gun christmas tree
Courtesy Dean Weingarten
gun christmas tree
Courtesy Dean Weingarten

My far-ranging missionary friend was in Northern Wisconsin a few days ago when he noticed this, um, unique Christmas tree.

The book is John Lott’s much-loved, little-read More Guns, Less Crime. The belted ammunition appears to be 7.62 NATO linked blanks. Probably left over from a National Guard exercise.

No live trees were harmed in the creation of this display. It’s a good, environmentally friendly, responsibly sourced way to celebrate Christmas.

[This post originally ran in 2016]

©2016 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.

Gun Watch


  1. No live trees were harmed in the creation of this display. It’s a good, environmentally friendly, responsibly sourced way to celebrate Christmas.–Good; hate to see trees wasted

        • True, at least the ones in Wisconsin & Michigan. It’s a crop….and better for the soil than vegetables. No cultivation and erosion or agent orange spray. Tho, things may change now that marijuana can be a cash crop.

      • That’s right. I just helped my friend plant 486 trees of different varieties on his farm up in Michigan. First time I used a dibble bar, but it works very well, as long as the ground isn’t concrete hard.

  2. One certainly appears to be an M44 Nagant. I can’t ID the rest.

    Norinco beat me to pointing out that all those wood stocks didn’t come from algae.

    Pretty cool though. I’d chuckle seeing it IRL.

    • You can make the Charlie Brown Christmas tree of the gun world!

      HA! I Haz A Great Idea! 🙂 🙂

  3. Northern Wisconsin, outstanding place for missionary work. I’ve heard there are tribes there who know nothing of the outside world.

  4. It would be nicer if the belts had live ammo feeding into something classy.
    Cool. Now I’ve got an idea for next year!

  5. It needed little look-alike figurines of our favorite Democrats like….Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer and so on hanging on the tree by little nooses. They could hang right along side the candy canes and little bubble lights we had back in the 50s and 60s

  6. One thing about the gun-friendly crowd. We sure have a great sense of humor. We can laugh at ourselves and life in general. Something the anti’s don’t understand. (Which is why you can watch re-runs of Fraiser and still laugh-out-loud at all the embarrassing situations of the stuck-up doctor/brothers and all the double entendre. Same with Desi and Lucy.)

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