A Manhattan jury this morning found Marine veteran and subway hero Daniel Penny not guilty in the choking death of Jordan Neely.
The jury acquitted Penny of criminally negligent homicide, which could have cost him four years in prison, in Neely’s chokehold death aboard a crowded uptown F train in May 2023. The judge in the case tossed the original charge of second-degree manslaughter last Friday after jurors could not reach a unanimous verdict on the charge.
Penny was riding the subway when Neely—a man with a long history of mental health issues and violent outbursts—began threatening passengers. Witnesses described Neely’s behavior as erratic and frightening. Penny acted decisively, restraining Neely in a chokehold to prevent what he and others clearly believed was a potential attack. Tragically, Neely died.
Throughout the case, the prosecution and defense differed sharply on the causes of Neely’s death, the appropriateness of using deadly physical force to protect passengers and the validity of defense claims that Penny’s actions were justified under New York law. In the end, the defense apparently made a better case to the jurors, who handed down the not guilty verdict.
The prosecution of Penny sent a chilling message to all Americans: If you step up to stop violence, you might become the next defendant. At the very least, it told us that in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s New York, the safest course of action is to do nothing. Let the chaos unfold, keep your hands to yourself and pray the police arrive before anyone gets seriously hurt.
Had the jury found Penny guilty of either manslaughter or negligent homicide, that message would have been hammered home in the minds of New Yorkers, as well as interested observers across the country. The not guilty verdict, on the other hand, instills the notion that seeing others in danger and acting in a heroic manner still represents the “American way,” where able citizens help those who are unable to defend themselves.
To be sure, prosecuting Penny wasn’t about justice—rather, it was about politics. It was about sending a message that the powers that be were more interested in virtue-signaling than in protecting their citizens.
Because of that, the verdict brought mixed reactions from observers in the political realm, with several who have opposed Penny’s prosecution from the very beginning feeling vindicated by the decision.
One Republican New York City Councilman, Joe Borelli, saw the not guilty verdict as an indictment of District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who many have criticized soundly for prosecuting Penny.
“The verdict in this case underscores nothing other than the perverse sense of justice held by Alvin Bragg,” told the New York Post. “Every New Yorker is fearful on the subway and had no problem understanding the context of Daniel Penny’s actions. The district attorney should resign in shame.”
In the end, a conviction of Penny would have been a devastating slap in the face to him and the many people he protected on that subway last May. The acquittal sends an entirely different message: It’s still appropriate to protect your fellow Americans from danger without going to jail for doing so.
This guy was supposedly in and out of custody for a long time before he did what he did and had really severe mental problems. He may well have been a victim, but in reality it’s because he wasn’t committed before he met his demise.
His dirtbag family is making threats now.
“Make your estranged father and BLM care about you with this one weird trick.”
Got $20 that dude’s father hadn’t talked to him for a long time before he was killed.
23 and Me ..Oh look we are related! Cha Ching!
Neelys ‘father’ … yeah, the term ‘father’ is greatly misapplied here. Neely was living on the streets, had a drug habit, had severe mental health problems. His father abandoned him as a child, then placed him in foster care after his mother’s murder when he was a teenager, and did not care about him while he was homeless or when he was arrested 40’ish times for various crimes, and for the rest of his life until he died. Then suddenly when there is a lawsuit in the making against Penny he gets rounded up with the rest of the people who should have been helping Neely all that time but didn’t give a darn about him …to say “I miss my son” and “this system is rigged.”
Who Cares About Jordan Neely?
h ttps://townhall.com/columnists/miacathell/2024/12/09/who-cares-about-jordan-neely-n2648784
Neelys ‘father’ … yeah, the term ‘father’ is greatly misapplied here. Neely was living on the streets, had a drug habit, had severe mental health problems. His father abandoned him as a child, then placed him in foster care after his mother’s murder when he was a teenager, and did not care about him while he was homeless or when he was arrested 40’ish times for various crimes, and for the rest of his life until he died. Then suddenly when there is a lawsuit in the making against Penny he gets rounded up with the rest of the people who should have been helping Neely all that time but didn’t give a darn about him …to say “I miss my son” and “this system is rigged.”
h ttps://x.com/greg_price11/status/1866167266272002326
Who Cares About Jordan Neely?
h ttps://townhall.com/columnists/miacathell/2024/12/09/who-cares-about-jordan-neely-n2648784
Bah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 😂 That’s brilliant.
His father is suing Penny already. Between that and the legal expenses and sheer stress and life disruption, I don’t think Penny got away free and clear. NYC is best avoided.
As the saying goes, the Process is the Punishment.
BLM is pushing and supporting him to sue. ya can see the local BLM terrorist in the video with him and the lawyer is a BLM lawyer.
BLM can’t sue, they don’t have standing. so they get a family member to do it, but its really BLM by proxy so they can spew in court and get donations and get media attention.
“before he did what he did“
So what did he do?
Who did he lay hands on?
“Who did he lay hands on?”
He threatened others in the subway car with physical violence.
If you do that, it is perfectly reasonable to take them at their word, and physically restrain them until law enforcement can respond…
“He threatened others in the subway car with physical violence”
So just a spoken threat authorizes someone to physically assault another and kill them?
“it is perfectly reasonable to take them at their word, and physically restrain them until law enforcement can respond… “
He did not just “physically restrain them until law enforcement can respond“, he killed the individual who had not physically assaulted anyone on the train.
So you’re saying if someone threatens to ‘whip yer ass!’ it is “perfectly reasonable” to kill them even if they haven’t laid a hand on you?
So summary execution for pre-crime is “perfectly reasonable”, fascinating.
This means if a husband threatens his wife, it is perfectly reasonable for her to kill him.
Or is that somehow ‘different’?
Means of escape? Yes? Different. Any other retarded questions?
You will die on whichever hill makes you the biggest contrarian, huh?
This man will never stop in his pursuit to be the edgy antigun pseudo-intellectual.
Nailed it. miner is a living, breathing condemnation of the modern education system.
NYC is a very left leaning, liberal place. Bragg is a leftards dream for a DA. And yet that jury found the man not guilty.
Well, MajorIdiot, you are clearly too mentally unhinged to understand reality, but . . . if someone who is physically capable of doing you serious bodily harm threatens (loudly) to do that, and acts in an aggressive, physically-intimidating manner, a REASONABLE person might conclude that that person might do you (or others) harm. THAT is what is known as the “reasonable man” standard in law. I realize you are too effing STUPID to understand this concept, but people are allowed, LEGALLY, to act on their REASONABLE concerns. (I don’t blame you for your abject stupidity, it seems to be endemic in Leftist political theology)).
I DO NOT have to wait until someone starts beating me/shooting me/stabbing me to act in defense of myself or others. I (and probably everyone else on this site) would be happy to explain to you why that is an objectively stupid standard to ATTEMPT to impose.
We had teYstimony from an experienced medical professional that Daniel Penny’s chokehold was not the proximate cause of Neely’s death, but IT DOESN’T MATTER. If concealed carry were an actual thing in NY (it isn’t), and Penny had pulled a gun and SHOT the deranged, drugged-out lunatic, instead of (perhaps) administering a not-precisely-calculated submission hold . . . what would be the difference??? Legally, there is none (OK, to be fair, there is the issue of whether a chokehold is “deadly force”, but anyone with the IQ of a turnip knows that it CAN be). IF you are legally justified, under the “reasonable man” standard, in feeling like you are in danger of death or serious injury, you are allowed to respond with force, up to and including lethal force.
Again, you are too stupid to understand either the standard of review OR the possible necessity of a forceful response, but trust me, that is the legal standard . . . you total, drooling, mouth-breathing f*cktard. I wasn’t on the jury. I have to rely on the evidence and testimony that even the idiotically Leftist news media reported, but that evidence made it clear to me (and to most people with a functioning cerebral cortex) that Daniel Penny reacted to a threatening situation in a REASONABLE manner . . . and that is the legal standard for self-defense. It is sad . . . no, PATHETIC, that you would attempt to argue against that, but it is certainly “on brand” for you and all your Leftist/fascist ‘fellow travelers’.
You are a brainless, indoctrinated Leftist/fascist moron, MajorIdiot, and you are mentally incapable of being anything else. I get it that you are indoctrinated idiot (you prove it to us on the daily), but I marvel at your evident PRIDE in being an idiot. Work on that, would ya????
“if someone who is physically capable of doing you serious bodily harm threatens (loudly) to do that, and acts in an aggressive, physically-intimidating manner, a REASONABLE person might conclude that that person might do you (or others) harm”
So your position is that if a person acts aggressive or intimidating a reasonable person may kill them?
That is just fascinating.
No actual physical assault needed, just a lot of words and gestures that make you fearful is all the justification needed for homicide.
Jeebus, MajorIdiot, what is the basis for your antipathy to the “First Rule of Holes”???? Your idiot commentary reached bedrock, DEEP in the hole, and you??? You rented a steam shovel and kept digging.
Even realizing that it is objectively stupid to attempt to engage in rational discussion with an IRRATIONAL Leftist/fascisb idiot, I will make ONE further attempt to educate you:
POINT THE FIRST: The LEGAL STANDARD (and this is true, at least on paper, in all 50 states, including the People’s Socialist Republic of KKKalifornia) for self-defense is that you be in REASONABLE fear of death or serious bodily injury to yourself or others. Now, KKKalifornia does endorse the (idiotic) “duty to retreat” doctrine, but the basic standard is still the “reasonable man” standard. If you find that amazing, it can ONLY be because you are a pig-ignorant Leftist/fascist moron, but TRUST ME, that is the legal standard.
POINT THE SECOND: Neeley had 42 PRIOR CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS for crimes, including assault. He was (per the toxicology report) stoned out on synthetic THC. He was RAVING in the subway car, and threatened to kill and injure people. He acted aggressive toward various passengers, and was clearly unhinged (kinda like you). If you find it “amazing” that a jury would conclude that self-defense was justified in that instance, there is nothing that I could way – you can’t rationally argue someone out of a position they didn’t RATIONALLY come to. Sucks to be you.
POINT THE THIRD: You are the babbling idiot of a braying Leftist/fascist donkey who has been braying at us for months about Trump being “convicted by a jury of his peers” of NONEXISTENT crimes (his “conviction” WILL be overturned on appeal, and I never make predictions about the outcome of court cases). Does the fact that a JURY OF HIS PEERS found Penny, on the facts, NOT GUILTY even matter to you??? Of course not; you’re a Leftist/fascist lying hypocrite. A verdict by a “jury of his peers” only counts when they agree with YOU.
POINT THE FOURTH: For some reason, apparently only susceptible to YOUR warped understanding of “the law”, you find it “amazing” that an attorney who graduated in the top 10% of his class, from an accredited, major law school, then practiced law for over 45 years, would understand things like legal definitions, standard of proof, presumption of innocence, and the ever-popular “elements of the crime” and “affirmative defenses”. That reveals far more about you than about me, or any other commenter on this forum (although I will say that your apparent belief that I cannot resort to self-defense unless I am PHYSICALLY attacked is interesting, since you also apparently believed that Kyle Rittenhouse was a murderer, despite the fact that he had been bashed in the head with a skateboard and threatened with a gun. Which is it, MajorLiar?????
POINT THE FIFTH: I believe in freedom of conscience – everyone is free to believe whatever they want, and to ACT on their beliefs . . . so long as they understand that they are responsible for their actions. If you could find a woman (assuming that you can even DEFINE the term) desperate or crazy enough to be with you, if you would be totes cool with a drugged out lunatic threatening her (and others) with death because they WOULDN’T GIVE HIM THEIR SODA????? (and acting very aggressively, shouting loudly, threatening physical violence, and OBVIOUSLY dangerously deranged, that’s fine (probably why no sane woman would even look at you) . . . but that is not the legal standard ANYWHERE in the US. Yes, the People’s Socialist Republic of KKKalifornia has enshrined a “duty to retreat” into its objectively stupid jurisprudence and laws around self-defense, but . . . Penny, and the other riders were in a CLOSED, MOVING subway car. Kinda hard to “retreat”, innit, you drooling idiot????
Now, I don’t believe for an instant that you understood any of that, or would be able to apply it to the instant discussion even if you DID understand it, but there it is. Consider yourself exposed to a partial education . . . not that you won’t remain pig-ignorant.
Neely was screaming that he was going to kill defenseless woman and children confined in that car with him. They could not flee. Nobody was obliged to wait and find out if he was serious. A summary execution was appropriate.
“Neely was screaming that he was going to kill defenseless woman and children“
“A summary execution was appropriate“
So ‘free-speech’ is just fine, unless you’re screaming your message, then you are subject to summary execution by any bystander.
Just so fascinating.
Clearly, folks like you should not have access to lethal weapons.
No, MajorLiar, it wasn’t “screaming” his statements that made Neeley susceptible to justified self-defense, it was the fact that his screams were accompanied by actual, affirmative, physical confrontations with other passengers, actual DEATH THREATS (you could look it up; those are not protected First Amendment speech).
Is it your argument, counselor, that Jordan Neeley could not be subjected to physical force in self-defense unless and until he actually physically assaulted and battered another passenger????? Is THAT your position???? Well, feel free to go with that, clown. If you ride the subway in one of your beloved “blue cities”, that approach MIGHT be a tad irrational, but, since I don’t much give a sh*t whether you live or die, feel free to go with that. I would point out that if you feel compelled to wait until actually, physically attacked before defending yourself, that’s gonna be a short fight, and not one you will prevail in (unless your attacker is even more inept than are you). That’s a fascinating position, but I assure you that is NOT the law, in any of the 50 states.
I recognize that this is a big story but what does it have to do with guns?
TTAG isn’t just about guns, its also a pro 2A site and self-defense/defense-of-others is a 2A right.
He took up arms against the guy. It has to do with the 2A
The only guns he used were his own biceps. Damn son get with the program
Are you trying to shame us into silence? It won’t work, because this case has EVERYTHING to do with guns.
Concealed and open carry are illegal in NYC. If Penny was not there that day, Neely could have killed any one of the sheeple in that train car. Or multiples. Under the US Constitution, EVERY adult on that train should have been allowed to carry a firearm on that day, and they should have been allowed to use them against Neely.
It’s about the right to defend one’s self and neighbors from a danger.
Penny just happened to have the skills and strength to stop Neely while unarmed. But most people wouldn’t be at Penny’s level…and they STILL have the right to defend themselves.
So it has EVERYTHING to do with firearms and the 2nd amendment.
Not trying to shame anyone. I would have said the same thing if someone posted about a rule change in Major League Baseball.
I understand your point about the lack of legal armed self-defense in NY being tangentially related but, bandwidth is limited and I come here for gun news.
You have limited bandwidth, and can ONLY spare time for actual “gun news”????
Here’s a thought, Chief . . . just scan the thumbnails of the articles before you open them, and only read the ones that are just “gun news”!!! You’re welcome, and I won’t even send you a bill for that advice!
Thanks, your input is invaluable.
I mean, seriously, no held a metaphorical gun to your head to force you to read this article, just skip the ones that don’t interest you…
he’s lonely.
He PURPORTS to be a POTG, but if you go back and review his actual comments, he’s mostly a MajorIdiot clone troll. I will NOT “play nice” with these lying idiots any longer – I owe them zero respect or “civility” when they (a) haven’t earned it, and (b) don’t post comments that DESERVE civility or respect. Like MajorMoron, he can go eff right the h*ll off – he wants to post idiocy; I will call him on it.
You’re welcome, and (as usual), I won’t even charge you for it.
IF (and I seriously doubt it) you are an actual POTG, then act like it. Personally, your posting history makes you sound more like a deranged, MajorLiar wannabe.
“If you don’t like abortions, don’t get one.” “If you don’t like guns, don’t buy one.” Do you even understand the analogy??? NO ONE is forcing you to read ANY post on this site, so . . . STFU. Seriously, your original comment was one of the stupidest com”ments in the history of this site (at least for the 6+ years I’ve been a lurker or a follower).
Samuel Langhorne Clemens famously said “It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.” Ponder that, Chief.
“NO ONE is forcing you to read ANY post on this site, so . . . STFU“
Amazing comment, just because you disagreed with his comment you commanded him to cease exercising his free speech.
So people can make comments on here, unless the content of their comment makes you uncomfortable or angry… Then you command them to “shut the fuck up”.
I don’t think you get the whole idea of America, it seems to have passed you by because you think you can control others’ speech just because it annoys you.
Clearly, another individual who should not have unfettered access to lethal weapons.
Hold on, moron, you are confusing two different issues in your own (deranged) head. Does MyName have a “1st Amendment” right to post stupid sh*t??? Yep, and I (and others) have the 1st Amendment right to tell him he’s full of sh*t, and, yes, tell him to STFU. Since we aren’t the government, and have no cops with guns showing up at his house at three in the morning, we are welcome to tell him he’s an idiot, and tell him we’d prefer he not post here.
See, your COMPLETE lack of understanding of both law and the Constitution makes it possible for you to post stupidity like that. Even YOU, in the depths of your Leftist lunacy, have the “right” to say whatever stupidity you choose to endorse . . . and remain accountable for your speech, if it constitutes one or more of the recognized exceptions to the 1A (libel, slander, affirmative threats, etc.).
Did I threaten to physically prevent MyName from posting??? Why, NO, no I didn’t!!! Did I threaten to beat him, or shoot him, if he continued to post stupidity??? Nope, didn’t do that, either.
Now YOU, you effing hypocrite, apparently feel that it is perfectly fine for you to endorse and advocate for GROSS violations of other Americans’ rights (the 2A, specifically, but also the implied right to a free and fair election). Tell me again, MajorIdiot, which one of us doesn’t understand what it means to be an American.
You remain too stupid to insult.
No it’s not and no you don’t otherwise you wouldn’t have spent .more than hours worth of time filling this post with useless comments and replies.
Additionally, Neely had PUNCHED an old lady in the face.
I still say this was a 2A issue. Neely should have been shot by any one of a dozen people on that car.
“Neely had PUNCHED an old lady in the face”
So you’re saying Daniel Penney observed Neely punch a woman in the face and that’s what prompted his assault of Neely?
“they should have been allowed to use them against Neely“
So who did Neely physically assault?
Jury seemed to believe the threat of imminent force from the subway crazy was sufficient to clear justified use of force by a third party in NYC. Any further argument you have is irrelevant.
miner is doing his best to keep the stupidity of the left front and center. He helped to defeat harris and now he’s paving the way for the gop in 26 and 28.
“the threat of imminent force“
Only a “threat”?
He felt threatened so he killed the man?
So an execution based on pre-crime, got it.
Did I stutter? Yes you disingenuous manipulator. Given the totality of the situation and the context involved (not that you are capable of honestly involving such things with your agenda) physical force was justified against the maniac. Sucks he died but his path and it’s results were a mix of his choices and the state’s inability to properly handle the mentally ill and not the fault of the accused.
“He felt threatened so he killed the man?
So an execution based on pre-crime, got it.”
100% false
Penny didn’t kill anyone.
Neeley didn’t die while in the choke hold, he died as a result of the effects of his K2 drug use, after the choke hold was eased up and released.
K2 use, especially to the point of ‘intoxication’ (or overdose), can cause one under (or as a result of) physical exertion (i.e the struggle) to stop breathing, go unconscious, and then die. K2 use can also cause violent and psychotic/irrational behavior. The coroner who performed the autopsy didn’t check the drug report, she assumed the choke hold did it by cutting off air supply after watching the video and assuming the choke hold was still compressing and it wasn’t. In reality its not clear from the video, and the coroner should have taken that into account and should have looked at the drug report before she made her finding. After the defense expert saw the drug report, the expert found Neelys actions and death was consistent with K2 use and it was and K2 has a long history in research and reality of causing this kind of behavior and death.
Witnesses corroborated that Neely was still breathing and struggling somewhat while Penny had him and others were assisting in restraining Neely, and further corroborated that Penny was not squeezing Neelys neck and had eased up on the choke hold while Neely was still breathing. But after he was released, police arrived and found Neely unconscious and not breathing and tried CPR and transported him the to the hospital where he was announced dead after arrival at the hospital.
Jury found him not guilty. Penny didn’t kill anyone.
“Neeley didn’t die while in the choke hold“
So Dr. 40oz has conducted his autopsy and made a ruling on the cause of death…
Unfortunately for him, his medical colleagues do not concur with his findings:
“A New York City medical examiner ruled that Neely died from compression to his neck as a result of the chokehold.“
40oz, I would suggest you return the box of cracker jacks from whence you obtained your MD.
@MyName I guess it brings closure to a post six articles back about self-defense.
I suppose but, still doesn’t involve guns. I recognize that this is a pro 2A audience, myself included but, the name of the site is, after all, The Truth About Guns.
Maybe they should rename it to ‘The Truth About Guns And Second Amendment Stuff And Other Stuff Too Maybe’ so you will not be so confused.
I’m not confused. I really don’t get the sturm und drang anyway since my original post was, in fact, phrased as a question.
I guess we will all probably survive.
Just to be clear, I was sincerely answering without trying to be a smart aleck.
That’s okay, I’ll be your huckle– I mean, Smart Alec.
It’s related. And it SHOULD have been a DGU. In a subway car. With suppressors.
No way should a man come home from his military service only to have to defend a bunch of sheeple on a train car.
They SHOULD have been able to stand up for themselves because it’s their God-given right.
That’s my smart alec story, and I’m sticking to it.
“And it SHOULD have been a DGU“
So who was physically assaulted? Other than the chokehold killing.
Bernhard Goetz did nothing wrong and eat shit commie.
So you’re saying the only physical attack that day was by Daniel Penny?
“Other than the chokehold killing.”
100% false
There was no ‘chokehold killing’ and Penny didn’t kill anyone.
Neeley didn’t die while in the choke hold, he died as a result of the effects of his K2 drug use, after the choke hold was eased up and released.
K2 use, especially to the point of ‘intoxication’ (or overdose), can cause one under (or as a result of) physical exertion (i.e the struggle) to stop breathing, go unconscious, and then die. K2 use can also cause violent and psychotic/irrational behavior. The coroner who performed the autopsy didn’t check the drug report, she assumed the choke hold did it by cutting off air supply after watching the video and assuming the choke hold was still compressing and it wasn’t. In reality its not clear from the video, and the coroner should have taken that into account and should have looked at the drug report before she made her finding. After the defense expert saw the drug report, the expert found Neelys actions and death was consistent with K2 use and it was and K2 has a long history in research and reality of causing this kind of behavior and death.
Witnesses corroborated that Neely was still breathing and struggling somewhat while Penny had him and others were assisting in restraining Neely, and further corroborated that Penny was not squeezing Neelys neck and had eased up on the choke hold while Neely was still breathing. But after he was released, police arrived and found Neely unconscious and not breathing and tried CPR and transported him the to the hospital where he was announced dead after arrival at the hospital.
Jury found him not guilty. Penny didn’t kill anyone.
“There was no ‘chokehold killing’ and Penny didn’t kill anyone”
The actual medical Doctor who performed the autopsy reached a different conclusion:
“A New York City medical examiner ruled that Neely died from compression to his neck as a result of the chokehold.”
“Jury found him not guilty. Penny didn’t kill anyone“
The jury did not say he didn’t kill anyone, the jury found him not guilty of criminally negligent homicide:
“Daniel Penny was acquitted Monday of criminally negligent homicide in the chokehold death of Jordan Neely“
“The actual medical Doctor who performed the autopsy reached a different conclusion:”
That would be the NYC medical examiner. The one that basically testified in court under specific questioning she could not really tell from the one video she watched and she didn’t check the toxicology report either.
The actual medical doctor that determined the true cause was the defense expert forensic pathologist Dr. Satish Chundru who was actually qualified to determine based on the totality of the evidence. Like for example, the video played in court the public did not get to see, the one the prosecution did not want played, the one where the police had arrived and said on video that Neely was still breathing. Ya know, the video the NYC medical examiner did not see before she made her finding and did not see until it was played in court. Ya know, that part of the totality of the evidence that the defense expert forensic pathologist, an actual doctor, Dr. Satish Chundru used to form his qualified determination with the rest of the totality of the evidence.
When the police arrived Neely was breathing but unconscious, but while in their ‘custody care’ he stopped breathing and they tried CPR and transported him the to the hospital where he was announced dead after arrival at the hospital.
Penny didn’t kill anyone, period.
learn what context and research means Miner49er.
“The jury did not say he didn’t kill anyone, the jury found him not guilty of criminally negligent homicide:”
You moron, what do you think the word ‘homicide’ means?
Yes, by finding him not guilty they said he did not commit the ‘homicide’ – or in a short plain language four letter word for you since you don’t know what the word ‘homicide’ means and lots of letters seems to get you confused, they said he did not ‘kill’ (see, only four letters, can ya count to 4?)…he did not ‘kill’ Neely plain and simple, the evidence shows it (see back a little with the defense expert) and the jury said it with ‘not guilty’.
there may be a review about a knife coming up…maybe you should not read here that day.
I actually recall, back in the Robert Farago days, a pretty heated debate about knife posts but, don’t worry, I’ll stay out of it. I’ve learned my lesson.
There better not be! :0)
Don’t worry MyName, if Debbie can post here you are welcome to also. Enjoy! Just make sure to post about racism, guns, racism, guns, racism, guns, adnauseum.
What more 2A story would you like? Daniel Penny use his Arms to Keep a bad guy from Infringing on the Right of the People on that subway car. Never seen the word “gun” in the 2nd. Am I missing something?
No, you’re not missing anything and neither am I. The word “gun” is not in the 2A but it is in the name of this site.
At this point I guess I should just say Mea Culpa and drop it, so I will.
until 13:20…
What does your comment have to do with guns?
What did your comment accomplish?
Do you waste time daily making such comments?
My comment was a question.
Sorry everyone for the distraction – thought the question might prompt a conversation but, apparently I’m the bad guy here.
Sorry again. I’ll try not to question editorial decisions in the future.
“I’ll try not to question editorial decisions in the future“
Comply, Citizen!
Or you won’t be a citizen much longer…
“Trump Vows to Deport U.S. Citizens in New Immigration Policy
Corbin Bolies
Media Reporter
Published Dec. 8 2024 2:23PM EST
Trump told Meet the Press‘ Kristen Welker that he wanted to avoid the family separation scandal that plagued his first administration. But to do so, he said, will require mixed-immigration families—those with undocumented immigrants with children who are U.S. citizens—to leave together.
“I don’t want to be breaking up families, so the only way you don’t break up the family is you keep them together and you have to send them all back,” he said.“
minor49iq…I thought it was Tom Homan who said that about keeping families together by deporting illegal immigrant families together? If your self serving democRat pals biden/harris would have left the border in the condition they stole/received it there would be no upcoming illegal migrant tough love. Obviously Nov. 5 proved America knows who and what party is responsible for open borders, inflation, crime, etc. Your time would be better spent warning disgruntled democRats about making threats against POTUS DJT.
So what is the problem? Deporting illegals and questionably legal anchor babies they exploit to stay here? Good luck finding meaningful opposition to behaving like the rest of the world on that one.
“questionably legal anchor babies“
You term the Constitution’s grant of birthright citizenship as ‘questionable’?
Way to support the United States Constitution, you go patriot!
“Good luck finding meaningful opposition to behaving like the rest of the world on that one“
So you believe Trump’s claim that America is the only nation that offers birthright citizenship?
You folks will believe anything he spouts, amazing.
Perhaps you might consider “doing your own research!” to save embarrassing yourself.
“The following countries have unrestricted birthright citizenship: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chad, Child, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Fiji, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Lesotho, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, the United States, Uruguay, and Venezuela.“
Where in the constitution does it say foreign invaders are entitled to their children being citizens? I will wait.
lol. Aren’t those all countries we conveniently exclude when talking about ‘gun violence’ stats because they’re not ‘1st world’ nations?
Now we wanna be just like them. lol.
Try having an anchor baby in Europe.
Border Czar Tom Homan Reveals Where Mass Deportation Operation Will Begin.
“Tom Homan, President-elect Donald Trump’s border czar, said the nation’s largest mass deportation operation will begin in Chicago.
‘Chicago is in trouble because your mayor sucks and your governor sucks,’ Homan said Monday during a Republican event in the Windy City, referring to Mayor Brandon Johnson and Gov. JB Pritzker.
h ttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2024/12/11/tom-homan-chicago-n2648843
“Deporting illegals and questionably legal anchor babies“
Perhaps we should start with anchor baby Barron Trump.
Melania Trump became a citizen on July 28, 2006. Barron Trump was born March 20th, 2006; that’s four months before his mother had citizenship. I hope the President will set an example by sending his son “home” first.
With the family. You wouldn’t want to break the family up.
Barron Trump is not an “anchor baby” because his father was a US citizen at the time of his son’s birth.
But you know this and still lie about it.
“Perhaps we should start with anchor baby Barron Trump.
Melania Trump became a citizen on July 28, 2006. Barron Trump was born March 20th, 2006; that’s four months before his mother had citizenship. I hope the President will set an example by sending his son ‘home’ first.”
It is 100% false that Baron Trump is a ‘anchor baby’
FACT CHECK: Would Trump’s Plan To End Birthright Citizenship Have Affected His Own Children?
“Verdict: False
Trump was a U.S. Citizen when his children were born here, making them legal citizens automatically.”
Was Melania a legal resident? Yeah you are either disingenuous or retarded (hopefully or for your sake). Deport all anchor babies and fuck you for not being able to determine what that means.
Well, if you have been a regular reader on this site (I have for 6+ years), you would be very aware that the editors and moderators on this site have determined that legal and political stories related to (i) our 1A and 2A rights, (ii) the exercise of those rights, (iii) political actions and events that impact those rights, and, yes (iv) “cool gun stuff” are all viable topics. Feel free to advocate for “cool gun stuff” ONLY . . . but also be prepared to be mocked for that. It isn’t that people don’t “get” your POV – I think most of the regular commenters on this site actually anjoy and agree with being kept apprised of, for example, political actions to curtail gun rights, or legal maneuverings that might be used to curtail those rights, or even the political events around politicians with stated “positions” on those rights, or who might be reasonably expected to impact those rights, either positively or negatively.
You are free not to read such articles, or not to visit here at all. The moderators/editors apparently think it’s fine to give you a platform to express that opinion. And if they didn’t, you could??? Why, you could START YOUR OWN WEBSITE!!!! And your editorial policies would be entirely up to you. And, as mentioned, you are obviously free to express your preference to limit the editorial scope of this site . . . . but you are NOT exempt from being told that your view is stupid. That isn’t (and hasn’t been, while I’ve been here) the scope of this site.
Comment all you want, on any subject the moderators will allow . . . but if you post something objectively stupid, don’t be all butthurt if people tell you, “Wow, that was really stupid!!!” Not exactly rocket surger,y, Chief.
MyName is Inigo Montoya. You killed my Father, now prepare to die.
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
The question is the answer, but you posted anyway knowing the answer (that this site if FAR more than firearms themselves).
Jack McCoy probably would have never taken the case.
“Dun Dun!”
Not so sure.
I remember an episode where he charged a gun company because a spree killer bought one of their gun and illegally modified it to full auto. He believed it was too easily modified to full auto. His closing argument was about how it was the companies fault that this psycho fired a lot more bullets than he should have into a crowd of college girls. After the bog standard emotional NYC jury declared guilt, the judge threw out the conviction.
The mormons had to move 150 years ago, because they were being murdered and when they defended themselves. The authorities arrested them and hung them from trees.
And the blacks in the south also had to move, if they tried to defend themselves against the klue klux klan. They also were lynched.
People need to face the truth. In some states, in some cities, in some jurisdictions in the United States. You are simply not allowed to defend yourself.
You can either not defend yourself. Hope you never have to defend yourself. Or you can move. Or you can become active in politics and work to change the system where you live now.
If you want your freedom? It will require eternal vigilance.
If you listen to the libertarians. You will soon lose your freedom.
“Why it’s Ok to not vote.” Catherine Mangu Ward. A great libertarian. Video 50 min long.
So voting, being involved in the election process is just a waste of time.
And I am also told that a “national divorce” is not a solution. By the same people who tell me to not vote, that it’s a waste of time.
But they will tell me to enjoy all that legal butt sex and drugs. They work so hard to make a reality.
Free man.
Daddy pardons hero son.
Good news!
Daniel Penny’s Acquittal Won’t Undo The Damage His Show Trial Caused.
h ttps://thefederalist.com/2024/12/09/daniel-pennys-acquittal-wont-undo-the-damage-his-show-trial-caused/
Hopefully; Daniel Penny will file a defamation lawsuit against attorney Benjamin Crump and the entire cadre of race hustling poverty pimps who incited the malicious prosecution against him.
BLM Activists Call for Violence After Penny Verdict. (yep, leave it up to the left winger for violence, everything from verbal to physical violence, even against kids in trying to transform them to an opposite gender. This should make Miner49er very happy. I wonder how much property damage they will do this time, last time it was around $2 Billion overall. I wonder if Kamala will raise donations to get them out of jail this time? Are we going to subject to another round of lies from the left wing media trying to excuse these terrorists as ‘peaceful’ and ‘mostly peaceful’? Will their upper echelon leaders rake in enough cash from donations again to be able to maintain the lavish life styles their last BLM con job enabled them to have with the donations from that?)
h ttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2024/12/09/blm-activists-call-for-violence-after-penny-verdict-n2648795?utm_medium=widget&utm_source=slider
“Hold community events and talk about what you need!!!” Scary stuff.
Of Course the Associated Press Reported the Daniel Penny Verdict This Way.
“Jordan Neely wasn’t simply a ‘subway rider.’ He was a career criminal who was threatening to kill passengers on the train in May 2023, which is why Marine Daniel Penny stepped in to subdue him and prevent Neely from doing harm to innocent people.
‘Neely’s record has 42 prior arrests, dating between 2013 and 2021. They include four for alleged assault, while others involved accusations of transit fraud and criminal trespass. At the time of his death, Neely had one active warrant for an alleged assault in connection with a 2021 incident,’ Newsweek reported in May 2024.”
h ttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2024/12/09/of-course-the-associated-press-reported-the-daniel-penny-verdict-this-way-n2648788
(In the text of the story, the AP falsely accuses Penny of “vigilantism,” and portrays Neely’s father as a caring man who lost a son he was close to — another opposition to the facts.)
Jordan Neely’s father Andre Zachary, who abandoned him as a child, placed him in foster care after his mother’s murder when he was a teenager, and did not care about him while he was homeless says “I miss my son” and “this system is rigged.”
h ttps://x.com/greg_price11/status/1866167266272002326
Who Cares About Jordan Neely?
h ttps://townhall.com/columnists/miacathell/2024/12/09/who-cares-about-jordan-neely-n2648784
Here we go with the “ghost gun” nonsense again.
Sorry. Wrong story.
It needed saying anyway.
hi point should do a neely’s ghost gun.
So ya bought a gun or ammo and used your bank account debit card or ya supported Trump, well…. New Report Exposes Extensive Government Spying on Bank Accounts.
“A new report released by the House Judiciary Committee, in partnership with the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, reveals extensive violations and abuse of the law by the federal government.
According to congressional investigators, the FBI abused the Bank Secrecy Act in order to work with banks to target opponents of the Biden administration and Trump supporters.
h ttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2024/12/09/new-report-exposes-extensive-government-spying-on-bank-accounts-n2648783
This particular topic combines a lot of constitutional issues paired with when private entities become defacto agents of the state. We also faced similar issues on the medical freedom side the last few years.
The Biden-Harris regime has been a four year constitutional rights violation and crime spree.
The NIH hasn’t exactly been a champion of civil liberties for decades.
Good for Penny!
“New Report Exposes Extensive Government Spying”
i’m glad you noticed this was happening, now that the IG report is out we know Donald Trump‘s administration was indeed spying on their political opponents:
“Trump’s DOJ secretly obtained phone and text message logs of 43 congressional staffers and 2 members of Congress
The Justice Department’s investigations into leaks of classified information were far broader than previously known, according to the department’s internal watchdog.
Dec. 10, 2024, 11:50 AM EST
By Ken Dilanian
Seeking to investigate leaks of classified information, the Trump Justice Department in 2017 and 2018 secretly obtained phone and text message logs of 43 congressional staffers and two members of Congress in a far broader probe than previously known, according to a new report by the department’s internal watchdog.
The report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz found that the DOJ didn’t act with political motives, but failed to take sufficient account of constitutional separation of powers by seizing communications records of staffers and lawmakers — and making them subjects of a criminal investigation — only because they had lawful access to state secrets through their jobs“
COOL STORY, BRO!!!! Now do the criminal Obummer “administration”, the Biden Crime Family, and the corrupt Senile Joe/Kamal-toe the Ho “administration”!! Merrick Garland absolutely didn’t target Catholics, pro-lifers, and parents attending school board meetings, did he???? Eric “Contempt of Congress” Holder sure wasn’t the Lyin’ Hawaiian’s “wing man”, was he????
Eff right off, you lying, hypocritical, two-faced Leftist/fascist propagandist.
Sure wish I had a like button! There are some great comments here!
“The prosecution of Penny sent a chilling message to all Americans: If you step up to stop violence, you might become the next defendant. At the very least, it told us that in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s New York, the safest course of action is to do nothing. Let the chaos unfold, keep your hands to yourself and pray the police arrive before anyone gets seriously hurt.”
Here’s an even better idea – stay the hell out of that s##t show of a city, or for that matter, the entire state.
“If you step up to stop violence“
So what actual violence did Daniel Penny stop?
Who did he lay hands on?
Miner49er doesn’t understand what context or research means.
.40 cal.
“Miner49er doesn’t understand . . . ANYTHING.”
There. FIFY.
From the state of NY go fuck yourself. And yes that is about the only response your asinine comments on this topic deserve.
The jury said not guilty, take it up with them.
Just put third party defense laws on the books nationwide.
You can call it the “Joe Horne” law. Problem solved.
Remarkably NY actually has that covered under article 35. This “should” have ended after the investigation of the initial claim of self defense but welcome to NY and see also why stand your ground laws are utterly imperative when judges can be bought by hostile foreign (and domestic) interests that abhor the idea of liberty.
Daniel Penny is a free man – when do the riots start?
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXFUM_cx0Gw
When they get funding from outside interests till then just going to bitch online and maybe in a few town meetings.
Gadsden Flag is probably right. Too cold to riot, check back next summer…
Will not apply as much for the south……but then again how much of the south saw violent protests even as bad as Albany NY.(can’t imagine why 😋) Yeah temperature does play a big role up here but even then we have had winter schennagans over the years (typically G8/G20 related stuff)