Next Friday, the TTAG crew will be gathering at Casa de Montecristo cigars off of Capital of Texas Highway in Austin, Texas. While we know that the chance to schmooze with the TTAG crew is more than enough incentive for readers to make the trek to The Live Music Capital of America, we’re also giving away all the swag above PLUS . . .

A Faxon fluted AR-15 barrel, Otis 9mm cleaning kits, caps, a ballistic rubber duck, ammunition and more! AND we’ll be bringing [unloaded, safety checked] firearms for you to ogle handle, including the new Smith & Wesson M2.0, FN 509, Ruger GP100, a heavily modded Smith & Wesson Victory, Wilson Combat EDC X9, Smith & Wesson .500-firing lever gun, shotguns and more.

But wait! There’s more!

The first 20 entrants will get a free cigar: the award-winning My Father Le Bijou 1922. The event starts at 7pm and runs ’til 9pm. No RSVP needed. Just show up and say the secret code word: OFWG. (No one under 18 admitted. Schnauzer not included.) See you there!


    • Ha! Maybe we did just suck.

      I can picture Dan Z. in TTAG’s secret above-ground lair reviewing all the entries: No Beretta for you! Come back, one year!

  1. i’m not goin’ if that other guy’s goin’. i don’t want to get safety shamed.

  2. Hmm, doors open at 7:00, I get off work at 4:00, and it is about three hours* to Austin… looks like I could just make it.

    *Unless I-35 is… well, I-35.

      • I just drove back from San Antonio to Dallas. A 5 hour drive took us 8 hours. We only stopped at Cabelas in Buda and Buccees in temple. It was terrible even just going around Austin via 130. So a big nope from me 🙁

      • I looked at my schedule today and I’m off at 3:00 instead of 4:00… so I’ll probably go the back-roads route. See y’all there!

  3. Sounds like fun. Except that it’s in Austin.

    I live in Colorado and I avoid Boulder. There’s no effing way I’m intentionally going to Austin.

  4. Change of venue to Godfather’s in the Detroit suburbs? I’ll make sure the owner gets some Opus X set aside.

  5. Hope that dog is a bomb sniffer. The brain trust of TTAG will be gathered in one spot. Mighty tempting for the left.

    • yup, if the people at $pr!ngfield and R*c# R!>er were to find out………….


    • Antifa in Houston. Good luck with that.

      But I freely admit that I don’t really understand what “Antifa” in this country is, other than just the “occupy” people that still don’t have a job.

      • I lived in Houston back when the Occupy people were harassing hard working stiffs by blocking traffic. A cop told a friend of mine that if she felt threatened, she could run them over. The way he said it implied that she should run them over and then say she feared for her life. A kind of “I didn’t feel threatened, just angry” “Well if you did feel threatened” conversation.

      • You need to read their materials. They are angry, outraged, uneducated university students and locals that perceive they are “oppressed” despite they are living in the most comfortable country on earth at the most comfortable time in human history thus far. They carry a flag with black and red on it. Red stands for communism (yes I said that right) and black stands for anarchism. They believe that speech can be violence and if you say something that they perceive as violence, they will physically assault you. They see their opponents as “nazis” even though the nazi party hasn’t been around for many decades. They call themselves “anti-facists” but advocate for state totalitarian ideals (facism). They really began to flourish after Trump was elected. Most of them are far left fringe groups such as neo-marxist gender studies people.

        They have little to nothing to do with “occupy” people, and are far worse ideologically. They won’t like what you have to say, regardless of how polite you say it. To them, your speech is inciting violence (not debating or taking part in dialectics), and they may bust you in the skull with a bike lock to let you know this.

        John, you need to holster your guns for a second, slap your billy goat out of the way, and go read the news. The MSM will not cover them, as their behavior hurts the leftist agenda. So you need to look to alternative sources.

  6. My God, in commie kalifornia you could go to prison for being in possession of some of them deadly items. I think that even looking at such, could get your some jail time.

  7. Well I’m out. I’ll be at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory until Saturday morning.

  8. I’ll take the Schnauzer!!
    Still not over losing my Giant a couple years ago…they’re like people!

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