• I was kind of disappointed … at the end of the video I expected the presenter to say (in his best game show host voice), “But wait, there’s more!”

  1. Pretty sure a lot of politicians in this country pound that drink harder than they pound their interns and secretaries.

  2. “Do you have sand in your pu$$#?” Bahahahahaha Hillary keeps a bottle of this in her purse next to the hot sauce ?

  3. I say we spam-reply our resident trolls with the link to this vid every time they post.

  4. I’ve got friends that hit that hard. Now they’re afraid of scary black rifles. Pussies.

  5. For those who have never experienced the toxic winds of California, this is EXACTLY what it is like when you roam about town after one of these attacks occurs. Every moron around you can be heard talking about 30 round clip magazine things and fully semi automatic machine gun assault rifle weapons, and let me tell you, it is tough not to tell them all exactly where they can go peddle that nonsense.

    One more year and I leave this cesspit, wish me luck ladies and gents.

    Fantastic video!

  6. Made my day, glad I was not enjoying an adult beverage while watching.

    Two Black Flash Hiders Up!!!

  7. Amiri King’s brother in law. Very nice.

    Gonna slide an empty bottle of that crap right next to my Liberal Tears CLP.

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