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The gun haters at the anti-gun group Giffords are going all-in for gun-ban advocate and apparent Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris, earmarking $15 million to help the vice president and other anti-freedom candidates on this fall’s ballot.

According to a story posted at, the spending blitz will cover “paid TV and digital ads, direct mail (in English and Spanish), new polls to help allies hone their messages and the deployment of staffers and surrogates, including a co-founder of the group, former Rep. Gabby Giffords, D-Ariz., to persuade and turn out voters.”

“Battleground state voters are consistently ranking gun violence as among their top concerns,” Emma Brown, Giffords executive director, told NBC News. “The issue is actually moving votes and able to really affect electoral outcomes. So, we are planning to use our resources this year, particularly the $15 million, to support gun safety champions and to communicate directly with voters who are uniquely mobilized by guns in key battleground races across the country.”

Of course, the revelation of the $15 million earmarked for the campaign came just a few days after the organization’s leaders announced they would be supporting Harris in her race against former President Donald Trump.

“I am proud to endorse Kamala Harris’s historic candidacy for president of the United States,” former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords said in a press release. “Throughout her life, Vice President Harris has worked to protect the American people’s freedom and safety. I can think of no better candidate to beat Donald Trump and protect our democracy.”

Giffords didn’t say how having a candidate who wasn’t voted for by any American citizens would protect democracy. But she did say Harris is the person for the job.

“She will make a great president, and her strong, steadfast leadership will save lives,” she said. “Mark and I will do everything we can to ensure she is elected in November.”

Of course, the delusional Giffords somehow thinks that President Joe Biden has been a good leader, despite the downward spiraling economy, border crisis, fentanyl crisis and other dangerous things currently plaguing the country.

“We all owe President Joe Biden a debt of gratitude for his steady leadership when our country needed it most,” Giffords said when Biden recently dropped out of the race. “In three and a half short years, he ended a pandemic, rescued the economy, fought climate change, and passed the most consequential gun violence prevention bill in decades. And through it all, he maintained his trademark decency, optimism, and empathy.

“I will be forever grateful to President Biden for his compassion and personal friendship to me as I was recovering. He held my hand and gave me his ‘word as a Biden’ that he and Jill would always be there for me—and they were.”

Hopefully we’ll be seeing news reports soon about how pro-gun organizations are outspending Giffords and other anti-gun groups in an effort to put Trump back into the White House.

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  1. Bribing a “presumed”candidate for the presidon’t of vice er vice president. Ya can’t make this bs up. Oh & Trump should NOT debate the winner of the palace coup🙄

    • When you hear cackling harris say, “What can be unburdened by what has been” you are seeing a sneaky version Mao’s 4 Olds…

  2. “ ‘We all owe President Joe Biden a debt of gratitude for his steady leadership when our country needed it most,

    In three and a half short years, he ended a pandemic, rescued the economy, fought climate change, and passed the most consequential gun violence prevention bill in decades. And through it all, he maintained his trademark decency, optimism, and empathy.’ ”

    No, just no.

    Maybe on planet Delusional but not here on planet Earth.

    OK, look lady… put the pills and the COSTCO box of wine away, you’ve had enough.

    • REally. He did not “end” the pandemic, it just ran its course, whether through the vaccines developed when Trump was president or otherwise, I don’t think Joe had anything to do with it. the jobs market rebounded not because of anything Joe did, but simply because, again, the pandemic petered out. On the other hand, his spending of trillions of dollars of borrowed funds is directly responsible for the inflation plaguing wage earners today. The “gun violence prevention bill”, if it were really so “consequential” should have shown some effects, which it has not. Plus any efforts to ban guns are outside the scope of that bill and so far have been found to be unconstitutional as in excess of authority. Good work, Joe!

    • Democrat Lies: “Joe Biden is healthy and sharp as a tack. The economy is going great.”
      Anti-Gun Lies: “The 2A is only about militias. An AR-15 is a weapon of war.”

      Democrat Incompetence: “It’s time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day.”
      Anti-Gun Incompetence: “Shoulder thing that goes up. Buy a shotgun and fire two blasts.”

      Lies and Incompetence. Vote democrat and enjoy ALL the flavors on offer.

    • Oh gee, Giffords group is ass kissing and shoveling money onto the Cackler’s coffers… wouldnt have anything with Mark ” fuck you brain-dead biotch, I’m going on a rocket trip ” Kelly, the husband of Gabby, being on the Kameltoe VP shortlist, would it?

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