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Gun Control Utopia California Sees Four ‘Mass Shootings’ in Single Month

John Boch - comments No comments

Golden State Governor Gavin Newsom has imposed all manner of fresh new gun control laws upon that state’s residents. Yet even with every imaginable rights-restricting law on the books, California has seen four high-profile “mass shootings” in the last month.

Impossible you say, given how political hacks assure us that more gun control will end so-called “gun violence?” It’s true.

From Law Enforcement Today:

On Sunday, four people were killed and six more wounded in Fresno when armed assailants sneaked into the backyard of a home and fired into crowd that had come for a football party.

On the day before, five family members were killed and another hospitalized in an apparent murder-suicide shooting in San Diego.

Earlier that week on Thursday, a 16-year-old Saugus High School student in Santa Clarita shot five classmates, killing two of them, before turning the gun on himself.

And just last month, five people were killed and several more injured on Halloween when a house party at a rented mansion in the tony bedroom community of Orinda erupted in gunfire.

At the Fresno murder spree, nobody following the law at the party had a gun to shoot back.  And the killers escaped. Ditto for the Orinda event.

California doesn’t permit 16-year-olds to buy guns. Or take them to school. Someone once told me the Golden State has a law against shooting people and murder, but that did nothing to stop a loser from taking a gun to class and killing people.

As for murder-suicides, nothing deters a would-be murderer like knowing his or her intended target might shoot back.

Law Enforcement Today looks at all manner of data from Gavin Newsom’s utopian paradise and what they found does not paint a pretty picture about the effectiveness of gun control in controlling crime.

From LET:

In a state that has adopted so many laws and practices pertaining to putting an end to gun violence, you’d think that California would lead the country in diminishing gun related deaths.

Yet, that’s just not the case, and what’s adding fuel to the proverbial fire of the gun control debate is that California has been host three mass shootings in a span of just four days.

The recent deadly shootings are reigniting the debate, but statistics show Californians are less likely to be killed by guns than people in most other U.S. states.

But that doesn’t mean California is all good, because while the state as a whole appears to be showing better numbers, three of the state’s cities make the list of the top 25 most dangerous cities in the United States.

Considering there’s a total of over 19,000 cities and towns in the United Sates, that’s not exactly a great claim to fame.

Yes, a lot of dangerous cities is no claim to fame. Neither are imposing every conceivable gun control law on the law-abiding citizens.

After all, gun control disarms victims, not criminals.

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