Firearms Act, laws to incarcerate thousands more people every year, and, sadly, much, much more. It is not hyperbole to say that the Biden-Harris era may be the most challenging of our lifetimes.

Firearms Policy Coalition


  1. The word on the street is…Jim Crow Gun Control joe biden and his sicko ilk had better realize this is no time to be screwing with 75,000,000 very pissed off disenfranchised voters.

    • Y’all voted, and y’all lost.

      You had your day in court, five dozen different lawsuits, and you lost every one.

      “State Supreme Courts in Arizona, Nevada and Arizona each rejected or declined to hear Trump’s appeals to overturn results in those states, while the Pennsylvania and Michigan supreme courts denied multiple lawsuits.

      The 60th and 61st losses came in recent days.

      Last Friday, a Trump-appointed federal judge in Texas dismissed a lawsuit from Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, that argued Vice President Mike Pence has the conditional power to decide which states’ Electoral College votes to count.

      On Monday, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by voters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Arizona that argued state legislatures should have met after the election to certify votes.“

      And then you tried a violent Insurrection by attacking the United States capital while Congress was convened in a joint session deliberating on the electoral college vote certifications.

      Not only are you losers, you are fascist traitors who have attempted to overthrow the lawful government of the United States of America.

        • You tried an Insurrection to disrupt the congressional certification of the electoral college votes and you failed.

          And now good Americans are outraged, you were parading in the halls of the United States Capitol waving the flag of the racist confederacy, traitors trying to destroy the United States of America in order to perpetuate the terror of slavery.

          You tore down the flag of the United States of America from the capital, and replaced it with the Trump banner, in an unconstitutional attempt to illegally perpetuate the dictatorship of Donald Trump.

          You, like trump, are men without a country.

        • Don’t feed the troll. It’s time to stop engaging him. It’s how we got rid of trolls here before. Just remove the narcisstic supply he needs.

        • Right, you have no valid response to the points I make because you are fascist thugs, intent on the destruction of freedom in America in order to install your emperor, Don the con.

        • I love how Trump fomented the insurrection on Wednesday and then turned his back on the ‘Revolutionaries’ yesterday. At this point if you think Trump has anything for then you’re a self loathing dipshit.

        • “You tried an Insurrection to disrupt the congressional certification of the electoral college votes and you failed.”\

          Hey, Minor, that little protest at the Capital was NFBD when compared to the events in places like, oh, let’s see now- Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Kenosha, DC itself, Dallas… I can fill the page with the cities run by leftists that were zllowed to be taken over by BLM, Antifa and other anarchists in an attempt to tear down the greatest nation ever founded and replace it with Venezuela, Cuba, N Korea, New York, New Jersey and the like.

          But even leaving all those democrat-sponsored riots, with their tremendous loss of property, life, and a total disregrd for a sense of civilization and lawful society in a republic:, let’s remember the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, where protesters more vile than any who entered the building and grounds this week on their own were given free passes to the place by the likes of democrat senators and congress members to willingly disrupt the hearings, intimidate the entire congress and the nation that was watching, and attempt mob rule. Their actions went beyond the gallery area, they ran the halls of Congress and even tried to trap Senators in elevators and took over offices.

          For anyone who thinks this week’s little mixup, which may have been caused by some very emotional and frustrated MAGA folks, is the worst thing ever to happen in the US is far beyond the delusional state and needs to re-live the past 3 1/2 years. Of course you may have missed some of it since the Left-only compliant media didn’t report on it too much.

          One of the things DJT did during his term was to try to bring together non-traditional factions. He was a champion for prison reform, for example. He left the always failed course in middle east negotiations and by skirting the Palestinians, created new peace treaties between countries that were never thought possible.

          Additionally, the voting records we may be able to trust from the 2020 steal prove Trump received far more support from minority voters than any other Republican
          and regardless of what some trolls here, and even those who are sincere in their hatred of DJT must accept is that he is not going away and will change the Republican Party,regardless of the attempts of Romney, J Bush, George Will, Bill Crystal, and other progressive phonies.

          DJT’s attempt to veer from the traditional notions of either “side” should be experimanted with by some of us who consider ourselves to be 2A activists. The people who entered the Capital grounds and building this week feel generally forgotten, used and abused by the very people who are supposed to be serving our interests, and this was the centerpiece of Trump’s agenda. He was intelligent to understand that there are people who feel this way on both sides of the political spectrum, left and right. It may be a good thing to try to use that issue as a place of common ground to start re-uniting the people of this nation.

          I’d love to have the ears of some of the followers of the BLM/Antifa/anarchist movement. NOT THEIR LEADERS, but those who truly feel abandoned by their government. THAT we have in common. Many of those 20 million or so “new” gun owners were likely inspired to join “our” ranks out of fear for their future and need to be courted and shown that they are not alone in this notion. In that spirit, I welcome them, any race, religion, creed, even those who aren’t sure what gender they may be at the moment, to come explore the real rights and liberties of this nation and to learn to love it again.

          “Right, you have no valid response to the points I make because you are fascist thugs, intent on the destruction of freedom in America in order to install your emperor,”

          And BTW- I think I’ve made some very valid points to your general assessment. Have at it.

        • Craig, I do agree with your assertion that many of the people in the BLM and antifa movement have much in common with many of the 2A constitutionalists.

          But none of the protests in “Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Kenosha, DC itself, Dallas… “ by BLM or antifa aimed to disrupt the constitutionally mandated electoral process in order to perpetuate the dictator ship of Donald Trump.

          There’s a difference and it is stark.

          A big problem is the racism of the conservative right. Many may try to deny this fact, but frankly, they are full of shit.

          I’m an old white dude, I hear what all my white neighbors say about black and brown and yellow people. These are the people with a trump flag in the front yard, the cardboard Trump on the front porch, and a closet full of guns.

          These are the ones marching with torches and chanting “Jews won’t replace us!”, in support of maintaining statues memorializing racist traitors to the United States of America.

          These are the racists parading in the capital with a confederate flag, tearing down the American flag and raising the Trump flag at the United States Capitol.

          And these are the people on this very forum, claiming Michelle Obama is actually a man named Michael, calling Black people monkeys, etc.

          No doubt, there are many white rednecks just like myself, who believe in freedom and diversity and the Second Amendment.

          I would like to invite you to learn more about a friend of mine who is outspoken about the subject, you might find his viewpoint interesting.

          This man is the son of a coalminer, the grandson of an immigrant coldminer.

          He enlisted in the army to build a better future, was selected for OCS and served 24 years as a combat engineer in numerous combat zones, ETS as a major.

          He wears the names of his men who were KIA under his command tattooed on his chest.

          He has campaigned for political office and been put in the hospital by local political machine Democrat attacks.

          But he remains a proud social Democrat, understanding the difference between corrupt power organizations and true Democrats who advocate for the working people of America.

          His name is Richard Ojeda and America is better for having men like him standing up against the bullies and oppression of the Trump worshipers.

        • “But none of the protests in “Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Kenosha, DC itself, Dallas… “ by BLM or antifa aimed to disrupt the constitutionally mandated electoral process in order to perpetuate the dictator ship of Donald Trump.”

          They actually did and do far worse since they are all intent on directly tearing down the very fabric of this nation and that for which it stands, and desire to replace it with mob rule and a complete and total disregard for the rights and liberties of those who do not think along the same lines.

          If you can’t see this clearly, note that these people who have been whipped into frenzies by their leftist leadership NEVER accepted the hard won presidency of DJT through a clear Electoral College majority and spent years in constant launching falsehoods and phony propaganda to remove him from the day it was apparent he’d won. Somehow, I don’t find that “day after” 2016 meeting by grieving Google and tech oligarchs vowing to never let something of this nature and magnitude happen again and vowing to cheat if necessary comforting to the notion that Trump actually lost the 2020 election. (That meeting is still available to view online and no one has ever disputed its authenticity.) The same resolve was evident by the tearful “reporting” by the anointed network news info babes and boys, although I guess one can no longer cite their obvious.gender…


          It’s sad that someone can have so much hatred for a person that they’d be willing to toss their entire nation aside just to satisfy their personal “feelings”. Obviously you’ve spent a lot of time in compiling your “evidence”, even though none of it ever has come close to being proven, regardless of the one-sided communist-mimicking show trial investigations that the sitting elite swamp folks who make up the core of both parties have presented under the guidance of their willing accomplices in the MSM. Somehow, Trump encouraging his supporters to continue their efforts and not give in do not add up to insurrection nor any type of lawbreaking. I’m sure that given a true hearing on the facts v hyperbole would bear this out as clearly as did those that failed to prove “Russian collusion”, selling out to the Ukrain, or any of the other constant lies and inuendo that were launched. WTH? The nation has been asked to forget all the rioting, burning, looting, lawlessness, etc by the leftists because their government has somehow let them down and they are not being served. But the hell with those of us who’d like to see even a meager attempt to investigate the charges of voter fraud in 2020, even though there are hundreds of sworn affidavits to the affirmative by people who know they’ll be investigated. On the other hand, it only took one whacked out gal with no evidence what-so-ever to nearly torpedo the confirmation of Kavanaugh and lead to unprecedented (you leftists love that word) protests and disruptions in the US Capital for more than a week. I think the Trump supporters, wth? All Americans should feel cheated and if this week’s “event” is all that happens to make America’s elected officeholders a bit uncomfortable, I’ll frankly be surprised. Does that statement make me guilty of treason, insurrection, or in any way put me on the wrong side of the law and common sense?

          We have to realize that Trump was, and still is absolutely accurate on his centerpiece: Our “elected” government no longer stands to serve and represent the people who pay their salaries. To a person, and I’ll even include my own US Senators and Rep: Every last one of them have made a killing, financially and in absolute power by “serving” us. Trump upset the comfort of the people who rule the American public and shined a bright light on them. They didn’t like it- theirs is an exclusive club and you and I are not allowed in, even if we could kiss the ring, God help this nation if the centerpiece of Trump’s agenda is now lost, because it will be the American people, black. white, brown, yellow, et al, even and especially you who will be the losers. It was, after all, the very peoole who claim to be the true victims who were the useful idiots.

          As for the “Trump” people you know, I have never been around them nor do I associtate with such. I have advanced college degrees, several positions of prestige as a tenured musician and college prof and retired educator, and am constantly in the presence of successful, well-thought of people, many of whom share the beliefs I’ve stated, even though many of them would not consider themselves to be “conservative”. In the end, I’m left pondering what these people- your neighbors and such, who you’ve painted with a broad brush of bigotry and hatred actually think of you, Food for thought…

        • A tenured music professor, congratulations, I know many. Honestly, most are pretty liberal.

          But really, you should get outside of that ‘socialist indoctrination center’ university environment and meet some just plain folk.

          It isn’t pretty

          In my experience, there is very little Racism in the professional music world. We work with all nationalities, and judge another based on their merit and ability. I routinely work with violin virtuoso from China, jazz pianists from Queens, Celtic masters from Ireland and great Bluegrass mandolinists.
          None are racist, and the vast majority are liberals.

          But that community is a tiny fraction of the vast American population and certainly not typical in an way.

          Out here in the hinterlands, there is racism, bigotry and xenophobia a-plenty.

          And Donald Trump, with his “Mexico is sending their rapist and murderers”, a Muslim ban, judge with Mexican heritage can’t possibly be objective, etc. has used these prejudices to manipulate my friends and neighbors, playing on their ingrained prejudices in order to gain political power.

        • “I have anecdotes of racism and therefore everything else is moot and the only thing that matters is this one aspect on which I will sacrifice the very notions this country was founded on to right this singular wrong, despite the fact that humans have always been and always will have bias and tribalism written into their DNA.”

          That’s what I got out of your rant. Of course there’s plenty of bias and racism still alive in individuals, I get to hear it all from blacks all the time at work. Still don’t think all blacks are racist, just acknowledge there’s a sizeable portion who I interact with are. Stop worrying about what individuals think and start looking at the big picture. Honestly, name me one program, EO, directive, or law that came from DJT, Congress, or anyone in power. Seriously name one, and I’m not interested in statements that “you feel” are “dogwhistles” or code or some such BS. I mean a real piece of legislation or executive action by government, from any level or branch, that has targeted or made life more difficult specifically for any minority. No, immigration law doesn’t count. Illegal migrant is not a race, nor should illegal migrants be catered too in the case they are economically disadvantaged. So tell me one negative biased action by our federal government in the last decade, because frankly even the ACCUSATION of racism is a poison pill in politics and no politician would even risk it.

      • I’ll be smiling when the Left eats you just like they always end up eating their own.

        • You mean like how Trump encouraged the insurrection on Wednesday only to turn his back on people he incited the very next day?

      • Miner everyone is tired of debating you or any other leftist. Sure you show yourself to be a leftist tool, and there were times there was fun in debating clowns like yourself. I frankly don’t care what you think or have to say. Even if it were possible to reach your simple indoctrinated mind and change it, or any other leftist mindless minion it would be of no consequence since our elections are predetermined. There is no debate, you will not take our weapons period! You can argue for, justify whatever laws or blather that come from this pretend administration, but in the end you will not get our guns. If it makes you feel good to troll then troll on.

      • Miner49er claims:
        “And then you tried a violent Insurrection by attacking the United States capital while Congress was convened in a joint session deliberating on the electoral college vote certifications.

        Not only are you losers, you are fascist traitors who have attempted to overthrow the lawful government of the United States of America.”

        First of all, their is clear evidence that antifa wearing Trump supporting clothing had indeed infiltrated the rally. Many of the most vocal instigators are being identified as antifa and BLM supporters. The media is trying hard to suppress this truth and are inundating the internet with “fact checks”. The fact is, there was a mix of people from the right and left.

        Second, conservatives across the country immediately and openly condemned any criminal action, whether committed by those on the left or right. This is something the Democrats on the left refused to do throughout all the 2020 burning, looting and murder committed by antifa and BLM.

        • “their is clear evidence that antifa wearing Trump supporting clothing had indeed infiltrated the rally.“

          First, it’s spelled THERE.

          Next, let’s see your evidence, what is your source for this claim?

          So you were saying that Ashli Babbit is an Antifa activist, what evidence do you have to support this claim

          You have no personal knowledge whatsoever of the situation and yet you make definitive statements as if you know the truth.

          At this point, there is zero evidence of antifa or BLM involvement.

          A prudent person would wait until the investigation is complete before attaching specific blame.

          Until then, we have video evidence of known Trump supporters heavily involved in the breaking and entering, vandalism, physical attacks on law-enforcement and congressional staff.

          Have you not seen the video of a West Virginia state delegate, an avowed Trump supporter, forcing his way into the capital against the directions of law enforcement officers?

          Black people who don’t comply with the directions of law-enforcement officers are often killed, shot in the back seven times as they’re walking away from the officer.

          But that didn’t happen here, the rioters were allowed access, why?

          I predict will soon have the details.

        • Wow, Miner49er, you caught me in a typo.

          Miner49er; it is not “capital”, it is spelled capitol. See, we can play that game all day.

          To address your straw man arguments;
          Never said Ashli Babbit was antifa.
          I do have personal knowledge.
          You don’t believe in evidence.
          Waiting for evidence? Why would you start doing that now?
          Trump supporters did in fact participate in the capitol “storming”.
          Playing the “race card” is a sign of your desperation.

          The “why” that needs to answered here is; why do you peddle your leftist supporting propaganda on a website dedicated to the support of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms?

        • minor 49 IQ…You need to climb down from your perch and compare the minuscule shortcomings of others to your mountains of despicable demented smelly democRat Party Rot. To do that you’ll need to elevate a gnat fart to the level of sewage running beneath the streets of NYC. Hop to it you democRat Party lint licker.

        • So ragman, still no evidence, eh?

          And it was unfortunate Ashli who ignoring the directions of the police and was physically breaching the security of the restricted area when she was shot by law-enforcement officers.

          The evidence of her social media and the statements of her family and friends make it clear that she was an unhinged Trump supporter, not an antifa or BLM activist.

          And she was involved in a violent attempt to disrupt the normal functioning of our government, as mandated by the United States Constitution.

          As your hero Trump says, “it is what it is”, and he owns the insurrection against a duly constituted government of the United States of America.

        • Miner, what you posted is another example of trying to inject racism into a conversation that has nothing to do with racism. This is completely irresponsible but predictable behavior. This is what I mean by the Left fanning the flames.

        • It looks as if some of the antifa thugs are actually going to be charged by the feds, here’s an evil BLM/antifa thug who will be brought before the bar of Justice to answer for his crimes.

          This is a very dangerous and clever antifa thug, he was masquerading as a West Virginia State legislator, boy those guys are good!

          “Newly-sworn in West Virginia Delegate Derrick Evans now faces federal charges after sweeping into the U.S. Capitol with a mob this week, federal law enforcement officials said during a press call today.

          The initial announcement of the charges against Evans came partway into a press briefing with acting U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin for the District of Columbia. The federal officials participating in the call seemed to learn of the charges in that moment and said more detail would be released soon.

          “I just received word that we have now a signed complaint also against a Delegate who serves in the West Virginia Legislature. He has been charged — and, I think, according to reports had recorded himself storming the Capitol — he is charged with entering restricted area and entering the United States Capitol. That report is also being released today as well. That defendant’s name is Derrick Evans. Derrick Evans.”

        • There IS evidence that antifa THUGS dressed like Trump supporters were instigating the “insurrection.” Facial recognition tied some of the “Trump supporters” to the riots in Pennsylvania.

      • I’m sure that all of us here agree with Mr. biden when he said BLM protesters would not be treated the same way, no they would be held up as heroes by the MSM and the DNC .Double standard.

    • After the attack of insurrectionists upon the Capitol of our Republic, none of this hyperbole is believable anymore. The only threat of Biden/Harris is their ignorant dream of trying to take away our gun rights. They are not “a Clear and Present Danger to Liberty, Freedom and the Constitution”.

      The “Clear and Present Danger to Liberty, Freedom and the Constitution” is currently sitting in the Oval Office. Once he has been removed, that danger is finally retired.

      We shall continue to be vigilant. We shall continue to fight against bad laws that deprive citizens of their Second Amendment Rights. We shall continue to push cases through the Federal courts all the way to the now much friendlier Supreme Court.

      All else is just noise and we have now seen how that noise, how that living in a fantasy reality of “stolen elections” and other lies, is a true Clear and Present Danger to Liberty, Freedom and the Constitution!

      • FUDD

        Stupid enough not to understand that someone hated by the establishment of both sides was EXACTLY the person that was needed.

      • The person sitting in the Oval Office was a clear and present danger to the establishment uniparty. It’s hilarious that people are fooled into being loyal to any political party. Those people don’t care about you. They pretend to fight for the 2A, pro-life causes, fiscal responsibility, etc. Then what do they ever do? Nothing. Wake up and smell the coffee. The republicans ditched Trump at their first opportunity so they could go back to work for corporations, and pretending to be super righteous Christians. This country’s problem of stagnating wages and shipping jobs overseas is a result of the hard work of republicans working for the big corporations. Republicans hated the America first doctrine. It also made their previous foreign policy look ridiculous. It was embarrassing for them.

      • I agree that vigilance is required. But I also think people need to be actively engaged in local politics so things like what the Virginia legislature did don’t happen.

        I still think it is wildly unlikely that a national gun confiscation scenario will ever come to pass. Biden really wants to stem the shamefully high COVID death rate and rebuild the economy. He wants to bring critical industry back to this country and he’s got Congressional support to do so.

        Firearms excite the progressives but I’m pretty sure they actually rank just below “talking about UFOs and stamp collecting” on Biden’s list of priorities. The Senate is too narrow and the House is more Republican than it’s been in a while. Just a few defections by Democrats will sink any confiscation effort.

        I want pro-gun rights folks to figure out effective local political tactics (e.g. how to influence county boards and state legislatures), avoid being painted as Trumpists, and figure out how to communicate simple facts about guns (e.g. they aren’t the leading cause of death, gun-free zones attract murders, EBRs are a infinitismal percent of gun crimes, etc.).

        • Virginia gun rights activists were well mobilized and lobbied the legislature and governor directly, but they were curtailed, marginalized, and ignored, despite a huge showing of peaceful disapproval. When Virginia lost the votes and control, the fight was lost.

          Same nationally and especially with Georgia, the Democrats and progressives have their agenda on guns, they aren’t looking for whether you disagree or trying to build a consensus. They will push and fight for it, as we saw post Parkland and Vegas (while under Republican control, and they did force Republicans to do their bidding either by dropping consideration of HPA and national reciprocity, to expanding red flag laws in places like Florida and banning bump stocks. They did that without having control, now they do have much more control.

          I don’t disagree that we should fight for rights at state and local level, especially since the left has shifted focus there, but I don’t think the left will be listening to our arguments or complaints. Ultimately we need votes and court wins to protect the second amendment.

        • GotAnyBalls? FYI..I campaigned for and helped get DJT elected POTUS when twerps like you had thrown in the towel. For the past 4 years twerps like you walked into gun stores and purchased what you wanted. Your sorry ungrateful gutless behind could not have done that with hilliary rotten clintoon at the helm.
          So f u if you think I am going to shy away from being painted as a “Trumpist” when POTUS DJT won the election and earned being reelected.
          Should I avoid being called a Constitutionist too? The uppity people you want to appease might see both “labels” as one in the same and God forbid shun me.
          It’s kiss behind politically inept history illiterate cut and run slander and libel nitwits like you who talk out both sides of your mouth and held the door open for Jim Crow Gun Control joe and the ho….Apologize twerp..

        • “Biden really wants to stem the shamefully high COVID death rate and rebuild the economy. He wants to bring critical industry back to this country and he’s got Congressional support to do so.“

          Oh, that is true, but remember, you’re dealing with people who think that Covid is “just the ordinary flu” because that’s what rush Limbaugh told them.

          Many on this list are convinced the 3000 County coroners in the United States are corrupt, and in league with Obama to fake Covid deaths.

          And what’s our death toll today, bumping against 4000 Americans, dead in the last 24 hours, all because Trump wanted to “play it down” and not warn people against the very real dangers of contagion.

          You are casting pearls before swine.

          But let us carry on, no matter how they smell, they are my fellow citizens and I owe them my best attempt to bring them into reality.

        • “you’re dealing with people who think”

          There you go assuming again. You win the award for the most prejudiced person on this site. My daughter has/had Covid. She’s had the flu. I personally witnessed it. It’s different, but similar. You don’t want to catch either one.

        • “I personally witnessed it. It’s different, but similar.“

          First, I’m glad your daughter survived it, I had it too and it is the sickest I have ever been.

          But you witnessed it in her, and she seems to have survived. The severity of the illness can vary from almost 0 to death.
          I have friends who have died from Covid, and there are thousands more are dying every day.

          Perhaps in your daughter, the course was similar to the ordinary flu, but that’s not true for the vast majority.

          The maximum death toll in the worst flu season is about 65,000 Americans, we have already passed 350,000 dead and we haven’t even had a full year of the pandemic at this point.

          But many researchers believe that a large percentage may be as many as 70% of those who survive Covid suffer organ damage.

          And as you are familiar with Covid, I would ask that you join me in refuting the BS claims posted on this forum by many who assert Covid is a fraud.

          Their malicious disinformation will cause death and suffering for many innocent Americans, as they encourage people to ignore social distancing, don’t wear the mask because it’s a waste, etc.

        • I’m not downplaying Covid. My daughter is young. I’m not. I wouldn’t want to risk it even if my chances are good. My daughter is also what people would call a germ freak. She is very cautious. She wears masks in public, washes hands, etc. We didn’t have to rush out to buy hand sanitizer at the beginning of this mess because we’re always well stocked with it anyway. She most likely caught it airborne at dance class because we aren’t going to stop living and hide in our house for two years until Fauci says it’s okay for us to come out while he’s watching baseball games in person mask free. We manage the risk just like everyone should. I don’t need Daddy Government to hold my hand and tell me what to do.

      • johnblow…You sound exactly like the forum’s resident pos enuf. Perhaps biden can come to your house and smell your hair and play pervert games with your kids and he can bring along beto to determine what you can keep to protect you and yours from sick perverts like them. I suggest you invest in some new knee pads.

      • This is gunssavelives John Boch? We need gun groups working together, the left wants to marginalize any opposition we can offer at this point as “trumper noise” and no doubt pass as much as they can if we are sitting on our hands, fractured or feeling guilty and ashamed.

        Certainly doesn’t help that the NRA self detonated (with extra fuel to the fire provided by the left, though it seems like they were doing a steady job of it by themselves)

        • Is that or isn’t it John Boch? Dan just posted something about people using someone else’s name for comments.

      • You have just cut off your nose to spite your face.
        I vote for Mitch McConnel, because he was, not the best, but a superior candidate to Amy McGrath in Kentucky..
        As a former Bump stock owner I was very disappointed with President Trump. But I was also very disappointed with the “gun Community” and its “leadership”. They NEVER supported rapid fire weapons ownership for the poor. The bump stock was not a machine gun. And the Sten Gun was not a good machine gun at all. It got soldiers killed. But both are what people and nations could afford.

        So you train with what you have. And you vote for the best pro gun candidate you have.

  2. Indeed. When Biden/Harris empty our Federal Prisons and force States to empty their Prisons of all the violent, urban, gang-members, that newly remade prison-space will be for Gun Owners turned into Overnight Felons.

    • Every time Americans get screwed Republicans are right there to help. Every bill that takes away constitutional rights a Republican voted yes on it.

      Every bad gun law has Republicans voting for it. The NRA continually cuts deals that give up constitutional rights.

      Don’t misunderstand I despise both parties and no I’m not a Libertarian.

    • I work in a field that has been historically 1st A championing and wouldn’t exist without it. No, not journalism.

      In 4 short years the more vocal of my peers have gone from protesting the Patriot Act to burning books.
      Sadly, the various orgs and publications that rule this field have succumbed to the same cancel culture phenomenon that has perverted so many other institutions where anyone suggesting this might not be the best course of action is shouted out of the room and harassed until terminated.

      I got into this field because I hated gatekeepers and wanted information to freely flow to everyone.
      Now I’m surrounded by neo-gatekeepers and literal fascists actually making a show of burning books all the while calling me fascist.

      I’m disappointed to see history repeating but I’m kind of giddy that these people will eventually reap what they’ve sewn. I just hope they’re self-aware enough to know what’s coming is a product of their own making.

      • In my field, some of my coworkers openly stated to me that Trump is an “orange virus”, and both he and his supporters “need to die”.

        The persecution will ramp up quickly.

        • The Party of Love and Acceptance has been pushing a four+ year campaign of hate directed toward half of America. People have been manipulated for the purpose of political power and control.

        • “…some of my coworkers openly stated to me that Trump is an “orange virus”, and both he and his supporters “need to die”.”

          Yep, all a part of their plan.

          It’s the same strategy the US military uses when training for combat. The DIs refer to the enemy with terms like (WW2 – Gooks, Slopes, etc) and in the ‘war on terror’ as ‘Homers’.

          It de-humanizes them. Once you have done that, it’s a short step to becoming blind if something happens to them like assault, or worse.

          The ball is being tee’d up. Only thing left is for someone to take a swing…

  3. H.R.121 – To provide for the hiring of 200 additional Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents and investigators to enforce gun laws.

    • If it’s to get boots on the ground in high crime neighborhoods and seriously prosecuting felons with guns, it would be worthwhile. Something tells me they would instead be used to audit and harass gun shops and manufacturers for minor paperwork errors and try to pull their licenses. Biden called them the “enemy,” so I’m wary of anything they propose.

    • “H.R.121 – To provide for the hiring of 200 additional Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents…”

      Wow, that one will get passed…

    • rammerjamnut…Perhaps a wise twerp like you can commit on democRats habitually welcoming drama queens into congress all for tantrum throwing loud mouth photos ops. As it stands..,You do not know who the players are and yet you broad brush people like some gutless pasty mouth pompous democRat Party Jim Crow era racist. Perhaps you should just stfu and gfy.

  4. Just shaking my head, the dems think that there was insurrection this week? Just wait until they attempt to take guns. What happened this week was a trial run. Imagine 2000 angry armed gun owners storming the capitol and taking no prisoners. I hope it never comes to that but the democrats have destroyed the rule of law. They don’t get it.

    I hope they attempt to use the 25th amendment, Oh, I mean when they use it in about 6 months and Biden is ousted from office for mental incompetence by his own party.

    • “Imagine 2000 angry armed gun owners storming the capitol and taking no prisoners.“

      Those that aren’t killed outright in their attempt to overthrow the legitimate and lawfully elected government of the United States, will be looking at the needle in their immediate future.

      • Mr. Miner49er, Good luck with that, it would take years and in that time, what Police, FBI and ATF employees would be willing to give up their lives for this cause. When they come for our guns, after about the 10th all out gunfight, there will not be anyone coming for your guns. A majority of L.E. and Military have pledged an oath to uphold the constitution. They will do nothing. A minority may come, good luck and get a priest and refrigerant trailers.
        Many patriots out there that believe that there is a higher calling than just living out their lives, Much like our founding fathers. That said, I sincerely hope this does not happen, if however it does you can blame the Dems and the complacency of the people.

    • That’ll just make things worse, much worse. President Kamala Harris?! Ooops, sorry, Your Majesty, I meant to say “Empress Kamala.” Off to the re-education camp for me.

    • I’m sure Biden is getting squeezed by this summer. Even sooner if he objects to anything they ask him to do.
      The smart thing would be to tone it down and be reasonable but they listen to puss heads like 49er who want all out revenge and rapid change.

      • GS650G,

        See my reply below about the likely Biden / Harris timeline.

        I did not come up with that idea, someone else did — and I think it is spot on.

        If Biden and Harris can keep a somewhat low profile until the first election where Harris is running for President, I believe she is guaranteed to win even if Trump runs against her and there is no election fraud. The simple fact of the matter is that there are far too many women who want a woman to be President at all cost and WILL vote a female candidate.

        I am so confident of this, a few weeks ago I said something to the effect of, “The entire population of the United States could see verified video of Harris molesting a young boy or eating a human baby and droves of women would still vote for Harris because they want to see a woman as President so badly.”

        Okay, that might be a bit of a stretch. Short of something that horrific, there is little that Harris could do to dissuade hordes of women from voting for her. We are facing very dark times indeed.

        • It won’t matter if anything negative comes out about Harris. The media and tech will work together to suppress it and memory hole it. See Hunter Biden story before the election. Big Tech is just getting warmed up in their speech suppression efforts. Who is the fascist again? It’s also interesting to see all of the pro-big business free market democrats all of a sudden.

        • U_S, that story would seem a lot more likely if Trump hadn’t already beaten a woman presidential candidate.

        • “A woman at all costs” didn’t help Hilary. Consider that stocks are in a bubble that will burst within 4 years, all the Covid related debt and bankruptcy backlog. Things are going to go poorly financially for Biden, even without his efforts to make it worse through raising taxes and putting in crushing environmental regulations. With people out of work, they’ll be looking for a change.

        • “The simple fact of the matter is that there are far too many women who want a woman to be President at all cost and WILL vote a female candidate.”

          That’s what makes Ambassador Nikki “I don’t get confused” Haley one potent presidential candidate.

          A conservative woman of color with an intact spine.

          *Haley 2022*… 😉

    • Wally1,

      The Washington D.C. Capitol incursion this week made two things plainly obvious. I dare say that 98% (or more) of politicians and talking heads on television and radio:

      1) Were extremely aghast and somber. You could see it in their faces and hear it in their voices. It was like they were processing the sudden and unexpected death of their closest friends’ entire families. That event went way beyond touching a raw nerve — it shook them to their very cores.

      2) Had absolutely no idea that anything like that was even remotely possible — believing that they were untouchable and could manipulate, deceive, use, abuse, exploit, and consume “little people” without limit and without any repercussions.

      If there is any positive to come out of Wednesday’s Capitol incursion, it is revealing these two giant vulnerabilities in our Ruling Class.

      • I mostly like your #2, and have been saying that for years, there are many who seem to think life is some manner of a board game, with absolute rules for other people but not for oneself. This was a tiny number of anarchists and they created an enormous amount of shock and awe, so now they’re going to have 6,000 cops instead of 2,000, and think that will stand if those 50-60,000 come armed and looking for blood next time. Minus IQ thinks some manner of magic will put him in control if that happens, not noticing that him what’s in control will hang first.

      • “It was like they were processing the sudden and unexpected death of their closest friends’ entire families.”

        Yep, *scared*.

        That will make it easy for them to push gun control, and likely get it passed, with RINOS like Rommney joining them…

    • Wally1,

      Other people have specified the likely timeline for Biden and Harris. I have to agree with them.

      First, Democrats will do everything possible to keep Biden in office for two years plus one day. Unless he is in a coma or dies, he will be President for a minimum of two years plus one day. That allows Harris to take over for the remainder of Biden’s term and still be eligible to serve two more complete terms in office. That enables Harris to be President of the U.S. for 10 years minus one day. (And even if Biden is in a coma or dies in office, I can see the Democrats trying to fake his ability to serve as President — ala Weekend at Bernie’s or more specifically the 1993 movie Dave.)

      Second, the very next day after Biden’s two years plus one day in office, Biden will simply resign for “health reasons” and Harris will become President. They will not have to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office. He will do it voluntarily.

      • uncommon,
        I agree. I mentioned this prior to the election. Bringing in Harris too soon would be too obvious. They just need to bring her in time in order to be the incumbent. Being the incumbent gives you a big advantage. Biden already knows he’ll have to step down. I’m sure agreed to it.

        He said the following in an interview with CNN: “And like I told Barack, if I reached something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign,” Biden continued.

        He said the quiet part out loud because he’s senile and everyone knows it.

  5. In the coming months and years, the attacks on our fundamental rights and liberty will likely be unprecedented, relentless, and lawless.

    Ain’t that the truth!

  6. The UK is a testing ground for what we will face this year. Check out their massive rulebook. First guns need to be taken.

    Trump is going to be missed by a lot of Biden voters.

  7. Blah blah blah…I’m backing away from commenting daily here. As well as fakebook. Have fun minor.

    • Must agree. The time for talking and Keyboard Commando ING is over. Stay silent and plan well. The Freedom and Liberty of the Nation now rests on the choice I’ve spoken of many times here. Courageous Sacrifice or Cowardly Compliance… There is No Longer a middle ground. Keep Your Powder Dry.

  8. The federal government will need states to enforce whatever mandates they put out. If you live in a blue state I feel for you, but those of us in free red states, we must keep the pressure on and do what it takes to encourage our states to resist and not comply or enforce unconstitutional laws. The federal government and bureaucracy are lost, they no longer are answerable to the people. Like Trump or not, the hatred of him unmasked and exposed the swamp. The MSM and big tech media dropped all pretense of being fair and partial. Any dissent is censored, and our elections are compromised. Thankfully most of us have found forums like this to have open discussions but the number of trolls on these types of forums will continue to grow as they attempt to make us feel isolated. Trump got over 70 million votes and there are millions more who are of like mind.

    • Texsun57,

      The federal government will need states to enforce whatever mandates they put out.

      I do not agree. Fedzilla can do two things quite easily on their own.

      1) Fedzilla can easily and directly order employers and banks to “cancel” political enemies. Issuing the order is as simple as a federal government agency faxing a court order to to a person’s employer or bank requiring that the employer and/or bank confiscate ALL of the person’s money indefinitely. The sad reality is that employers and banks will not risk losing their business over a few employees or bank customers. And it should be obvious that it is nearly impossible for most people to continue to survive if fedzilla confiscated all their money and they can no longer work nor bank.

      2) Fedzilla can send federal “tactical teams” from multiple remote locations to converge on your home/office to execute bogus search warrants, arrest warrants, and/or property seizures. (Note that this tactic is simply a modern day version of Viking raids.) This is a huge problem because it is impossible to have any relevant advanced warning (to have any hope of fending off the raid) and extremely difficult to identify who participated (to have any hope of holding the raiders accountable after the fact).

      Now, throw in another disturbing and very real possibility: Big Tech. and fedzilla cozy up together to enhance their electronic/communication capabilities and degrade our electronic/communication capabilities.

      The whole thing then boils down to a war of attrition. How many good people will sacrifice themselves to take out one or two members of a 30 member surprise raiding party and will that be enough to convince the raiders to quit supporting fedzilla’s bogus warrants and orders?

  9. There is yet to be a bill proposed, that being said when it does get proposed I think they will go for broke. I’m not convinced that they won’t attempt to stack the supreme court before doing this to ensure the “bill” is deemed to be constitutional by the Supreme Court .

  10. Just legalize drugs and many gun owners will be happy and pacified. It won’t reduce crime. And the users will face heavy business and user taxes. Like cigarettes. And they will still be arrested when they continue a black market of non taxed dope sales.

    • Yeah, just exactly like it happened with alcohol, right? I can’t even count the number of times my home has been raided by government goons in the middle of the night, looking to confiscate my supply of Jack Daniels. Get serious.

      • The city of New York and the Feds think otherwise. Its why Indian Reservation retail stories were raided. Its why a black man was arrested by NYC for selling “loose cigarettes”.
        Al Capone was arrested for not paying taxes, on his “drug” profits. He was not arrested for murdering people.

        Both San Francisco and Seattle are great examples of what happens when you legalize drugs. Crime does not go down. It goes up. The question now is, has government collected more tax revenue? Like when they said they wanted to tax gun stores in Seattle. Did they get the increase in revenue they said they would get???

        The gun stores fled the city. Just as drug dealers fled California for low tax Colorado.

        You don’t change the morality of criminals by making something legal. They are still criminals. And they like being criminals. They think you are a fool working a regular honest job.

        • btw
          The BATFE has raided homes with no tax stamp on home made spirts. The government always demands its “cut”. My father made home brew beer and wine. But he didn’t sell it to anyone either.

  11. It should be noted that professional trolls hardly ever make any positive contributions to their community. They’re merely keyboard commandos who get their jollies from doing battle with their perceived idealogical foes. The anathema of their simple little lives is to be ignored. You have your assignment.

    Acta non verba.

  12. The media does lie or refuse to tell the truth. Our local news had a person at the Trump rally, she said there were antifa members at the rally instigating trouble. The news caster said, “Well those facts are unsupported and will only be known when the reports come back .” Reports from whom? Isn’t an eye witness good enough? She reported what she saw, but We must wait until someone unknown tells them the truth and then the News will report it is as fact.

    • It looks as if some of the antifa thugs are actually going to be charged by the feds, here’s an evil BLM/antifa thug who will be brought before the bar of Justice to answer for his crimes.

      This is a very dangerous and clever antifa thug, he was masquerading as a West Virginia State Republican Delegate, boy those guys are good!

      “Newly-sworn in West Virginia Republican Delegate Derrick Evans now faces federal charges after sweeping into the U.S. Capitol with a mob this week, federal law enforcement officials said during a press call today.

      The initial announcement of the charges against Evans came partway into a press briefing with acting U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin for the District of Columbia. The federal officials participating in the call seemed to learn of the charges in that moment and said more detail would be released soon.

      “I just received word that we have now a signed complaint also against a Delegate who serves in the West Virginia Legislature. He has been charged — and, I think, according to reports had recorded himself storming the Capitol — he is charged with entering restricted area and entering the United States Capitol. That report is also being released today as well. That defendant’s name is Derrick Evans. Derrick Evans.”

  13. It’s our own fault that Basement Joe and the Bus Stop Ho won. We only voted once each, we didn’t fill out mail-in ballots for our deceased relatives, and our fraud techniques were outdated. Better luck next time.

  14. Joe Biden will crash and burn at his first presidential news conference. And the MSM acting as his ATC, will not be able to talk him down safely.


  16. avatar 🇺🇸75,000,000+ are not giving up on Trump! Biden company will destroy all! Just like Germany you believed the properganda. History repeats!

    They are power crazy, look at the scandals they hid by way of the mainstream media! Four years of unrelenting accusations against one man without any substance or criminality! Be careful of who you give allegiance to, but doubly careful to what power you give!!!%
    Time for the America First Party🇺🇸👍❤️

    • It is ABSOLUTELY time for America First, not ME FIRST like the “progressive” idiots about to take power and try to strip US of ALL our rights. I guess that anyone wearing black and a mask will be fair game.

  17. I never thought I’d see the day when the Country would come to this. In my 25 years in the military I thought I was protecting our Constitutional way of life. Instead, it seems it was all a lie. Now I feel like all I did was to serve the interests of a handful of billionaires and an entrenched political class who run this Country for their own gain.

    I hate what’s happening. I’m f’ing tired of being demonized and being called a Nazi because I don’t agree with people who think they are so morally superior that they have the absolute right to tell me, in detail, how to live my life. I’m pissed that instead of limiting itself to the areas outlined for it in the Constitution, the government has turned into my all powerful master. Instead of protecting our individual rights, every thing the government does results in me being less free and having less of the money I earned. We are being forced to accept that the government gives us what rights it sees fit and that we hold our rights only as part of a collective group – with some groups having more rights than others.This isn’t government of, by, and for the people anymore.

    Just as scary, we are witnessing an unprecedented partnership between the Democrat Party and private corporations to punish citizens who don’t toe the “progressive” line, and Big Tech is censoring our speech and what we see – there is no appeal from their actions.

    Liberals seem to think they are justified in all of this and they seem to think that these actions will cow people like me into submission. No, it’s just increasing the rage into a white hot fury. When you keep hammering people, when you keep marginalizing and demonizing them, when people no longer feel like they have a stake in the government and that their ideas are dismissed out of hand, then they no longer have anything to lose.

    I don’t know where all this is headed but it doesn’t seem headed in a good direction. The Left’s seeming bloodlust for revenge and retribution, if they actually try to carry it out, will be met with something that will make last year’s “Summer of Love” look puny in comparison.

    I hope to God it never comes to that.

    • Unfortunately, welcome to reality my friend. We are now faced with 2 choices.
      Take that slide straight into communism or take our country back as outlined
      in the book Unintended Consequences. May God help us all.

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