Chicago Ambulance Crew courtesy CFD Twitter
Image courtesy Chicago Fire Department (via Twitter)


President Joe Biden has mandated that Americans take the COVID vaccinations and he’s trying to force it upon people where ever he can. Along those lines, more and more states have plans to terminate public sector employees including police and firefighters who refuse to take the Wuhan flu vaccine. Medical professions in hospitals and clinics are finding themselves in the same boat.

What happens when ten or twenty percent of these groups resign or are terminated over their refusal to take the jab?

We all know what happens with fewer police on the streets. If your name is ‘Dacian’ or you’ve been living under a rock, just look toward Chicago, where “defund the police” has resulted in something approaching a thousand empty police positions. At the same time, homicides in Chi-town this year are on track for 25-year highs.

What happens when fewer firefighters, paramedics, and ambulance personnel impact the response time for life-saving critical care in the field? How long will it take to get help if you’re knifed or shot by a bad guy? Or if you have a heart attack or serious injuries from a motor vehicle accident?

What will happen to your health when hospitals and clinics defer or cancel medical testing or procedures? We know that during the 2020 lockdowns, many thousands of people later died after treatable conditions like cancers went undetected or untreated because hospitals delayed or wouldn’t accept anything except emergency cases or COVID patients.

And should you need elective surgery, how will your quality of life change if you cannot have that knee repair completed?

Befuddled President Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” slogan isn’t going well for America or its citizens. And we have three more years of building and betterment left in his term.

A single death is a tragedy. Thousands of deaths are a statistic. If you’re not making preparations for these next three years, you might become the next statistic.

Coronavirus gun sales surge
Stephanie Miller, of Atlanta, purchases a shotgun and handgun and several boxes of ammunition at Adventure Outdoors Monday, March 16, 2020, in Smyrna, Ga. Miller said she had been on the fence about guns but with recent events she decided to buy guns. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

Got gun?

Prudent people are embracing gun ownership like never before. Over ten million first-time gun owners, in fact. More and more Americans have concluded that they will be their own first responders in a time of increasing first responder delays and scarcity. That includes many who have never liked guns, but have reluctantly accepted the present-day reality in Joe Biden’s America.

The most forward-thinking of these new gun owners will seek out reputable and competent training to learn how avoid victimization by criminals. And if the worst happens, they will learn to use that new gun they bought. (Wouldn’t it be great if you knew how to find better firearm training?)

In the same classes, they will also learn the law on deadly force so they can act according to the standard by which they will be judged. By doing so, they will avoid becoming victims of the criminal justice system. (And a plug here for self-defense legal “insurance” coverage by groups like US Law Shield and Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network.  Your author has both.)

Wise and prudent folks might also add some basic medical gear to their list to help ensure health and well-being. A blood pressure monitor (or the old-fashioned cuff) and the knowledge of how to use it would be a good start. Ditto for a pulse oximeter. You can get either of these for about the price of a box of 9mm practice ammo … $30-$35 or less.

Image via

Making sure you also have a solid first aid kit and the knowledge of how to use it might save your life or that of a family member too.  I’m a big fan of “Stop the Bleed” coursework available at little or no charge across the nation. Again, the life you save might be your own.

Other medical-related ideas: make sure you have a current list of all the meds everyone in your house takes and know how to refill them (over and above always having a month’s supply at home). Also visit your doctor while you can for a physical to identify any problems and address them sooner, if possible, rather than later.

The life you save could be your own.


    • We have a small “network” of mutual-defense/assistance pacts that includes not only neighbors/friends but also a food store manager, a small sporting goods store owner, a plumber, an electrician, and a paramedic. It was a really handy thing to have when everything was shut down here last year, especially the plumber who did $3,200.00 worth of work when we really needed it for zero $$$ in exchange for things we were able to provide. There was no one here that would send a plumber out because they were all shut down, but the guy in our pact was able to do it.

      Include “services”, “suppliers”, “providers” in your mutual-defense/assistance pacts too.

        • depends on the spin you wish to put on the word “militia”, doesn’t it?

          WHat is described above sounds a whloe lot more like “community” than today’s popular media-trashed meaning of “militia”. Go and read the history of our founding, and the part “,ilitia Played in it. I recommend David Hackettt Fisher’s excellent work Paul Revere’s Ride. Trust me, not one in a hundred reading this site know wht really hapened that night/day. We ALL should.

        • “TweetyRex
          October 3, 2021 At 10:48
          Now, why does that whole “mutual Defence” thing sound a lot like a “militia”?”

          Ok, I’ll play.
          Your crappy leftarded education maybe?
          Or maybe the total lack of a proper father figure in your development into adulthood?
          Or could it be too much time in your mommies basement being sheltered from the real world?
          Or a few too many lead paint chip sandwiches during your developmental years?
          Jeez……so many possibilities.🤔
          No wait…..How about your misconception that socialism=utopia?
          No no……..Your fvcktarded belief that once guns are no longer in the hands of responsibility citizens, everyone will just hold hands and sing cumbai-fvckin’yah all day long? Because the gun is the problem, not the person holding it, right?
          Am I getting warmer?

          Ok, I give.
          How about YOU tell everyone what major malfunction makes your disfunctional brain operate like it does.

          Hey TR, look at all these “militia” members?……

          I’ll bet you think they’re all members of the “Proud Boys” too. Right? 🤪

        • “uncommon_sense
          October 3, 2021 At 18:18
          James Campbell,

          I don’t think that Tweety was disparaging/denigrating militias”

          Didn’t think TR was.
          What I think TR WAS doing is inferring that neighborhoods that prepare themselves to provide their own support and security are militant.

          The left has gotten so much control of Washington and much of the narrative simply because of little to no pushback from those who see thing different.
          The calling of names, and accusations of belonging to “groups” is used as a tool to silence opposition.
          I, for one, am through with this.
          I see BS like this, I call it out. 100% of the time.

        • So true.
          Similar situation in the area where I live.
          We even spread ammo out over the neighborhood.
          I have some 50BMG and 338 Lapua Mag ammo stored away, and don’t even own firearms that shoot these calibers.
          My fav “battle rifle” caliber is 7.62×51. A few neighbors have some, and don’t even shoot the stuff.
          Areas that think like this will be considered “sticky wickets” by intruders with bad intent.

    • Work for 2-3 h0urs in y0ur spare time and get paid 1200 0n y0ur bank acc0unt every week…

      Get m0re inf0rmation 0n f0ll0wing site… WorkJoin1

  1. Well my local 5-O is fairly pathetic. I’m pretty much on my own. Go & do likewise!

  2. From the article above:

    “If your name is ‘Dacian’ or you’ve been living under a rock,…”

    Luv it.

    Paging Dacian…

    • If you were capable of writing proper American English, you’d know your statement should actually be written as:

      “It’s dacian, moron.”

      I haz to wonder why you chose to give yourself the moniker “little d”. Oh wait…I think I can guess. Weird.

      • That’s just too rich, Thanks for the belly-laugh, I needed that!

        Poor widdle little ‘d’… 😉

    • The mention of the Geta-boy Dacian made me laugh.

      I know you’re not supposed to feed the trolls but it is jocular.

  3. “You can get either of these (BP cuff or pulse-ox) for about the price of a box of 9mm practice ammo … $30-$35 or less.

    Ammo is finally settling down to only 2X pre-pandemic prices.

    Bass Pro is advertising Herter’s in 9mm (brass-cased) for 17 bucks a box, and ammoseek is showing quite a few sellers at 35 cents per round, for steel-cased 9mm.

    Not great, but a lot better than it was just a few weeks ago…

    • I was just at a Bass Pro last weekend, and their prices were still almost $30/bx of 50. Must be regional.

  4. I’ve been talking with Air Ambulance crews (HEMS) recently. A very significant number of pilots and even medical crew, both Flight Paramedics and Flight Nurses, are refusing the vaccine. Soon, 911 calls and dispatch requests for air medical transport are going to go unanswered.
    Sadly, almost all of these crews already have natural immunity from previous COVID infections.

    • which previous infection puts us solidly in a super high risk status with respect to the injections being shoved down our throats. Prevoious infectioni brings about a different and far more dangerous reaction to the mandated shots. I’ve researeched this thoroughly because I’ve had it and beat it. And I fall into a high risk category due to age. Still beat the stupid thing. About like a bad viral flu .

      • Tionivo,

        Congrats on the solid research!!
        The word is getting out about antibody dependent enhancement.

      • Tionico,

        In a moment of weakness with significant apprehension, I got the Johnson & Johnson one-shot “vaccine” in late July of this year. As far as I know, I have never had COVID-19 before, during, or following the vaccine unless I was “asymptomatic”. At any rate I got the “vaccine” almost 70 days ago and I still have an obvious lump in the deltoid muscle of my arm where they injected me.

        I am not aware of any other vaccine causing a lump at the injection site which lasts upwards of 70 days after the injection. I am seriously concerned about it. I hope that I will not regret that decision.

        • I got the J&J shot in May… I previously tested positive for antibodies in 2020 (my wife brought it home in Nov 2019 after a flight to visit her family) we both experienced mild mostly asymptomatic issues more like a cold than any kind of flu, I was 70 at the time and she was 59… Anyway as a Registered Nurse working in a cancer oncology center she was offered the Pfizer vaccine by the Hospital, I opted for J&J when offered by the VA.. As of now neither of us has experienced any problems with either of the vaccines and she actually had the “booster” when it was offered…

    • “natural immunity from previous COVID infections” which provides ACTUAL protection from the chicom flu. VS the NOT safe OR effective to the phoneyvax.

  5. I am hoping that the doctors and nurses that get canned for not taking the genocide shot will get together and open clinics that will treat, among other things, covid patients and potential covid patients with drugs that work/prevent the disease like hydroxy. , Ivermectin and the z pak.

    • This is beginning to hapen.

      Soon enough, thogh state “medical boards” will come round and decide to pull their licenses to practice medicine. Like Whak-A Mole at the county fair, as soon as we get a good hit on one cirtter. whoopos, up he pops over there. Well, hit THAT one too and keep going.

      How long will it bebefore certain higher-up flacks in positioins of “uh THOAR a tea” will begin to face unpleaseant backlash for their part in the tyranny? Read about the Nuremburg trials.. even the little guys who COULD and SHOULD have stood up to their supes were convicted.. don’t point the finger at HOM when YOU did wrong, pal. Off to the Crowbar Hotel for you.

    • Ed Schrade,

      Sadly, your suggestion falls flat: large swaths of the population cannot find a pharmacy to fill their prescriptions of ivermectin. (It isn’t clear whether fedzilla, states, or even pharmacy chains are refusing to allow/fill such prescriptions.) Sadly, that is just the latest example of large entities controlling our healthcare rather than the individual and his/her physician.

      We are in very dark times.

      • ssof last week, there was NO pharmacy chain that had any solid policy of refusing to fil these scrips. Most local clerka just knee-jerk and refuse.

        ASK them to show yhou the written source for this policy. It ain’t FDA, it ain’t the manufacturer, it ain’t the phamracy chain, unless by some non-binding policy adoption.
        If a certified MD has written you a scrop for, saym Ivermcetin, they MUST fulfill it. Ask them if they have a license to practice medicine. If not, they are out of line because denying hyuo a prescribed drug IS a medical decisioin for twhuch they MUST have a slicense to praactic e medicine. Put it in those terms and you will lilely walk outof there with yhour medicine.

        We are dragging in the rear of the column because of our own ignorance. Educate yourseles. Pharmacists cannot make decisions about which drugs YOU may/may not use. That is the job of your pwn Personal Care Physiciian, and the clwon behind the counter is NOT him. Put it in those terms, they MUST back down. I

        • Tionico,

          Easier said than done.

          I know of at least one state whose Governor/Attorney General ordered all nurse practitioners, physicians assistants, and physicians to NOT prescribe certain medications for COVID-19 illness under threat of huge fines and revocation of medical license. While the Governor/Attorney General had no legal authority to issue such an order, they did it anyway.

          It should come as no surprise that medical practitioners were incredibly reluctant to gamble with a huge fine and loss of their medical license early on, especially so once vaccines were widely available.

          Even worse, you have to realize that many medical practitioners are ardent Far Left political supporters. Early on, they did not want to acknowledge the effectiveness of medications to significantly reduce the impact of COVID-19 because that would undermine the obvious massive government power-grabs that were occurring, not to mention the fact that it would validate many claims that former President Trump (and to a lesser extent other Republicans) declared publicly.

          Still worse yet, later on, many medical practitioners (even practitioners who are not Far Left political supporters) were/are “all-in” on the vaccine bandwagon: many of them doubt the efficacy of medications to significantly reduce the impact of COVID-19; and even if they believed that some medications were helpful, those medications were nowhere near as effective as vaccinations and they wanted to increase public perception that vaccines were the only effective strategy. Thus many healthcare practitioners to this day still refuse to support medications in lieu of vaccines.

          As I stated, we are in very dark times.

  6. Dried and canned goods, a defensible home preferably away from a large population center, first-aid training and supplies, like-minded neighbors, a communications and information gathering network (preferably word of mouth), and conservative op-sec (no stickers, banners, flags, law signs, “gray man”).

    I saw all this coming years ago. Years.

    As these systems crumble, the regime will get more and more belligerent. Good luck!

  7. Most excellent article indeed. My compliments also on being thorough to the point of advising on first aid.

    Additional point; find an indoor AND outdoor range flexible enough (and smart enough) to allow classes and practice sessions for low-light and night shooting and training. Best to learn both worlds.

  8. Our resident in chief (Biden AKA Pudding Brain) is mandating the vaccine for US citizens and forcing companies to carry out his mandate. However, on the southern border, the vaccine is offered for free but the illegal person is allowed to refuse and enter the USA. We are standing by and letting this crap to continue, We the People need to do our responsibility.

  9. What will happen to your health when hospitals and clinics defer or cancel medical testing or procedures? We know that during the 2020 lockdowns, many thousands of people later died after treatable conditions like cancers went undetected or untreated because hospitals delayed or wouldn’t accept anything except emergency cases or COVID patients.

    That is arguably the most egregious and heinous consequence resulting from the government-coerced lockdowns.

    • Went through it with my doctor, was told to get tested for Covid instead of actually treating the symptoms I was describing. TBH can’t completely put the blame on him, it was his idiot nurse insisting of course I was negative. Thank God I have dated a few Filipino nurses, they were a bit more helpful 🤣

    • Such a sad sad truth. Not to forget the stupidity of assholes like Cuomo and friends. So many lost and not just lost but left to die alone.

  10. “If your name is ‘Dacian’ or you’ve been living under a rock,…….”

    I find lil’ds contributions VERY informative. 🙄
    Just a few day ago he let everyone on TTAG know that ALLLLLLLL those Berettas produced to fulfill military contacts (and since) are all “hand-fitted” firearms. 🤪

    There’s only one proper response to a lil’d post………………………

    • I was kind of partial to his rants that all conservatives are Nazi’s. 🙄🙄 Considering it has primarily been conservatives that support Israel, I found that claim beyond funny. Though of course I had to school him on that.

      • He’s too far gone for schooling.
        Lil’d needs to take his meds and remain under intensive psychiatric supervision/evaluation.
        Nuttier then a squirrel turd!

  11. Thank you Mr. Boch,
    Love this article. Thumbs up to the Omron BP monitor, I have one and it is very accurate.
    Kudos to the dump on Dacian.
    Thanks for the multiple links.

    • “Thumbs up to the Omron BP monitor, I have one and it is very accurate.”

      Same here. It must be over 15 years old now, but still works great.

  12. “Ditto for a pulse oximeter. You can get either of these for about the price of a box of 9mm practice ammo … $30-$35 or less.”

    I have to say that you get what you pay for in pulse oximeters. The ones from the local pharmacy or Walmart work OK if nothing is going wrong. But if there are circulatory issues or pressure issues they frequently fail. I get called all the time by nurses to check people because my $100 Nonin will pick up when their cheap Chinese Walmart pulse ox won’t. And yeah, a lot of long term care places and a lot of individual nurses use the cheap ones.

    Buy Nonin, Nellcor, Massimo, Puritan Bennett.

  13. Not all businesses have fired employees. At the Federal Level which Wayne is screaming about they have an option to get tested weekly. On the private level it is up to the employer.

    As far as Wayne’s Statements on Chicago his Far Right Idea of lets send in more storm troopers to shoot people on sight is exactly what this country does not need if we are to become a civilized country and move into the 21st Century as Europe has already done decades ago. I have already many times compared the excellent police training and vetting of countries like Germany that require 3 years of intensive training as opposed to the often 4 weeks of training some U.S. cops get. Germany also thoroughly vets out sadists and mentally ill people who are drawn to the Police profession like flies are attracted to shit.

    Contrast this to Capitalvania where anyone can become a thug cop and I do not exaggerate one bit as just last week there was a story of a newly hired cop in Chicago that turned out to be a former 3 time felon and child molester and yes he murdered a customer at the store he was supposed to be guarding from violence. The customer was unarmed.

    Despite Right Wing propaganda Chicago actually spends more money than that of Los Angeles on the police and Los Angeles has more people.

    I now quote from NBC News:

    Chicago allocated more than $1.7 billion, about 14.5 percent of its annual budget, to police; Los Angeles has allocated a similar total — $1.7 billion of its $10.7 billion budget — albeit with one million more residents than Chicago. New York City, meanwhile, appropriated $5.6 billion, or about 6 percent of its total budget, for NYPD operations.

    Chicago’s police budget makes up nearly 40 percent of the city’s general funds used for operations and services like public safety and public health. Los Angeles, by comparison, spends about 26 percent of general funds on policing.

    While Chicago and Houston feature similar population sizes, Chicago spends about $250 more per person on policing each year.

    Spending on policing in Chicago has steadily increased over the last decade, and it has been heavily criticized by proponents of the “defund the police” movement.

    “The best way to keep our communities safe and address police brutality is not by spending more on policing, but instead by investing in jobs, education and health care. It’s time for our city to seriously look at cutting the police budget and directing those funds to the public programs that will support working-class and poor Chicagoans,” six members of the City Council wrote in favor of police disinvestment in a Chicago Sun Times op-ed last week.

    Really Wayne I would normally have expected more out of you, not the usual Far Right Storm Trooper Propaganda of “shoot first and shoot more often” to solve Chicago’s problems which is the articles underlying hidden subliminal message designed to excite the prejudices of the Far Right. If that was your purpose you succeeded brilliantly while horrifying normal people that realize “defund the police” was not meant to get rid of the police but “demilitarize them” and “civilize them” by holding them accountable to blatant murder especially of minorities that was so evident and horrifying in the George Floyd torture murder in broad daylight.

    The numbers of police are often related to the recently passed budget, police firings because of misconduct, police taking new jobs outside law enforcement that are less stressful and often time pay just as much money if not more.

    When we average 1,000 police killings a year (1,250 in 2012) compared to just a few in paces like Germany or China we desperately do need police reform if we are to become a civilized society. The Far Right like to point their finger at some foreign countries like China or Europe never realizing they have 3 fingers pointed right back at their own completely uncivilized brutal society in Capitalvania.

    China and Europe have far safer streets and a safer society than we do that is a fact. Could it be that a large part of it is that they keep deadly weapons out of the hands of criminals and lunatics and they provide more well paying jobs, and better and affordable educational opportunities and retraining they we do ???? The answer is obvious.

      • A vaccine does not prevent transmission anyway. Preventing transmission is not what a vaccine is for. What he is actually saying in his bumbling way is just that. Immunity does not mean you are “cured” or can not be infected.

        The purpose of a vaccine is to provide a level of immunity to a particular microorganism.

        Pro-vaxxers have it wrong. They are saying the vaccine prevents transmission, that’s not true. This CDC guy is basically saying they are wrong, that the vaccine does not prevent transmission and he is correct because actually there is no such thing as a vaccine that prevents transmission of a disease.

        The reason for the mandate (and vaccine), the logic behind it is the same for all vaccines, basically; Since the vaccine provides a level of immunity, less symptomatic people (even if actually infected) so less spread by primary means of ejecting “body fluids” in some way (e.g. coughing). Less spread, less people get infected, less people get infected less impact on society.

        • That CDC guy is a gal. The viral load tested on vaccinated individuals is higher than that tested on those without the vaccine. I made the above post in reference to the brain dead left wing talking points that you have to get the vaccine so you don’t kill other people.

          “The reason for the mandate (and vaccine), the logic behind it is the same for all vaccines”

          But there wasn’t a mandate for flu vaccines, despite the flu being deadlier than Covid for certain groups of people. This mandate insanity is new territory for us. The reasons they’re giving for the mandate make zero sense. What they should have done from the beginning, is be honest about everything, so that adults can make informed decisions about their risk level. Instead, they keep flip-flopping and getting caught in lies which has caused the public to lose confidence in them.

    • Ask Hong Kong, and the Falun Gong how safe China is. They do send in storm troopers to shoot people on sight.

      IIRC that 3 time felon and child molester who shot a customer was not a cop, he was a security guard. Big difference. He did not have statutory power of arrest and was employed by the store, not the municipality. He was already prohibited from carrying a gun, which he obviously got illegally putting the lie to the idea that gun laws matter at all to criminals. Also, IIRC, he shot the guy for not wearing a mask, making him one your mask Not Zs.

      • To Pirate

        As usual with a wave of the hand you miss the entire point and then grasp at straws and attempt to use smoke and mirrors.

        What I originally stated was valid i.e. the cop hired in Chicago we are speaking of did not get thoroughly vetted or he would not have been hired in the first place and if he had been eligible he still did not get sufficient training either. Now you can avoid the truth all you like but that does not change the truth of what I originally posted.

        • HE. WASN’T. A. COP., you drooling f***tard. He was a PRIVATE security guard. YOU are the one missing the point (as usual).

          Yes, there are bad cops. NO ONE disputes that. The only issue is what policies can positively affect that problem. Getting rid of the (judicially-created) doctrine of ‘qualified immunity’ is a pretty obvious step. Sure, training is, in general, a good idea. Training also costs money – a LOT of money, if it is done to the standards you are advocating. Where is that money going to come from??? Reduce welfare? Reduce unemployment benefits? Cut the Fire Department budget? Or pull the money off the magic money tree you Leftist/fascists believe in?

          Like all Leftist/fascists, dacian the dim (and congratulations on your recognition from the editors/moderators for your babbling insanity – you’ve earned it), you don’t have either the knowledge, or the common sense, God offered a retarded baby duck. Go babble your fascist nonsense with some of your fellow Leftist/fascists – you contribute LITERALLY nothing to any discussion on this site, other than an opportunity to point, mock, and laugh. You are slightly less useful than teats on a boar hog.

        • you contribute LITERALLY nothing to any discussion on this site, other than an opportunity to point, mock, and laugh. You are slightly less useful than teats on a boar hog.

          There is something to be said for “comic relief” and that clown IS comedy personified… And It’s buttons require only the slightest push to set It off…

  14. On the topic of vaccines, I and others in my place of full time employment (job #1) are in limbo. We were given a 9/7 deadline to get vaccinated or fired. When the deadline approached we were told that they were changing the date of the deadline, but could not tell us what the new date was. They kept repeating “We will follow federal guidelines” or “we will follow state guidelines”. Those of us I know who submitted exemptions have not heard anything about approval or denial.

    A number of unvaccinated people stopped showing up on 9/7. I don’t know if they found other jobs or didn’t hear that the deadline had been changed.

    UPMC/Pinnacle has forbidden it’s providers from filling out exemptions, so if your doctor works for UPMC/Pinnacle you can’t get a signature on a medical exemption and only your primary care provider can issue it. No specialist and no doctor at a walk in clinic will do it. I contacted an attorney and followed his advice on how to submit the exemption without a doctors signature and with documentation of the UPMC policy restricting it’s providers.

    Job #2 has not said anything about vaccines, and I let job #3 fire me. I didn’t even bother to try an exemption. In the exit interview I listed all of the things I did for that company over the last 9 years, and all of the wrong things they have done to me. I told them if they do not value my services then they can go Eff themselves, but much more politely.

    • Crimson,

      Glad to hear you are protecting your health with the vaccine exemption. Best wishes!

  15. quote—————What will happen to your health when hospitals and clinics defer or cancel medical testing or procedures? We know that during the 2020 lockdowns, many thousands of people later died after treatable conditions like cancers went undetected or untreated because hospitals delayed or wouldn’t accept anything except emergency cases or COVID patients.——————quote

    The most people in relation to population size that have died have died in the U.S. because Trump kept Covid a secret for as long as he could. Trump did away with the pandemic response teams and their former pandemic plans and procedures resulting in the current catastrophe of 3/4 of a million dead and rising.

    The Gangster Criminal Republicans concerned more about reelections than saving human lives promoted all kinds of far out Right Wing propaganda recommending people not wear masks, social distance, stay out of large gatherings, take unproven drugs or get the later available covid shots. Again the result was one of the highest death rates in the world.

    • “Trump did away with the pandemic response teams and their former pandemic plans and procedures”

      What was the plan he did away with? Why don’t you post it for us to review? I’m interested in seeing it.

      • Look Moron this was discussed on every major news channel now for months. Where do you live in a cave or perhaps you hide out at Fox News or other Right Wing Nut case news media outlets. Quit posting such asinine comments. Educated people are laughing at you.

        • “Quit posting such asinine comments. Educated people are laughing at you.”

          This “dacian” person must be looking in a mirror. Perhaps it’s an attempt at self-therapy.

        • little d,
          In other words, you’re completely FOS, as usual. All you do is treat people like stereotypes and hurl insults. You never back up your BS with facts. And there you go bringing Fox News up again. You’re nothing more than a mainstream media parrot.

          You said quote “Trump did away with the pandemic response teams and their former pandemic plans and procedures resulting in the current catastrophe of 3/4 of a million dead and rising.”

          I’m very familiar with the talking points. I’ve heard them all. Point me to these plans that Trump supposedly scrapped that was going to save lives. Put up or shut up.

        • Dude, you know when you’ve painted the little d into a corner is when he makes personal attacks while still not answering the question.

          By now you have been added to his little black book and he will be building a file on you.

    • Of course if Obama and Fauci had not been funding a level 4 virus lab in China there wouldn’t have been a covid 19 to be released in the first place. So fuck you and your Trump Derangement Syndrome.

      • As of late “on accredited news channels” and also only this morning on Global Public Square (watched by more people world wide than any other news program” Dr. Sanja Gupta stated that the virus was natural. What is making China look bad is their usual dictatorial paranoia about sharing any information on the covid with the world.

        Other Disease specialists have stated when looking at what makes up the disease and looking at what China was doing in the lab shows that it is almost impossible that the disease came from the lab.

  16. To Dud Brain

    Did you even bother to listen to the video. Obviously not.

    To prevent peoples deaths stupid. Isn’t 3/4 of a million enough or do you believe what Hitler said “Loses can never be too high” Typical Right Wing Thought. Workers in the public sector have no right to murder the people they are hired to save or protect.

    The video stated some people because of health reasons cannot get vaccinated and health workers can end up killing them. You assume that all people that have been vaccinated got the disease and are spreading the disease. ” Not true”. Many of the vaccines’ are up to 90% effective which means “you probably will not get the disease” and when you do not have it you do not spread it to other people. Now what part of this do you not understand?????????.

    quote from a doctor.

    Dr Soumya Swaminathan

    There’re two very good reasons to get vaccinated. The first is to protect yourself from getting severely ill if you catch the infection. We know that there’s a certain proportion of people of all age groups who do get severely ill and you could have a chance of dying from this disease. And this is what we want to protect. So that’s why you want to get vaccinated in the first place. But secondly, if you get vaccinated and yes, you may still get the infection because we know that these vaccines are not going to protect you a 100% from the infection. So there is a small risk you get infected and you could pass it on to others.

    Again Dud Brain is this getting to complicated for you. Obviously it is.

      • I am with you jwm. (Notice my radio silence.)

        Thank you for posting the reminders to readers.

      • .40 cal Booger,

        That poster (whose name I refuse to type) has clearly demonstrated that he/she is at best mentally unstable and at worst mentally ill. Along with that is a very high probability that he/she has an emotionally-ill desire to be the center of attention and/or antagonize others.

        Widespread consensus: responding to his/her rants gratifies him/her and encourages more outrageous rants–thus do not respond to him/her.

    • Hey lil’d?
      Care to comment on how India beat Kung Flu with nothing more then therapeutics/horse dewormer (you and whiners term).
      That horse dewormer was developed for humans (later adapted for use in animals), is recognized by the WHO (World Health Org) as being among the MOST important drugs EVER produced for humans. Oh, and a Nobel prize in 2015 for its use in HUMANS!

      Wanna buy a Mass production “hand-fitted” M9-A1? 🤡

      • James Campbell,

        While your intentions appear to be noble, lil’d has demonstrated with countless insult-laden and off-topic rants that he/she does not have noble intentions.

        See the details in my comment above and our recommendation to refrain from responding to and therefore gratifying lil’d.

      • Yeah, good old “horse dewormer” the same Ivermectin that received the Nobel Prize for medicine? The same Ivermectin that is on the W.H.O. list of essential medicines? The same Ivermectin that IS an FDA approved anti-parasitic agent? Earlier in the COVID crisis, certain regions in Brazil and Peru chose to dispense this affordable and safe drug to their populations, with positively impressive outcomes. These results included a 75% reduction in deaths in just 6 weeks; dramatically decreased infection rates; and dramatically decreased mortality rates, such as in the mortality rate in one region, where, amongst COVID patients over 65 years old, the rate fell from approximately 40% to only 4%
        OBTW, the majority of drugs prescribed for your dogs and cats (especially anti-biotics) ARE identical to the ones prescribed for humans, many times they change the name but read the label, same stuff made by the same big pharma labs… I heard Merck is pulling Ivermectin and replacing it with a new and improved $40.00 pill containing… WHAT?… IVERMECTIN? Go figure…

        Ivermectin reduces mortality from COVID-19 by 83%. Used prophylactically it reduces infection rates by 88%. Source:

        • Did you see where the Associated Press RETRACTED the story about how 70% of Mississippi poison control center emergency calls and area hospital ER visits were due to Ivermectin use by humans?
          Yeah, for real.
          The retraction is on the last page of the internet.
          I wonder why? 🤔

        • “Associated Press RETRACTED the story”

          Yes, they do that long after the original Fake News propaganda has already served it’s purpose. There is never a push from the mainstream media to hold themselves accountable. The NY Times constantly does this. They’re still somehow living off a name they made for themselves decades ago. The zombie sheep army has been trained not to question the MSM.

        • MADDMAXX,
          Have you noticed the concerted effort to delegitimize existing generic drugs without patents? It’s almost like everyone is working for the pharma companies so they can sell their new drugs, without competition, and make a fortune.

        • To Mad Man to the Maxx

          Merck has not revealed what is in their new drug but you are telling us your crystal ball tells you everything and what you do not know is not worth knowing.

          Tell me how much of the horse medicine have you taken? The real truth is none. So much for your rectum gas. Do not believe what a politician says but what he does.

          And by the way every medical professional on TV in the last moth has condemned taking this horse medicine for anything not just covid-19 yet your telling us you know more than the medical profession does.

          So strange the Far Right nut cases are afraid to take vaccines that have been given to millions but are not afraid to take medicine that the medical profession has stated humans should not take.

          The good news is that by not getting vaccinated and taking horse medicine the Far Right looses more and more voters to covid-19. Keep up the good work spreading such nonsense you are the Far Lefts best friend.

        • “There is never a push from the mainstream media to hold themselves accountable. The NY Times constantly does this. They’re still somehow living off a name they made for themselves decades ago.”

          Seems like all those “suitable for framing” certificates/documents that accompany the Pulitzer Prizes are ACTUALLY more “suitable for butt-wiping”.
          Not worth the paper they’re written on.

          How many Pulitzers were given on the Trump/Russia investigation?
          It has been 100% disproven.
          How many Pulitzers have been withdrawn? 🤔
          Seem to me like an award for those who talk the best sh!t against the enemies of the far left radical terrorists groups.

        • small d said: “And by the way every medical professional on TV in the last moth has condemned taking this horse medicine for anything not just covid-19 yet your telling us you know more than the medical profession does.”

          Every medical professional on TV? (LOL) What channels are we talking about here? CNN and MSNBC? No wonder you’re so ill-informed. Ivermectin is not horse medicine. It’s a very effective, award-winning medication that can be used in humans and animals like horses. When a doctor prescribes Ivermectin, you don’t go down to the vet or the Co-Op to pick it up. You get it at the pharmacy. As a matter of fact, we give this “horse medicine” to immigrants coming here from certain countries. The TV doctors are lying to you. It’s almost like there’s an agenda.

          ” All Middle Eastern, Asian, North African, Latin American, and Caribbean refugees should receive presumptive therapy with:”

          “Ivermectin, two doses 200 mcg/Kg orally once a day for 2 days before departure to the United States.”

          “In 2015, the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine, in its ONLY AWARD for treatments of infectious diseases SINCE SIX DECADES prior, honoured the discovery of ivermectin (IVM), a multifaceted drug deployed against some of the world’s most devastating tropical diseases.”

          “Six of seven meta-analyses of IVM treatment RCTs reporting in 2021 found notable reductions in COVID-19 fatalities”

        • Keep up the good work spreading such nonsense you are the Far Lefts best friend.

          Vladacian, you are the useful idiot that the Left dreams of… Perhaps you should spend more time educating that “superior” brain and less time regurgitating all the bullshit propaganda from those Left Wing media sources you are so proud of… Here let me help you, Wouldn’t want you strain your mental capabilities by looking for this yourself…
          A Cochrane-standard (the highest level review) meta-analysis on Ivermectin’s efficacy in treating COVID has been published by Bryant-Lawrie in the American Journal of Therapeutics. The study concluded that “apparent safety and low cost suggest that Ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.” So why isn’t Merck just pushing Ivermectin instead?
          The reason is that Molnupiravir is reportedly very similar to Ivermectin. Moreover, the New Jersey-based pharmaceutical company was compelled by a $1.2 billion procurement agreement to supply approximately 1.7 million courses (that’s $705.00 per course vs. about 2 bucks a pop for Ivermectin) of Molnupiravir to the U.S. government.
          The report added that “it appears that Molnupiravir contains some of the same molecular qualities as Ivermectin,” which is why it is questionable how Merck possibly rebranded the cheap drug to make it “more expensive” and could be “marketed as exclusive and new for COVID
          Merck’s new drug shares molecular similarities to Ivermectin.

      • To Mad Man to the Maxx The move by the coastal state of Goa and northern state of Uttarakhand, come despite the World Health Organization and others warning against such measures.

        “The current evidence on the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 patients is inconclusive,” WHO said in a statement in late March. “Until more data is available, WHO recommends that the drug only be used within clinical trials.”

        Merck, a manufacturer of the drug, has also said available data does not support using the drug as a COVID-19 treatment

        • care to lie about Merck some more??????
          Moronic(d), care to stick to stuff you actually know something about??? Like pleasing your masters sick desires…
          A Cochrane-standard (the highest level review) meta-analysis on Ivermectin’s efficacy in treating COVID has been published by Bryant-Lawrie in the American Journal of Therapeutics. The study concluded that “apparent safety and low cost suggest that Ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.” So why isn’t Merck just pushing Ivermectin instead?
          The reason is that Molnupiravir is reportedly very similar to Ivermectin. Moreover, the New Jersey-based pharmaceutical company was compelled by a $1.2 billion procurement agreement to supply approximately 1.7 million courses (that’s $705.00 per course vs. about 2 bucks a pop for Ivermectin) of Molnupiravir to the U.S. government.
          The report added that “it appears that Molnupiravir contains some of the same molecular qualities as Ivermectin,” which is why it is questionable how Merck possibly rebranded the cheap drug to make it “more expensive” and could be “marketed as exclusive and new for COVID
          Merck’s new drug shares molecular similarities to Ivermectin. And why wouldn’t it? IVM is in a COVID-19 superstar lane all by itself and Merck, who held the patent until 1996, knows this.

    • “Workers in the public sector have no right to murder the people they are hired to save or protect.”

      Per the CDC director: “What they (the vaccine) can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”

      Sorry little d, but your above-referenced, brain dead talking point no longer holds water.

      small d said: “The video stated some people because of health reasons cannot get vaccinated and health workers can end up killing them.”

      Again, see above, plus do you realize that some health care workers can’t get vaccinated for the same reasons? What kind of sick authoritarian would force them to take something that their doctor said could harm them? Do you ever think before spouting this drivel?

      small d said: “Many of the vaccines’ are up to 90% effective which means “you probably will not get the disease” and when you do not have it you do not spread it to other people. Now what part of this do you not understand?????????.”

      Again, this has been proved false for some time now. People like the CDC director finally got around to admitting it because the evidence was so overwhelming. The vaccines do not prevent you from both catching Covid OR from spreading it.

      Go to page 20 of the below linked document and check the vaccinated vs. unvacinnated deaths. Unlike you, I provide receipts.

      MSNBC host: “I’m vaccinated, but I also have Covid. It spread throughout my entire family. Three vaccinated people got Covid in my house.”

      • Dud brain the whole point of making vaccines mandated is to save lives because people that do not get vaccinated die.. Now you Moron what part of this do you not understand. Now lets us see you lie your way out of this one. I’ll wait Dud Brain.

        • Of course you can’t name one single time I’ve lied because I haven’t. You’re welcome to quote me if you think I have. Otherwise, you’re FOS, as usual.

          If the point was to save lives, as you claim, then they would acknowledge, and make allowances for, natural immunity. We now know that natural immunity is much more powerful than the vaccine immunity. That is a scientific fact. So why would they mandate a vaccine for someone that is already better protected by natural immunity? Some people are being advised by their doctors not to take the vaccine due to certain preexisting conditions. Maybe a pregnant mother would rather wait until her baby is born before taking the vaccine. The mandates aren’t allowing for any of that. Since this is a free country, we believe in letting adults assess their risk themselves instead of the government trying to make that decision for them. What happened to my body my choice?

        • Are you saying vaccinated people do not die?

          Here’s some science for your light reading…

          Lots of detailed medical information here that is being totally ignored by our “soundbite” media. The detailed research is not being summarized to a format to be understood by the public.

          Here is a sample from the detailed education on Covid that is shown below:

          The correct treatment for severe COVID-19 related sepsis is non-invasive
          ventilation, steroids, and antioxidant infusions. Most of the drugs repurposed
          for COVID-19 that show any benefit whatsoever in rescuing critically-ill
          COVID-19 patients are antioxidants. N-acetylcysteine, melatonin, fluvoxamine,
          budesonide, famotidine, cimetidine, and ranitidine are all antioxidants.
          Indomethacin prevents iron- driven oxidation of arachidonic acid to
          isoprostanes. There are powerful antioxidants such as apocynin that have not
          even been tested on COVID-19 patients yet which could defang neutrophils,
          prevent lipid peroxidation, restore endothelial health, and restore oxygenation
          to the tissues.

          Scientists who know anything about pulmonary neutrophilia, ARDS, and redox
          biology have known or surmised much of this since March 2020. In April 2020,
          Swiss scientists confirmed that COVID-19 was a vascular endotheliitis. By late
          2020, experts had already concluded that COVID-19 causes a form of viral sepsis.
          They also know that sepsis can be effectively treated with antioxidants. None of
          this information is particularly new, and yet, for the most part, it has not
          been acted upon. Doctors continue to use damaging intubation techniques with
          high PEEP settings despite high lung compliance and poor oxygenation, killing an
          untold number of critically ill patients with medical malpractice.

          Because of the way they are constructed, Randomized Control Trials will never
          show any benefit for any antiviral against COVID-19. Not Remdesivir, not
          Kaletra, not HCQ, and not Ivermectin. The reason for this is simple; for the
          patients that they have recruited for these studies, such as Oxford’s ludicrous
          RECOVERY study, the intervention is too late to have any positive effect. The
          clinical course of COVID-19 is such that by the time most people seek medical
          attention for hypoxia, their viral load has already tapered off to almost
          nothing. If someone is about 10 days post-exposure and has already been
          symptomatic for five days, there is hardly any virus left in their bodies, only
          cellular damage and derangement that has initiated a hyperinflammatory response.
          It is from this group that the clinical trials for antivirals have recruited,
          pretty much exclusively.
          In these trials, they give antivirals to severely ill patients who have no virus
          in their bodies, only a delayed hyperinflammatory response, and then absurdly
          claim that antivirals have no utility in treating or preventing COVID-19. These
          clinical trials do not recruit people who are pre-symptomatic. They do not test
          pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis. This is like using a defibrillator to
          shock only flatline, and then absurdly claiming that defibrillators have no
          medical utility whatsoever when the patients refuse to rise from the dead. The
          intervention is too late. These trials for antivirals show systematic, egregious
          selection bias. They are providing a treatment that is futile to the specific
          cohort they are enrolling. India went against the instructions of the WHO and
          mandated the prophylactic usage of Ivermectin. They have almost completely
          eradicated COVID-19. The Indian Bar Association of Mumbai has brought criminal
          charges against WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan for recommending
          against the use of Ivermectin.

          Ivermectin is not “horse dewormer”. Yes, it is sold in veterinary paste form as
          a dewormer for animals. It has also been available in pill form for humans for
          decades, as an antiparasitic drug. The media have disingenuously claimed that
          because Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug, it has no utility as an antivirus.
          This is incorrect. Ivermectin has utility as an antiviral. It blocks importin,
          preventing nuclear import, effectively inhibiting viral access to cell nuclei.
          Many drugs currently on the market have multiple modes of action. Ivermectin is
          one such drug. It is both antiparasitic and antiviral.

          In Bangladesh, Ivermectin costs $1.80 for an entire 5-day course. Remdesivir,
          which is toxic to the liver, costs $3,120 for a 5-day course of the drug.
          Billions of dollars of utterly useless Remdesivir were sold to our governments
          on the taxpayer’s dime, and it ended up being totally useless for treating
          hyperinflammatory COVID-19. The media has hardly even covered this at all. The
          opposition to the use of generic Ivermectin is not based in science. It is
          purely financially and politically-motivated. An effective non-vaccine
          intervention would jeopardize the rushed FDA approval of patented vaccines and
          medicines for which the pharmaceutical industry stands to rake in billions upon
          billions of dollars in sales on an ongoing basis.

          SARS-CoV-2 Spike is a highly pathogenic protein on its own. It is impossible to
          overstate the danger presented by introducing this protein into the human body.

          It is claimed by vaccine manufacturers that the vaccine remains in cells in the
          shoulder, and that SARS- CoV-2 Spike produced and expressed by these cells from
          the vaccine’s genetic material is harmless and inert, thanks to the insertion of
          prolines in the Spike sequence to stabilize it in the prefusion conformation,
          preventing the Spike from becoming active and fusing with other cells. However,
          a pharmacokinetic study from Japan showed that the lipid nanoparticles and mRNA
          from the Pfizer vaccine did not stay in the shoulder, and in fact bioaccumulated
          in many different organs, including the reproductive organs and adrenal glands,
          meaning that modified Spike is being expressed quite literally all over the
          place. These lipid nanoparticles may trigger anaphylaxis in an unlucky few, but
          far more concerning is the unregulated expression of Spike in various somatic
          cell lines far from the injection site and the unknown consequences of that.

        • Ragnar,
          I’m convinced that the media and the dems are working for the pharma companies. $$$ There’s no other explanation for not only ignoring viable, affordable, existing drugs, but also disparaging treatments that have been very successful.

  17. You guys leave cartoon boy alone. You should ignore him the same as you should someone in public with a physical deformity. He’s irrelevant and if you treat him that way you won’t get heartburn and he’ll just get pissed off and kick the dirt.

  18. The principal cause of death for police officers last year and this year has been COVID-19 they contracted from the people they encountered on duty. If a first responder is too stupid to get vaccinated for his own protection, I don’t want him coming to my “rescue”. Someone that dumb will make the situation worse instead of better.

  19. I liked the ” three more years of build back better”, then ” every single death is a tragedy ”
    Is it?

  20. I don’t mean to grouse about nit-picky shit, but I’m tired of hearing about “first responders”.

    The first responder in any threatening situation is the person facing the threat. They can cave in and surrender, they can try to run, they can fight back– whatever they choose to do, that is the first response. Placing a call to 911 and hoping the cavalry shows up is a first response. The cavalry showing up is the second response.

    Sorry to bitch about a little point, but it’s been bugging me for a while.

  21. “That includes many who have never liked guns, but have reluctantly accepted the present-day reality in Joe Biden’s America.” – Biden’s America is so bad that it retroactively motivated millions of 1st-time gun sales in 2020??? 🤔

    • Bidens America??
      No he works for us, and that’s the problem. It’s not their country its Ours.
      Presidents are not Kings, they’re employees.

    • A recap of why we had record sales which continued into 2021:

      1. The pandemic, and a fear of a fight over resources with fewer police available to respond

      2. The Democrat promoted and encouraged mostly peaceful but fiery protests

      3. Election time with one candidate being vocal about gun bans and more regs

      4. Said anti-gun candidate now occupies the White House

      5. The mostly peaceful protesters got what they wanted which has led to more murder and violence. Blood is on the hands of the pols and protesters that pushed for this.

  22. Approximately 4% of public employees have refused the vaccine.

    Of those 4%; I’m sure nearly 100% of them already have a smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella and polio vaccination.

    • “already have a smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella and polio vaccination.”

      …All of which keep you from getting and spreading smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella and polio, unlike the Covid vaccine. It’s like people can’t comprehend that it’s a different situation. Actually, that’s not what it’s like. That’s what it is.

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