Making sure the anti-gun message got out before the bodies had been removed from First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, the usual anti-gun rights suspects jumped on Twitter to call for the passage of new gun control laws.
Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal tweeted that more restrictions on Americans’ right to keep and bear arms are needed while being sure to use the new preferred term of art for gun control that’s currently favored by the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex.
Enough is enough. Now is the time for commonsense gun violence prevention steps. Congressional complicity must end.
— Richard Blumenthal (@SenBlumenthal) November 5, 2017
Shannon Watts is on board with the latest terminology, too:
The CSGV made sure to point out that Texas Governor Greg Abbott has a sense of humor.
Texas Governor @GregAbbott_TX joked about shooting reporters at a gun range photo op last May. #SutherlandSprings
— CSGV (@CSGV) November 5, 2017
And they’ve concluded that the Sutherland Springs church shooting is somehow related to the Fort Hood massacre…even before the shooter’s name has been released or any information about his motive is known.
8 years ago today Texas had the #forthood shooting – the only American shooting to get a sequel – today they have the #sutherlandshooting.
— CSGV (@CSGV) November 5, 2017
And no mass shooting these days is complete without the brightest minds in the entertainment industry weighing in as well.
Innocent people go to church on Sunday to honor their God, and while doing so, get shot in killed. What country? America. Why? Republicans.
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) November 5, 2017
Mass carnage in Sutherland Springs.
We can do better than this.
The idea of zero new gun safety laws isn’t just idiotic it’s murderous.— Adam McKay (@GhostPanther) November 5, 2017
CONGRESS- the Horror of #SutherlandSprings is on YOU. BAN #gunstocks NOW. Las Vegas was basically Yesterday! Shameful, complicit,no excuses.
— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) November 5, 2017
The @NRA is a terrorist group who control congress with $$$. Nothing will change until that stops.
#Orlando #Vegas & #SutherlandSprings
— Lenny Jacobson (@Lennyjacobson) November 5, 2017
I liked Chelsea Handler much better when the most offensive thing she did was exposing her T&A, which she seemed to love doing. Now, she spends more of her time exposing her ignorance.
I guess that her ignorance sags less.
When’s the NRA getting on board like Vegas?
If that’s the kind of help we can expect from the NRA from now on, we’d be better off taking our chances alone.
“Innocent people go to church on Sunday to honor their God, and while doing so, get shot in killed. What country? America. Why? Republicans.” Really? I’ll Retort With This “Innocent Kids Got To Elementary School To Learn, and While Doing So, Get Shot and Killed. What Country? America. Why? Democrats.” Sandy Hook Elementary Mass Shooting 2012…
So Chelsea Handler a leftist who mocks Christians as backwards evil white people suddenly become connonized as saints when they can be exploited for her political agenda.
And hey DiFi, word around the water cooler is that the guy received a DD (dishonorable discharge) from the Air Force. He was already a “prohibited person”. So shut your face you shriveled old commie hag.
And like I asked before, I wonder how long before the democrats in the Texas legislature begin making Texas like California in terms of guns, because we know that the GOP here is just like the GOP in Washington, they drag their feet when it comes to increasing liberty but will jump up and enthusiastically orgasm at the thought of taking people’s guns away.
The only difference is the republican party here is proud to be in the pocket of big business and will fight for such noble and “worthy” causes as amnesty, allowing big businesses hiring illegals, and increasing the big corporate tax base…
I hope I never get on an elevator with you people.
Eventually enough Republicans will join the Democrats in extending controls over the tax cows. These mass shootings will continue because of the government and because there is massive mental illness everywhere. Not enough gun owners care to repeal infringements, we’ll have to do all we can to keep Trump and the GOP from enacting more infringements as the shootings pile up. Once the Democrats take control again, there will be nothing left to do but submit, or actually use the 2nd amendment to kill its enemies. Surely as long as there is ample food and porn, we will choose the former.
Where are all our trolls at? I expect a better effort with the perp being a prohibited person…UBCs and all that.
Where is the call to tone down reporting these atrocities and spending weeks splashing the perpetrators across tv screens so that other losers see it as guaranteed fame. Between this and the Colorado Wal-Mart that’s two copycats in a month.
Start reporting killers as “the nameless evildoers who will perish in obscurity” and suddenly it’s less attractive. Even the jihadists want their 15 minutes of fame, and without it the whole 72 virgins will be less attractive.
A Muslim virgin ?
YEP – you are right. Report the facts and keep their names and pictures out of news. NO publicity – no thrill!
never tried a suppressor
When even church services are not safe this idiot and others like him want to disarm the victims and make them helpless.
Murder enablers. barry, hillary, 2asux, cisco kid, etc. Why do these people wish to make it easier for the mass killers?
*Former* Pesident Obama. *Former*!!!
It’s got quite a nice ring to it.
Yes, because chaining the doors shut and burning the church down would’ve only made the deceased regular dead, not super-ultra dead like they are because gunz.
The feds screwed up again. And the gun grabbers want to give them even more laws to screw up. Nice solution to the problem.
When seconds count… the police are only (insert body count here) dead bodies away.