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Georgia Teen Arrested After Killing A Man While Playing With A Gun

Darwin Nercesian - comments 70 comments

A 15-year-old was arrested on November 4th in Valdosta, Georgia, after allegedly shooting and killing a man while playing with a gun. 

According to the Valdosta Police Department, the incident unfolded around 5 PM on Monday after they received a 911 call stating that someone had been shot inside a home. When authorities arrived on the scene, they found 20-year-old Amarius Dakwon Shivers inside with a gunshot wound to his head. Officers immediately attempted to provide first aid to Shivers followed by members of the Valdosta Fire Department and local Emergency Medical Services from South Georgia Medical Center, however, he was ultimately pronounced dead at the scene. 

VPD detectives and crime scene personnel also responded to the incident to investigate and interview potential witnesses and individuals seen leaving the home when officers initially arrived. During their investigation, police received a 911 call from a concerned mother who reported that her 15-year-old son who had returned home may have been the shooter. Officers responded to her residence, taking the teen into custody.

While the investigation is ongoing, initial reports reveal that there were several teens inside the Brookdale Circle home when the gun went off, striking Shivers in the head and killing him. The 15-year-old suspect who was allegedly playing with the gun when it went off is currently behind bars according to the Valdosta Police Department, and faces charges of felony murder, aggravated assault, possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, and possession of a firearm by a minor, with additional charges pending.

“Our prayers go out to everyone involved in the incident. As one mother was grieving the loss of her son, the mother of the 15-year-old contacted E911 to cooperate with law enforcement. This is a tragic incident affecting two families, which would not have occurred, if juveniles were not playing with a gun,” said VPD Chief Leslie Manahan in an official statement.

The Valdosta Police Department’s Facebook page shows a tremendous amount of support for the mother of the teen who turned her son in.

There is no information as of yet on whose gun it was or how the teen came into possession of it, however, where there is a minor playing with a firearm as if it were a toy, there is almost certainly a negligent adult begging to face charges as well. 

70 thoughts on “Georgia Teen Arrested After Killing A Man While Playing With A Gun”

  1. Procession of a firearm during the commission of a felony.
    So if your playing with a firearm and accidentally shoot someone that’s commission of a felony.
    I don’t understand.

  2. Well. The white libertarians liberals and leftists did say a father’s discipline and love are really not necessary in the home.

    So I know they don’t believe children need to be taught about gun safety from a father.

    Maybe they just might learn about it in a government school???

    Yes, that’s the solution. A government solution, instead of a private traditional two parent family solution.

    • I think this was gang activity. Yes, gangs can worm their way into your kid’s heart if the father is nowhere to be found. But we don’t know that.

  3. Credit goes to the Mom who did the right thing and ratted out her kid for accidentally shooting Amarius Dakwon, hmmm, Amarius Dakwon, AD, Accidentall Discharge.

    • Mothers calling the po-po on their kids is THE reason I think it was gang related. That, and to protect the other kids who live in the house. There’s also a possibility that the kid is just a bad seed and the mom recognized that.

      But no, I say it was gang related. Remember, the gangs get them started at 15 and younger, so they don’t have to do adult time in prison.

  4. “Amarius Dakwon”

    LOL. I could post the same three words I always post about stories like these, but I think you get the point.

  5. Since the kid did not remain at the scene to assist the wounded rest assured he did not run home to ask his mom to call the police.

    To hold him and sort through the finger pointing to find the truth they charged him with multiple accounts as they should.

    Chances are very good the teen was kept gun ignorant by the likes of busy body drama queens blinded by Gun Control promises and tampon machines in school restrooms for boys…connect the h…

    h ttps://youtube.com/watch?v=7A3zBe1zWRg&feature=shared

    • I doubt he was kept “gun ignorant” by everybody. His gang probably provided him with the gun he used to make his name by shooting that guy in the head.

      Remember, 60% of all non-suicide deaths by firearm are due to gang violence.

      Let’s put it another way. This was not a suicide, so there’s a 60% chance it was gang related.

      • Re “Remember, 60% of all non-suicide deaths by firearm are due to gang violence.”

        This wouldn’t surprise me. Do you have a source for this? TIA.

  6. I know groups like Moms Demand Etc would have an aneurism at the suggestion, but it really wouldn’t be the worst thing to spend a little class time – make it part of the health or current affairs curriculum – teaching kids a couple basics about when a pistol is and isn’t safe to handle, the round in the chamber you can’t see, how easy a striker fired gun goes off. Too many have learned all they know from the TV.

  7. The mom who snitched on her own son needs to be charged with reckless engangerment, depraved indifference, failure to control her offspring, bad parenting, felony murder, being on the wrong planet, contributing to a minor creating litter in another person’s dwelling, and some other charges for good measure.

    • I’m with you, Sam. EXCEPT if we find out that this is gang related. Even good parents can be surprised by their kid getting in with a gang.

      And Valdosta has no special force-field that keeps gangs out.

      • Put a dog collar on his neck, keep him in the house, escort him to the school and back. Can’t do gang stuff nailed down at home. Plenty of time in adulthood to make bad decisions.

        “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

  8. My local affiliate covers Tallahassee, Thomasville, Valdosta. Besides passing through I’ve been to a gun show, or two there.Nice Southern town. Never heard heard this incident mentioned. Of course, they are trying to recover from a couple of hurricanes. Two days ago they got enough additional rain to close schools and roads. No looting reported that I’ve seen.

  9. And now in what can be described as party suicide as the democrat party in political devastation is imploding internally … the dems are blaming the American people for the butt stomping they got in the election with Trump being elected.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS5Trgyo0Qc

    • Tampon ‘stolen valor’ Tim Walz will be returning to Minnesota defeated, a looser like he has always been, plus, he and Harris both lost in his own home county.

      Failed veep candidate Tim Walz couldn’t even beat Trump in his home county in telling final blow. > h ttps://nypost.com/2024/11/07/us-news/tim-walz-loses-home-county-to-trump/

    • “…the dems are blaming the American people for the butt stomping they got in the election with Trump being elected.”

      The dims are correct about that.

  10. Biden-Harris FEMA official – Ordered Hurricane Relief Aid (workers) TO SKIP HOUSES WITH TRUMP SIGNS (and not help them).

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gD0w1U7yH4

    • EXCLUSIVE: FEMA Official Ordered Relief Workers To Skip Houses With Trump Signs

      Whistleblower: ‘It’s almost unbelievable to think that somebody in the federal government would think that’s okay’.

      h ttps://www.dailywire.com/news/exclusive-fema-official-ordered-relief-workers-to-skip-houses-with-trump-signs?topStoryPosition=1

      • Biden-Harris FEMA official who ordered relief workers to to avoid Florida homes with Trump signs was fired.

        h ttps://nypost.com/2024/11/09/us-news/fema-official-who-allegedly-told-workers-to-avoid-florida-homes-with-trump-signs-fired-report/

        • It’s easy to get fired up about a FEMA official pulling some BS like this. To tell the truth it doesn’t surprise me one bit. I want to know who the mother#uckers are that followed those orders. Dox them until they can’t ever work again. I can’t stand the way Dems think or vote but to abandon those families in their time of need is the meaning of evil.

          • But they were just following orders………….

            With how close I came to losing my job over an experimental gene therapy that failed to be safe or effective while the DOH was just following orders, getting fired would be a starting point for denying aide in a catastrophic emergency setting.

      • As your link indicates, the Daily Wire is all over this now. It was a focus news item in this morning’s “Morning Wire” newscast.

        I listen to Morning Wire before I even tune in to my local news radio’s broadcast. I would recommend Morning Wire to anybody looking for less lib in their reporting.

        It’s also lightweight too. No 3-hour shows to slog through. It’s a podcast with a 15-minute morning episode, a 5 minute afternoon episode (on weekdays), and specials on weekends.

  11. Left’s Post-Election Cringe: Therapy Ducks And Coloring Books.

    Colleges across the country have rallied with therapy ducks and coloring books to cope with the election.

    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIKMocrV7A8

  12. More than half of Harris voters want to relocate following Trump win: survey (note: please do move to another country, and if each of you could take at least one illegal ‘invader’ immigrant with you that would be great…thanks buh bye).

    h ttps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/more-than-half-of-harris-voters-want-to-relocate-following-trump-win-survey/ar-AA1tMimd

  13. Steve Urkel never shot nobody.
    Of course he was bullied into killing himself for acting white by other kids in Chicago.

    If not shooting anyone is acting white what is acting black?

  14. Soros DAs suffer 12 big defeats, billionaire’s agenda faces uncertain future.

    “A majority of the 25 George Soros-linked district attorneys on the ballot this week were defeated, signaling a backlash against progressive policies that critics say are to blame for a surge in crime across the country in recent years.

    Many of the losing Soros candidates were running for office in deep blue jurisdictions and suffered heavy losses …

    Of the 25 Soros-linked district attorneys on the ballot, 12 were either defeated or recalled. …”

    h ttps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/soros-das-suffer-12-big-defeats-billionaire-s-agenda-faces-uncertain-future/ar-AA1tN3s9

      • I’d imagine its possible that a few democrat operatives will vanish. They made promises for this and that for the big money guys elite in a Harris administration to get that over $1 Billion raised for her campaign. They ended ~$20 million in debt.

        how many homeless American citizens can ya feed for a while with $1 Billion dollars that ya just want to get rid of and waste?

  15. Okay, so your saying you accidentally shot Mr.Shivers.
    Then why were there two bullet holes in him?
    “When Mom called E911 they said to make sure he was dead.”

  16. POTG should not follow the “consertavie” news outlets claiming Trump accomplished a landslide victory. Reagan had a landslide, when he carried 49 of 50 states, and won the electoral college.

    Gun owners should remain concerned that 2A issues will persist, at every stage. Even if the current Dimwitocrat Party should disappear altogether, the battle continue; whatever replaces the Dimwits will arise, more vicious than before.

    • Most battleground states came in only a few percentage points for Trump. So technically, you’re right. It was a popular vote win, yes, but only a landslide with regards to the Electoral vote.

      47 really only has 100 days, or maybe 180 days, to get his work done and to whip both houses of Congress into not getting weak-kneed as the lame-duck period begins.

      He also needs to slow the roll on pilfering republican senators for his cabinet. He’s only a few seats up in that house, and repubs are notoriously week-willed when it comes to doing the hard work that is sure to come. Like supporting mass-deportations.

      • For years have wondered who first thought it smart to pluck sitting Representatives, Senators and Governors. Every replacement special election becomes a complete crap-shoot.

    • “Trumps already been shot so we got that part out of the way.”

      The Dims could be looking to “third time’s the charm”; eternal vigilance. What is interesting is that Trump’s replacement may be even more Trumpy than Trump. But Dims are not called “Dims”, for nothing.


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