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GOSAFE Introduces Their New Mobile Mag and Mobile Safe Firearm Storage Solutions

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

We first ran across GOSAFE’s lockable magazines at SHOT earlier this year. GOSAFE makes two products, a magazine and a “mobile safe.” The GOSAFE Mobile Mag is a 10-round lockable magazine for GLOCK 17, 19 and 34 pistols (more models to come in the future). The Mobile Safe looks like the Mobile Mag, but is a solid piece of plastic for the same guns that doesn’t load rounds, but locks and prevents a pistol from being used.

We’ve used both and they work as advertised. They’re a good way to keep and handgun out and available but safely locked if you have children in the house. Now the GOSAFE Mobile Mag and Mobile Safe are available for sale. Here’s their press release . . .

There is no shortage of reasons why millions of Americans choose to exercise their right to gun ownership. Whether it is for the protection of life and property, for sport or even collecting, all gun owners are well acquainted with the same realities: an inaccessible firearm is the same as no firearm and storage-solution needs vary from situation to situation.

So how is a responsible gun owner to ensure their firearm is secure from unauthorized use while also keeping it accessible?

“My adult life has been spent serving and protecting others as a United States Marine, a private security contractor and a law enforcement professional. Through this I learned that the right to gun ownership is the only thing that ensures all of our other rights can exist,” said GOSAFE co-founder Mark “Oz” Geist. “But my law enforcement career also showed me some sobering realities: unauthorized gun use is a common denominator in firearm-related accidents, suicides and crimes.”

Geist spent many years in search of a solution that would preserve a gun owner’s right to quick, authorized access while lessening the opportunities for unauthorized access. Recognizing there is never a one-size-fits-all solution for securing firearms, Geist quickly realized the GOSAFE solution would be ideal for a majority of gun owners and firearm carriers, from parents to law enforcement professionals.

GOSAFE’s unique mobile solution was designed by leading firearms experts, including former law enforcement and military professionals, to provide real-world security solutions for all gun owners, which according to the 2021 National Firearms Survey, now represents 81.4 million Americans. GOSAFE reimagines firearms security by putting the safe inside the firearm rather than the firearm inside a safe. Both the Mobile Safe and Mobile Mag products fit safely and securely inside the firearm, in the same manner as OEM magazines, accessible only via a unique-to-user key. Once the firearm is locked in GOSAFE mode, there is no possibility of an unauthorized user intentionally or accidentally gaining access. The patented technology allows gun owners and professionals to go from loaded and ready to locked and safe whenever and wherever they are.


The GOSAFE line includes the Mobile Safe (MSRP $79.99) and the Mobile Mag (MSRP $99.99). The Mobile Safe is a non-loadable magazine-styled mobile safe that travels inside the firearm, providing speed and access and eliminates the need for cable and trigger locks. It prevents unauthorized and unintended firearm use by blocking the trigger and securely locking the slide closed. Users can easily switch from GOSAFE to their OEM mag in seconds.

The Mobile Mag is a fully functioning magazine combining mobility and complete security with fast access that cannot be removed from the firearm when locked. Going from ready-to-fire to locked in a matter of seconds, when locked, it blocks the trigger to prevent unintended firing even with a round in the chamber.

GOSAFE is available to purchase at gosafenow.com and will be arriving soon in retail locations around the country and online.

Every 15 minutes, an unsecured firearm is stolen from a vehicle or residence. In addition to lessening the instances of accidents and crime, using GOSAFE secure-storage solutions to stop the unauthorized use of firearms will also reduce the number of suicide-by-firearm deaths that occur each year. Every 22 minutes, a person commits suicide by firearm, accounting for three of every five firearm deaths and inflicting long-lasting pain and suffering on the family and friends left behind. The increase in suicides among returning combat veterans has made this an area of particular emphasis for Geist and the GOSAFE team.

“In this next chapter of my life, I’m going to continue to protect people by providing a secure storage solution for gun owners, one that preserves access and autonomy for the gun owner while also mitigating the likelihood of misuse,” Geist said. “The GOSAFE solution for securing firearms is one whose time has come and one that will benefit all Americans, whether or not they choose to exercise their right to own firearms.”

Specifications: GOSAFE Mobile Mag

• Prevents unauthorized use while maintaining complete mobility and fast access.
• 10 round capacity.
• Blocks the trigger. Prevents firing even with a round in the chamber.
• Cannot be removed from the firearm while locked.
• Switch to your GOSAFE MAG or OEM mag in seconds. Simple and intuitive.
• Unique-to-user high security key.
• Camlock lock for the highest level of protection and quality.
• Order additional keys once you receive your GOSAFE MAG with the included
unique product code on GOSAFENOW.com.
• Works with all generations of Glock
• Compatible with all holsters

Specifications: GOSAFE Mobile Safe

• Prevents unauthorized use and from being loaded with ammunition.
• Blocks the trigger and locks the slide closed.
• Cannot be removed from the firearm while locked.
• Switch to your GOSAFE or OEM mag in seconds. Simple and intuitive.
• Unique-to-user high security key.
• Camlock lock for the highest level of protection and quality.
• Order additional keys once you receive your GOSAFE Mobile Safe with the
included unique product code on GOSAFEnow.com.
• Works with all generations of Glock
• Compatible with all holsters

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