The GLOCK 19 Gen5 is a great carry pistol. Personally I was thrilled to see GLOCK had removed the finger grooves for this newest generation. The flared mag well is a nice change, too.

Enough changes were made to the Gen5 for me to truly love a GLOCK 19 for the first time (I do like GLOCKs, just other models).

What changes are you guys hoping for when Gen 6 eventually arrives?



  1. How are these suggestions for a start?

    …1911 grip angle…steel night sights standard…modular, with a fire control group, so that I can carve on a frame and not ooops up the actual ATF – recognized firearm in my zeal for the perfect fitting frame…

  2. It doesn’t matter what we we want. Gaston does what he wants. Does anyone know if that guy even has any credentials as a shooter? By the way, not a Glock hater.

  3. OK, so if Glock wants me to buy any of their Gen6 guns they need to create a gun with the following features.

    Small, like LCPII size, but carries a bazillion rounds in the clip/thing that goes up.
    Hits like artillery (6″ gun at least) but has no recoil.
    Has iron-magnified-reddot sights so good that I don’t have to aim but it still hits the bullseye every time.
    A four position selector for safe, fire, twice and fast/half as accurate and melee.
    A 15/18/55/62/87 grip angle adjustable on the fly.
    The asthetics of a 1911-Colt-SAA-M60-Abrams-tomahawk lever gun.
    Options for stun, kill and disintegrate (A Zat’nik’tel but improved by JMB and God himself).
    Variable calibers from 0.09mm to 454000ACP, adjustable on the fly.
    Fin stabilized energy projectiles that exceed the speed of light.
    A built in laser sight.
    Toaster slots with a “bagel” option.

    • I concur, Strych9. These are very reasonable, and critical, improvements / options / accessories.

      I want to be able to hit the bullseye every time without aiming, too. This other ‘traditional’ way of aiming is just such bullshit.

      I like the 15/18/55/62/87 grip thing. I think there should be a 71 or 72 in there, too, right in between 62 and 87. Or wherever, really.

      I concur. On every item.

        • Projectiles that exceed the speed of light. Now, I would not have thought of that one. You’re of course right, again. This stuff is pure genius, Strych9. Pure, unadulterated, marketing magic genius. The stuff of which legends are made.

          Admittedly, I got waylaid by your first several suggestions. They are overwhelming, to say the least. A first read cannot properly intake and absorb and digest and make heads-and-tails of every single item. This requires serious study.

          More comments later is an entirely possible result of additional readings. You even had the brilliance to suggest what should be obvious — as you said, it’s 2019, FFS: ‘fin stabilized.’ My god. That alone could change everything.

      • No, I mean clip. The gun carries it’s bullets in an onboard hair-clip dispenser in case you need you need to pretty up after a DGU. Duh. What are you, stupid?

        • I’m not sure what’s more odd, that he doesn’t under stand the clip or that he wants reading materials while he’s shooting.

          I mean, quite clearly you cannot safely use your warmed finger to fire your laser/self-guided-fin-stabilized-energy-artillery-shell-JDAM-singularity-producing-soul-killing-and-burying-454000ACP projectiles while eating a bagel AND reading unless you get the upgraded night sights. That would mean you’re reading in the dark, and that’s just silly to even consider. Besides, you’re going to need your other eyeball to work the SAA-lever-fully-semiautomatic action.

          Some people sure are fucking strange.

        • Mirrors down the side of the slidey thingy so you can see how your makeup is going after the dgu.

          Want to look your best for the media when they get there.

        • “Want to look your best for the media when they get there.”

          Especially since you’re going to be a hero using the Knight-Sights that allow only the truly chivalrous to hit their target!

    • If your bullets exceed the speed of light, you could send your shots back in time and kill Hitler! 😮

    • “Toaster slots with a “bagel” option”, and you don’t ask mags as cream cheese holder? Use your brain, Strych9!

      • 454000ACP will turn your opponent into a delicious, spreadable paste at any range from point blank to a few billion parsecs so there’s no need for the cream cheese holder.

        But one of those little spreading knives might be an order…

  4. How about a pocket carry anti-tank gun? Or — or and/or — anti-aircraft / anti-nuclear / anti-EMP / anti-you name it bazooka chambered in Creedmor something or other, but bigger and faster? With the fin stabilization that Strych9 obviously has been working on designs for, for quite some time, only to be revealed now?

    Also with 25+1 in a single stack that weighs under 20 ounces fully loaded. That doesn’t need a holster but sticks magically to exactly wherever I put it — and doesn’t move in a car wreck unless I want it to, without touching it. With a safety of course. Nah, I don’t like safeties. If a tank attacks, I don’t want to have to chamber my first of 25 rounds. Every second counts.

  5. “The flared mag well is a nice change, too.”

    And then they ruined it by cutting the front of it off. And then made the MOS model without the cutout so they could charge $50 more.

    “What changes are you guys hoping for when Gen 6 eventually arrives?”

    1) Interchangeable backstraps that change the shape of the grip (i.e. option to remove the Glock hump).
    2) Not being charged night sight price for plastic sights (I love the idea of shipping a gun with cheap sights so that the consumer can pick their own aftermarket sights, but the price of the gun should come down a bit).
    3) Slightly enlarged trigger guard. It’d be nice to have more room for gloves.
    4) Factory undercut trigger guard.
    5) Serial number on some part other than the frame.
    6) Free gun for everyone who comments on this article XD

    • Some of us love that cutout… in addition to my carry and training 19.5s, I bought axtra when I saw they might be phasing it out on future models… 😉

      My list would be:

      1) models with the cutout as an option
      2) PVD finish on the slide (which is not as slick as the current finish)
      3) front slide serrations as an option (but placed a bit further back where they belong)
      4) threaded barrel as an option
      5) Bold sights with a yellow/green front as an option
      6) a proper OD green frame 🙂

  6. I was going to say that SARCASTRO, couldn’t give an RA for glockenspiels. Do like the new Sig Legion 9mm though. Now that’s a gun! I shot the first gen of g-crap as LEO and KNEW it was crap. Successive gens can’t change the basic wrongness of the grip angle. But I have met some European males(?) and can see the need for the shape of the grip. Talk about limp wrist! For that ability to be limp wristed and still have a useable weapon, congrats, Kind of like the old cowboy movies where they throw their rounds down range cause the actor wasn’t able to thumb the hammer.
    BTW, Tom in or, what do you think of the new gun laws proposed?

  7. Nobody has mentioned the hand? All the other equipment relies on it and we know nothing about it. Is it tactical? Does it have Kung-Fu Grip(tm)?

  8. I think you’re all missing the boat here.

    The only thing I want Glock to deliver in whatever “new” pistol they’re flogging at SHOT (or anywhere else) is what they’ve been claiming to deliver for years and years now.


    The fact that they’re considering a new version of an already delivered pistol means that they’ve been lying all along on this “perfection” thing.

      • my pal the worm (r.i.p.) got really upset when i taught his amstaff bandit to chase its tail. said it made the pooch look stupid. i never laughed so hard.
        same thing here.

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