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Gun Grabbers: Striking While the Iron is Hot

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

By Tim Harmsen

I recently published a video that addressed the issue of gun control in the wake of the horrible events at Sandy Hook Elementary school. In this video I mentioned how it disgusted me that advocates of gun control quickly moved to capitalize on the deaths of children to push their political agendas forward. 

A recent CNN article confirms that this is, in fact, exactly the strategy anti-gun forces are using. Mark Glaze, director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, made the following comments in an interview with CNN.

Look, when this kind of thing happens, we have to make the case in that very short window — what went wrong, why it went wrong, how you can fix it — in a way that motivates Congress to do what it should.  With something as terrible as this is, involving children, the window is open a little wider than it has been before.  I think my back of the envelope is usually about a month.  But after the series of mass shootings and the gravity of this one, I think we may have a little more time.

Anti-gun forces know they have to strike while emotions are high to capitalize on the horror and irrational thought driven by the events and the media. They know that once the hysteria subsides and cooler heads prevail, people won’t be as willing to surrender their Constitutional freedoms. This is why you see people like Dianne Feinstein racing to the first camera she can find to promote her most recent gun grabbing proposal.

“Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Those were the words of former Obama administration Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. He was alluding to using the nation’s economic crisis to justify huge expansion in the federal government at the time, but the principal still holds true.

It’s this desire to quickly capitalize politically on the carnage that has motivated President Obama to make Joe Biden responsible for creating a proposal in the next 30 days that outlines what gun control measures he believes can be pushed through Congress. It’s no coincidence that President Obama has chosen such a short window. He knows that to successfully pull off a gun grab he has to act quickly while emotions are high.

It takes 30 days to get a light bulb replaced in the White House due to government inefficiency, yet we’re going to see a committee formed and a recommendation made in the next 2-4 weeks regarding our Constitutional rights. I don’t really get a warm fuzzy feeling from that. You?

Some have criticized my comments that anti-gunners “almost look forward to such events.” Given the comments and subsequent actions of anti-gun forces in the last few days, I’m confident that what I said hit the proverbial nail on the head. They clearly look forward to these events and are set to capitalize on them by executing plans of action they’ve given considerable thought to.

What can we do? Write your Congressmen and Senators. We have to act swiftly to prevent our government from passing sweeping anti-gun laws. They feel they have the numbers on their side right now to go so far as confiscation of semi-auto rifles and magazines that hold over 10 rounds of ammunition. We need to remind them that if they pass another 1994 style anti-gun law — or worse — we’ll once again vote them out of office just as we did after the Clinton AWB. Act now or forever lose your Constitutional rights.

Tim Harmsen produces the Military Arms Channel videos.

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