New York Governor Kathy Hochul
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura)

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . .

Quoting the plurality opinion from McDonald v. Chicago, the Supreme Court held in Bruen that “[t]he constitutional right to bear arms in public for self-defense is not ‘a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees.’”

To those authorities that process or issue permits to carry concealed weapons that are abrogating the People’s right to carry: Obstructing the People’s fundamental right to an effective self-defense is not an option.

It doesn’t matter if you disagree with the recent United States Supreme Court opinion. It doesn’t matter if there are a lot of applicants. It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel like spending time processing them.

You are required to objectively process a carry permit application submitted to you without burdensome fees, delays, flaming hoops, and other games. The deluge of applications you’re now experiencing could have been avoided if you simply respected the People’s right to bear arms from the start and not treated it as a second class right.

FPC refuses to stand idly by while the issuing authorities—who are often law enforcement agencies—delay and deny the People’s right to the peaceable conduct they are entitled to. Your agencies must know that FPC will utilize every available instrument to remedy this ongoing and historic wrong.

Individuals who would like to Join the FPC Grassroots Army and support important pro-rights lawsuits and programs can sign up at Individuals and organizations wanting to support charitable efforts in support of the restoration of Second Amendment and other natural rights can also make a tax-deductible donation to the FPC Action Foundation. For more on FPC’s lawsuits and other pro-Second Amendment initiatives, visit and follow FPC on InstagramTwitterFacebookYouTube.


    • “Human and civil rights violations under color of authority.”

      When those cases are brought to trial in circuits like the ninth, it’s going to be a long slog for many years, I fear.

      For how many years did the circuits ignore the civil rights amendment?

      And also keep in mind, the current balance of the SCotUS will not always be in our favor. When the balance changes, watch how fast the fascists strike ‘Heller’ and ‘Bruen’… 🙁

    • “Obstructing the People’s fundamental right to an effective self-defense is not an option… FPC refuses to stand idly by while the issuing authorities—who are often law enforcement agencies—delay and deny the People’s right to the peaceable conduct they are entitled to.”

      OK- so what is the FPC plan? File yet another lawsuit that will take nearly a decade to decide if not tossed outright, at which point there will still likely be no Federal or State policing/enforcement agency that will force compliance by the blue states.

      What is gained? Filing the suit is cheap, processing it through the courts is extremely expensive in that it requires an army of legal people, and then, attempting to enforce a “worthless judgment” if there is a “win” will be as just as futile as the Bruen decision is proving at present.

      To me, the last paragraph of the original posting says it all, and looks exactly like the last question in any firearms organization, or Win-Red “survey”: “Will you support ______ by joining/sending a contribution?”

      The only remedy to continuing the Second Amendment, or the US Constituiton, as written and intended, is to win at the ballot boxes, so new laws can be enacted and old ones repealed. I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but FPC filing a cheap lawsuit that likely will not go anywhere is little more than a fundraising ploy. I know their intentions are noble, but in reality, there’s little they can actually accomplish besides increasing funding or membership.

      The real problem Americans face in winning at the ballot box on issues of freedom and increasing governmental usurpation is to find motivated, intelligent and articulate people to run for office: People who are current on issues that affect all Americans, not just those of gun owners, and who can speak to varied constituencies in a manner that will sway the majority to vote for them and their proposals. It also takes very “thick-skinned” men and women who can withstand the constant stream of lies, innuendo and cancel culture, and endure, not only through the campaign, but the term of service should they win. Those types rarely are the normal, career politicians that roam the halls of Congress and state legislatures, particularly in the large, blue states like NY, IL, etc.

      We would be better off to find such candidates for office and support them- with our money, our time, and efforts; by knocking on doors and “selling them” to others. POTG aren’t very good at joining, nor voicing commitments to politicians. This needs to change if we expect to have an impact on retaining or irestoring our rights.

      • I have to confess, I tire of the constant hands out from all of the Pro 2nd Groups. Every day, the emails come, asking and pleading for just another $25.

  1. I think I saw them announce a lawsuit related to this up here recently (over a dozen presently so hard to keep track)

  2. Oh it Absolutely is. The 2nd amendment will continue to be a 3rd class right. Read the concurring opinions in Bruen. They will stall and litigate you to death. They have all the time in the world and infinite funds. We just have to decide when enough is enough

  3. The fact is that the actual number of people who carry concealed weaponry in the USA is LESS than 5% [and polls suggest no more than 2%.] and statistics suggest that carrying a cxoncealed weapon with the intent of any form of self defence is far, far more likely get yourself killed than it is to save your life. Why? Simply put because it turns a situation where YOUR death is NOT the first or prime intent, if it was you’d already be reserving a place in the morgue, into a situation where it certainly is That’s why the pros, and a good few of the bad guys and girls ARE at least semi-pros pros, point the bloody gun at your head.
    If those bad guys and gals even think think you are stupid enough to go for it like some latter a day Billy the Kid they will slot you just as the Police will with them! .

    • Keep groveling serf! You must have callouses on your knees from so much groveling. Hope you like the bugs you’ll be eating soon.

    • FBI data for 2015-2018 shows private citizens’ cases of justifiable homicides tracking at about 80% of those of justifiable homicides by your professional law enforcement. For 2019 (the latest year with complete data) the script is flipped and citizens justifiably kill 13% more than police.

      If you value your own life so little as to take solace in the police eventually doing to the criminal what the criminal did to you, that’s your business. Some of us are a bit more self reliant and desiring to cling to life than that, so while your concern for our well being is noted your assumptions about criminals’ intent based on facts not in evidence is rejected thanks very much

    • quote————-and statistics suggest that carrying a cxoncealed weapon with the intent of any form of self defence is far, far more likely get yourself killed than it is to save your life.—————–quote

      Albert you are “right on the beam”.

      While victims actively resisted in only 7 percent of the robberies studied, those incidents accounted for 51 percent of the deaths.

      • But you just claimed you could tell lots of stories of criminals being ended by the lowly .25acp. In the hands of good guys defending themselves.

        • As my college professor used to say decades ago, “All generalizations are false but we make them to prove a point”. I am sure this is way over your head.

          In other words nothing is always 100 per cent guaranteed but the law of averages proves my original point along with the studies that I quoted. Please have a 5th grader at your former place of employment explain all this too you.

        • Those 20+ year old ‘studies’ paid for by gun control orgs?

          You are pathetic. And according to your facebook you have no college time.

        • As my college professor used to say decades ago, “All generalizations are false but we make them to prove a point”. I am sure this is way over your head.

          I agree. Generalizations are, in general, false. Because you have removed all the causes, all the effects, all the details that matter, from the event in question to literally “make a statistic.” “Statistics engineering” is what it is.

          Please have a 5th grader at your former place of employment explain all this too you.

          I always love it when people make grammar mistakes while trying to insult other people’s intelligence.

      • “and statistics suggest that carrying a cxoncealed weapon with the intent of any form of self defence is far, far more likely get yourself killed than it is to save your life. Albert you are “right on the beam”.

        Wow. Direct quote from your NYT linked article:
        “See the article in its original context from
        December 11, 1984, Section C, Page 11”

        1984??? Few Americans were leglly carrying firearms for self protection in 1984. Quoting a U of Chicago “study” from 1984, where in 2022, in the same town, the tally of people shot by gangstas and thugs each weekend is always in fairly high double digits, goes beyond an attempt to stretch the truth- it’s an out and out lie.

        Try again.

      • Of course Dacian doesn’t want you to harm the robber. Just do what they say. LOL

        “While victims actively resisted in only 7 percent of the robberies studied, those incidents accounted for 51 percent of the deaths.”

        While generalizations are not very good, if true, I’m fine with this.

        I can see Lori Lightfoot right now (Dacian’s study comes from Chicago) – “Don’t hurt the robbers!”

    • Your right Sir Albert, you should be happy to know I got rid of all my gunms. Yep sold them to that 16-17 year old gangbanger down at the liquor store.
      I feel a lot safer now Sir Albert, *ahhhhhh* big sigh of relief knowing that I wont get shot when I get robbed or murdered. Glad I took your advice.
      Thanx buddy👍

    • If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. – Samuel Adams

    • Albert, you don’t have a damn clue what you’re even saying! My late great dad always told me, “Son, if you don’t know what you’re talking about. Keep quiet!”

      • Your dad was correct. Once when i was young one of the adults in the room spoke to me and said ” you sure are quiet”. I replied, ” i learn more by listening to others”.

    • I thought we told you to stay on your side of the pond. Hmmmmm…maybe you should start with your own fucked up country with a Queen?

    • sir albert of nuttingham…Pathetic pompous azzhats like you is why America came to be. Here’s the program…You defend you and yours your way and the rest can and will defend theirs and themselves their way. Should you try standing in the way of the latter so help me God your knickers are headed straight up your pompous behind.

    • Albert L J Hall, those who share these statistics never produce where they come from. Anyone with a 7th grade education understands how polls are conducted to get the results the buyer wants.

      I would expect such an expert as you and Dacian would present better arguments with all of the shared experiences and studies you both claim.

      But all I see is a puppet with someone’s hand up another’s rectal depository of grand knowledge.

      • Yeah sure Paratrooper, sane people put credence in studies by prestigious University studies like Harvard or professional law enforcement studies as have been done in Chicago or by respected Newspapers like the New York times over any rantings by a paranoid Far Right nut case like yourself whose minds are so affected by their paranoia they would refuse with the wave of their hand the irrefutable truth.

        • Asshole, any source that you quote or promote is automatically suspect because you have a provable and repetitive pattern of lying, misstating and misquoting.

        • Sane people question things. Stupid people accept what they are spoon fed.

          When an anti position position does a study that “proves” whatever they are against, and you don’t question it, you are a moron.

          I am hardly far right you ignorant insurrectionists.

        • Dacian is delusional. He has fallen head over heals for appeals to authority. After all, prestigious universities are never wrong, and absolutely unequivocally do not have agendas they would like fulfilled. Polls and statistics can never be manufactured right?

        • …over any rantings by a paranoid Far Right nut case like yourself whose minds are so affected by their paranoia they would refuse with the wave of their hand the irrefutable truth.

          This is literally you, Dacian. Hoplophobe extraordinaire, paranoid beyond belief by the lack of gun controls in place to make you feel safe, that you would refuse the simple truth.

      • My Grandfather told me the secret to reading statistics. He said “Figures don’t lie, but Liars figure.”

        Words to live by.

    • You idiot Albert LJ Noballs. That story about people being more likely to be hurt by their own firearm is just a story. A lie. A fabrication. Some Noballs idiot like yourself made it up. Why do you repeat the lies?

    • “…statistics suggest that carrying a cxoncealed weapon with the intent of any form of self defence is far, far more likely get yourself killed than it is to save your life.”

      Post your proof, even statistics in the US.

      Didn’t think so…

    • You can tell Albert is not from the US, because his sentiments do not reflect reality in red states.

      The fact is that the actual number of people who carry concealed weaponry in the USA is LESS than 5% [and polls suggest no more than 2%.]

      Are we talking about everyday? Are we talking about once a day? Once a year? Your unsubstanciated assertion with no source of any kind is almost meaningless.

      …and statistics suggest that carrying a cxoncealed weapon with the intent of any form of self defence is far, far more likely get yourself killed than it is to save your life. Why? Simply put because it turns a situation where YOUR death is NOT the first or prime intent, if it was you’d already be reserving a place in the morgue, into a situation where it certainly is That’s why the pros, and a good few of the bad guys and girls ARE at least semi-pros pros, point the bloody gun at your head.

      This makes no sense at all. I think Albert thinks we are stupid. Maybe Albert thinks we are going to pull a gun on someone who already has a gun on us, pointed at our heads, while we just pull it out without moving? First of all, who among us is going to bother pulling a gun with a gun already on us? Second, if we were going to pull our gun with a gun already on us, are we going to do it while staying perfectly still so they can get a head shot on us? Everything about this statement was unrealistic and silly.

      If those bad guys and gals even think think you are stupid enough to go for it like some latter a day Billy the Kid they will slot you just as the Police will with them! .

      Albert isn’t making sense. Is he saying the police are in the same boat as the criminals? Billy the kid? Does Albert think we are gun slingers in chaps and bandoliers? LOL

    • Sorry, Bertie, Old Cobb, I just read of a recent poll where the percentage of carry is 8.something percent. When you consider 300 million + people that comes to 2,500,00 folks walking around any given day with a concealed firearm.

      As to criminals b being “semi-pros” most of them don’t know the first thing about firearms. Why do you think so many jam when the “semi pros” try to use them? All they know about firearms is what they see in semi-literate videos.You really need to stick to things that are your concern like who is the next PM going to be now that Boris got kicked out for Pinocchioizing too many times.

  4. Unless civil and criminal penalties are enforced for passing laws and enforcing regulations that step on the 2nd Amendment hostile governments and agencies will take the strategy of passing laws and forcing expensive and time-consuming legal challenges. When one or two legislators, governors, and regulators are fined and/or jailed for civil rights violations, the resistance will diminish. Law enforcement also. Enforcing blatantly illegal laws and regulations should expose police to civil rights lawsuits.

    • No government is going to outlaw itself. It’s ultimately up to the people to hold a rogue state to account.

      • When a couple million show up in DC to file a class action against the .gov it might get their attention.

  5. Send us your money, we like the NRA, enjoy going on trips to Europe and Africa and supporting a young and beautiful mistress. As P.T. Barnum once said “There is a sucker born every minute” and I might add multiply that by 100 for every Jackbooted Storm Trooper. They are even still sending Trump their money.

    The actions of both the courts and the States prove the Constitution is not worth the paper it is written on. Republicans get away with turning women into sex slaves by denying their right to choose or the people’s right to free speech and Democrats crush the Second Amendment. When you think about it the Constitution is a hilarious farce and a complete joke. As Mao Zedong once said “Power comes from the barrel of a gun” and he did not mean the peoples guns but the ruling elites and their armies. They make the rules and always have.

    • Your antifa troop is looking forward to having it’s “comfort battalion”. Little girls for the incels. Little boys for the NAMBLA members.

      • “Little girls for the incels“

        Now that sounds familiar, where have I heard that before?

        “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.”

        Numbers 31:17-18 KJV

    • Send us your money, we like the NRA, enjoy going on trips to Europe and Africa and supporting a young and beautiful mistress. As P.T. Barnum once said “There is a sucker born every minute” and I might add multiply that by 100 for every Jackbooted Storm Trooper. They are even still sending Trump their money.

      You could say the same thing for any democrat fund raising cause, or campaign fund. But you aren’t going to say that about them. Instead you are going to say it about causes that resist gun control and that go against filling our overcrowded prisons with gun owners who never hurt anyone, didn’t want to hurt anyone, and is in prison because they were gun hobbyists.

  6. Of course they will. They will spend our money in never ending court battles. There is only one way this ends.

  7. Dear Albert FUCK YOU you don’t mind living on your knees. We know where those stretch marks at the corners of your mouth came from. As for me I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees. I definitely won’t have any problems shooting whoever try’s to take my guns. I’m getting old anyway, I’m quite prepared to leave this world for a much more conservative one.

  8. Exactly how will SCOTUS enforce it’s decisions? That job belongs to the administrative branch, and they are real good at screwing stuff up.

    • The Court can enforce its decrees through the federal courts by ordering them to take specific actions. Those courts are bound to obey. And an injunction with penalty provisions is usually sufficient to get a government agent or agency to comply.

    • “Exactly how will SCOTUS enforce it’s decisions?”

      Dale, Chicago was an example of how a court enforced it’s ruling in the ‘McDonald’ decision. (If my memory is correct)

      The court got tired of Chicago dragging its feet in creating a carry permit system, so the court *ordered* that in that case, Chicago will be constitutional carry, no permit of any kind will be required.

      Chicago created the permit system with haste.

      That’s how the SCotUS can deal with Leftist Scum ™ that refuse to “play well with others”, like the 2A.

      Make the alternative unacceptable to them… 🙂

      • Anybody remember when airborne troops were sent into southern states to escort poc into newly intergrated schools. I do.

        All SCOTUS has to do is unleash the Marshal’s service on the foot draggers. No state cops or state security detail is going to resist a US Marshal. None.

        • Jethro you High School Drop out it was President Kennedy that ordered 100 National Guard troops to assist Federal Officials when Gov. Wallace stood on the steps of the University of Alabama and screamed “Segregation today and Segregation forever”. They were not airborne troops LMAO.

        • Hey, asshole — surprise! JWM was absolutely correct, you historical illiterate.

          “Aware that the Little Rock incident was becoming an international embarrassment, Eisenhower reluctantly ordered troops from the Army’s 101st Airborne Division to protect the students, who were shielded by federal troops and the Arkansas National Guard for the remainder of the school year.”

          Little Rock School Desegregation Event
          September 4, 1957 to September 25, 1957

        • If you were as old as you claim, herr dacian, you would remember first hand the airborne going in. If you were educated as well as you claim you would have known that.

          Once again you prove yourself ignorant and uneducated.

        • to Klingon

          What I posted was historically accurate in regards to Alabama. Look it up.

          Jethro said “Sent into Southern States”, which designates multiple states. Not correct. Arkansas is not multiple states. Nor did he indicate which state or which incident he was speaking about either so therefore one could have thought he was talking about Alabama.

        • So, asshole, you ASSUMED that you knew what JWM was talking about, but you didn’t. Now you’re trying to tell us that you were right all along?

          Major fail.

        • …therefore one could have thought he was talking about Alabama.

          Most hilarious excuse Dacian has mentioned yet.

        • SCOTUS does not have the “authority” to “unleash the marshal service” on anyone. The “justice department” has to enforce SCOTUS rulings, but only if requested by the executive branch…

      • A more restrained response would be to issue an injunction on the law’s enforcement. The law essentially becomes invalid and stays that way for months or years until the court finally strikes it down. The state can moot the decision by repealing and replacing the law with something similar. If the courts really wanted to get nasty about it, they would require pre-clearance based on the history of the legislature’s action. This means that the state’s law would be invalid, and they couldn’t have a new law take effect until court said the proposed law met its standards. Any future change to the law would also require the court to say it’s ok.

  9. Dacien the simple minded, and Bertie the limp diked limey want all of us to be compliant, simpering victims rather than admit their lack of manhood. Sorry boys, this old man will not be an unarmed victim ever again. Once was enough to convince me that a small chance is preferable to no chance.

  10. … issuing authorities … delay and deny the People’s right to the peaceable conduct they are entitled to.

    Two thoughts:

    One, government has NO righteous authority to criminalize peaceable conduct, such as keeping and bearing arms for non-offensive purposes.

    Two, government has NO righteous authority to criminalize non-peaceable conduct when righteous defenders are enacting that non-peaceable conduct.

    Consider that second thought in more depth. People exercising their First Amendment right to petition government for a redress of grievances could conduct themselves in a righteous although non-peaceable manner. One example is being raucous (in hope of intimidating politicians to do what is right) in front of City Hall or Capitol Hill. A second example is a sit-in where people are righteously defending their rights via blocking politicians’ access to facilities. A third example could be a massive phone or mail-in campaign explicitly designed to bury politicians and interfere with their ability to do pretty much anything.

    Just because voters or politicians find a behavior to be unsettling or even frightening does not mean that gives them righteous authority to criminalize it.

  11. The country , in many cases especially the District of Communists is run by Marxists and they only operate on deceit, intimidation, lawfare and force. This is the problem that we have.

    • Under the Active Shooter Alert Act of 2022, justified self-defense shootings, gang violence, drug violence, or accidental shootings will be used to send alerts to the American people about the presence of an “active shooter” to intentionally misguide the public and create mass hysteria.

      A justified self defense shooting is not an “active shooter” incident. It is a person saving a life from serious bodily harm or death from a threat no fault of the defender.

      When the fire department rescues a person from a house fire caused by defective wiring no fault of the home owner, do we also alert the public of an “active arsonist”? No, we say the fire department saved a life from serious bodily harm or death.

      Contact your representatives now.

      • And…. accidental shootings are accidents.

        When there is a car accident do we send out alerts that there is an “active accident causing driver”? Yet over 2,000,000 people are bodily seriously injured annually in car accidents.

        When there is a drunk driver that causes a car accident do we alert the public there is an “active drunk driver” ?

  12. for example, spend your money on writing assistance. It’s also one of the pleasant aspects. Agreed? I believe that we should learn how to write. You can spend your money on something else if you don’t waste it on writing assistance. But why should we use it, on the other hand? When you require a resume or a cover letter, those could be useful. I wouldn’t utilize it to get an essay. And it’s easy to see why in American campuses. [/font]

    View source

    “Firstly, Picasso has many thought from the history and ancient cultures, so the Cubism artists constantly utilised conventional elements to designed, In painting “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” Picasso utilised conventional photos to designed curvaceous nude bathers, we can see the human bodies really uncomfortable.”

  13. Conspiring to deprive people of their rights is a federal crime with varying penalties depending on circumstances.

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