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Gear Review: Blue Force Gear Admin Dapper Pouch

Tyler Kee - comments No comments

My anecdotal research of the gun industry indicates that a significant portion of the consumer population purchases guns, gear and accessories with thoughts of a protracted firefight in mind. The struggle that I — and I hope others — have is that this very functional gear either looks tactically ridiculous or is so “gun” focused that it’s worthless for every day usage.

Blue Force Gear, known for their slings and “gun” gear, debuted a line of new products at last year’s SHOT Show that I’ve been testing for the better part of nine months. Their Dapper line is meant for the gun-toting civilian, but is designed to look less “operator” without losing out on the function that tactically minded gear brings to the table.

Most impressive for me has been a tiny pouch that deserves its very own review. Meet the Dapper Admin Pouch.

I don’t engage in firefights for even a quarter of my day. In fact, I can count the number of firefights I have been involved in using no fingers at all. And I plan to keep it that way.

However, I have required the use of an iPhone charging cable, headphones, Excedrin, chewing gum and an external battery pack about six times this week alone. Prior to using the Dapper Pouch, the aforementioned items, along with other medications, various other chargers, and dental floss flopped around in my regularly scheduled backpack.

The Dapper pouch is made of a very durable Nylon, not quite as robust as Cordura, but still plenty idiot-gun-blogger-proof. Attached to the back are two heavy strips of hook Velcro, perfectly compatible with any loop Velco panels like that on the inside of Blue Force’s backpack or any number of any on the inside of competing packs on the market.

Attached to the front are two “Ten Speed” pouches that are sized for M4 magazines. I have used that feature precisely once and only to say, “Yep it does that.” The rest of the time, both pouches have securely held my twin pair of Anker battery packs. The space between the ten speed pouches is segmented for pens, but you could probably throw a chemlight or two in there as well if you were so (tactially) inclined.

Inside the zippered compartment, there’s a decent amount of room for a lot of miscellaneous junk. That is the predominant use case for me as I have on hand at any time, enough medications to deal with headaches, inflammation, and the effects of Texas’ wild humidity and temperature swings on my sinuses. I also keep some chewing gum, an iPhone charging cable, and a micro USB cable, along with at least one USB memory stick.

Should I elect to discreetly carry a gun about my person or in a pack, the Admin Pouch can easily accommodate a full sized M&P 9 and holster along with a spare magazine. For range duty, it has enough storage space for two loaded M4 magazines, a notebook, Kestrel, and some pens.

Rating (out of five stars):

Overall * * * * *
At $45, the Dapper Admin pouch is a bit spendy, but it is made here in the US and has held up to nine months of my idiotic usage with narry a frayed seam. In fact, the only wear I’ve been able find is some stretching of the elastic on the pen and M4 pockets. Both still work great, but look a little tired. Otherwise, it’s been a great way to keep all my small crap in one place that can easily be moved between one bag and another.

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Tyler Kee

Tyler Kee is a small town kid trying to make it in the big city of Austin, Texas. A cubicle-dwelling technology sales professional by day, he is an avid starter of projects, purchaser of speciality tools, and aspiring chef outside the office. He has been writing for The Truth About Guns for four years and specializes in hunting, the outdoors, gun, and gear reviews.

0 thoughts on “Gear Review: Blue Force Gear Admin Dapper Pouch”

    • Yeah how does one carry this thing? In your hand? A giant pocket?
      Men can’t have nice things. We can’t have purses to carry shit around in. Fanny packs are uncool. Can’t wear cargos without receiving snarky comments about fashion. If someone can invent a way for men to carry a lot of crap without looking foolish or going out of style, they’d make millions. I don’t think this is it though.

  1. It looks like the pouch my wife uses for discreet tampon carry. I’ll need to look into the tactical tampon carry market and see if this niche has been filled…. perhaps 5.11 already has something like this in the works.

  2. “My anecdotal research of the gun industry indicates that a significant portion of the consumer population purchases guns, gear and accessories with thoughts of a protracted firefight in mind.”

    Which is always funny because non-anecdotal research indicates that the chance of a non-leo getting involved in a firefight where he or she reloads and then continues the fight is about on the level of getting hit by lightning.

    • . . . yeah, but that one time it does . . .

      “When did Noah build the ark Gladys? Before the rain.” – Robert Redford as Nathan Muir

    • While I agree with your assessment of the odds… I know two people who have been hit by lightning. One of them twice, we always figured that it signified that even God knew he was an a$$hole. Needless to say I wont get on a boat with either one of them.

  3. You’re very own tactical carry all, otherwise known as a clutch to women (i.e. a purse). I mean it’s about time they started making purses and bags so all the pocket dumps of the day have actually something to carry all their stuff in besides their “pockets”.

    Shame you can’t add a photo that’s more becoming of the tactical carry all.


  4. I have two “tactical” man-purses and both have limited utility now that I don’t have small children and can pass them off as diaper-and-snack bags. I carry what I can in my laptop backpack during the workweek. Otherwise, I’ll wait until The Bag of Holding shows up on Amazon.

  5. I’d advise anyone who wants to carry daily without raising a single eyebrow, try this, which I’ve used daily for over 5 years. Currently I’m carrying a Sig 938 with a spare 7-round mag in front pocket and my phone in the larger pocket, with the Sig hidden behind in the hidden compartment, secured by hook & loop. Holster has two belt loops to secure to pants.


  6. If y’all think these pouches and your sling bag don’t look “tactical”, you’re high. A sling bag is the new fanny pack. Everyone knows what is for. I can get away with a messenger bag, even though I am old, on campus because I am a student. This is in downtown Denver. If I carried said bag here in my town where I live, it would definitely get looks. And it is a burgundy Duluth Pack bag that doesn’t look “tactical” in the least. Now if you don’t care if people know, go for it. But you are kidding no one. The only people that can get away with wearing anything “tactical”- like, are recently discharged vets wearing some of thier issue gear. Anyone and anything else just screams, “I am carrying”. Just some thoughts.

  7. Ive been hit by lightning.

    This a purse without the benefit of a strap.

    I think I will continue keep my old Lands End canvas briefcase as tac bag.

    More room, has perfect places for holster and mags, and a nice strap to carry it.

    Guys my age look a little out of place with a typical backpack (non – tacticool).

    This stuff looks like pretty good quality though.

  8. Kinda cool I guess. It would be nice if it had a pull handle on it though. It would also be nice if it came in different colors for rapid identification while rooting around inside your bag.

    For all the trash talk stuff like this gets products like this are incredibly useful if you’re carrying a backpack or other bag. It doesn’t matter if it’s your school/work bag, bug-out/get-home bag, or just your carry on. Things can be organized and grouped. At the very least you don’t end up dumping out a pile of shit at the TSA checkpoint because some $14/hour tard saw something on the X-ray machine.

  9. Needs a belt loop on the back, otherwise I’d likely use it once, then toss it in the drawer where it would stay, until I get on one of those “let’s go all minimialist” kicks again and start donating stuff to the Vietnam Veterans.


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