Police respond to an active shooter incident at Methodist Dallas Medical Center on Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022. Two hospital employees were shot during the incident, according to police. (Liesbeth Powers/The Dallas Morning News via AP)

America has been experimenting with gun control in one form or another for well over 150 years. The laws were originally put in place to disarm blacks and other disfavored minorities. We’ve since progressed through the National Firearms Act of 1934, the Gun Control Act of 1968, the Firearms Owners Protection Act of 1986, the Clinton assault weapons ban of 1994 along with myriad state and local laws regulating magazine capacity, firearm storage, the features of rifles, yadda, yadda, yadda.

They’ve all been miserable failures…assuming the goal, as stated by their supporters, was to do something about “gun violence.” These laws have had little if any measurable effect on anything other than making the lives of law-abiding citizens more difficult, dangerous and legally perilous.

Meanwhile, the number of firearms owned by Americans climbed steadily, both in spite of and frequently because of attempts to reign them in.

While societal levels of violent crime sank to historically low levels from about 1992 to 2019, the number of civilian-owned guns in America doubled. Gosh, it’s almost as if guns don’t really cause “gun violence.” Maybe there are actually other social, political, and economic factors at play that result in the levels and types of criminal activity rising and falling.

Just a thought.

Anyway, America’s also been experimenting in other areas over the last five to ten years again with, shall we say, less than promising results. The “progressive” notion that policing and the criminal justice system are inherently unfair and in some cases racist has been pushed by the left in America for generations. But the notion really began to take hold in the last decade or so and then accelerated after George Floyd was killed in the summer of 2020.

That’s when, building on the then-raging Covid hysteria, “progressive” prosecutors published lists of crimes they would no longer prosecute. Urban police departments’ budgets were slashed, cutting the number of cops on the streets and increasing response times. Prisons were opened, turning loose convicted criminals, many of them jailed for violent felonies. Bail laws were “reformed” allowing suspects who’d been arrested walk, sometimes the same day, without posting so much as a dollar of bail, even those arrested for violent crimes.

The resulting effect on the nation’s crime rate was as predictable as were the responses to them. Blue city and blue state politicians typically took one of two tacks when asked about rising crime. They either gaslighted, claiming nothing had really changed and that these were only transitory post-pandemic blips that would resolve themselves, or they doubled down, proclaiming that this is the price we must pay for social equity and fairness…that a just society demands making allowances for those who have been oppressed and held down for far too long.

Our friends in the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex certainly took advantage of the opportunity. They looked at skyrocketing crime rates combined with law-abiding citizens’ rational response — buying guns to protect themselves — and blamed it all on…of course!…too many guns.

The above is perfectly encapsulated in what took place at a Dallas hospital yesterday. Thirty-year-old Nestor Hernandez shot and killed two employees of Methodist Dallas Medical Center before being shot and wounded himself by a hospital security guard.

Nestor Hernandez
Nestor Hernandez

As the Associated Press reports . . .

Hernandez faces capital murder charges. At the time of the shooting he was on parole for aggravated robbery and was wearing an active ankle monitor, police said.

OK, but kera.com dug up more detail about Hernandez’s priors than the AP bothered to do . . .

“Hernandez is currently on parole for aggravated robbery and had an active ankle monitor,” according to a Dallas police statement.

Dallas police said Hernandez was arrested for capital murder after the shootings on Saturday.

Dallas Country records show that Hernandez has been convicted on multiple felonies since 2011. Those include convictions for robbery, aggravated robbery, burglary of a habitation, and possession of a controlled substance.

Hernandez got an 8-year sentence for aggravated robbery in 2015, records show.

According to the indictment, a man and a female accomplice punched a woman “from behind in the back of the head.” The man later was identified as Hernandez.

The victim “then felt the male suspect’s hands around her throat and he said, ‘Don’t scream or I’ll kill you!'”

The victim was forced inside her apartment pulled down to the ground by her hair and then struck again. She was tied up and the two suspects ransacked her apartment.

The suspects left with about $3,000 in cash from a school fundraiser and her cellphone, and they took her car.

The indictment states that the victim had a nose fracture and “an orbital wall blow out fracture to her left eye” and also had suffered cuts to her hands when she struggled to defend herself with a knife in her apartment.

Court records appear to show that after Hernandez agreed to a plea bargain, “enhancements” related to his prior criminal history that could have led to a stiffer sentence may not have been applied.

The indictment mentions Hernandez’ conviction for robbery in 2012 and noted that he had been committed to the Texas Youth Commission as a juvenile for “delinquent conduct constituting the felony offense of assault of a public servant.”

Records show the robbery conviction in 2012 had been reduced from an aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon charge in a plea agreement.

In other words, a violent convicted felon was walking the streets of Dallas and managed to get his hands on a firearm — that’s illegal, by the way — that he then used to murder two people in a hospital (also illegal). At least he was wearing an ankle monitor, though, so there’s that.

What we have here are a number of social experiments converging to produce a needless tragedy. We have gun control laws that keep law-abiding people disarmed while failing miserably — as they always have — to keep guns out of the hands of violent predators, even those on parole and under ostensibly active monitoring.

We also have a product of “criminal justice reform” — a violent multiple recidivist — who was allowed to walk free despite a decade-long history of victimizing others. Now two people are dead as a result.

Ask just about any politician in the city of Dallas today about what happened and what you’re likely to hear in response is a rant about America’s GUN PROBLEM. Some will even cloud the issue by bringing up Texas’s permitless carry law, as if that has anything at all to do with a felon in possession of a (probably stolen) firearm.

The last thing any of them will want to talk about, though, are the failed social policies that enabled Nestor Hernandez to be on the streets and in that hospital yesterday rather than behind bars. But don’t expect anyone in the media to press them on the question.

And so it goes.



    • Cut all the crap that keeps the perp alive and execute him on democRat controlled Public TV…Do It For The Children.

      • Give the perp a fair trial followed by a fair hanging.

        if they can’t find a horse and s rope, a 4×4 and a winch will suffice.

        • a 4×4 and a winch will suffice.

          And then require ALL armed security people in the US to take a course in the proper method to take down/out a perp… “DOUBLE TAP” people!! Chest/Head, bang-bang, they don’t get up, they don’t get “no bail” release they don’t get to walk the fucking streets looking for victims, no long-drawn-out trials, no sitting in prison for 25/30 years waiting to be put to death… Double tap, learn it, practice it, perfect it, make it happen.

  1. In his epic work “Leviathan” Hobbs argued that man emerged from a state of nature to institute government that would keep the peace. To alienate the right to use force to one – a king – who would hold a monopoly of power.

    We all recognize the flaw. When seconds count, the police are a lifetime away. That was true when communication was by runner, horseman, telegrapher, telephone operator or radioman. It remains true today when everyone – great or small – carries a cell phone.

    This OP, together with so many others, opens a new question. What if the Leviathan – the king – has NO RESOLVE to either prevent nor dissuade nor incapacitate evil men?

    It’s not necessary to ask why there is a lack of resolve. Perhaps it is a benign wish not to burden the taxpayer with the costs of maintaining adequate prison capacity. Perhaps it is for having mercy for those who have – without a doubt – suffered mightily from the flaws in society. In any case, there is little or no resolve to keep the king’s peace. Defund the police; or, at least, neuter them. Appoint or elect prosecutors who will refrain from prosecution. Appoint or elect judges who will impose short sentences. The end result is a society where no one feels safe except by taking their safety into their own hands.

    Men of means have always been self-reliant. The Honorable Mayor Bloomberg is – without the slightest doubt – the smart money in the room. He maintains a Pretorian Guard of “retired” NYC cops who – by the grace of Congress – are exempt from the carry laws of the 50 states. Why, these are even permitted to carry in Gun-Free Bermuda where Bloomberg spends his leisure time.

    Today, in America’s permissive environment, where is Hobbs’ Leviathan? Does he keep the king’s peace? Does he do so to the satisfaction of his loyal subjects? Or, is it more apparent than ever that when seconds count, the police is only a life-time away?

    • Second Treatise on Government, Book II – Of Civil Government, by Dr. John Locke:

      “7. And that all men may be restrained from invading others’ rights, and from doing hurt to one another, and the law of Nature be observed, which willeth the peace and preservation of all mankind, the execution of the law of Nature is in that state put into every man’s hands, whereby every one has a right to punish the transgressors of that law to such a degree as may hinder its violation. For the law of Nature would, as all other laws that concern men in this world, be in vain if there were nobody that in the state of Nature had a power to execute that law, and thereby preserve the innocent and restrain offenders; and if any one in the state of Nature may punish another for any evil he has done, every one may do so. For in that state of perfect equality, where naturally there is no superiority or jurisdiction of one over another, what any may do in prosecution of that law, every one must needs have a right to do.”

      End Quote.

      Two things:
      1. John Locke was one of the primary political philosophers the Founding Fathers relied upon to write the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. He was the originator of the concept of “Life, liberty and the pursuit of property.”

      2. In the larger picture the concept of Man in the “state of nature” was to some extent traded for the protection of a voluntary social order, however, whenever in a condition where the protections of that social order were not available for his protection the rules of the state of nature continued to apply.

      In other words, if the cops are minutes away you are in tthe state of nature until the arrive.

      • Locke wrote in his “Two Treatises of Government,” that government existed for the sake of protecting ‘property’, which he defined as a person’s “life, liberty, and estate.” Jefferson chose to replace “estate” with “& the pursuit of happiness”.

        Jefferson’s original rough draft worded it:

        “We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness;”

        The ‘Committee of Five’ edited Jefferson’s draft. Their version survived further edits by the whole Congress intact, and made it into the Declaration as:

        “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

  2. It’s going to get a lot worse. Convictions will become few and far between as juries will decline to convict thugs if they have cartel connections. Plea bargaining & release will be the norm. Look at the utterly corrupt DC Federal court—won’t convict any democrat, won’t acquit any GOP.

    • Won’t convict any “criminal”, won’t acquit any law-abiding citizen that acts in self-defense against said criminal… (not necessarily true in FL)

    • Plea bargain already (for many years/decades) is nearly all the Dept of “Justice” phoney “convections”.

      The bargain is “take this BS deal or 100% the power of the Fed Gov will be applied ruin everything in your life, the lives of your family/loved ones and your relatives.” The current head thug (Garland) apparently is the master of this crap.

  3. Here’s an idea for a useful gun control law – Ten years in federal prison, no parole, for ANYONE with face or neck tattoos found in possession of a modern or black powder firearm. Charges and penalty not to be subject to any plea bargain and must be served before any other sentence for other crimes committed.

    • You’re giving THEM ideas on what to do with law abiding gun owners caught in an errant infraction of some obscure law while carrying a firearm.

      • You think the progs don’t already have this in their objectives?

        2nd on the tattoos. Including mandatory debriding to remove them.

    • That idea has some mrit,,EXCEPT for those, and they DO exist, that manage to “come to himself” (yes, reference to the biblical account of the so-called prodigal son, a very REAL ocurrence) and turn their life in a different direction. I’ve known some who have done this. To the impose such a law on one who, having changed his direction and values, is no more a threat to society than we are, is not in accord with liberty or justice.
      So I would have to strongly oppose such a law. The act of getting a tattoo when young and dumb and stupid, and likley drunk into the bargain, sentecing one to prisin for ten years for simple inocent possession of a firearm twenty years later, after “coming to himself” and leading a productive abd generous life is unacceptible.

      • That’s nice, but THAT asshole is a gangbanger, those tats on its face and neck are not for decoration they tell a story about its history as a gangster and the bitch should have been executed on the spot. Let it MEET Jesus face to face standing next its victims. Bleeding heart bullshit is why this happened in the first place.

  4. I could not have said it any better. Criminals belong in the Gray Bar Hotel. Not on the streets terrorizing innocent civilians.

  5. There is a feature in GPS systems called “geofencing”. A digital fence can be drawn around where a sensor would be normally located to show when that sensor leaves the authorized area. Even times of day can be programmed for extended “fences” to go to work and the grocery store can be added.

    There is no reason a person wearing an ankle monitor would not set off an alarm showing they are somewhere not authorized, instantly the moment they cross a boundary. Even at a minimum, a record would be generated to show non-compliance and reasons to send them back to jail. At best, more violence could be averted by persons that have shown their capacity for violence in the past.

    • @Rand

      “There is no reason a person wearing an ankle monitor would not set off an alarm showing they are somewhere not authorized, instantly the moment they cross a boundary.”

      Here’s the thing though. Many jurisdictions now allow a certain amount of ‘freedom’ for the ankle monitor person either officially or unofficially and sometimes it just plain ‘wait and see’ lazy; This is generally a time limit in these cases, for example, they can leave their home for up to two hours before someone comes to check and if they are back in those two hours no one checks. Another example, and in some cases, basic life needs things are permitted, for example, going to places a person would need to go, for example, the grocery store so there may be a phone call asking whats going on and the felon say they are going to the grocery store and instead go someplace else like, in this case, the hospital.

      But who knows right now what happened in this case and why someone did not show up to locate this guy before he did what he did.

      But one thing is for sure. He should have been behind bars in prison and not out in society even with a ankle monitor. So in a way he was able to exploit a weak system that being the criminal justice system that has been so weakened by the left wing liberal agenda of ‘justice reform’ that the left wing liberal agenda is now indirectly killing or contributing to the deaths and harm of more innocent people annually than any other single cause of people-on-people violence or harm.

      If you left wing liberals let a violent criminal roam free in society, you are the one that facilitated them harming others and you are the one also responsible for that harm so don’t blame it on a gun or other weapon or the law abiding or excuses but rather its the violent criminal and you in your ‘partnership of justice reform’ so look in the mirror to see where the most blame lies.

  6. A digital fence can be drawn around where a sensor would be normally located to show when that sensor leaves the authorized area.

    For that to be effective the person doing the monitoring must first give damn.

      • Hard like shocked into a coma with each infraction producing a harder longer shock until inducing death. Or just let me take them for a helicopter ride, worked in 69/70, will work now, guaranteed not to reoffend.

      • Someone many of us here know, trust, and respect has put precisely this situation right where it belongs. He has a saying “anyone who can not be trusted roaming about freely in public with a gun must not be trusted to be roaming bout feely without a qualified custodian. And no a machine hung on that person’s leg is NOT a “qualified custodian” as this account ably proves.

        I’ll lay a large pile of autographed pictrues of Ben Franklin against a pile of stale donut holes the prosecutors responsible for this creature’s ability to roam about freely in public were supported and promoted by George Soros. If so, HE, George Soros, is complicit in these murders.

      • That would be considered ‘cruel and unusual punishment” by Soros and Company. They’d waste our tax dollars in the courts to get such a silution banned.
        They never seem to think, however, that the mayhem this misfit has perpetrated is both CRUEL and UNUSUAL. And CUILD have been prevented entirely by just such an interactive monitor as you describe.

  7. All people everywhere have always been subject to the behavior of others. Most of us seak to surround ourselves with trustworthy people and the wise arm themselves against the chance encounter with the vicious criminal element or the deranged. The founders understood these things intuitively and subsumed in the Second Amendment the right to equip ourselves with the arms necessary for defense of ourselves as well as the country.

  8. Adding: this occurred in a gun-free zone per Texas law. Isn’t it great that lawful citizens are prohibited from carrying in hospitals yet criminals like these run amok in locations like these with easier targets?

    • lawful citizens are prohibited from carrying in hospitals

      That does not necessarily conflate too there NOT being an armed citizen on location. I carry everywhere that does not have some sort of detection devices (metal detectors/x-rays). It’s just a matter of being in the right place at the right time. In this case security guy seemed to be as quick to react as anyone possibly could have. If that is an actual crime scene photo, I must say I’m seeing a total lack of urgency in that cops demeaner.

    • Paul, just goes to show that “Gun Free Zones” are nothing more than target rich environments.

  9. “societal levels of violent crime sank to historically low levels from about 1992 to 2019”

    We know why. It isn’t a mystery. We have the data. This is how you can tell the Left isn’t serious about (solving) violent crime. They’re doing the opposite of what works. I understand being fooled for awhile because of the propaganda, but how do left wing voters never notice reality? I think they tend to be followers.

    • The lefts voting base at this point is essentially the wealthy white virtue signaling NIMBYs who don’t have to live with the realities of their policies and a destitute generational ghetto population that can’t envision their lives being any better or worse but at least they might get a handout. Add in a handful of very vocal mental patients who think they’re non-binary space wizards who want to get high and diddle kids.

      Anyone with a modicum of common sense or even the slightest stake in their own families wellbeing does not support their nonsense.

      • Much like the NIMBYs in Martha’s Vineyard. Full of woke virtue signaling until they had to put their money where their mouth is.

        • I would be embarrassed to admit I was a Democrat after that. We need a law on the books that allows states to decide if illegal immigrants are allowed to reside in their state. If they’re caught in a non “sanctuary” state, then they’re put in prison, and the “sanctuary” states have to foot the bill for it. Let those hypocrites put their money where their mouth is. There’s a reason NY and CA have the lowest literacy rates.

      • Yes, there’s lots of virtue signaling and craziness for sure, but there’s more to it than that. I’m saying that from experience because I just had dinner with one. Some of it is just close-minded stubbornness and partisanship. They exist in their echo chamber where they only hear part of the truth told, and their ideas aren’t challenged.

  10. Now that’s illegal, your not supposed to walk down the middle of the street with a long gunm across your shoulder.
    It says in the rule book your supposed to have it on a sling across your back.
    That makes three times I’ve seen that same guy in two days.
    I’d say something about the rules but I’m the wrong color to be talking to him about the law.

  11. It might help if victims or their friends and families began demanding that the judicial system simply get rid of repeat violent offenders. It wouldn’t matter whether they are executed or locked up for the rest of their lives. Just make sure they never again have access to another victim. Such a demand to the court by the victims’ families would be especially powerful.

    • Too lame this life in prison nonsense. Execute them in public and allow a family member of the victim(s) to take part in the finalization. Our country, for the sake of being more “civilized”, has actually become too barbaric. There’s no deterrence anymore without impacting executions.

      • I agree wholeheatedly.

        No hood, hands behind back, face the squad, ten shooters, ten rounds each. Upon command, commence firing until CEASE FIRE is called. Video record. Let the perp experience what he dished out, then leave the rest of us alone. Forever.
        Archive the recordings, Maybe replay a few of them to the middle school punks that get hauled in front of a court for assaults, etc, even if they have not taken a life yet. Let them watch what will surely be visited upon them should they not mend their ways. Might give them pause of they ever decide to bring a weapon into a store or bank job. Or even go along with someone else armed, into such a situation.

  12. quote————In other words, a violent convicted felon was walking the streets of Dallas and managed to get his hands on a firearm——–quote

    Precisely why the Republicans are the most at fault for people like this being able to buy second hand guns or stolen guns because they refuse to pass Safe Storage Laws and pass Universal Background Checks.

    What T Tag failed to mention was that when you let the populous buy a handgun without the proper vetting too many lunatics and irresponsible people also are able to buy guns. This is why many industrialized societies either outlaw handgun ownership altogether or severely restrict it. The 1 firearm death in Japan last year compared to 40,000 U.S. deaths is a glaring example of Capitalvanian free wheeling gun slinging gone completely insane.

    Case in point:

    “The U.S. hit a new level of insanity today” by gun toting crazed paranoid Rednecks.

    I read this morning an article (that will never appear in T tag) of a nut case gun slinging Father and Son in Florida who got a doorbell warning of intrusion when a neighbor put a package that was sent to him by mistake on their doorstep because it was actually supposed to be delivered to them.

    The Redneck father and son then ran out the door and saw an innocent women in a parked car on her cell phone parked in the street and opened fire on her thinking she had tried to break into their home.

    No other civilized country in the world permits such gun crazed madness.

    The Redneck crazies were indicted for attempted murder and the Sheriff said he was going to throw the book at these two far right gun slinging nut cases. Sadly there are far to many of these paranoid far right gun toting nut cases prowling society every day.


    An armed society is not a polite society but a gun crazy killing machine. The so called law abiding citizens shoot their wives every day, their families, their next door neighbors and their fellow co-workers or walk into schools and shoot everyone’s children, shoot the person next to them in a bar over a trivial argument or fighting over a half naked woman or blow people away on the freeways for cutting them off in heavy traffic. It’s considered the price we pay for being a society awash in deadly unvetted weapons. Gun insanity has now become the norm.

    In my neighborhood a number of years ago one gun crazy neighbor got mad at the next door neighbor for his dog pissing on his lawn and opened fire with an AK47 while the neighbor returned fire with an AR 15. The AK crazy man was shooting green tracers while the AR15 gun Nut was firing red tracers. It looked like Christmas in Hell as the red and green traciers crossed each other. Just another day in Capitalvania were life is considered cheap and expendable. The stray dogs and cats did not return to the neighborhood for a week proving they had more sense than the naked apes with the assault rifles.

    • Wow. Just wow. You can actually read the insanity percolating up in dacians comments the longer they get.

      Amazing. People must see him on the street and run in the opposite direction to avoid another meaningless ramble.

      • Those must be really strong meds he is taking. I haven’t seen (bovine manure) so deep in a very long time.

        No wonder he thinks eliminating a third of the US population will bring equity, harmony, and a shining utopia.

        • what makes NO SENSE is that Dackie Boy is fine with “reducing” the population to bring “equity harmony and a shining utopia”, but strongly opposes the use of firearms as a “population management tool”, even by “allowing” them to easily come into the hands of normal citizens..

          A few watts short of a light bulb.

    • @dacian

      “Precisely why the Republicans are the most at fault for people like this being able to buy second hand guns or stolen guns because they refuse to pass Safe Storage Laws and pass Universal Background Checks.”

      You evidently do not understand the concept of ‘theft’ and ‘stealing’.

      “The 1 firearm death in Japan last year compared to 40,000 U.S. deaths is a glaring example of Capitalvanian free wheeling gun slinging gone completely insane.”

      which is a stupid comparison and typical left wing deceptive concept.

      Those “40,000 U.S. deaths” – you really need to look up the context for those. You will find that most were criminals causing the deaths, and that most of those criminals were on the streets as a result of left wing so called ‘justice reform’. Then you also need to look up the context for many more and you will find it was justifiable legal self-defense classified as ‘homicide’ simply because that’s how the stats use broad categories as a justifiable legal self defense is a ‘justifiable homicide’ that is thrown into the stats broad ‘homicide’ category giving the impression they were all ‘unlawful killing murder’. Then you need to realize and see the context that those justified legal self defense acts were to defend against, mostly, the criminals taking advantage of the left wing so called ‘justice reform’ when they should have been behind bars. Japan doesn’t have this problem because they, overall, actually put their violent criminals in jail.

      And the rest of what you wrote, just more left wing rubbish deception trying to push a gun control agenda.

    • @dacian

      “In my neighborhood a number of years ago one gun crazy neighbor got mad at the next door neighbor for his dog pissing on his lawn and opened fire with an AK47 while the neighbor returned fire with an AR 15. The AK crazy man was shooting green tracers while the AR15 gun Nut was firing red tracers.”

      That’s a lie.

      “The so called law abiding citizens shoot their wives every day, their families, their next door neighbors and their fellow co-workers or walk into schools and shoot everyone’s children, shoot the person next to them in a bar over a trivial argument or fighting over a half naked woman or blow people away on the freeways for cutting them off in heavy traffic.”

      Another lie.

      You really need to learn what words mean, improve your reading comprehension skills, and stop copy-n-pasting the lies and disingenuous content and deceptive wording of others.

    • @dacian

      “No other civilized country in the world permits such gun crazed madness.”

      There, ya finally hit the nail on the head. It wasn’t the gun, it was the ‘crazed madness’.

      Yet, in that moment, over 390 million guns were not used by such ‘crazed madness’.

      So according to you, one person acts bad and 100 million people need to have their constitutional rights removed or restricted. That sounds right to you? Why of course it does, in your own ‘crazed madness’.

      Take your tripe elsewhere.

      • correction:

        “…one person acts bad and 100 million people need to have their constitutional rights removed or restricted.”

        should have been…

        …one person acts bad so to do something about that 100 million people need to have their constitutional right removed or restricted.

    • wow, your stupidity knows no boundaries.
      can you explain how background checks would have stopped this as the convicted felon did not buy the gun legally ??
      convicted felon with gun= crime.
      firearms in hospital no gun zone= crime.
      murder without cause= crime.
      this scum would have found a way.
      stop blaming the object for the action of the criminals.

      As for the father and son in Florida, that’s not nice throwing your uncle and cousin under the bus like that. considering how stupid they are they have to be liberal democrat brain dead like you.

      your other made up story is amusing.

      • Dacian thinks the way to eliminate gun violence is to eliminate gun owners. Then there will be no source of guns for criminals.

    • Always with the “civilized country” caveat.

      Why not just say what you mean: nations with a melanin surplus vs. those without.

      You racist libs think you’re hiding it but everybody knows you’re just wannabe plantation masters.

    • Dackie Bo said this:
      they refuse to pass Safe Storage Laws and pass Universal Background Checks.

      >>>>>>>>>>new flash, Dackie Boy. LEARN how to READ. This piece clearly stated he is a felon in unlawful possession of a firearm. Your two “remedies” could NOT have been operatioinal BECAUSE this guy was a “prohibited person” right out of the gate. There IS no legal market that would sell to such a creature. And NO ONE in his category (prohibited person) would ever attempt to purchase from a DEALER as the dealer would NEVER sell to a prohibited person. And even if DirtBag did try from an FFL, he’d be hunted down and arrested for false statememts on the 4473. Like Hunter Biden SHOULD be. He wilfully LIED on his 4473 forms. TWICE Federal felony. No consequences. If HE can get clean off with it, why can’t this guy?

      What T Tag failed to mention was that when you let the populous buy a handgun without the proper vetting too many lunatics and irresponsible people also are able to buy guns.

      The correct word is “populace” not “populous”. But to address your whinge: NO ONE “let this guy buy a handgun without the proper vetting”. No soiurce you or I wiul ever deal with would have sold this guy a gun.. That’s why he went to the sae “store” where they sell hard drugs, counterfeit passports and “green cards”, fake ID’s, and take contracts out on certain people to render them dead. NONE of those activites are legal last I checked.

      End the War on (some) Drugs and the “War on ALL Guns” will fold up like a cheap polyester suit.
      But the Soros/Gates/Schwab cartel like it that way. Fewer people to be using up all the “stuff”. More for them, though none of them will note any lack even if the rest of us increase fite or ten times today’s numbers.

      Sick people.

    • dacian the Dunderhead, Are you really still trying to sell the idea that “universal background checks will solve the problem of the Black Market?
      How do you define “proper vetting”? Now that one is a really wide open term if their ever was one.
      If an armed society is not a polite society, can you tell me why Switzerland which has as many guns as it has people has such a low crime rate?

    • “ The AK crazy man was shooting green tracers while the AR15 gun Nut was firing red tracers. It looked like Christmas in Hell as the red and green traciers crossed each other.”

      LOL. Totally made up. Complete fabrication.

      And as far as the article, how long did it take you to find this fruitcake article so you could bring it here and act like it’s the norm for our society?

      • how long did it take you to find this fruitcake article so you could bring it here

        It “found” it in the deepest, darkest, most scary recesses of its mind, most likely a memory of Platoon or Apocalypse Now.

  13. Definitely jail tats for MS13 or some other, similar, degenerate gang. I hope he gets the death penalty. I also hope we return to public executions with the chair, hanging, and firing squads being the three choices. This needle nonsense is like reading them a bedtime story and is ridiculous.

  14. What separates natural God-given “rights” from “privileges” is the individual is assumed able to lawfully exercise the former without first demonstrating need, special qualifications, official blessing, etc. OTOH, an individual may be denied the lawful exercise of such rights for demonstrating irresponsible or indifferent care in said exercise. Hernandez ought to be denied his right to life at the state’s earliest convenience.

    • No, not at their “convenience”. That is how we got here.

      At mandate. Conclude trial, lay the sentence on the proven guilty, then a separate body examine the evidence again to make certain it is justified. Once that verdict is rendered, execute within one week max, with certain very few and clearly defined exceptions.

  15. “But the notion really began to take hold in the last decade or so….” – same time period when pretty much everyone started carrying a video camera with them, and we started seeing recordings that often contradicted police officers’ statements of what transpired.

  16. Some of you might call me a liberal. I’ve always agreed that the “criminal justice” system needs to be overhauled. People shouldn’t be locked up for non-violent crimes.

    But, I don’t think I’m all that liberal. Dangerous criminals NEED TO BE LOCKED UP, and dealt with harshly. You stole a candy bar, and were arrested with some grass in your pocket? You never should have been locked up. You punched an old woman in the face, and took her purse? You did the crime, you do the time. Violence cannot be tolerated if society is to function.

    More of the violent criminals need to be shot dead while committing their crimes. That means, all law-abiding citizens should be armed, so they can deal with the criminals when the criminals come to them.

    If that’s “racist”, then so be it. But I really don’t care if the criminal is blue, green, red, purple, black, white, or brown. I just don’t care, I’ll shoot to defend myself and my family even if you’re an endangered species.

    • How about polka dotted criminals?

      Asking for a friend.

      the sooner violent criminals BECOME an endangered species, the better off we will all be.

    • That doesn’t make you a liberal or racist Paul.

      labels and terms and concepts in today’s ‘woke idiot liberal’ world, you can’t avoid them. For example:

      If a white person commits a violent crime against me or my family, and I shoot them in valid and legal defense then I am not a racist but rather in the liberal woke speak I am a ‘violent extremist radical gun nut’.

      If someone black or Hispanic or Asian person commits a violent crime against me or my family, and I shoot them in valid and legal defense then in liberal woke speak I am a ‘violent extremist radical racist gun nut’.

      If someones mental health issues drives them to suicide and they choose a firearm as the method then in liberal woke speak and concept its the fault of over 100,000,000 gun owners simply because they own guns.

      If a criminal (or recidivist criminal) commits a crime using a gun, in woke liberal speak and concept over 100,000,000 law abiding gun owners need to have their constitutional right removed or restricted or controlled to solve that issue of a criminal violating the law using a gun to commit a crime.

      If you ask that violent criminals be locked up behind bars and kept out of society, in woke liberal speak and concept the violent criminal is deserving of ‘criminal justice reform’ advantages and should be allowed to roam free among their prey.

      The list goes on and on and on.

      Today’s ‘woke idiot liberal’ world – the world where its always the fault of the ones that didn’t do it and its always because ‘guns’. The woke liberal, that creature who’s only mindset is blaming everyone else except the ones that did it.

    • No, Paul, you are a Leftist. “Criminal Justice Overhaul”? Have you ever heard of the “broken windows theory? If you take care of the “smaller” crimes, it prevents bigger crimes. Funny how when you punish the “small time criminals”, they are not “available to commit the bigger crimes.
      Time for you to WAKE UP rather tan being WOKE.

  17. There should be a federal law that says commission of three violent crimes is a federal offense that mandates capital punishment. No longer would state prosecutors be allowed to plea bargain violent felons back onto the streets. We’d also free up bed space so they would not have to plea bargain. But for that law to be enacted, the majority of the population would have to be victimized.

  18. “But the notion really began to take hold in the last decade or so and then accelerated after George Floyd was killed in the summer of 2020.”

    Should be:

    “But the notion really began to take hold in the last decade or so and then accelerated after George Floyd ingested a lethal dose of fentanyl in the summer of 2020.”


  19. This dirtbag’s teardrop tattoo brags that he murdered somebody. Now two more murders. Duh. But Democrats still pretend that he is the victim, in need of “equity,” meaning unconstitutional unequal treatment under the law.

    He is to be favored under the Democrats’ one-drop rule. With his Hispanic last name he might have a drop of non-white blood, and hence needs to be treated with favoritism and lenience for the murders he commits.

  20. Return this Piece of Scheiße to Mexico, from 20,000 feet, and without a parachute.
    That will serve as a deterrence.

    • from 20,000 feet, and without a parachute

      I found that between 800/1200 feet was equally effective and highly productive especially from the ramp of a CH46….

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