Criminals get guns. The idea that any gun control law — past, present or future — could stop a criminal from buying a gun, or guns, is laughable. Ridiculous on its face. They’re criminals for God’s sake. They don’t care about laws. So why do gun control advocates react to tragic shootings by calling for more patently useless gun control legislation? Two reasons . . .

First, they’re certifiable. Despite their call for “common sense gun safety/reform/euphemism-for-laws,” gun control advocates have less common sense than the Nutty Professor. And second, they’re secret statists. The want to disarm the general public to clear the way for their dreams of a government controlled utopia.

And now the reveal [via]. . .

Kirkersville Police Chief Steven Eric DiSario died from a shotgun wound outside the nursing home. Nurse Marlina Medrano, who had previously sought protective orders against Hartless in connection with domestic violence cases, was shot multiple times with a handgun and a shotgun. Nurse’s aide Cindy Krantz was killed with a shotgun.

A search warrant [at the home of 43-year-old killer Thomas Hartless] lists 64 firearms, including rifles, shotguns and handguns.

He was not allowed to possess or own a firearm because of his 2010 felony conviction for abduction in Knox County, the newspaper reported.

I guess that whole “keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people” thing didn’t work out so well. (As we pointed out in a previous post.) Of course, the antis will say, see? We need stronger gun control laws! No. We need a stronger justice system. Or some way to cure mental illness. Or change human nature. Or all three. To wit . . .

Hartless pleaded guilty in his latest domestic violence case and was sentenced on March 23 to 90 days in jail. He was freed on April 12.

The judge presiding over the case has acknowledged that “mistakes were made” and said he will review how similar cases are handled in the future.

The Advocate obtained a letter Medrano submitted to the court before Hartless’ sentencing that said she still loved him and never meant for him to go to jail.

“I am not trying to validate why he acted the way he did,” Medrano’s letter said. “Tom has a severe mental disorder. With intense therapy, medication compliance and lifestyle changes, I am most confident we can and will overcome our struggles.”

According to court and police records, Hartless had stayed at Medrano’s home as recently as eight days before the shooting. Authorities say Medrano obtained a protection order against Hartless a week before he killed her.

A horrible story (timeline here). One that reveals the lunacy of gun control and the need to protect ourselves from criminals, crazies and politicians. A bit redundant, but there you go . . .


  1. Medrano was the one who enabled him. If there were 64 guns at his house, she knew about them only had to report them, search warrant and then jail. But what do you suggest, keep everyone in jail forever. Most of the calls for “stronger justice system” usually involve giving the goverment even more power. The whole reason behind restricting guns for criminals is if you catch them with one you can charge them.

    • But she wuvved him and didn’t want him to go to jail. No, I am not blaming the victim, only saying that she could have done something about his guns at the time she got the retraining order. I don’t know about this state, but in many, there is a mandatory turn-over order when restraining orders are issued, and she may have been able to provide the police with sufficient information to allow a seizure. True, he would have been arrested and charged as a felon in possession, but such are the breaks.

      By the way, how many of his guns were stolen?

    • The problem is with the theory that you can change criminals is not well thought-out. The problem is most of these criminals that eventually end up making Front Page News with a Firearms Act of violence have a huge long criminal record previous to these encounters. The revolving door of Justice it starts with the police arresting the suspect for whatever reason and then the prosecuting attorney taking a plea deal so that their conviction rate stays High. Then this person goes and does like 90 days in jail gets probation if it’s under a year if it’s over year they’re on parole and then they go back out and commit more crime until it is so horrible that it makes front page news and then the prosecuting attorney decides at that time to throw the book at them ridiculous is what it is. If your a felon and you get arrested with a firearm or commit a crime with that firearm you should get 25 years to life this would keep people from being amongst us that aren’t ever going to get any better or change the way they are people just don’t change they get worse when they are around other criminals in these jails they get institutionalized and yeah I guess what they’re going to get out of jail and do the exact same crap they been doing the whole time.

      • The problem with that argument is that for every one like this guy, there are a thousand with similar criminal records who don’t kill anyone, you want to put everyone in jail?

      • Why is it always about a gun? Wouldn’t it be just as important if he harmed people with knives, baseball bats, an SUV?

        The bottom line is that anyone MAY harm another with almost anything – including bare hands. Confiscation of someone’s guns does not render them harmless, nor does it make the potential victims safe, by any means.

        This lady made seriously bad choices. She was totally unable and unwilling to face the truth or defend herself. Other people died because of this. Yes, I’ll hold this victim responsible for her own choices. The man who killed them is responsible for his actions and choices, but that doesn’t cancel out hers.

  2. I don’t disagree with the premise here – The only way to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people is to lock up said dangerous people.

    Still, I’m curious how he acquired such a collection. If his problem was mental illness and he wasn’t part of the criminal underworld and its black market, then he had someone straw-buying those guns for him. And that someone should be locked up, too.

    • But if you are not for universal background checks, how do you stop him from buying the guns in a private sale? Is it the sellers responsibly to know?

      • Is D’Wan gonna call the Effa Bee Aye when he wants to sell his (stolen) GLOCK brand GLOCK to DeSean?

        Background checks CANNOT keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

        • Hell no background checks can not in any way stop criminals from getting arms….Nor can gun control laws ppl keep saying make tougher. If criminals want firearms of any kind they will find them. There is no law or check of any kind or will there EVER be that will stop bad ppl from getting arms.

      • Many assumptions, here. The way to actually answer these questions is to discover the backgrounds of a certain 64 firearms. Stolen? Straw sales? Completed BC despite supposed disqualification? There should be a story for each one, but no one has looked because no one really cares. This is simply ammo for demands of more restrictive gun control, who cares what the ral story is?

  3. If there’s one thing I can agree on this man should’ve never been allowed to wonder the streets if he was known to be a violent repeat offender and a potential risk to public health and safety.

    All “illegal” guns started off as legal, illegal or not, The guns came a from a legal manufacture…So where did he get that huge amount of weapons from?, Likely he got them from “law-abiding citizens” or self-proclaimed “good guys with guns” who probably couldn’t and didn’t bother to see if he was a prohibited person or not.

    That’s a flaw as to why we need a better background checks.

    Claiming proud real American patriots like me as “closet statists” or “minions of an evil liberal conspiracy” weakens your argument and why people are fighting back against your heavily debunked BS. And people like you refuse to see the irony that you are the enforcers of tyranny along with violating human rights everyday.

    Incidents like this don’t happen in the EU, Canada, Japan and Australia on a daily basis.

    And for starters it’s easy to survive or fight back against an attacker with a knife, a baseball bat or a motor vehicle and the recent incident in New York were a drunken maniac (which I’m surprised this fake news hate site didn’t mention) attacked people with his vehicle with only one fatally and dozens injured debunked your claims, Because if the attacker was armed there would be more and more people dead and the physical and mental harm caused would’ve done more harm.

    And your last part only re-enforces peoples desire to fight against the systematic oppression caused by the “gun rights movement.”

    • “And for starters it’s easy to survive or fight back against an attacker with a knife, a baseball bat or a MOTOR VEHICLE…” (emphasis mine)

      Some people in France would beg to differ…

      On a serious note, where is the ‘OFF’ button for this idiot?

    • Tell me more about the gun laws and the history of them in the EU, Canada, Japan and Australia?

    • As I’ve told The_Resistance before, a small, weak, elderly person like me is helpless against the likes of Hartless unless I am armed. Even then, my survival isn’t guaranteed but I at least have a chance.

    • Incidents like this don’t happen here on a daily basis either. Furthermore this incident could have been prevented eaisly if the GF had reported the illegal guns or if the judges that let this guy skate time after time had the testicular fortitude to lock him up for years instead of days.

    • You’re a closet statist and a minion of the ever expanding bureaucracy.

      Simple enough.

    • More and more insistence on stringent rules for what I can do with my own property clearly violate MY rights! Tell you what would not violate my rights, would be to make the actual criminal responsible for his crimes, not me. Like, you are a prohibited person, it can be positively established that you have been advised of that fact, and you are found in possession of a gun (don’t care where or how you obtained it)-we line you up against the wall and shoot you f-ing DEAD. No other crime required, no excuses accepted. If that is too excessive for you, then inconveniencing a million innocent gun owners should be clearly FAR worse.

  4. “And for starters it’s easy to survive or fight back against an attacker with a knife, a baseball bat or a MOTOR VEHICLE…” (emphasis mine)

    Some people in France would beg to differ…

    On a serious note, where is the ‘OFF’ button for this idiot?

    • I’m sure a cop would prefer to go up against any of those over a shotgun. Hell, I would perfer any other the shotgun.

  5. If there’s one thing I can agree on this man should’ve never been allowed to wonder the streets if he was known to be a violent repeat offender and a potential risk to public health and safety.

    So, you don’t buy into the fantasy that everyone is tabula rasa, admit that violent behavior isn’t always/only caused by environmental factors.

    All “illegal” guns started off as legal, illegal or not, The guns came a from a legal manufacture…So where did he get that huge amount of weapons from?, Likely he got them from “law-abiding citizens” or self-proclaimed “good guys with guns” who probably couldn’t and didn’t bother to see if he was a prohibited person or not.

    So you’re proposing that individuals should have access to the NICS system? I’d be OK with that, as long as it’s a yes/no answer and no records are kept. But I know that’s not what you want.

    That’s a flaw as to why we need a better background checks.

    Are you really suggesting that background checks would stop him from obtaining a stolen gun?

    Claiming proud real American patriots like me as “closet statists” or “minions of an evil liberal conspiracy” weakens your argument and why people are fighting back against your heavily debunked BS. And people like you refuse to see the irony that you are the enforcers of tyranny along with violating human rights everyday.

    You may be a citizen, you may even be proud, but you are open statist, and a minion who blindly blabbers Bloomberg talking points. As for debunking anything, I’ve yet to see you put forward a fact without leaving out critical factors. One which take away the point you’re making.

    Incidents like this don’t happen in the EU, Canada, Japan and Australia on a daily basis

    Let’s pretend you’re correct (you’re not, but let’s play anyway)..Are those cultures exactly the same as the US? No, they aren’t. Is the racial and socioeconomic makeup the same? No. If eliminating guns prevented mass killing, there’s about a million Rwandans that would argue that point – almost all were killed with machetes and garden tools.

    And for starters it’s easy to survive or fight back against an attacker with a knife, a baseball bat or a motor vehicle and the recent incident in New York were a drunken maniac (which I’m surprised this fake news hate site didn’t mention) attacked people with his vehicle with only one fatally and dozens injured debunked your claims, Because if the attacker was armed there would be more and more people dead and the physical and mental harm caused would’ve done more harm.

    That’s the most patently uninformed and ignorant ‘talking point ‘you’ve spouted yet. Here’s the FBI UCR…

    5X the number of people are killed with knives. More people are beaten do death with bare hands that are killed with rifles and shotguns combined. More people are beaten with baseball bats and other blunt objects that rifles and
    shotguns combined.

    Look kid, when you start tossing SJW bullshit like “systemic oppression” I know for a fact that you have no idea what “systemic oppression” really is. Try North Korea, China, anywhere in the UAE, the entire African continent, and any place Islam has been allowed to fester into having any influence at all.

    • So you are for universal background checks if there is no record with the government. What would be the penalty if you failed to run one.

      • I’m not for mandated universal background checks, but it would be nice for the general public to have NICS available to use. No requirement to use it, no paper trail, just there so that if you’re selling to someone you don’t know, and you want to check him/her out, that’s all.

      • Don’t be silly. There would be no penalty, as there would be no record of whether you ran one or not.

  6. You know who didn’t want a tougher justice system punishing felons like Hartless? His girlfriend. It’s sad she died but she seems to have done very little to get away from him.

  7. The Advocate obtained a letter Medrano submitted to the court before Hartless’ sentencing that said she still loved him and never meant for him to go to jail.

    According to court and police records, Hartless had stayed at Medrano’s home as recently as eight days before the shooting.

    You can’t help people who don’t want to be helped.

    Authorities say Medrano obtained a protection order against Hartless a week before he killed her.

    And when she was finally ready to ask for help, they gave her a piece of paper instead of helping her.

    • B.S. She did not want him in jail. All she had to do was report the firearms. I really doubt that she did not know about them. Not that many.

  8. I would completely change the justice system. I don’t believe in “punishing ” offenders. You don’t torture a rattlesnake in your yard for being a rattlesnake.You have to protect yourself and your family, so you kill it or get rid of it. We need to accept that people that do bad things are “broken”, and we my not be able to fix them. The justice system should not be for punishing the guilty, but for protecting the innocent.
    In my system we simplify things down to 3 “treatments” for the guilty.
    1) A fine
    2) 10 lashes
    3 Orgin donor
    The first 2 are to help motivate those that can to change their ways, the 3 is for lost causes. We stop “warehousing” criminals as “punishment “, only to let them out again even more damaged then when they went in. We protect the innocent.

    • A FUCKING MEN man. That is the best idea I have heard. I guarantee that that system would do a whole lot to straightening out this country from the damn sad place we have become. There is absolutely zero point in warehousing the worst criminals that cannot/willnot change and the general public havein to foot the bill to feed and house them. Not to mention any medical expenses that come along with ppl as they get older. And we wonder why this country is in such bad shape…..There is zero common sense anymore

    • More “cruel and unusual”. Certain to be severe but leave them in fear the rest. THAT is motivation to good behavior.

  9. No, we gun people just don’t understand it.
    If it only had been a bit more illegalererer he wouldn’t have these guns and kill people. See, if we would charge criminals with 5 times life instead of only 3 lifetimes they might realise that this new gun law should really not be broken.

  10. All “illegal” guns started off as legal, illegal or not, The guns came a from a legal manufacture.

    Not true. Most “illegal” guns do but nothing in what you wrote addresses the issue of homemade guns. Which are becoming easier to make BTW and with increasing sophistication.

    That’s a flaw as to why we need a better background checks.

    How is this going to stop people (criminals) who’s whole business model is to skirt any and all forms of regulation in order to make top dollar (kind of like drugs)? You do know there are many people who will knowingly sell firearms to prohibited persons – heck many of those “sellers” are prohibited persons themselves. That, and there is always theft.

    Even if your gun-control fantasies were just, true, and could work they have yet to address the millions upon millions of guns already in circulation. Legal, illegal, and otherwise there are already way more guns here than in Japan, Australia, etc.

    “systematic oppression” – SJW much?

  11. The real facts are that we have no gun laws in the U.S. at all because States with no laws funnel guns into States with tough laws.

    Fact: Europe, Japan, and many other countries have indeed cut way down on crime with guns. In most places in Europe even when they are right next door to fanatical terrorists, still on average have 3 times less homicides with guns than we do.

    To say that since no law will work 100 per cent of the time we should throw in the towel and accept as normal the horrendous amount of gun deaths in the U.S. is insane and many, many of the gun deaths would never happen if we had better laws and laws that were designed, not to prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns, just cut down , way down on the people who should not have them.

    Lets face real facts, the Brady Bill that has been in place now for decades has shown that thousands of people who are not legally able to buy guns are indeed prevented from buying weapons, its just that they can then buy a second hand gun anywhere no matter how tough the laws because most of them are not vetted in most States. This is totally insane. When we have a Federal Law mandating every gun new or used has to go through a background check the numbers of people prevented from buying guns that should not have them will easily be 100 times those now caught trying to buy new ones when going through the Brady Bill.

    Ahh ha the far right wing nut cases chime in, how about stolen guns. Again mandating the use of gun safes and security alarm systems that are mandatory in civilized societies has proven long ago it does indeed cut way, way down on the illegal stolen gun supply as well as cut down on needless accidental deaths of children and even some adults who find a loaded gun lying around and not being familiar with guns then accidentally shoot someone with it including sometimes themselves.

    Yes History has proven we have a lot to do to bring the U.S. into the sane civilized world and none of the above mentioned laws are designed to take guns away or prevent a law abiding citizen from getting one. The Brady Bill proved that decades ago despite the howls from the rooftops by the Far Right Wing Fanatics that said the Brady Bill would end gun ownership in a matter of weeks.

    Failure to act now will only assure that when the blood and carnage reach any higher level in U.S. society the non-gun owning public that far outnumbers the gun owning public will demand complete bans and confiscations and the Supreme Court has a history of voting and banning and prohibiting things because of Public Opinion and pressure and the Constitution has been completely ignored with a wave of the hand and the usual Public announcement that the Constitution really does not mean what it says it means or that it is outdated and therefore can be ignored and the Public goes right along with it because they would rather have a little temporary or imagined safety and totally give up their freedoms and or rights not realizing that to take away the rights of others will eventually result in they themselves losing their own rights as well.

    And just remember the Supreme Court is Supreme and a total dictatorship with members appointed for life who answer to no one. People in power want absolute power and even many Conservatives would like nothing better than to ban all guns and the mass murders in the U.S. are just the excuse they are looking for so they can justify total bans. Remember it is the Supreme Court that gives you your rights not the Constitution because it never has been worth the paper it was printed on.

    More affordable Mental Health Care (destroyed under the cheap skate Reagan Administration) needs better funding but that would only come about through a National Health Care System that the Republicans are fighting tooth, nail and claw because of the horrendous amount of graft and investment money they make off of the crooked Drug and Insurance Companies. Health care for profit (illegal in civilized countries) is a major source of income for many Congressmen. The Crooked Doctor Republican Herr Trump appointed for Human Health and Services netted 300 million profit on a 30 million investment by sponsoring legislation and rule changes that enabled the Health Care Industry to bankrupt people at will. And when mentally ill people commit mass murder it only results in calls for complete bans on guns. Thank the Republicans for that.

    And thank Reagan for banning full auto weapons (ruled legal by the Corrupt Supreme Court) which then set a precedent for banning semi-auto weapons also. As a matter of fact the Court contradicted themselves (as usual) because back in the 30’s a fellow brought his case to court to own a sawed off shotgun. The Court decreed that only military weapons were protected by the Constitution so the shotgun was not covered by this (even though the military did indeed use such weapons). Later in time the Court declared military weapons such as full auto were not covered by the Constitution for civilian ownership. As you can see the Supreme Court is a joke and always has been.

    California just banned semi-auto rifles and within two years they have to be turned in to be melted down. The California Court also declared the only people who have a right to concealed carry (and by defacto open carry also) with guns is they themselves and also the Police who protect them but law abiding citizens are not granted such rights because they could be a danger to them. This is right out of Nazi Germany.

    And Massachusetts banned all semi-autos as well recently and they never even passed a law to do so. They just ruled them illegal by re-interpreting a decade old law that did no such thing. Again the Courts looked and continue to look the other way with their fingers crossed behind their backs.

    The recent anti-gun New York and Connecticut bans have stood the court tests as well. Yes the Constitution is a joke and not worth the paper its printed on. Only a fool would say otherwise.

    And remember nut cases like Adam Lanza and dozens of other nut cases because of lack of affordable health care and lack of laws that would have made it very difficult for them to ever own a gun resulted in sensational mass murders giving the Courts the perfect excuse to keep banning guns until finally there will be nothing left too ban.

    I think in the end Countries like Germany and France will still be enjoying gun ownership and the shooting sports while Americans will only look back on the good old days of owning guns because they did not do what those Countries did long ago and that is pass some sensible laws to keep guns out of the hands of nut cases and criminals. We will deserve what we get and in the end it will be a total ban on firearms ownership.

    • “The real facts are that we have no gun laws in the U.S. at all because States with no laws funnel guns into States with tough laws”

      Don’t be ridiculous, that cannot be. It would be *illegal*, therefore it is impossible, right? Open your eyes. Blaming all your imagined ills on Vermont is just silly.

  12. We already have 20,000 gun laws on the books already Cisco, the only thing that jumped out at me from your rant was the comment about the Constitution not being worth the paper it was written on, REALLY ?? You are a PERFECT idiot. Why don’t you show all of us all of the gun death statistic’s, 8,124 criminal homicide’s in 2016. 40,000 automobile death’s. Maybe we need more restrictive laws concerning automobile’s. I don’t know why I even bother to address your comments, you are obviously a raging left wing whack job. Tell me what new SENSIBLE gun laws we can implement that haven’t already been addressed in the TWENTY THOUSAND gun laws that are already written. Liberal’s are whats wrong with America, You think our Constitution is a joke ? LEAVE, get the F out of our Country and take your liberal bullshit with you !!! By the way, sensible gun laws is a term always used by left wing nut bags !!!

    • Far from me getting the “F” out as you posted we need to deport creatures like yourself with the reading comprehension of a microscopic amoeba.

      I am sure this is way over your head but you can pass all the gun laws you want and when they do not cover all the states they are totally meaningless. What part of this do you not understand Jethro?

      Actually gun deaths were 33,00 in 2016 and this is the exact reason we do need to make Federal Uniform gun laws as well as fund mental health programs. This means using tax money Jethro which you will say you will never spend because your philosophy dictates the body count can never be too high if you are inconvenienced in signing a 4473 form or using a little tax money to fund mental health care programs to save lives. A person who suffers a loss of a loved one from violence, accident or suicide does not greave less from one cause as compared to another. And your quote of 8,000 criminal homicides was off by a good 3,000 people Jethro as it was 11,000 people.

      Compare These Gun Death Rates: The U.S. Is in a Different World

      Gun homicides in
      are about as common as deaths from
      being struck by lightning
      in the United States.

      Gun homicides in
      New Zealand
      are about as common as deaths from
      falling from a ladder
      in the United States.

      Gun homicides in
      are about as common as deaths from
      accidental stranglings and hangings
      in the United States.

      Gun homicides in
      are about as common as deaths from
      alcohol poisoning
      in the United States.

      Gun homicides in
      are about as common as deaths from
      thrown or falling objects
      in the United States.

      Gun homicides in
      are about as common as deaths from
      agricultural machinery accidents
      in the United States.

      Gun homicides in
      are about as common as deaths from
      bicycle riders being hit by cars
      in the United States.

      Gun homicides in
      the Netherlands
      are about as common as deaths from
      accidental gas poisoning
      in the United States.

      Gun homicides in
      are about as common as deaths from
      excessive natural heat
      in the United States.

      Gun homicides in
      are about as common as deaths from
      in the United States.

      Gun homicides in
      are about as common as deaths from
      cataclysmic storms
      in the United States.

      • 2/3rds of US gun deaths are suicides, most of whom will simply use another means of accomplishing their own death. japan, for example

        Europe will be under Sharia Law within two decades and will resemble Iraq or Afghanistan.
        Malmo Sweden has had 100 muslim initiated Hand Grenade attacks over the last 2 years. That’s a lot more than the US has had.

        • quote——————————-
          2/3rds of US gun deaths are suicides, most of whom will simply use another means of accomplishing their own death. japan, for example —————–quote

          2/3 of 33,000 comes out to 11,000 deaths by homicide and accidents. Now to Right Wing Fanatics this is called collateral damage as the body count can never be too high (children included). 11,000 people is a lot of tragedy when a large amount of the carnage could be prevented. But lets face facts Right Wing Fanatics do not want to be inconvenienced to sign a 4473 form and wait a couple of minutes for a back ground check. If your not a crook or do not plan on murdering someone (usually your wife) what is the big deal on signing for a gun. People have been signing for new guns with the Brady Bill for decades and adding in used guns is long over due and that came from your buddy President Busch so you cannot blame Obama on that plan.

          Quote————————Europe will be under Sharia Law within two decades and will resemble Iraq or Afghanistan.—————–Quote:

          The population combined of Britain, France, Germany, Poland , Italy, Spain, Hungary and Turkey is over 435 million people. The amount of refugees taken in so far is roughly less than 2 million people. Your statement is ludicrous not only with the numbers of refuges compared to Europe’s population but with the fact that most refugees are fleeing Sharia Law. Many Refugees have stated they are going back to their home countries (mostly Syria) when the war is over and they only fled because of the violence there because of the civil war. Your blather is the typical Right Wing Fanatical Racism and hate of other cultures and religions.

          In every case in History (no exceptions that I am aware of) natural born children of Refugee or Immigrant families had completely assimilated with the first generation and most could no longer even speak their parents native language fluently. Its interesting to note the same phenomena in the U.S. The 1950’s popular rock song, La Bamba was sung by an American Mexican immigrant 16 year old boy who could not speak a word of Spanish and had to memorize the Spanish lines in the song. Its also interesting to note that History has proven Immigrants always invigorate an economy as well and that dates back with examples clear back to the Roman Empire which destroyed itself by eventually cutting of Immigration into the Empire.

          Quote———————Malmo Sweden has had 100 muslim initiated Hand Grenade attacks over the last 2 years. That’s a lot more than the US has had.—————–Quote———————-

          Where to you get such blather from Rush Limbhead, (High School Graduate and Freshman College flunk out) or perhaps the KKK or American Nazi Party or the laughing stock of the News World, Foxy News.

          Last year the famous Multi-Cultural City of Malmo had a homicide rate of only 3 per 100,000 as opposed to the 28 per 100,000 in Chicago. Which means you are 9.3 times more likely to be killed in Chicago than in Malmo.

          Sorry but the Stats cut right through your rabid racism, paranoia, and prejudice against other Countries and Cultures. And remember it was Immigrants and Refugees that “Really Made America Great” and continue to do so to this very day, not some Demagogue shouting Hitlerite Racism and Hate while wearing his red tie.

          Today the Radical Right Wing was really eating Crow watching Herr Trump kowtowing to the Saudi Princes because “money talks and bullshit walks” and the sale of the latest advanced fighter jets to the Saudis makes the upper 1 per cent of the U.S. population (billionaire businessmen) lots of cold hard cash.

          And notice he ranted previously about Obama not using the word “Islamic Radical Terrorism”. Well today he did not use the words in his speech either as again “when money is to be made” bullshit walks.

      • We already have a universal gun law in the US. It’s called the second amendment. Either amend/repeal it or STFU, otherwise you are advocating civil war, you moron!

        • As I said before, Cisco is a Rabid left wing nut bag, he sounds just like some whack job Berkley Professor spewing his Socialist bullshit. All of his so called stats are typical left wing drivel right out of Bloomberg’s book, always using terms like racists, fascist, he’s nothing more than a left wing anti American whack job. All of us true American Patriots will never be swayed buy any of your Socialist bullshit Cisco. You are what’s wrong with America,you sound like a complete blithering idiot Cisco.

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