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DEMCAD’s ode to civilian gun ownership is pretty standard stuff—except for the “gun grabbers’ panic premium” perspective. According to DEMCAD, when the SHTF, gunless gun control advocates will run to the gun store. Increased demand = higher prices. So, really, gun grabbers are not just hypocrites, they’re screwing themselves out of money. Good thinking. Of course, if DEMCAD and his ilk managed to convince all the gunless anti-gunners to tool-up in advance of pistol purveyor pandemonium, the prices would go up as well. None of which would severely affect TTAG’s highly-armed Armed Intelligentsia, but it’s nice to know. Especially to the more entrepreneurial amongst us.

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  1. “Of course, if DEMCAD and his ilk managed to convince all the gunless anti-gunners to tool-up in advance of pistol purveyor pandemonium, the prices would go up as well.”

    Probably not by very much. Panic buying and resulting shortages, however, would really give prices a kick in the ass. On the positive side, that $500 bullet tax would do a great job of balancing the Federal budget.

  2. one sharp brother here, very refreshing to see. The”panic premium” idea is right on the money, i wonder what the brady bunch would do when facing a WORL situation, pass out informational pamphlets to masked anarchists?

    • 1996 raid of a CPUSA they had a lot of legal guns and ammo.

      Maybe doesn’t count because thats more like them throwing it at the fan.

  3. I have a semi-related question. Has anyone here ever met/heard of a prepper who was also a gun-control advocate? I’d think the two mindsets are mutually exclusive but I could be wrong.

    • 1996 raid of a CPUSA they had a lot of legal guns and ammo.

      Maybe doesn’t count because thats more like them throwing it at the fan.

  4. Ammo seems to be pretty cheap right now, don’t encourage people to buy ammo just in case…

    Yesterday bought 1000 rounds of Brown Bear 223 for $224 shipped. Its almost like Obama isn’t president.

  5. DEMCAD’s a libertarian who works for a billion-dollar Federal boondoggle. Talk about your cognitive dissonance.

  6. When the SHTF moment comes the ones who didn’t want any one else to have guns will have probably robbed the gun shop shortly after. This video should be mandatory viewing in congress.

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