By Paul McCain
A number of years ago when I got into shooting in a major way, I was eager to run out and get my first handgun. I had spent a good bit of time shooting long guns earlier, but never a handgun. Without much thought, I bought a used GLOCK 22. I loaded up the G22 and blazed away at a torso-sized target at about 20 feet. I think I may have even hit it a few times. Maybe . . .
Since then I’ve moved from handgun models to handgun models: SIG, HK, Ruger, Smith & Wesson, Remington, FN, probably others, and I’ve purchased and used striker-fired and DA/SA semi-autos. I’ve given them all a decent workout at the gun club and at the range and training center I frequent. Revolvers too.
So here is my true confession: I’ve been there with GLOCKs, left and now I’m back again. I’ve come full circle back to where I started. Why?
First, for me, the GLOCK just works. I have owned and used a G26, G17, G21, G22, G30, G34, and a G20. I’ve been there and done that with all of them — Gen 3s and Gen 4s — and I’ve had no issues with any of them. Did I just “luck out” or could it be since there are a bazillion GLOCKs out there, the incidents reported on gun forums are unrepresentative? Who knows? All I know is that they have always worked for me.
Second, the trigger. Yes, you read that right, the trigger. I spent so much time learning how to shoot GLOCKs relatively effectively that I grew used to that mushy bangswitch and learned to master the reset point. I have dropped trigger upgrades into a few of my GLOCKs. I like them and they’re nice, but I’m not sure they did me much good.
I thought I would prefer the DA/SA trigger system, hammer systems, etc. They’re good, but ultimately not that big a deal either for me. I realized I really hate the DA-then-SA function of the HKs and SIGs. Frankly, when I want to enjoy a truly great trigger, I pull out my 1911 with its custom trigger set at 2.5 pounds.
Third, I like the feel of the GLOCK. I know that for many the GLOCK is a “brick,” a “plastic monstrosity” and a “piece of junk.” Blah, blah and…more blah. For me, with my monster-sized hands, the GLOCK feels very comfortable. The grip is just fine and I really like the Gen 4 beavertail options that now are standard on GLOCKs.
Fourth, there’s the simplicity of the GLOCK. Chiefly I’ve come to realize that I dislike external safeties. Hate ‘em. I like the “instant-on” of the GLOCK manual of arms. Round chambered…holstered…unholster…fire. No safety to mess with or remember to disengage, nothing to interfere with the function of the handgun. Same trigger pull regardless of first or last shot. Just grab it and pull the trigger. I know this has been one of the chief criticisms of the GLOCK — too easy to have a negligent discharge. Yes, one must be super-aware of the basic laws of safety with a GLOCK as there’s no heavy trigger pull on the first shot as on most DA/SAs.
Fifth, there’s the return on investment. A GLOCK is significantly less expensive than the (ridiculously overpriced) HKs, and nearly anything else. I’d rather spend my “extra” money on accessories and ammo and…you name it. Sure, it’s cool to use the higher priced handguns. I’ve had a HK MK23, a HK USP 9mm Expert, a HK45 and a FNX 45 and 9mm, etc. But was I achieving better results with any of them to justify, for me, the extra $500 bucks required by a HK, or the several hundred more for an FN? Nope.
Sixth, the reality check: Handguns are just fun to shoot. They are. Remember what “fun” is? Sure you do. The oh-so-serious crowd scoffs at the thought, but come on, you know it’s fun to shoot all kinds of handguns. At the end of the day, though, a handgun is still a tool. If you’re able to get rounds into the center mass area of a target consistently at 21 feet, that’s good enough. Sure, you may not be able to take your handgun out to the gun club and punch small groups in paper from 25 yards with your GLOCK (though some of you probably do), but I can get off double taps all day long in various drills with plenty of accuracy with mine.
So after my wandering, I find that I’ve returned to the GLOCK as my go-to handgun platform. The G26 is and has been my primary EDC for quite some time. The G34 is my main training handgun — I love the long sight radius on that thing. They say confession is good for the soul, so there you have it: my GLOCK true confession, there and back again.
in no particular order
Colt SAA (1873) For historical purposes
M1 Garand Again historical, plus a lot of fun
M1 Carbine One of the funnest guns ever to shoot
AK (any variant) Fun to pretend your the bad guy
Fine English Sporting Double in a classic safari caliber ’cause it’s fun shooting a gun worth more than a house
Finely tuned 1911
Sig 210 Because it’s as smooth as butter
Glock (or any plastic fantastic gun) For recoil therapy
Winchester 73, 92, or 94 All American fun
Twin Bofors 40 mm Because who wouldn’t want to fire one of those?
I’ve pretty much considered Glocks and Springfield in the same boat.
Same with me. Except I also lump the M&P line in there as well.(strictly polymer semi autos, not they’re revolvers)
I don’t know if it’s standard on all ATMs, but the Wells Fargo ATMs in my area all have parabolic mirrors (I think there’s a camera behind the mirror) that I use to make sure no one sneaks up behind me. Check out your ATMs for similar features.
1. M777 155mm Howitzer (it’s a gun, right?)
2. M2 Machinegun
3. M60 Machinegun
4. M249 Light Machine Gun
5. M240B Machine Gun
6. Saiga 12 with 20 round drum of 00 buck
7. AK-47 or 74
8. M16 or M4 on burst (never fired an A1 unfortunately)
9. 1911
10. M1 Garand
10.STG 44
9. Smith and Wesson Model 29
8. MG42
7. Uzi
6. M60
5. Thompson Submachine Gun Model 1921
4. 1897 Winchester Trench Shotgun
3. M82A1 Barrett
2. M2 Browning (Ma Deuce)
1. M134 Minigun
I note is he far enough away from the protesters so he can get a running start if needed. And his back & sign is turned from the crowd also. Bold move , right.
Some of you are making this racial. The man was speeding through the neighborhood and hit a child, seriously injuring the child. The people in the neighborhood loved the child and would have beaten the hell out of anyone that ran over a child and was speeding through the neighborhood.
If that had been a black man that was speeding through the neighborhood, he would have gotten his a$$ beaten too.
All the same, he should have had a gun and he should be prosecuted for speeding and running over he child after he awakes from his coma.
Here’s why they don’t spend the money on actually solving the problem.
1) Gun violence happens.
2) Increase restrictions on legal gun owners.
3) MORE gun violence happens.
4) Demand more money to FIX the broken system, and attack legal gun owners.
5) More gun violence happens
go back to 2
This increases spending and can be used to buy votes. All the while nothing is done about violence. The more violence, the better for the pols. It means you spend more on violence preventing programs(that actually increase violence), so you spend more, and they get their graft.
Colt 1911
Glock (any)
M2 .50
MP5 (any)
S&W 29 or 686
Thompson SMG
Accuracy International .338 Lapua
Hey…. Anyone know what happened to that spy drone of ours that the Iranians captured and Barry asked them to please-please-whiny-please give back?….
Loved my G17. Love my G19. Going to love my G26 asap.
Carrying a (poorly) concealed weapon without a permit? Since I live in CA my sks has the original fixed 10 round mag. I have a shitload of stripper clips for it. I’ve heard(no real experience) that the detachable mags are problematic for the sks.
Arrested for offending and scaring the public.
and my first thought was nice rifle.
In the state of Michigan it is illegal to have an uncased gun (of any kind) in/on a motor vehicle. A gun case that is unzipped even one inch is considered an uncased weapon. Not that I agree with it, but it is the law.
Many people do have modified SKS rifles that take detachable magazines. No modification is really needed, other than removal of the original magazine, but additional components must be added for 922r compliance. A Tapco stock usually creates compliance, though with some variants an American made gas tube or trigger may be needed to reduce foreign parts count.
The Tapco magazines also are very trouble free, some other makes of removable mag have suffered from feeding problems. My own Tapco equipped SKS carbine is a reliable and enjoyable gun to shoot, the bolt also having been modified to allow magazine insertion/removal on a closed bolt.
The rider could very well have had loaded magazines with him.
They could charge him with MCL 750.227c
There is no permit to carry a loaded long arm in a vehicle, it must be unloaded.
Public transit buses are preempted under MCL 123.1102 and handgun carriage is mostly governed by MCL 28.425b and permitted handgun carriage via license is valid statewide under a statewide standard.
would be much easier to accept that bad things happen on occasion. it’s inevitable. people are going to die no matter what the means (gun, knife, poison, vehicle, exposure, drowning).. speaking of drowning, there is quite a big problem with children drowning in pools here in the Phoenix area. no one is banning pools. kids are being taught water safety in school at an early age now. encouraged to take swim lessons. and if all else fails, locked fences are installed. you can’t make a gun any safer than any other weapon or tool that can be used as a weapon. you’d have to be a complete idiot to think otherwise. so why are idiots running my country? oh.. because at least half the population are idiots. don’t do stupid things with stupid people in stupid places. staying alive really isn’t that complicated.
Here is an update. Seems carrying any firearm on a bus, cased or not, loaded or not, is a crime in Michigan, and that’s what got him arrested.
Except he never boarded a bus.
Your link doesn’t support your statement.
Charge the SKS with fare evasion?
Viva la Revolucion!
Stand strong, People of Mexico. We’re rooting for you. Oh, and be sure to relieve the dead drug thugs of Mr. Holder’s guns, will you?
Well, that’s one way to actually make money on smartguns.
Wow… To the grabbers, I think this is where we all point south and say “Told ya so!” Time comes to register, I’m getting rid of all my guns. “Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more.”
Psalm 37:13
Guns I have shot:
1. Tommy gun
2. m249 SAW
3. UZI
4. MP5 Navy
5. MP40
6. AR15
7. Broomhandle Mauser
8. M1 Garand
9. 1911
10. Modern striker fired a la Glock, HK, M&P
Now top 10 on my bucket list:
1. Ma Deuce
2. Mini gun
3. 8 pound parrot gun
4. Gatling
5. Maxim
6. Glock 18
7. BAR
9. m60
10. RPG 7
Go big, or go home.
Just did the math (on paper, so I may be off), but over
17 million ft/lbs of delivered energy!
Add this one to the 10 guns to shoot before croaking.
I’m 21 and I’ve never used an ATM. I’ve had a debit card since I was 15 and make nearly all of my purchases that way. Occasionally I will use the cash back feature at the grocery store so I will have cash on hand for tips but that’s about it. I also don’t make any big purchases without sleeping on it (anything over $200, a new gun for instance) , so that affords me time to go to the bank if I need a lot of cash. I don’t avoid ATMs as a rule, I’ve just never had any reason to use one.
Why not really make the point and get video of someone taking a bb to the stomach?
1. M1A/M14
2. 1911
3. FAL
4. M2
5. M1917
6. S&W 29
7. M60
8. Colt SAA
9. Colt Walker
10. Freedom Arms 454 Casull
Shooting in a police department: Over in seconds, no innocent lives lost (hopefully)
Shooting on a military base: Over in 15 minutes, many injured, too many unnecessary deaths.
What a liberal DOPE!
Drunken female africian americian cop shoots herself in leg after night of partying. Returned to full duty.
‘One is better informed when more than one culture is involved in their experiences.
The Company is focused on the supply of gas and electricity along with the transmission of electricity.
Make sure you choose the right firm to source your leads.
You said you’d go hunting without a sling on a rifle that will weigh 9 lbs. loaded. I did that once (but only once!!!) I carried a British SMLE (about same weight as Henry) and forgot to bring the sling along. I walked up a mountain & down the other side about 3 miles through gullies, etc. I shot a medium sized Colorado mule deer (doe) then had to drag it back over the same path. Going to the deer took about 2 hours – coming back took about 6 hours. I will NEVER own another rifle (including .22) or shotgun that doesn’t have a shoulder sling! If sling is not needed in your situation, you can always remove & put it in your pocket.
I’m not so sure this was a suicide by cop attempt. I don’t have any empirical evidence to back this up, but generally most of the ones I’ve seen or heard of in the area I live, the subject usually creates a situation where he draws a large amount of police attention to himself, maybe fires off a round or two in no particular direction , or points his firearm at the dozen or so cops with their weapons already drawn and gets shot.
This seemed like more of an attempt to bring harm to others than himself, but like I said it’s just a gut feeling
“…it wasn’t loaded but it quickly could have been.”
Anyone else see “speed of loading” as a new legislative attack point?
Regarding the story from WSFB — this is great Agitpop — they take a story that has nothing to do with CT or Newtown and make it into an emotional Agitpop peace — for what value besides to further the antigun agenda.
I suspect similar is true for New York City, ‘The safest big city in America’.
if Chicago is accepting federal funds specifically to combat crime (it is), then mis-reporting such data, and frankly making explicit changes to the reports, should be investigated as a crime for theft of gov’t funds. It happens with respect to other federal gov’t funds (ie, highway grants, public works, etc), so why should there not be an criminal investigation here? Oh yeah, the DOJ has someone in power who does not adhere to the rule of law. I cannot wait until after 2016 so we can get criminal investigations going.
Wasn’t the lead story on this Digest last night the one about the old broad in the pretty-picture contest? Or did I have a stroke while I was asleep?
Chris Dorner has more lives than Freddy and Jason.
I miss Shawn already.
What was the point?
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I must have read a DIFFERENT post. All I got from it was GUN registration. It’s NYC.
Wish the ATF would have just stuck with gun running, IMHO.
Don’t moderate me, bro.
What will happen when they come for his guns and he has nothing to give them?
Perhaps they can use the “intention” logic, like with the Sig pistol brace.
Judging by the presence of only 4 pall-bearers and the particulars of perspective, I’d say that WAS and child-sized coffin. A cheap one at that.
Nice letter. Now kiss you career good bye. Criticism of military policy as dictated by GHQ outside the chain of command will not be tolerated and will be severely punished. Didn’t you learn that in OCS? If they don’t drum you out immediately, your next posting will be in the worst possible shithole in the world where the Army has a presence where you will be assigned no job responsibilities. You will beg to be allowed to resign short of your commitment. The black mark on your record will assure that you will never make captain; by going outside the chain of command, you have demonstrated that you are not fit to command in this Army.
There was an old game show, “Truth or Consequences.” In today’s government, Truth has Consequences. Just ask any whistleblower.
I feel sorry for anyone who actually still reads Archie Comic Books. I gave those up in, oh, about sixth grade or so?
Government and government alphabet agencies do not have laws which pertain to them. Since state and local law enforcement began their militarization campaigns, it appears we have become the enemy. No knock middle of the night breaks in by law enforcement. Aggressive military tactics against law abiding citizens, almost on a weekly basis.
Before all you salty old “Nam vets pull out your K Bars, I am NOT related to your former Defense Secretary, really, not at all. There, disclaimer out.
Paul, I took the same journey as you and came to the same conclusion.
It’s not that I don’t like or admire other pistolas and I’ve owned plenty, it’s just that for my purposes and abilities, I can find nothing better than my Glocks.
As a retired Sheriff and ex RCMP member, I have carried and shot a variety of service pistols starting with the wonderful old Smith model 10 [sweet old thing] to my last carry gun, the Glock 22.
After reluctantly turning in my 5906, I received my “plastic” gun with some reservations.
My misgivings dissolved after the first range qualifications with the Glock and all our scores improved significantly. It was the trigger. Once you master that neat bang switch, combat accuracy is a given, providing you do your part.
The reliability and simplicity of use caused us to look upon the Glock with a ton of respect. We trusted it with our lives.
It’s one thing to be safely shooting on a target range and wax poetic on the minutia of tactical shooting but, when you carry a firearm to defend lives, one that must work under all conditions and allow you to master it instantly and under extreme duress, you must have complete trust in it. I guess that’s it.
Wow. Slaughtered the scientific method and multiple errors in the conclusion.
First birdshot is an effective defense round. Like Glaser. Massive damage, total energy transfer.
Second, I was sceptical about RIP but I found it to be a very effective round in every environment except when it comes to penetration and even there, it performed better than expected (not sure how that happened unless the clothes/glass/dirt clogged it up and kept it together.
Bottem line. What an idiot. If you can’t figure it out by reading the author, Google some of his “hypotheses” and see how wrong the author is about everything