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Gear Review: SecureIt Agile Model 52 Gun Cabinet

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

SecureIt says they designed their Agile Model 52 gun cabinet to do everything that a traditional gun safe does in a lighter, do-it-yourself package. As they put it in their promotional material, “Traditional gun safes do not stop thieves or fires. They are just metal and drywall. One can cut through a safe in minutes with a $10 saw, and, if you have a significant fire, your guns are toast.”

The implication: Why lay out thousands of dollars for gun-storage options that you can’t move yourself, when the Agile Model 52 will provide most of the same level of security in a more affordable, mobile package?


Review SecureIt Agile Model 52 Gun Cabinet


Unlike a traditional safe that weighs hundreds of pounds, the SecurIt Agile 52 comes from dealers like Amazon in a UPS-deliverable flat-packed box.


Review SecureIt Agile Model 52 Gun Cabinet


And if you’ve ever put together your own furniture — think IKEA — you’re more than up to the task of assembling the Agile 52.


Review SecureIt Agile Model 52 Gun Cabinet


The only tool required is a 5/16-inch socket wrench.

The gun-storage cabinet can be assembled by one person, but at one stage in the process — mounting the heavy door — you’ll make your life much easier if you recruit an extra pair of hands to help.

I could type out paragraphs describing the assembly process, but SecureIt put together this excellent video that does a better job than I can. It’s also preferable to the instructions that are included with the Agile 52.



The whole process takes about a half hour. All of the cabinet’s connecting points are internal.


Review SecureIt Agile Model 52 Gun Cabinet


The SecureIt gun-storage cabinet has an electronic lock that relies on a single nine-volt battery to power it (easily changeable through a hatch on the inside of the door). It’s keypad is reprogrammable for the combination of your choice.


Review SecureIt Agile Model 52 Gun Cabinet


The Agile 52 comes with two keys that will open the unit if you let your battery run down. The keyhole is hidden behind the Agile nameplate.


Review SecureIt Agile Model 52 Gun Cabinet


When locked, the heavy door is secured by three one-inch steel bolts that extend into the cabinet, one each in the top, bottom and side. And there are plenty of screw holes on five sides in order to secure the Model 52 to a wall and/or floor to make sure it stays in place.


Review SecureIt Agile Model 52 Gun Cabinet


The Agile Model 52’s customization options come from SecurIt’s CradleGrid system mounted on the back of the cabinet. They’re basically louvers that allow the user to attach a variety of optional bins, hangers and cradles at various positions to accommodate your guns and accessories like holsters the way you want in the Model 52. (The company also offers hidden safes, Fast Boxes and even retrofit kits for existing traditional safes.)


Review SecureIt Agile Model 52 Gun Cabinet


The ultralight gun safe comes with six stock bases and cradles to accommodate six long guns.


Review SecureIt Agile Model 52 Gun Cabinet


I got a variety of additional bins, trays and pistol hangers to let me store a three long guns along with some pistols, ammo and other gear. The cradles give you plenty of room to hold rifles with optics so they won’t scrape against the back of the cabinet.


Review SecureIt Agile Model 52 Gun Cabinet


SecureIt’s CradleGrid technology lets you position any of the interior components wherever you want to fit your gear best.

Assembled, the 14-gauge steel unit weights 105 pounds, light enough for one person to be able to reposition it and for two to easily move it from one location to another. If need be, the firearm storage system can be disassembled as easily as it was put together, then reassembled somewhere else.

Again, this isn’t a safe. Fire ratings are unreliable and this SecureIt model won’t protect its contents in a fire and given a few minutes and the right angle grinder, a good burglar can pop it open. But that’s not why you’d buy the Model 52 cabinet. It’s strong enough to keep guns away from family members who shouldn’t have access. It’s reasonably priced and light enough to move from one room to another without calling a mover. It’s hard to imagine a better product for its intended use.

Specifications: SecureIt Agile Model 52 Gun Cabinet

Dimensions: 52″h x 20″w x 15″d

Weight: 105 lbs.

Lock: Keypad control panel

Backup: Key Override

Capacity: Adaptable storage stores six long guns up to 50 inches in length, handguns with optional hangers

Included: Heavy-duty steel cabinet; louvered back-panel grid, six upper cradles with removable bungees; three stock bases

Features: Keypad control panel; key override; KnockDown design (patent pending) for fast assembly; recessed, full piano-hinge swing door with 3-point locking system; stores any six firearms up to 50″ in length, discounts for members of military, law enforcement, first responders, NRA members and instructors

MSRP: $599 ($499 retail)

Ratings (Out of Five Stars):

Ease of Assembly: * * * *

While the included instructions are average, SecureIt’s video showing the process is a big help. One person can do the job, but it’s easier with a second pair of hands and will take you less than an hour.

Fit and Finish: * * * * *

The 14-gauge steel is evenly powder-coated and arrived without a scratch. All the needed parts were there. The only hiccup found was the “Agile” badge on the door that was mounted upside down for some reason which was easy to flip.

Overall * * * * *

Not everyone wants to pay for hours of fire protection or a heavy-duty safe that delays a burglar and even calls the authorities. Plenty of gun owners just want a secure, functional cabinet that’s child-safe and can be moved easily if and when the need arises. If that’s what you’re looking for, the SecureIt Agile Model 52 Gun Cabinet is exactly what the doctor ordered.

More from the Truth About Guns:

Hide in Plain Sight: Hidden Gun Safe Storage Options

Gear Review: SecureIt Tactical Milspec Kit


0 thoughts on “Gear Review: SecureIt Agile Model 52 Gun Cabinet”

  1. There use to be one that was Horizontal and laid flat as of being able to be Sandwiched in a Counter Top or Under the Bed. Can’t seem to find it anywhere, does any know whether or not it’s still in production or no longer in production…

    • Check out their military section. They started by making cabinets for military armories and sell a couple of those to the civilian market. The Model 84 might do what you want.

  2. How does this provide “almost the same level of security” when it comes to fire protection? I can see light passsing through the cradle slots.

    • It doesn’t. As I said above “It won’t protect its contents in a fire….”

      Their point is that most gun safes consumers buy don’t protect their contents for long enough in a fire to make a practical difference.

      • Dan is spot on. Almost all modern gun safes have only a 10 ga. or 12 ga. sheet steel outside and 1/2″ – 3/4″ sheetrock inside. That won’t insulate unless the fire is low-grade and short-lived. After a significant fire, insurance companies usually have to replace any firearms that were in a safe.

    • Most “gun safes” are not safes. They don’t meet the industry standards for keeping out thieves or for fire protection. They define their own fire protection tests, then pass them and place a sticker on the safe.
      In a real house fire, the heat would get through and melt your guns.

      • Correct, gun “safes” aren’t really safes at all, UL classifies them as “Residential Security Containers” which only have to resist being forced open by one man using a pry bar not more than 18″ long or a hammer not more than 4 lbs. in 15 minutes. And those thick heavy doors are just a gimmick because no savvy burglar goes in through the door, they attack the sides where the metal is thin. A Lithium powered angle grinder with cut-off wheel will make short work of this cabinet and even most “safes.”

  3. One could buy a Stack-On GCB-8RTA from amazon, minus the electronic lock and fancy storage system, for $100 apiece. I don’t think these are worth the price at all. How can you give 5 stars overall for something so over priced?

    • It seems WAY overpriced to me as well. It would be ok if it was priced around $200. For $500, you can get a decent lower end safe. Gun locker/cabinets can be had for around $100.

    • Regarding the 5 star “review”.

      This article sounds more like a paid advertisement than an actual review.

    • I’ve had that same safe for over 10 years now. No problems, keeps the kids out, and is bolted to the wall so it doesn’t tip over. I even added some smaller shelves to mine like this overpriced scam shows.

    • I don’t believe that Stack-On has the adjustable shelves and is more difficult to move rifles in and out of the cabinet. I think a better price point is $300 but I find it much more configurable than a Stack-on.

      • I don’t think the Stack-On is as customizable as this, but for the difference in price, you can buy A LOT of accessories. Actually, with the extra you could buy less expensive gun or maybe a nice used gun, or some ammo, or better yet, put that saved cash into training.

    • I have a model 52 that I bought after comparing a friend’s 3 different Stack On cabinets and there is no comparison. The 52 is vastly better built. I have mine bolted to a wall in 3 places and it has a web cam/security device looking at it 24/7. I can look at it and the room it’s in on my cell phone anytime I want. It calls me if it hears a loud noise, if it detects motion, and if I want, I can set off an alarm that any sane person would bail out if they hear. I live in an apartment and a “regular” safe is not practical or really possible. The Secureit works well, looks good and if/when I move, it can easily go with me.

  4. So a StackOn with a nifty perforated hanger back. In a knockdown configuration so its much cheap to ship from chicomland. At x8 the price. Got it.

    Is the back of the box actually thru stamped perforations/see light thru or is there a solid rear panel?

  5. Meh. 600 bucks for basically a stack on cabinet you bolt together yourself. Sure there is a fancy organizer, and sure there are two more locking bolts.

  6. Clearly printed on the door of a friend’s safes:

    He’s not kidding either.

    • Burglars rarely read; when they do, they don’t believe a thing they read. However, I think those words on the outside of a safe would cause even the dumbest burglar to second-guess his attempt. LOL

      • …assumptions being:
        1 – they can *read*
        2 – they can handle big words like “warning” and “powder”
        3 – they have the mental capacity to understand the ramifications of “torch + powder = uh-oh!”

        • No, “Leighton Cavendis”, you fake-named coward, safe companies don’t need to put warnings in Ebonics, since stupid White people like you are now over 90% of the heroin addicts in the United States, and they’re the ones who steal most of the little remaining wealth that isn’t stolen by your betters; white-collar-criminal White people.
          It’s small wonder that our heroin addicts are White, since so many of them are the demon spawn of White losers like you, you stupid loser White coward.
          Since you’re stupid, I already know what your stupid response will be. I’ve written it out, and it’s five words long. If you’re not too lazy to write a stupid response, I’ll paste it in then; I’m not going to spoon-feed it to you.
          My name is Scotty Crawford. What’s your name, “Leighton Cavendis”, you coward?

  7. I have two of these. They replaced a 400lb. Rhino Bighorn (an RSC, not a real safe). They hold more handguns and just as many long guns (12) as the “24 gun” Bighorn did, with the major difference that when I want to get one out, I don’t knock all the others over.

    I was also able to bolt these to the floor, wall, and each other, compared to the Rhino just bolting to the floor. With just floor bolts, I feel like I could tip the Rhino over, if I really tried. And on it’s back, it’ll last maybe half a minute against a crowbar attack.

    The Agile 52s are in a closet, without a lot of room around them, so it would be difficult to get into position to attack the sides or top, which are the weakest points on any RSC. And I plan to build shelving around them to make that even more difficult, and to attach the cabinets to the shelves from the inside.

    • …yup – I’ve done what you plan to do. My Barska is wedged in between closet shelving, bolted to the shelves, floor and back wall.

      Could bad guys still open and/or remove it from its position? Yes. But at that point (once they are in the house), it is all about slowing them down. Too much grief, I’m told, will cause them to look elsewhere for easier pickings.

      • JasonM & dlj95118 both have the right stuff. You’ve both used your intelligence to figure out how to do something well, then helped people by adding to the understanding people get from this article. Damned well done!

        • I believe their knowledgeable comments help people to secure ANY safe; that’s the reason why their comments are particularly helpful.

  8. is it secureit or securelt?
    that louvered rear panel would make a choice hood for my ghia. always wanted an air cooled spare tire.

  9. Sound concept and logical, but for the price, way too much. Half price maybe…..
    I considered them, a TL30 and a Sturdy Safe…..the TL safe at an actual 3850lbs was just too heavy if I wanted to move it later. The Sturdy Safe at about 1900 lbs of steel, Not drywall….(and anchored to the floor)..was my choice….anyone considering a “safe” should look at Sturdy Safe.

    • Sturdy safe is one of the few gun safes that are more like safes than glorified expensive gun cabinets. Fairly thick steel; great bolt work.

  10. I have worked hundreds of burglaries (and been the victim of on before getting into law enforcement.) I’ve learned a few things.
    1. Burglars want to get in and out as fast as possible.
    2. Most residential burglaries are random crimes of opportunity.
    3. Never worked a burglary involving a blow torch.
    4. Worked several burglaries where cheap safes were compromised by pry bars. All tools provided by the homeowner.
    5. I’ve spoken to my local firefighters. They know where my safes are. I instructed them, “Damn the rest of the house. Keep a hose focused here.”
    6. Buy the heaviest safe you can afford. I’ve also seen lightweight safes carried away.
    7. Any one of my hunting rifles cost more than the Liberty Safes they live in. You do the math.

    • Thank you, Mr. McMichael. You’ve done the thing that COMMENTS sections are supposed to do: supplement the article with personal knowledge that really helps people. You’ve just done the ultimate good police work: Serve and protect.

    • Exactly! They advertise a safe that’s light and easy to move. WTH kind of logic is that?? I WANT my safe to be heavy as can be! This angle of marketing is so cockeyed!

  11. I would really like to see TTAG do some detailed reviews of various firearm storage options. Everything from high-end gun safes to low-end storage lockers. Reviews that would help readers make informed decisions about what is the right choice for their situations (things like number of guns, value of guns, security concerns, fire resistance, etc.). I have never found a good source of information about what gun safes I should be choosing to best meet my needs. What is the proper relationship between the cost of the safe and the value of the contents?

    • See the advice just above. Good stuff

      Just get a Liberty safe bigger than you think you will need and you are done with it.

    • If the value of the contents exceed the value of the safe, by say 50%, you’re money ahead. Like I said, any ONE of my hunting rifles exceed the value of any one of my Liberty Safes. They also hold many more rifles, shotguns and handguns. Buy the heaviest, most secure safe you can afford. Cheap and lightweight is only a delay for a couple of burglars.

  12. At 14 gauge thick this is thicker than the StackOn and other competition. StackOn doesn’t even advertise the thickness of their cabinets. They are made of really thin steel, I’d guess 18 or possibly 20 ga. Most people would be better off with a construction strong box than a cabinet. They are usually 16 ga steel and come in various sizes. Just don’t use master lock on them as modern master lock is utterly junk.

    • It really depends on the Stack-On model. The cabinets, yeah, they’re basically useless against a real attack. The safes are I think 12-14ga. Not amazing, but enough that you’re going to have to work for it. Truth is, even some of the “better” manufacturers are only 12ga… people invest too much in a brand name.

  13. Seems overpriced for what you get. The only positive I can see is that you can take it apart if you move. Just bought a steelwater safe that is 24.6 cu ft vs 9 cu ft (outside dimensions) 12 gauge steel, internal LED lights, fire rated 60 min 1800 degrees ( better than nothing) for about twice the price of this.

    • They should Arc Spray the Outer Safe Cabinet with “Thermion” (i.e. Aluminum Oxynitride) that can stand up temperatures of ~3902F for 30-minutes. But at ~$15-Dollars per square inch it would probably cost to much for the average purchaser…

  14. A friend uses a Jobsite box with a cloth tossed over it to hide it. Has the bottom lined with ammo to make it stupid heavy. He figures if it’s not as noticeable as a gun safe he’s a step ahead that it will take more time to find it and then the tools to break into it.

  15. I haven’t read most of the comments, please if this is a repeat, no flaming, please! A Liberty Gun Safe – 48 gun 680 pound, new is about $1,100.00, stock. That is just about the cost of two of these DIY “lockers”. Invest a little, have and super fire rating, super safe, safe…Yes they can be a bit snarky to move..But for the cost , security and safety, they can be beat!!


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