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Gun Beats Vehicle as Armed Citizen Stops Attacker from Running People Over

Doug Howlett - comments 21 comments

While police have shown time and again skill at successfully using a 5,000-pound bullet (aka police cruiser) to stop a threat, the threats themselves seem to be having trouble executing the same stunt with their vehicles on their intended victims. Recently, in Ohio, an armed citizen prevented a man behind the wheel of a car from running over him and two other people when he drew a sidearm and shot the suspect through the windshield. His shots put an end to the assault when he wounded the driver. This past weekend, the same thing happened in San Antonio, Texas. 

According to the San Antonio Police Department’s (SAPD) preliminary investigation, the so-called victim was reportedly causing a disturbance in the parking lot of an after-hours club, with witnesses saying he threatened to shoot others and attempted to run over people with his vehicle. In response, a man, described as being in his early 30s, pulled out a firearm and shot the man in the car in self-defense and defense of others—both legal defensive claims in the state of Texas. 

The alleged shooter remained at the scene and cooperated with police, according to KSAT News, stating he acted to protect himself and others. SAPD detained him for further questioning, and while no charges have been filed, authorities indicate that charges may be pending as the investigation continues. 

When police and paramedics arrived on the scene around 3 a.m. they found the aggressor in a vehicle suffering from a gunshot wound. Medics pronounced the individual dead at the scene.

The story lends credence to what your Mom and Dad told you when you were young: Beware late nights out. Nothing good happens after midnight…especially if you decide to use your car as a tool to settle your differences with others.


San Antonio police said a man was detained after he shot and killed another person on the South Side. 

Officers were dispatched to an after-hours business just before 3 a.m. Sunday in the 3100 block of Mission Road. 

When officers and other first responders arrived, they said they found the victim in a vehicle with an apparent gunshot wound. 

Emergency personnel pronounced the victim dead at the scene. 

An SAPD Sergeant at the scene told KSAT that two individuals were hanging out at the listed address where the shooting victim was causing a disturbance in the parking lot. 

According to SAPD’s initial investigation, the victim threatened to shoot people at the location and tried to run over others with their vehicle. 

The shooter, who told police he pulled out his weapon and shot the victim in self-defense, remained at the scene when officers arrived. 

At this time, no charges have been filed against the shooter, but SAPD said charges may be pending as its investigation continues.


A man is claiming he fatally shot another man in self-defense on the southeast side of town early Sunday morning, according to police.

It happened just after 3 a.m. on Mission Road at what investigators described as “an after-hours spot.”

Witnesses told police the victim was causing a scene in the parking lot when a man in his early 30s pulled out a gun and shot him. Police say witnesses said the victim threatened to shoot people at the location and was trying to run people over with his car.

The victim was pronounced dead by medics at the scene. He has not been identified.

The alleged shooter told officers he fired in self-defense. Investigators detained him for further questioning.

Charges may be pending against the suspect but that information has not yet been released.

21 thoughts on “Gun Beats Vehicle as Armed Citizen Stops Attacker from Running People Over”

  1. “If you want to stay out of trouble, be in bed by 10 o’clock. With the bed covers pulled up over you.”

    The words of John Farnam, firearms instructor. Or words to that effect.

  2. It’s a slight exaggeration to say the concrete wall was close enough to touch. Ditto to say there was a black Suburban close in front, to my right and behind me, because one was a semi.

    No exaggeration at all to say we were less than 20′ apart and going 90 MPH. We passed a cop reading a newspaper with his door open. This was probably a pose adopted for public safety, because had anybody tapped their brakes, it would have been a catastrophe. Scaredest I have ever been in a car.

    San Antonio Beltway, 1730h, 2003.

    If NASCAR wants a new star, go to San Antonio. You are looking for a 30-some Latina driving a black Suburban with heavy window tint. She has no fear.

    • Heavy traffic won’t allow you to create space. I try to keep some distance when it’s raining. Someone always takes that space so they can knock half a second off their commute. Atlanta is the worst. There’s a wreck every time I drive through it.

      • I 95 through Philadelphia where the interstate number is sometimes the minimum safe speed and exactly the same behavior in rain.

      • The same thing happens to me too. Leave space, and somebody takes it.

        And THEN they do one of two things:

        1. Slow down below the prevailing speed of that lane, causing everybody behind them to have to brake or maneuver around them.

        2. Step on the brake, either because the traffic is too close for their skillset, or to brake-check the person who let them into traffic.

        If we had the guts to remove the bottom 5% of drivers every year, it would only take 2-3 years for us to significantly raise the safety of all of our roads.

        We just need to be strong enough to stick to the plan. But we get weak, and we let people slide. And then innocent people die.

    • “If NASCAR wants a new star, go to San Antonio. You are looking for a 30-some Latina driving a black Suburban with heavy window tint. She has no fear.”

      I know someone like that, but it wasn’t in San Antone. In fact, we were married back when she was about that age. She learned to drive at age 12 in the mean streets of Parador. Don’t tell her I said so–she’s also good with a skillet. I have the belly and head bumps to prove it.

  3. Since when does date night include closing down the bars at 3 am? Stop trying to impregnate the neighborhood and find a regular girl. You’ll live longer.

  4. but but but homeless camp cackles said crime is low…what a lying sackofsht that Gun Control nutzie is.


    • Debbie, no matter how many stump speeches you give for him, he’s never going to grab your kitty cat.

      “Believe me, she would not be my first choice,” Trump said.
      “Check out her Facebook page, you’ll understand,” he jeered, “believe me, I wasn’t impressed.”

        • He’s not a “miner.” He loves doing things to “minors.” Like gr.o.om.i.n.g. them for … well, you know what Democrats love to do to minors. There’s an epidemic of it in public schools right now.

  5. That was a very poorly edited article. all you needed to know was in paragraph 2 and 3–and those were repeated several times. Is somebody getting paid by the word?

    • …and who is the “victim” in the above article? The criminal driver who was stopped from mashing some folks? Pfui.

  6. If you’ve taken the coronavirus vaccine be careful.
    Seems to me everyone who has gotten it is ready to explode with anger over the most trivial of things.

    • Haven’t seen that too much even with the 4+ boosted types. Now slowing reflexes (especially while driving), brain fog, and substantial increases in sick time used on the other hand……..


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