
Having just run my new Tech Sights through a weekend of Appleseed shooting, I felt it necessary to review them. And I gotta tell you, they’re really great. If you’re looking to add irons to your Ruger 10/22, look no further. But why would you want to add irons to a gun that already has them from the factory? Well, for starters . . .


The factory irons are terrible. Usable sure, but not nearly good enough for precision work. And certainly harder to train new shooters to use. Tech Sights brings several great features to the 10/22 platform. First among them is a longer sight radius. Where the factory rear sight is mounted forward of the receiver in a dovetail on the barrel, the Tech Sights rear bolts to the receiver adding several inches to the sight radius. This creates much more precision which is always a good thing. Second, the Tech Sights use a peep rear aperture which is much more intuitive to use. And building on that point, they present a similar sight picture to the military standard, meaning you can use them to sharpen up your skills using cheaper (albeit somewhat scarce) .22 LR ammo


This particular set of sights is the TSR 200 model. These differ from the TSR 100 model by providing both windage and elevation adjustment on the rear sight where the TS 100 only allows for windage adjustments. Having shot both, I’d say that for most people, the TS 100 is perfectly adequate unless you envision yourself establishing a 25 yard zero and stepping your .22 out to 50, 75, and 100 yards at which point, a rear adjustable sight might just be the ticket. For my usage, an established 25 yard zero is perfectly fine.


Installation isn’t terribly bad, though it does require a solid barrel vise, a good set of brass punches, a hammer, and a slotted screwdriver. If you don’t have these handy, or worry about marring your baby, a qualified gunsmith can probably get these installed in under 10 minutes. The only “scary” part is driving out the front sight as it is very tight. You can see in the photo above that is appears to be soldered in place. Once you break that joint, a few confident taps will drive it out. The new front sight slips in place without too much fuss. A gentle tap with a block of wood seems to do the trick. Tighten down the set screws with thread locker and move to the rear sight.


The rear sight install is as easy as removing the two screws at the back of the action, and replacing them with the new screws supplied by Tech Sights. Use thread locker, torque them down, and you’re off to the races.

At the range, the TS 200 set works as advertised and helped me shrink my groups from fist sized using the old dovetail to bottlecap sized at 25 yards. This is on part with the accuracy I get out of the gun using a 3-9X scope, but immensely more satisfying to use. I chose to only use the rear sight for windage and the front sight for elevation. Go ahead and invest the money in the Tech Sights tool while you’re buying things as they are impossible to adjust otherwise.


Tech Sights TS 200 Sights for Ruger 10/22

  • Type: Military style peep and post
  • Platform: Ruger 10/22
  • Adjustment: Windage and elevation on the rear. Elevation only on the front
  • Price: $79.00 + shipping on Amazon

Ratings (out of five stars):

Fit, Finish, Build Quality * * * * *
These are stoutly built sights that I assume my grandchildren will get to use. The installation instructions are easy to use, and the finish of all parts inspire confidence.

Accuracy * * * * *
I scored Rifleman using these sights as did my other two colleagues using the same sight system. Once set, I never lost zero. They will make a dramatic difference in your ability to use the 10/22 platform effectively.

Overall * * * * *
Shooting well with irons is immensely satisfying and these sights make that process much easier.


  1. Tech sigh are really good. The front sight post has come off and was lost for me. After ordering a new one, Locktite was needed to keep the set screw in place.

    It really made my Marlin 795 more enjoyable…well, after the Locktite.

    Oh, and there have been reports that the wings on the front sight can easiky bend. I personaly haven’t noticed it, though.

  2. I just bought a Takedown – these sights would still hold zero in spite of repeated assembly / disassembly, no?

    • There’s actually going to be a follow up article about this specifically. Short answer, based on my experience, no.


    • If you want to use it at an appleseed or to practice traditional marksmanship, the takedown is bottom of the list for a 10/22. Mainly because the stock separates with the barrel. Because of this, you can’t really use a tight sling on a takedown without significantly hurting group size. . . unless your arm is calibrated and you can apply the same pressure for every shot.

    • I have the Tech Sites on my 10/22TD and I haven’t needed to rezero except for elevation when shooting long range. Multiple takedowns, travel, regular use including informal club competition and practice. If you can’t shoot a rifleman’s score with a 10/22 TD it isn’t the fault of the rifle.

    • Tom:

      Irons peep sights are ok, so are scopes. I’ve seen people do it with open iron sights, but they were shooting something with a long sight axis and were very familiar with the gun; otherwise it’s very hard to shoot quickly enough with a consistent elevation.

      If you shoot with a scope keep it turned down to 3-4 power to help with eye relief in different positions and decrease the risk of cross firing into your neighbor’s (or your own incorrect) target. Try to get familiar with your rifle before you arrive, because the course of fire is much easier if you already know how to run your gun. Something that’s magazine fed with at least a 5 round capacity and at least a front sling swivel is best (bring 2 mags).

      Good luck!


      • I kinda figure Tom knows how to run any rifle he has. Maybe he’ll show up at appleseed with his big fiddy. 🙂

      • Not necessarily true; some ranges/events will be rimfire only. The online sign-up doc will warn you if that is the case.

  3. After having this sight for two years, I’ve actually found something “better”.

    NoDak Spud NDS-26 Rear Sight

    The sight, very very similar to this is integrated into a receiver length pic rail for the 10/22. That way you can get all tactical and still mount a scope or whatnot.

    • I have these too, and I tried them with the Tech Sights front site, but it didn’t work. They aren’t on the same plane. I went with the spud front sight and now have no issues. I have them on a Ruger 10/22 Takedown and they work great, always returning to zero. Also, since I have a threaded barrel version, they will work great with a suppressor whenever I get around to doing the paperwork.

      • I bought a Ruger 10/22 Model #1261 when they first came out. I have a threaded barrel, and ended getting the front end drilled and tapped for a Tech Sights Marlin 60 front sight……..

        I shoulda held out a few months or so….

        Good to hear you’ve had success with it! I may get one!

    • FYI, Tech Sights now makes a version of their sight that mounts on the factory 10/22 rail and leaves room to mount another optic. The end result is very similar to the NoDak sights (which look pretty slick, too).

  4. I installed the Williams Fire Sights on my 10/22 a couple of years ago. I really wish I would have ponied up for the Tech Nights. The rear sight on the Fire Sights needs a regular application of Loctite to stay in place.

    • Had a bit of the same problem with the firesights and the 10-22. After a couple of applications the sight settled down.

    • I did have the Williams and had the same issue until i over tightened it once. the screw dug into aluminum base, and made a detent. so even if it came loose (and it always does ???), i would just find the dent and i was back to zero! (not sure i would recommend it, but it worked)

      Long live the Tech sights.

  5. I have them on my Marlin 795. I went from grouping 2 inches at 25 yards to shooting a rat hole smaller than a quarter.

  6. I had tech sights on my sks before I traded it off for a Beretta shotgun. The rifle wasn’t a whole lot more accurate(at least with my old fart eyes. Bi focals.) But it was quicker and easier to get on target with them. The rifle was bone stock except for the sights. I returned it to issue standard before the trade. If you do put them on an sks go to the hardwear store and find a quick release pin, one of those with a thumbpush and steel ball hanging off the side. Being able to quickly remove the dust cover for cleaning saves a lot of time and hassle.
    I bought a scope for my 10-22 and hated it. The Ruger is a handy little carbine and hanging a scope on it ruined the feel and balance of it. I put the scope on my Winchester marketed Russian toz bolt gun and am pleased with that. Williams Firesights went on the Ruger and after a little tweaking I’m pleased with the results.

    • I’ve been looking at the SKS Tech Sights (I have them on my 10/22 and love ’em). Did you find that the sights returned to zero after removing and reinstalling for cleaning?

      • Pretty consistent. The sks model had brass screws in the mount that lined up on the flat at the rear of the dust cover. Adjust those screws according to the directions and they allow the unit to mount up in the same location time after time.

        Don’t forget to replace the dust cover pin that comes with the unit with a quick release pin of the same size. Makes cleaning a lot easier.

  7. Tech Sights are great. I have them on two Kel-Tec rifles (SU-16 and SU-22), and there they are a must, because the stock peep sight is crappy and hard to adjust. I also had them on AK and SKS; in both cases they definitely do deliver vastly improved sight picture, but on SKS it just looks too weird and not very convenient to remove and reinstall every time you clean it. On AK it works great, except that it prevents you from mounting most scopes on the side rail if you have it. If you don’t intend to do that, or your AK doesn’t have a side rail, then this is probably the best solution for getting most out of iron sights on it.

  8. I’ve got one of my 10/22s in a M1 Carbine lookalike stock. Which tech sight is best to get the carbine “feel”?

    • I don’t think you’d notice much difference either way. The sight picture is pretty much the same with both models.

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  10. At the urging of my friend who installed these on his 10/22, I bought a set for mine. I’ve had this 10/22 for 20 years now, and always shot pretty well with it, but it is so much better now. It’s a much clearer sight picture, and faster acquisition of the target. Having attended my first Appleseed even this weekend, I have to say I’m extremely happy with these sights. It only took me about 20 minutes to dial them in too. I also want to urge anyone who hasn’t attended Appleseed, to GO! I’ve been shooting since I was very young, and have always been good. However, after a day and a half of expert instruction, I have learned much more than I thought possible. I noticed a dramatic improvement in my accuracy, as did everyone else in attendance. Not only that, but it’s a really good time, and a place where families as well as individuals are welcomed. It’s very safe and well organized. You owe it to yourself to try it at least once.

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