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Gilboa’s Double-Barreled AR-15, The “Snake,” Makes its American Debut

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When this rifle first came into the public eye, we were less than enthusiastic. It seemed like a gimmick, and to be honest that’s how it started — they needed a “show stopper” for a military trade show. But instead of just being an interesting engineering product, Gilboa is going into full production right here in the United States to put these on the shelves and in the hands of American shooters . . .


Since the ATF defines a “machine gun” as any firearm that fires multiple rounds with the pull of a single trigger, Gilboa is re-designing the rifle to have two individual triggers instead of the single trigger setup currently being used. We’ve been promised one will be on its way to TTAG command central for a test as soon as it’s ready, and we’ll let you know how it works.

In the meantime, imagine this: running a 3-gun stage with this double-barreled AR-15, Arsenal’s double-barreled 1911, and a side by side coach gun. Wouldn’t that be a thing?

0 thoughts on “Gilboa’s Double-Barreled AR-15, The “Snake,” Makes its American Debut”

  1. It’s pretty easy to piss off liberals. I’d go on one of these hunts for the experience and for the conservation. The economic benefit to the endangered species and those who would improve their chances of survival is undeniable. The only difference being that I would go fair chase vs. a canned hunt. If those on the left can’t tolerate that, and they can’t tolerate much of anything, then too bad. I refuse to live my life pandering to people who would threaten parents and children for hunting one of their precious animals.

  2. I own the Black Widow (2″) and Mini Master (4″) models. Top quality build and very accurate. Both have the large sights, adjustable on the MM. I carry the BW everyday as my backup gun.

  3. I’m not buying the story.

    Its from a gun store trying to have a sale …. no where on the net is there an actual announcement from S&W.

    There was similar hysteria at the end of 2012 when people thought the Gen 3 Glocks were all going to disappear. Once you’re on the list you stay on the list – so long as you remember to file your registration paperwork on time.

    Until S&W make an actual statement – I don’t see the M&Ps going anywhere……

    If this was a real threat – S&W would have made an announcement at the Shot show …..

  4. Piers was far over matched here. Lots of honor and common-sense in that LEO, as I observe in most I’ve come across with any street experience.

    Something to remember when we get carried away picking on the exceptions here…

  5. The S&W models will remain on the roster, without any mircostamping, as long as S&W produces them. Since they made specific CA-compliant guns, it would be simple enough not to implement any changes to those sub-models that might otherwise be made for the standard model. As long as the design is frozen in time, the gun can remain.

    So the only question is, is SW abandoning CA-compliant lines, and if so is the reason actually related to mircostamping? Probably….not. It would be related to whether it is profitable to manufacture handguns distinctly for CA. They already do this, no need to microstamp. If that is still profitable and they do pull out, then it would have to be part of some stratergy against the roster itself or like laws (long term business interest). Otherwise it is because it is more profitable to discontinue distinct lines (short term interest).

  6. So much WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot going on with this story… They raided his apartment with weapons drawn for a probation check? Wow. I mean, doesn’t the BART SWAT Team do thousands of those each month? . Dumbasses.

  7. When you control the pencil, it’s easy to fudge the score. Only the leftist run news outlets would think this is a thunderclap of support for their anti-gun cause. Always beware of the close in shoots of “crowds” gathered, they are designed to distort the reality of apathy.

  8. Fox reports for some a Evil Assault Weapon was not used but a 12Ga Shotgun was. Buckshot Biden is puzzled only mass shooters seem to like his advice.

  9. Thank you mothers for alerting me to the fact that Staples supports the 2nd amendment. It will now be my “go to” store for all my office and computer needs. Any other businesses you like us to know about, please feel free to share. For every dollar your little group doesn’t spend at Staples and others, the 5,000,000 members of the NRA plus all the other firearms owners can spend $1000 in support.

    Oh, and by the way, since you have made it abundantly clear that your little group does not support the first or second amendments to the U.S. Constitution, I can’t help but wonder what other parts do you not like? And why are you so fervantly trying to interfere with the LEGAL activities that LAW ABIDING citizens do? I am sure that no one has told any of you that you HAVE to get a gun, I sure would not force anyone so afraid of an inanimate object to own one any more than I would insist on a vegetarian having to eat meat. It’s wrong to push my beliefs on others You are totally free to forth into the world unarmed and clueless, but it is wrong for you to insist that I join you in that. Please remember that when trouble is imediate, that the police you rely so heavily on to protect you are minutes (perhaps hours) away.

  10. This is way too close to the DEA getting search warrants from anonymous tips and calling out the swat guys. It’s not hard to imagine the same scenario with the AR snitch line. Gangsters love to get their rivals taken care of for them by the police not to mention everyday beefs with people.

  11. I think the main mindset is one of self superiority.There are two or three sub-theories I have about the views that leftists hold when it comes to armed self defense.
    1: They don’t think THEY could properly handle a firearm for any reason, and since they consider themselves intellectually and morally superior that means we couldn’t, either.
    2: They hide behind private armed security, provided by their wealth or our taxes (neither of which registers on their radar), and the police give them special attention based on their status. So they are content with their security arrangements and again, if they think others safeguarding them is good for them, it’s good enough for you.
    3: Some think they can create utopia. They can do what it takes to eliminate crime, poverty, etc and then you peons won’t need guns.

  12. Wow professor, did you even bother to research before writing? I mean having your own opinion is nice, but trying to base law on your flawed facts (what was it Robert: 30 seconds of googling?) is just embarassingly stupid.

  13. If I was assured that I wouldn’t be prosecuted I would definitely give it to them.

    Like another poster said with that reward money you could buy several Glocks. I would with this money plus buy boatloads of ammo and mags.

  14. I suspect that the issue of “standing” will turn on who at the 9th makes the decision. If the decision maker is cut from the same corrupt piece of cloth as Harris and most of those infesting elected office in Kali than her request will likely be granted. Whether or not she actually has a basis for her request from a legal point is essentially irrelevant. The decision to grant or deny standing will be based on politics as usual.
    I was actually surprised that the 9th ruled as they did though it WAS a 2 to 1 decision. An en bank hearing will almost certainly result in the decision being overturned as the court is heavily packed with libtards. The lawyers arguing the Peruta case were lucky the panel that heard the case had a couple of judges who use logic rather than personal opinion to render decision.

  15. That was already tried in Chicago, and the excuse was that it couldn’t possibly help since criminals just “took advantage” of all the lax gun laws in IN and S.IL.

  16. UH….I can’t understand why anyone would love a gun..ever. I consider firearms as a hobby and enjoy the mechanics of shooting and the results of launching a projectile downrange and being able to accurately hit a paper target with great accuracy with a firearm that I built myself….not buying someone elses work. Hell…anyone can do that!!

    I’ve killed enough animals in my life (And there’s been plenty I assure you!) and found out it’s kind of easy to hit a deer/antelope/elk sized target…and easy to kill these animals. And I live where the deer/antelope/elk play…Christ…I have these beasts drinking out of my watering trough…so it’s no effort nor enjoyable to kill one anymore.

    Love a gun? Kind of bizarre actually.

  17. Jackie, the master of multi-tasking, in his bathroom apartment, after Ironing his suit (not seen here), practicing his putting while playing video games and heating his french bread pizza. After a quick-lunch he decided to get some cardio in on his bike while composing a song for his new love interest and showering when suddenly from out of the linen closet jumped a fully decorated Christmas tree. Jackie was suddenly startled pulled his concealed 1911 in order to stop the intruding Christmas tree. Jackie is no tree hugger.

  18. Marcus Gonzales, infamous for his naked-flaminco-bicycle rides through NYC, was practicing in the shower of his tiny apartment when his alarm system rang.

  19. “innovative facility design and use of security cameras and other technologies.”
    what is the point? it wont stop a shooter. it will only make it so you can watch the massacre in a better quality.

  20. “It should be a crime for a private individual to arm a drone.”
    WTH !?!
    It should be a crime for the government to arm a drone in the US!!!

  21. Operator spends too much money on Magpul and Molle gear. Operator now has to downsize living quarters significantly. Trivial sacrifice. Stay Hard.

  22. “I went to the window to peek out, and there was a drone right there looking in. …the drone wheeled around and crashed”

    The Gorgon’s stare claims yet another victim…

  23. Gov’t waste on programs that do not work run by democrats , sooo what did you expect?
    Don’t do what makes sense cause that makes sense and costs less.Do the stupidist , most expensive, least effective thing you can employ at tax payers expense, wait for it to happen again, cause it doesn,t work, then spend another 75 mil and repeat from the beginning.

  24. I personally currently own a hammerless Judge, I personally do not like not having a hammer. A close friend just bought a Governor and showed it to me. I personally think I would like a six shot better than a 5 shot. Having said that I also own a double barrel 410/45 cal. shot gun still pistol that I just happen to have in my truck over Thanksgiving when I rolled up on two people trying to steal my Jeep Wrangler out at the farm. They shot first with a .45 Auto, I had a 7 year old grand kid with me and only two rounds in the gun. He shot once I shot four times, pinning him down after reloading, until the Sheriff arrived and an ex-con with a felony warrant is now in jail on his way to prison. He was a bad shot and the 410 scared him so bad he decided not to stand and exchange shots. I am 66 years old and out of shape but I have never ran from gun fire with 5 years in the Marine Corps and 30 years in Law Enforcement, It could have turned out much worse but I definitely want a 6 shot next time.

  25. It was the middle of December before he realized that the “studio apartment” he was living in not only lacked the storage space he needed for all of his belongings, but had a horrible spider problem.

  26. New Yorkers are cowards who ceded their liberty to master long ago. They are not worthy to be considered my country men. I will never set one foot nor spend one dime in that foul state.

  27. Mister Cuomo mister Cuomo a question, now that you have identified these undesirables via their religious beliefs and parsed them out as a minority do you have a final solution of some sort to remove them from society and if so dose it involve trains and camping?

  28. I could see it as replacement to a NFA gun. Add in that each barrel would get less hot, like a Gatling gun. Add a slide fire and 2x45rd mags down range quick…

  29. Let’s see at 30 rounds per magazine that will hold 60 rounds. $10 MILLION DOLLAR LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY SHOULD BE REQUIRED to purchase one of these weapons in order to satisfy the inevitable wrongful death claims. That $500K coverage every 3 rounds that can be fired in less than 3 seconds. Wrongful deaths usually cost more considering it’s the death of a human being. The claim considers a persons age, pain and suffering (sure none in this case), income and your negligence or liability in the insured event. Then there’s attorney’s fees, court costs, time off for depositions, trial, appeal. Only saying … if you have to get liability coverage to own an automobile … if you hurt someone, they may own your house.


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