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Funny or Die never seemed a more appropriate name for this comedy sketch. Of course, they’re not the only ones™ making light of the fact that the rise of cell phone cameras has created a tsunami of police-gone-bad videos. Just today, reported that Presidential candidate Ben Carson cracked a joke on that very subject . . .

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson boasted of spending his childhood running away from police, “back in the days before they would shoot you.”

While recounting his childhood during a campaign event in New Hampshire on Wednesday, the neurosurgeon fondly recalled being chased by police and hopping over fences to escape them.

“Throwing rocks at cars, I really liked that. Sometimes, the police would come, always in unmarked cars. And, they’d be chasing us across the field, and they would think they trapped us,” he said. “Now, that was back in the days before they would shoot you.”

He paused and then added: “I’m just kidding! You know they wouldn’t do that.”

Of course.

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    • Except if he gets the Republican nomination, one of the first things he’ll do is drop to his knees and fellate the police unions – it’s mandatory for the GOP candidate.

  1. “Throwing rocks at cars, I really liked that. Sometimes, the police would come, always in unmarked cars. And, they’d be chasing us across the field, and they would think they trapped us,” he said. “Now, that was back in the days before they would shoot you.”

    He paused and then added: “I’m just kidding! You know they wouldn’t do that.”

    I’m surprised he wasn’t more aware of how that wouldn’t fly with most cop-loving Republicans.

    • Maybe he has some insight of what the majority of people are thinking now days….rather than what people thought 30 years and a million bad-cop-videos ago.

    • Carson’s statement is a reflection of how much things have changed.

      Used to be legit police shootings were a reactive defense to an unfolding deadly event.
      A recent example would be the Darren Wilson shooting.

      These days too often police shootings seem to have morphed into a proactive shoot first ask questions later event where cops proactively shoot in response to the first sign of perceived danger. That recent shooting of a non-responsive front seat passenger during a poorly handled night time traffic stop in Bridgeton, NJ comes to mind.

      Don’t just blame the cops, though. Societal perceptions have also changed over time, and the media, both entertainment and news propaganda, has a quite a lot to do with that.

  2. Can we get Nick to do an updated Facts about guns section. Some of the data seems dated and I’d honestly like a comprehensive post that I can refer some of my fence walking friends.

  3. might be nice to have one of these in real life, just in case.
    No double standards put DC politicians on Obamacare and SS.Thanks for your support and vote. Pass the word.

  4. I used to run from cops back in the day when they wouldn’t shoot me. Instead, they told my mother, which was worse.

    • You know, that is so true.

      These days too often you can’t find the parents, and when they are found, they often try to shift the blame, and take no effective action to curtail their child’s behavior.

  5. They forgot the Onyx version of Siri; an AI that tells you all kinds of fantasies about the legal system so that when the time comes to interact with police you think you can legally resist them. Or an app that automatically shouts “police brutality!” whenever a cop calmly asks a simple question. How about a “”Gentle Giant” themed carrying case that you can use to punch little old men with while you steal their cigars? Sorry, this stuff isn’t funny to me anymore.

  6. Ironically, he’s got it largely backwards. Cops were much more likely to shoot someone who was fleeing back then, until it was decided by the Supreme Court that such a thing was a violation of due process.

    • I think it was ‘fleeing felons’ back then.
      They’d never shoot a kid, unless that kid had a gun and already shot at them.

      I don’t think it’s the usual today, but if it happens once it’s too often, for them to come up behind a kid with a suspicious object in his hands, yell an order at him, and then murder him while he is turning to see who yelled and figure out who they are yelling at. And yes, I said MURDER.

  7. It has become a sad day when police routinely interrupt Black people in the peaceful perpetration of their chosen felony, and then the poor man is shot when he resists arrest! Disgraceful.

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