The Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) has filed a motion for summary judgment in its case pending before a U.S. District Court in Texas challenging the Post Office gun ban.

The lawsuit FPC v. Garland challenges federal gun control laws prohibiting firearm possession, storage and carry at United States Post Offices and related properties, including post office parking lots. The plaintiffs are two law-abiding citizens licensed to carry in Texas and two non-profit membership associations—FPC and the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF).

Brandon Combs, FPC president, said the lawsuit is one in a long line of challenges designed to restore Second Amendment rights.

“Your right to carry weapons for armed self-defense does not end at the Post Office,” Combs said in a release announcing the action. “We look forward to eliminating this immoral ban and further restoring the People’s right and ability to protect themselves in public.”

In its motion for summary judgment, plaintiffs argue that the post office gun ban fails both of the standards set by the Supreme Court in New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen.

“The Carry Ban, to the extent it bars the possession and carriage of firearms in post offices and on postal property, infringes their Second Amendment rights and must be declared unconstitutional and enjoined,” the motion argues. “Bruen reaffirms that any Second Amendment regulation is constitutional only if the government ‘demonstrate[s] that [it] is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.’ But there is no historical tradition supporting the ban on lawful firearm carriage in post offices and on postal property.”

Because of that, the brief further argues that the government cannot meet its burden of proving a historical precedent.

“The postal system dates to the Founding, but there is no tradition of banning firearms in Post Offices,” the brief states. “On the contrary, there is a historical tradition of protecting the mail through materially different means.”

In the end, the motion argues that enforcement of the ban should be stopped immediately.

“For all these reasons, this Court should grant Plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment and permanently enjoin enforcement of the Carry Ban to the extent it bars the possession and carrying of firearms in U.S. Post Offices and on Postal Service postal property,” the brief concludes.

Federal gun law bans carrying firearms on much of its property, even in bathrooms and visitor centers on national lands, where a firearm might otherwise be permitted. Post offices, their parking lots—even the grounds around them—have all been designated gun-free zones where being caught in possession of a firearm, even locked in your vehicle as you walked inside, could result in fines and imprisonment.

In a similar case earlier this year, a federal judge in Florida ruled that the federal law banning people from possessing guns in post offices or while on post office property is unconstitutional, citing the landmark Bruen case in which the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the Second Amendment right to bear arms as an individual right and removed a host of obstacles many states had constructed to infringe upon those rights.


  1. It takes democRats in high places to shove their Gun Control rot down the throat of America. Anyone who sits on their behind and does not vote to eradicate the Rats plays a part in Gun Control.

    When enough is enough in Aurora CO…connect the h…
    h ttps://

  2. “Anyone who sits on their behind and does not vote“

    Don’t worry, I’m sure Trump’s NYC rally motivated many Puerto Ricans to vote…

    “There’s a lot going on. I don’t know if you know this but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico.”

    • minor49iq…Just think, if not for that joke PR would be the farthest thing from your mind…When it comes to firearm rights PR is a floating pile of demoCrap.

      Trump campaign senior advisor Daniella Alvarez said in a statement to Forbes following the rally the “joke does not reflect the views of President Trump or the campaign.”

      As far as I am concerned with biden/harris at the helm America is a shithole…Will that stop Americans from voting TRUMP/VANCE 2024? No and Hell No.

      • “Trump campaign senior advisor Daniella Alvarez said in a statement to Forbes following the rally the “joke does not reflect the views of President Trump or the campaign.”

        Weird, there’s always someone coming along to explain Donald Trump’s actions, now it’s his decision to hire a racist comedian that they are all backpedaling from.

        “Trump campaign senior advisor Daniella Alvarez said… “

        So why isn’t Trump himself coming forward to apologize for the clearly racist insults?

        It was his campaign event, it’s his presidential campaign, where is that whole ‘personal responsibility’ thing you MAGA Republicans go on about?

        • Why isn’t Biden and Kamala coming forward to apologize for the deaths they facilitated and the economy? I mean, its the Biden-Harris administration and the Harris campaign, so where is that whole ‘personal responsibility’ for them?

          I’ll take a few errant words from Trump or a comedian any day, … compared to the demonstrated, documented, actual very real clear and present and continuing danger posed by Biden and Harris and Walz to lives and property and American citizens and the Constitution.

    • The steal begins… Harris Secures Court Order To ADD Non-Citizens To Voter Rolls.

      h ttps://

      • “Harris Secures Court Order To ADD Non-Citizens To Voter Rolls“

        Amazing bit of misinformation, you guys are really grasping at straws here.

        The tell-tale is your post doesn’t list the federal judge, or the suit that’s involved and you don’t have any of the specific details of the ruling.

        No one is ‘adding’ any voters to the rolls, what happened is the governor of Virginia issued an executive order that violated federal law by instituting a purge of voting rolls within 90 days before the election.

        And it wasn’t Kamala Harris who filed the suit:

        “Among the plaintiffs in the case were the Virginia Coalition of Immigrant Rights, the League of Women Voters of Virginia and African Communities Together.“

        Of course, you failed to mention that all the standard safeguards against ineligible voters are still in place, as the judge noted in her decision:

        “She said her order doesn’t prevent Virginia from cancelling noncitizens’ voter registrations after an individual review or prevent the state from investigating noncitizens who register to vote or who do vote.“

        This was just another unlawful election interference attempt by Republican politicians, an intentional violation of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA).

        40oz, this is how most of your posts go, anywhere from blatant outright lies to slick misinformation that omits the actual facts of the situation.

        If it wasn’t for disinformation, MAGA Republicans would have no information at all.

        • Just not removing them or invalidating illegal votes. Telltale lies by omission and/or misdirection. Come on man you could at least try.

        • “The tell-tale is your post doesn’t list the federal judge, or the suit that’s involved and you don’t have any of the specific details of the ruling.”

          Someone needs to spoon feed you? Its all over the internet, be an adult and learn what research is.

          You apparently don’t understand whats happening.

          Let’s be clear about what just happened, a federal judge ordered Virginia to reinstate over 1,500 individuals– WHO HAD ALREADY SELF-IDENTIFIED THEM SELVES AS noncitizens back onto the voter rolls. An “individual review” had already been conducted to remove those and they were removed but the judge ignored that, and an investigation for if they do vote can’t happen until AFTER they have voted which means their votes would have been counted.

    • Tony Hinchcliffe, a comedian, at a Trump rally said..

      “There’s a lot going on. I don’t know if you know this but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico.” He made fun of a lot of people and groups.

      Hinchcliffe responded to the criticism on social media, saying, “these people have no sense of humor,” and adding: “I love Puerto Rico and vacation there. I made fun of everyone…watch the whole set. I’m a comedian.”

      Trump campaign senior advisor Daniella Alvarez said in a statement to Forbes following the rally the “joke does not reflect the views of President Trump or the campaign.”

      Trump did not say that. The campaign had no knowledge of what the comedian was going to say, he made it up on the fly. Its called, commonly, ‘free speech’ and is protected speech under the First Amendment. Why do you object to free speech Miner49er? You want to ban comedians now?

      You left wing idiots are sooo sensitive. Your wittle itty bitty feelings get hurt so easily, because you operate in a constant emotional state which makes you very susceptible, as you have shown us Miner49er, to manipulation.

      But on the other hand, just a few of many:

      Walz ordered police and National guard to fire on innocent civilians.

      Biden and Harris intentionally made our border open and insecure, allowing violent gangs and criminals to simply walk in to later commit crimes raging from human trafficking to murder and rape and many more, and Biden and Harris facilitated those crimes by intentionally making our border open and insecure.

      Harris outright lied about ‘price gouging’ being the reason prices are so high when even she, after being caught in her lie, walked it back to say that it wasn’t price gouging but rather, basically, biden-nomics?

      Food prices are up more than 20% under the Biden-Harris administration.

      Biden and Harris, by use of threats and intimidation and conspiring and collusion, during their tenure in office, censoring the free speech and intentionally violating the First Amendment right of millions of Americans on social media.

      and many more…

      But here you and other left wingers are getting all upset because a comedian made a joke, while ignoring the on-going danger posed by Biden-Harris-Walz and the sad part is you don’t have a clue because you’ve substituted emotion for logic and reasoning and sense of self preferring to live being fed a constant stream of left-wing emotion triggering mental illness TDS satisfying BS.

      • “no knowledge of what the comedian was going to say, he made it up on the fly. Its called, commonly, ‘free speech’”

        Also called, no need to worry about a rehire.

      • “I love Puerto Rico and vacation there“

        That’s great, hilarious. He loves to stay there and have the Puerto Rican folks bring him drinks and make the bed in his suite.

        Hey, the Trump campaign knew exactly who they were hiring to do the comedy warm up, they knew exactly what they would get and it was all part of their plan to sow division and anger in America.

        So there were just so many unsupported claims in your post, it’s the forum version of a Gish Gallop.

        Let’s just take one claim:

        “Walz ordered police and National guard to fire on innocent civilians.“

        Would you be kind enough to provide details on your statement?

        • “Hey, the Trump campaign knew exactly who they were hiring to do the comedy warm up, they knew exactly what they would get and it was all part of their plan to sow division and anger in America.

          So there were just so many unsupported claims in your post, it’s the forum version of a Gish Gallop.”

          They didn’t know what he was going to say for that, he made it up on the fly.

          Nope, not one unsupported claim. The information is available, you just need to know how to do research. I’ve already posted the sources before.

          “That’s great, hilarious. He loves to stay there and have the Puerto Rican folks bring him drinks and make the bed in his suite.”

          Uhhhh that’s called ’employee service’, its what the employees are suppose to do. Like for example, you go to a restaurant and they have ‘waiters’ that take your order and bring your ordered food and drinks.

          Geee whiz Miner49er, its like you have no knowledge of realty.

          • “Geee whiz Miner49er, its like you have no knowledge of realty.“

            I’m no expert, but I know realty well enough to have successfully acquired several hundred acres of wooded property here in West Virginia.

            So WTF does realty have to do with this discussion?

      • “Tony Hinchcliffe, a comedian” Intentionally hired by Donald Trump to whip the crowd into a frenzy with racist insults targeting minorities.

        There you go, I finished the sentence for you.

    • Yeah, sure would be better if people you didn’t agree with didn’t get to vote huh?
      Now for the inevitability that is the copy and pasted article about Trump.
      I don’t like the guy. Just don’t try to le own me with something about him. I cannot give less of a fuck anymore. Neither of them are preferable.

    • “I’m mad about a mean joke a comedian made at the orange hitler’s rally because the tv told me to be. And now I’ll bring it up in unrelated conversations.”

      • “I’m mad about… “

        Where do you get I’m ‘mad’ about anything?

        I’m actually overjoyed that the Trump campaign was foolish enough to think hiring a racist comic was a good idea.

        In fact, I think it’s wonderful the Trump campaign is attempting to sow division and prejudice in such a public fashion, showing their hand just before the election is probably a bad idea.

        • The comedic part is that you, and other dims, think Puerto Rican is a race. Puerto Rico is 50% mixed race, 17% white, and 7% black. If it’s such a lovely place, like you guys said Haiti was a few years ago, then why have people been trying their best to leave for the past couple of decades?

          • “The comedic part is that you, and other dims, think Puerto Rican is a race. Puerto Rico is 50% mixed race, 17% white, and 7% black.”

            Shhhhhhh… Miner49er and the rest of the offended left wing don’t know that, they think Puerto Rican is an actual ‘race’ demographic. Their claims of ‘racist’ and ‘racism’ for the Puerto Rico joke are false.

  3. More than a few times I’ve had to go to the post office to pick up a package. I pull up, remove my 1911 from its holster, stow it in the Hummer, and walk in to get the package. Once they hand it to me I laugh, they ask what’s funny? I say I have to disarm to come in, (yes, they all know I’m an FFL), once here, you hand me a box with guns in it.

    • Hmmm…I guess I technically violate the post office law when I sit in the post office parking lot for my wife or son to get ice cream(mostly at night). Their parking next door is usually hard to maneuver around🙄. Duly noted. I would never take a gat inside the post office or police station.

  4. Progressivism is winning!
    The world has just witnessed the most diverse and inclusive Nazi rally in history.

    • Haha. Nazis for Jews and minorities apparently. Israel named a town after Trump. Jews and Arabs alike love him. Trump is expanding the party, bringing in more minorities than any Republican in my lifetime. But hE’s a NaZi.

      That’s all they have. Well, that and moar abortion. They can’t get enough of it. Abortion is the closest thing to genocide we’ve had here. Planned Parenthood targeted (and still targets) black people for elimination. Meanwhile, Trump wants to help the country which helps everyone.

      • And let’s not forget that Margaret Sanger, who founded organizations that became Planned Parenthood, worked with ACTUAL Nazis. They were both very interested in eugenics. Gotta get rid of those undesirables.

  5. Best to avoid the USPS. Entirely, if possible.

    Last year, it took them 27 days to send my credit card payment from Louisiana to Illinois, cost me $250 in late fees and interest (I charge almost all non-firearm expenses and pay balance in full every month). Never again.

    • I have a PO box. I can access that area without going through metal detectors. They have detectors set up at the store area. However, it’s still illegal to have a firearm in my vehicle in the parking lot.

      It’s difficult to remember when to disarm, leave your firearm at home, etc. One time I forgot to leave my CCW in the vehicle. I walked right through the metal detectors into the store area. No alarm went off unless it only alerted the employees. What if the alarm went off, and they called the police? What a mess…

      • Dude,

        What if the alarm went off, and they called the police?

        I imagine at that point that you would become a test case to overturn the ban on carrying firearms for righteous self-defense at Post Offices.


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