assault weapons
(AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)
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Attorneys representing two New York state residents challenging the state’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” have filed a memorandum in support of their earlier motion for summary judgment.

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) are supporting the case, known as Lane v. Rocah. The case challenges the ban on so-called “assault weapons” in New York state. This motion also opposes a cross-motion from the defendants for summary judgment. Plaintiffs are represented by attorneys Adam Kraut at the Second Amendment Foundation in Bellevue, Wash., Cody J. Wisniewski in Las Vegas, and Nicholas J. Rotsko at FLUET in Tysons, Va. The memorandum was filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

In their memorandum, SAF attorneys show the state is relying on arguments which are either easily discredited, or essentially nullified by the Supreme Court’s Bruen ruling in 2022 which rejected “interest balancing” in tests of Second Amendment restrictions.

“The state is trying to make arguments which have already been rejected by the Supreme Court,” noted SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “New York’s arguments reflect a stubborn resistance to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the 2022 Bruen ruling.”

“New York is arguing that modern semiautomatic rifles are ‘dangerous and unusual,’ merely because they resemble military weapons,” noted SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut. “Yet, such firearms are in common use across the country for all types of legitimate use, from personal and home defense to competition, hunting and recreational shooting.”

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  1. What’s funny though is that the weapons the founding fathers talked about didn’t resemble military weapons but actually WERE military weapons.

    • And artillery and warships and all manner of things that go boom. The place we should be discussing weapons regulations is proper storage of high explosives to ensure only the owners property is adversely effected in a catastrophic mishap.

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      • Cool, still a lot of state level laws to work on (mine included but other fish to fry first) but great first (second whatever) step.

  2. RE: “New York is arguing that modern semiautomatic rifles are ‘dangerous and unusual,’ merely because they resemble military weapons,”

    So f-ing what? I see Jeeps, Humvees/Hummers, knives, clothing, tents, surplus stores, etc. that are Military related. Haven’t heard one azzhat make hay out of that so where’s the beef?

    • They are trying to make it up and pass off impossible burgers long enough that they get different judges in the cook-off.

    • The completely ignore that military firearms from wars long past are completely legal to possess, such as the Garand, M1 Carbine, and multiple bolt action rifles and the like from all over the world. How many rifles were brought home after WWI and sportorized to make hunting rifles, contributing the .30-06 becoming one of the most popular hunting rounds of all time. Trench guns are, in a word, pump shotguns. And so forth and so on. The mere classification of a firearm as a “military weapon” is entirely meaningless.

  3. Approximately 24.5 Million AR15 rifles in civilian ownership in the U.S. This is not counting AK’s, mini 14’s or other semi auto rifles. That number is “common use” by any definition. Make no mistake, renaming and now calling a semi-auto an “Assault rifle” has nothing to do with gun safety, It’s about gun control and violating rights. This is so simple, but people still believe the crazy idea that banning AR15’s would make us safer? Trouble is, You can’t even educate these morons.


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