In our continuing effort to grow the 2A community and bridge divides in our hyper-polarized world, Armed Equality is proud to announce that we have raised the LGBT Gadsden Flag at one of our local LGBT-owned and operated pawn and firearm shops.
This flag is the symbolic embodiment of the American willingness to defend life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness from all who would aggress upon those innate human rights and take great motivation and inspiration from it.
Devon has been a proud member of the LGBT and 2A community for over thirty years and has been running Hillcrest Pawnbrokers for over 12 years. Right in the middle of Hillcrest in San Diego, they are well positioned to be the first contact for many of the LGBT community when it comes to approaching the idea of firearm ownership.
Thankfully Devon is empathetic and skilled in speaking to easily overwhelmed first-time firearm owners and makes every effort possible to help them feel comfortable, get them connected to professional instructors, and navigate the unfortunate California-specific hoops which must be jumped through.
When asked if they were willing to face potential backlash from the small but loud anti-2A LGBT factions in the community by raising the flag outside their shop, they responded:
We understand that firearm ownership is not for everyone, we aren’t pushing anyone to do anything, we simply love helping those who are interested. We want to grow the 2A community with ALL AMERICANS. We agree wholeheartedly with the mission of Armed Equality. We want LGBT Americans to take the steps necessary to protect themselves and we want LGBT Americans to join the 2A community and help us defend our rights.
Piper Smith is the founder & executive director of Armed Equality.
Armed Equality National Discussion Group
Armed Equality SoCal Training Group
Good for you guys. I want all law abiding American citizens armed, and the LBGT community is no exception. 2A rights are strengthened with every new gun owner.
Guns for everyone keeps everyone nice, regardless of political/sexual/whachamanal preferences.
Hear, hear! Welcome to the team.
ANTIFA fire-bombing in 3… 2… 1…
My cynicism aside gun rights are for everyone, irregardless of any other consideration about this issue. One of the most sinister things that the anti-gun left and general anti-2A crowd has done is to try and make this a gendered and racial issue. As if there is any enumerated civil right that is just for one demographic only, that literately fly’s in the face of the very concept of a civil right.
Only one thing should ever divide gun rights supporters…. the question of whether ‘irregardless’ is a word 🙂
And figurative use of the word “literally.”
I just saw that flag this morning and had to take a double jaw dropping look. It’s a welcoming change to see Hillcrest, (San Diego, CA) LGBT community preserve their American 2A rights in the midst of SJW LIBTARD COMMIFORNIA! The tide is definitely turning red.
I may have to drop by and give them my support, the 2A does protect everyone, and it’s good to see more people realizing it.
Kudos. We work hard to include the LGBT community in Illinois at Guns Save Life, and have a number of volunteer instructors including myself with the Operation Blazing Sword program.
I recall this past March, which counter-demonstrating about the “March for our Lives” folks, I held up a sign that read, “Armed Gays Don’t Get Bashed”. OMG. It completely flipped out one woman. “How dare you! How dare you you take our name in vane!”
Maybe someday that message will percolate around in her brain and bring her over to gun ownership. After all, we aren’t all the evil stereotypes she’s believed all these years!
cool flag. should be pink and brown. trump promised!
i love rainbows.
Good luck. It must be tough in CA. I haven’t lived there since ’95 myself, but in Beserkeley I never had a chance for a carry permit anyway. I’d never go back.
Glad to see the Gadsden used as intendend. I proudly fly the original and will until the day I die.
The right to keep and bear arms is for everyone. Keep representing.
Why are you yelling?
Then it looks like this, which LOOKS MUCH BETTER THAN THIS.
You pull that shit in Portland, you absolutely will be firebombed. This is a terrible city.
Fire bombed for having the cap locks on?
That does seem a bit rude.
Understandable… but rude.
I Live In The Southeastern Part Of The United States Where Seeing 4X4 Trucks With Huge Confederate Flags Is The Norm. I Understand Most Of Them Fly That Fag Because They Are Proud Of Their “Roots”, However, In Today’s Very Sensitive Society These Flags Could and Are Misconstrued For Racism And/Or Hate Groups. As Such, Like The LGBT And Other Groups I Don’t Personally Care For/Represent I Can Say That I Am 100% For Every Law-Abiding Citizen To Be Armed. I Work In My Local County Sheriff’s Office Where I Deal With Inmates On a Daily Basis And I Know The Dangers Of An Un-Armed Society. The More CCW Holders And Open-Carriers (If Your Particular State Allows It) Out There The Better/Safer Society Can/Will Be…
This whole thread is awesome 🙂
I’ve been there when I was stationed out near San Diego. I talked to the owner for a while. He’s a very staunch 2A supporter and a former Navy Seal as well. Not a bad selection of guns for a pawn shop in California
“we want LGBT Americans to join the 2A community and help us defend our rights”
So do I.
I’d appreciate it if they could count to ten using more than 6 numbers.
Psssst,… hey,… go back. You would be happier there and you know it. Gooooo,…. baaaaccckkkk.
Sure I guess…if you vote pro-gun I’m cool.
I wish we had a shop like that in Portland. I may have to work on that.
So…people are willing to agree with you on the 2nd Amendment, but you’d rather they hate your guts? Look, I have my issues with he homosexual community, but they are people and have the same rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness you and I do. I don’t agree with their lifestyle, but I support their right to live safely and free of fear, and to make their choices so long as they leave others few to make theirs. If you can’t compromise with people on issues you agree on, you’re going to have problems building a coalition and making changes.
“So…people are willing to agree with you on the 2nd Amendment, but you’d rather they hate your guts? Look, I have my issues with he homosexual community, but they are people and have the same rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness you and I do. I don’t agree with their lifestyle, but I support their right to live safely and free of fear, and to make their choices so long as they leave others few to make theirs. If you can’t compromise with people on issues you agree on, you’re going to have problems building a coalition and making changes.”
Amen To That, Sir…
You need to be able to trust people to form a “coalition”. The gaystappo has done nothing to earn that trust.
That’s why it’s called building. You don’t have to trust them to start, but at least support when they’re in the right, and see where it goes. Starting by calling pro 2nd Amendment people the “gaystapo” doesn’t help anything…
Flying a modified flag representing an anti-Christian hate group doesn’t help anything either. The rainbow flag is a hate symbol used to destroy lives and persecute people for politically incorrect thought. But hey, I’m sure letting SJWs infiltrate our community totally won’t lead to the same results as it did for atheism, or any other community affected by this cancer.
Just because they won’t let you in to their parties doesn’t mean they aren’t trustworthy. They’re just suspicious of your mustache.
“…an anti-Christian hate group…The rainbow flag is a hate symbol used to destroy lives and persecute people…”
You’re very funny.
Pwrserge, I don’t think throwing political opponents off of helicopters (a favorite Pinochet allusion of yours) is very Christian either. Nor is being a serial adulterer, liar, and racist (I know whereof I speak, I heard the president in person call an American born judge of Mexican heritage a “Mexican Judge” as if it made a difference to him eventually winning his trial) who says he never has any sins to confess. But heck, Trump’s a heck of a lot better than the alternative. I take my political allies whete I can, but don’t endorse their lifestyles. Otherwise I’d have to vote Constitution Party or some other minor party that has specific morals but no chance in heck of winning much of anything.
Let me know when the gaystappo sue a Muslim bakery. There is a difference between being unchristian and being anti-Christian. The “gay rights” community is batshit insane and has been since sodomy was decriminalized and they started demanding special rights.
Oh, and FYI, it is literally impossible to be racist against Mexicans, just as it is impossible to be racist against Muslims. Neither are actually races, no matter what La Raza told you.
Random NYer,
And you are obviously unaware of homosexuals who purposely seek Christian individuals and businesses to bankrupt and imprison through anti-discrimination laws. Yes, many homosexuals really are that hateful and vindictive toward people who fail to welcome their deviant sexual practices with open arms.
And that should be no surprise: many, MANY leftists would bankrupt and imprison their political opponents if they had convenient laws in place like homosexuals have available to them.
Look up Carl DeMaio (from Hillcrest) who is leading the Republican resurgence in California with his gas tax repeal. He already got a Dem recalled in OC!
Very conservative, very pro-2A, and openly gay. Where he chooses to put his penis is irrelevant.
The fundamental American compact, right here:
“I don’t agree with their lifestyle, but I support their right to live safely and free of fear, and to make their choices so long as they leave others few [sic] to make theirs.”
Fortunately there’s no sweeping political movement and propaganda campaign in this country, diametrically opposed to each element of that compact, using the freedoms under that compact to undermine it. Wait, what? There’s two? Can we hope for fratricide, at least?
Good work guys!
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
I’m not seeing the exemptions for sexual preference, religion, or race in any of these? Could it be the Founders wanted people to be free to do these things whether or not others supported them? Could it be possible that even though our founders may have disagreed with their lifestyle choices that they still may have defended a gay man’s freedom?
Long as they aren’t bothering us and as long as they aren’t an asshole in personal dealings I’m fine with them doing whatever they want. You wanna grow pot, adopt a Chinese baby, and protect your pot fields with M60s and AK47s? Awesome! Go for it and you grow just as much as you can and sell it for a profit so you can put that little Chinese baby through college.
“I’m not seeing the exemptions for sexual preference, religion, or race in any of these?”
Indeed, and exactly so. They did it that way on purpose — rights accrue to persons, now who’s a person? (Certain privileges accrue to citizens, like voting. Similar question.) I’m cribbing from “The Thirteen American Arguments” which is well worth reading.
Besides, there are a surplus of whack-jobs — meaning more than none — looking to shoot up a gay dance club from time to time, because god told them to. Sorry they’re out there. Whack-jobs don’t discriminate. So, everybody tool up.
The founding charter is kind of designed for this: to protect the prerogatives of out-groups and statistical minorities. The point, dear #resistance, is that with 50% plus one vote you can’t do any damn thing you want. Restricting the government’s ability to do stuff, is also restricting it’s ability to disarm, dispossessed people, for maximum irony, at the point of a gun.
Indeed, the US Constitution, compared to, say, France (whichever eternal republic they’re on now — I lose count), is a *secular* contract that makes explicit room for *religion* and *religious practice.*
– Disarming terrorists is permitted.
– Disarming Muslims in general, because they are Muslim is decidedly out of bounds.
– Disarming terrorists who happen to be Muslim, sorry, your religious claim is no secular defense.
– Disarming Muslims in general because they might be terrorists, not a good enough reason.
– Surveillance on 1-Death To America Lane, n maybe watching the guys who pray there … that’s behavior. It’s not the mosque it’s the “Death To America” part. Sorry, you bought yourself some supervision with that.
Pray to who you want, or nobody. Pray for the destruction of the US, maybe keeping an eye on you makes sense. We’ve had this dance for a couple centuries about how apocalyptic and separatist your religious practice can get before it becomes *secular* sedition.
I am not aware of any “Death to America” doctrine lurking in obscure corners of gay politics or practice. The US Constitution doesn’t mention sexual preference that I noticed, so, join the holy human orgy — er — gunny people, people.
Besides, there are a surplus of whack-jobs looking to shoot up a gay dance club from time to time, because god told them to. Sorry they’re out there. Whack-jobs don’t discriminate. So, everybody tool up.
Yes. If they don’t virtue signal about how gay and progressive they are every five minutes, their heads will explode.
Well. looks like TTAG decided that any criticism of homosexuality in politics is now haram. Good job guys… It took you all of 30 minutes to prove my concerns about SJWs jacking up the 2nd amendment community true.
I am almost certain they are deleting comments from this thread. The number of pro-homosexual comments is high, and the absence of comments criticizing them is telling. Most of the people that read this page are conservatives. Conservatives split at least 75/25 against homosexuality. Where are all the negative comments. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. I thought I had posted a comment criticizing homosexuality and guns. And now its gone. It’s a shame, this use to be a good website. 🙁 So much for their preaching about freedom.
I am certain. My original reply was to a comment that no longer exists.
Ironically, the comments deleted were ones that made fair observations and questioned the wisdom of allying with “gay rights” activists giving the indisputable facts of those observations.
My key argument is the example of the utter devastation that intersectionality brought to the skeptic community. What possible benefit do we gain by letting an anti-christian hate group into our tent?
Glad to know it’s not just me thinking that comments were deleted. The TAG only cares about it’s Truth now. How sad. 🙁
Honestly I think the comment section is just unstable, I’ve watched comments disappear and reappear randomly while I was posting things. Maybe someday it’ll work as advertised, but for now I’m going to stick to Hanlon’s Razor: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
It’s unfortunate that TAG has now become a mouth piece of the Radical Social Left. How about a piece on why the 2nd Amendment Community needs to keep the Radical Left out of our ranks. The Left will destroy us from within and any help they can provide is not worth the cost.
But don’t talk about liberty
That’s going a little bit too far
So love me, love me
Love me, I’m a conservative
There’s always gotta be one fucking asshole. Take your hatred elsewhere, douche. A 2A supporter is a 2A supporter. Regardless of their sexual orientation.
There are many more than one. I’m pretty sure we’ll outlast them, though. Anti-gay people are pretty rapidly going the way of the dodo.
If you think homosexual sex is more “unsanitary” (how dainty) than straight sex, you’re doing all the sex wrong.
We need to get gays, ethnic minorities, and so forth to join the cause. The Democrats are consciously giving up on white Christians in favor of their Coalition of the Oppressed. If we can win over enough of those people, the Democrats will either drop gun control or risk losing. So let’s be welcoming. To those of you who disapprove of homosexuality: I urge you, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
” To those of you who disapprove of homosexuality: I urge you, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”
So basically you are saying shut up and go away? Letting the Radical Left into our movement is a mistake. They will change our movement to reflect their warped values. No thanks!
I don’t care what they do in their bedrooms. I care what they do with their politics. Social left interest groups are largely responsible for the mess we’re in as a country. Without them, the country wouldn’t have a near 50% bastardry rate. (FYI, nothing is a better predictor of criminality than being a bastard.)
Out of wedlock births are a huge problem, but I don’t see what that has to do with homosexuals. In any case, I’m talking specifically about gun rights, which is something that can appeal to people from various walks of life who hold significantly different ideologies. If we can get enough people on our side on this issue, I hope it can be taken off the table so we can get to debating other issues.
I just don’t think we should shoot ourselves in the foot by being rude to potential allies if we don’t like their life choices- to the extent that those choices aren’t directly hurting others.
“They will change our movement to reflect their warped values. No thanks!”
I think instead of this line of thinking, we should continue to convince the unconverted of the errors of their thinking. I’m not talking about the choice in sexual partners, but rather why guns are not in themselves evil, why socialism is evil, taxes are theft, generational welfare destroyed the black community, facts don’t care about your feelings, etc., etc.
Came here for the ignorant comments
Didn’t leave disappointed
You’re the reason LGBT folks should be armed.
Negative comments or not, this article about people living and doing the best they can on a daily basis is great. YOU always hear the bad from the media etc, but rarely do you hear any of the good stuff. I don’t care what initials they are, they’re just people. Living their lives. Thanks for the article and the comments, good bad or indifferent