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By Mike Brewster

One of my personal dislikes of the basic AR-15 platform is the fact that they don’t have folding stocks. I’m not talking about rifles like the SIG 556 or other variants, I’m talking about true ARs. The issue, of course, is the need for the buffer system located in the stock. Without the buffer system engaged, the life of your AR15 wouldn’t last past the next shot probably. So I did some searching around the web and came across a folding stock adapter for AR-15s made by Law Tactical. According to the company, it’s “The only folding stock adapter compatible with AR platform rifles.” I was curious enough to go ahead and buy one and see if it’s worth the money . . .

After reading the instructions and studying the thing for a couple of minutes, the mechanics began to make sense.  The key element to the adapter is the bolt extension that engages with your buffer when the stock is in the unfolded position. When the stock is folded, the adapter is held in place by a fastener. Likewise, the buffer is held in by the traditional buffer retaining pin.

With this in mind, it’s important to note that the rifle CANNOT be fired when the stock is in the folded position.  With the buffer system disengaged, it is not capable of functioning properly and may cause serious damage to your rifle or yourself.

Screen Shot 2013-06-20 at 7.33.35 AM

So why would a person want to install a folding adapter on a rifle if it can’t be fired in the folded position? The simple answer: portability. With the stock folded, you save enough length on your rifle that you could transport it in a decent size rucksack or tactical bag (depending on the overall length of your rifle).  Some may argue that if you can’t fire it folded, it’s useless. I disagree. Any amount of length I can shave off my rifle for ease of portability is a positive in my book.

Installation of the CNC machined aluminum add-on was straightforward enough, though dealing with the recessed castle nut presented a minor challenge. Once installed, though, the adapter works exactly as billed with no change to the function of the rifle. Keep in mind, though, that it will add 1.3″ to your gun’s length of pull.

Overall, I highly recommend the adapter to any AR owner. It’s fairly easy to install, minus the castle nut which is recessed and a little difficult to tighten (I found using needle nose pliers make this easier). A compact AR is a more portable AR, and one you’re more likely to have with you. And that’s always a good thing.


Compatible with direct impingement or gas operated rifles
Works with all standard bolt carrier groups, 5.56 to .308, semi- or full auto
MSRP: $199

Ratings (out of five stars):

Ease of Installation: * * * *
The only hitch is that recessed castle nut that required a little improvisation. Otherwise, simple.

Function: * * * * *
The stock locks up solidly in both extended and folded positions. When extended, if you hadn’t installed it yourself, you wouldn’t know an adapter had been attached.

Overall: * * * * *
The adapter is solidly built and works as advertised. It adds to your rifle’s portability without hurting function at all. A great addition.

Mike blogs at and a version of this article previously appeared there. 

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  1. Intriguing. I’d definitely like to hear a long-term reliability and durability report, though.

    • The downside as ITS mentioned is u cant pop open the upper receiver and clean or fix a malfunction. Also his folder adapter kept coming loose. In my mind the lack of being able to pop the pins to access your receiver kills it for me.

      • Yeah, thats a major chink in the armor for me. Having to remove your stock to clean/clear a malfunction is no good in my book.

      • I dislike the ability to field strip the weapon, but it does seem that the BCG extension is fairly easy to remove. Just an extra step.

        I liked the look of that gun with the digicam furniture.

        That range he shot at is a “zero blue sky” range. I hate those things. So loud. One of the primary reasons to shoot outdoors is that indoor ranges are so loud, but every zero blue sky outdoor range I’ve ever been to could give any indoor range a run for its money.

    • Yep. Neat idea…but the risk of utter catastrophe should the AR fire when folded turns me off to this.

      • Yep. That’s why I want a picture. I want to see what a disaster such an event would be. If I want to take a folder, I’ll take out my Sig556. This is just asking for something terrible to happen.

  2. a bit expensive. If it was $100 i might pick one up, $50 Id be all over it. but $200? I can practically buy a used gun for that. Why would I waste that kind of money to fold my ar? Get a saiga .223 with a folder stock. Still cheaper than an AR at that point and ok to shoot folded. Once the price comes down Ill consider one.

    • perhaps, but a folding stock that doesn’t ruin the LOP of a saiga is big bucks to get installed unless you want a crapco AR style stock or an expensive bonesteel one.

  3. I’ve been oogling this product for quite some time now. I couldn’t agree more that its sole purpose to for portability and concealability. The AR pistol platform with some of the new 300BLK rounds makes for a great pack gun and there are some new really cool packs that people are coming up with too. Yes…in a tactical situation you’d better remember to flip open the buffer tube…but this is why you always practice with the gun you intend on using. What would be nice is that the folding unit was tested and designed to be fired even when folded. That way you can at least get off a round, then open the folding mechanism, reload and shoot.

    • “What would be nice is that the folding unit was tested and designed to be fired even when folded”

      An AR requires the buffer tube to operate. The buffer tube is housed in the stock. A folded folding stock therefore has to remove the buffer tube from the back of the gun…

      • What he meant was have it secure the bolt in place without damage to the system, so you can fire a round folded if the situation calls for it, unfold the stock, rack the gun, and continue firing from there. It doesn’t need the buffer to function, only to cycle.

  4. I just don’t see how this is a $200 product. It’s the answer to a question nobody had, and introduces enough risk I wouldn’t want it.

  5. If you’re looking at ease of transport, why not simply disassemble the upper and lower recievers?

  6. I think this is a neat idea but something that really only answers a question for a limited amount of people. If I wanted a portable rifle, I have a Draco SBR with a folding stock and that is about as portable as one can get!

    My AR’s are range queens through and through otherwise, though I use them in carbine classes here and there. They are pretty beat up from those.

  7. While we are talking about buffer tubes, a bit off topic question.
    How much does air in the tube act as the buffer as opposed to the spring?

  8. Different ballistics for sure, and different class of rifle, but I’m looking at a Sub 2000 in 9mm for a foldable bag/trunk gun. It folds to 18″.
    Same intent and goal, just depends on what caliber and muzzle velocity one may need or desire.

    • I’d love one too, if only I could get my hands on one. There are 3 guns out there that I would add to the collection today but they’re all as easy to locate as Sasquatch.

      The more research I’ve done the more I like the idea of a PCC for all around plinking, home defense and SHTF backup. The fact that the Sub2k can take Glock mags is even better.

      • +1 for the Keltec Sub2k. Mine fits in a normal gym bag with a pair of 33rnd Glock mags and a full layer of new clothes. Best purchase I’ve made in the bangbang category thus far.

  9. Murphy’s Law:
    What ever can go wrong, will go wrong, at precisely the most damaging moment.

  10. If portability is necessary,simply break down the weapon and separate the receivers.Its cheaper then this $200 gadget,and the weapon is just as functional .

  11. Too expensive, limits the ease of taking down the weapon and it can be fired while folded…no thanks.

  12. Since it can’t be fired while folded and at a price of $200, it’s just not worth it. If it was closer to $50-$75 I’d think about it. But it would seem a waste if you bought it and then you (or more likely someone else) fired it while it was folded. Add to that the fact that it is one more part that can fail on you even if you aren’t misusing it. If you really need to reduce the length of your AR-15 when transporting it you already have an easy option. Separate the upper from the lower. It’s almost as easy, reduces the dimensions even more, it’s free, and you don’t have to worry about anyone firing your AR-15 with a stock folded.

  13. Not being able to fire when folded is a GOOD thing:

    If you live in the communist republic of California we legally measure the guns length based on how short it can be when fired (so no underfolders etc in Kali unless pinned open). We also have a 30″ min length…..too short and it’s a felony.

    So if we can’t fire it until it’s unfolded, then we can buy and install this.

    • That is not for use on an ar, it is an adapter for the M-11 SMG & Semi Auto, Mac-10 SMG, Master Piece Arms, all calibers & SOCOM II

  14. My humble opinion is that it’s not a very good product. If we’re just talking ease of transport, fine, it makes the m4 smaller. If all you do is go to the range and to show off something new to your buddies, fine. But tactical reasons? Not good at all.

    You carry this thing folded, then a sudden firefight ensues, and you can’t even open fire enough to cover yourself or your team mates to get to cover? No good.

    And the worst part? It folds to the LEFT! There are more right handed shooters, so having this folded and slung across your chest means the stock is stuck in between the main body of the M4 and your chest. Try unfolding it in a fight or flight scenario. The Galil, the HK G36, the Sig and even the Kriss weapons all fold to the RIGHT, away from the body, for quick unfolding.

    I find this product is a bit narrow minded in it’s design. Like it’s only for lefties, who only take their M4s to the range, and drive a compact car. I know I’m being a bit dramatic, but hopefully you get my point.

    • BMC- Read your comment from 2013 and couldn’t help but show you the product we have hitting the market in Feb 2016. Our first videos are a little rough but in a few short weeks we have some closeup images and video coming. This does have fire while folded capabilities

      Dead Foot Arms LLC

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