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Gun Makers Market Products by Appealing to Buyers’ Racism: Quote of the Day

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

“Not all gun lovers are racists, but there is plenty of white pride rhetoric among Second Amendment advocates, and racism is deeply embedded in the history of that particular clause. Whether they’re proudly proclaiming to be infidels (specifically, enemies of Islam), or boasting that “Blue Lives Matter,” anyone who hopes to sell such products capitalizes on Americans’ racism. Racism is an ugly extension of tribalism—one the gun industry is more than happy to cash in on.” – Liz Posner in The Gun maker’s strategy: marketing products to men’s basest instincts [via salon.com]

0 thoughts on “Gun Makers Market Products by Appealing to Buyers’ Racism: Quote of the Day”

  1. Talk about racism….. then sh!t on one particular race…. hypocritical much? But that what i expect to hear from salon.
    Just for your information, im not a racist. I dont judge people due to ethnicity, race, skin color, or religion.
    However i do have a problem with sheeple. You know people like the idiot who wrote this pile of crap.

  2. This is getting ridiculous.
    The comment section still doesn’t work right.
    How hard can it be? Other blogs manage to get theirs to work.
    A facelift was more important? Really?

  3. Yeah…. no. The xdm i own has been run very hard since i bought it 8 years ago. As reliable as my friends glock 17. I literally tried to get it to jam, didnt clean it, ran dirty ammo, and could not get it to malfunction.
    That being said i will never buy a SA or RRA product again. They betrayed us and that is unforgivable.
    Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, yeah that wont happen.

  4. People who say “blue lives matter” are modern-day loyalists (Tories). Who do they think enforces laws restricting our firearms freedoms? Without cops, all the machinations of our so-called representatives would be nothing more than words on paper. We could own whatever guns we wanted. We could open businesses without all the hoop-jumping and extortionary taxation. We could stop sending our money to an organization that goes around threatening and blowing people up all over the world (unless we really wanted to). We could stop paying for licenses and registration just to exercise our right to travel. We could be free in hundreds of ways, of only people refused to join the Blue Standing Army, whose only mandate is to do the bidding of corrupt politicians. And we would also be safer than we are now, because there would be no enforcement of disarmament laws.

    • …or any other laws, for that matter. Police departments could certainly do with a bit of restructuring and demilitarizing, but to remove them completely? I’ve met far too many people to think that relying on mob justice is the right way to go.

    • By your argument this would also include members of our armed forces.

      And as a country we do “really want to threaten and blow people up”, we have for a good chunk of the 240 plus years that we’ve existed as a country.

  5. No doubt the .40 S&W version of the XD-E will be announced soon, if SA’s history is any indicator. I can see no reason to invest in this hammer-fired .45 when I already have M1911’s and an XDS that will do pretty much the same things. How many variations on a theme is SA going to produce? And I’m not sure SA has learned its lesson about political infidelity, but they gotta keep on keepin’ on to make sure their Balkan gunmakers remain in business.

  6. You know the left has no argument when they start flashing the race card. Here’s a shocker, the people you could describe could be the most racist pieces of shit on the planet, so long as they aren’t actively out to hurt anybody else, I don’t give a shit. Oh, and FYI, it’s not possible to be racist against muslims, by definition.

  7. >racism is deeply embedded in the history of that particular clause

    Written by someone who hasn’t actually studied the subject she’s writing about.

    First of all, the police and Islam are not races. Whether one agrees with being for or against them, by definition it can’t be “racism.”

    Second of all, the role of racism and racial/ethnic oppression in the generation of gun control laws is well known, from slave codes to Jim Crow to the Sullivan Act.

    Gun control is about control, not guns. Whenever one group of people seeks to dominate another group of people, to keep them weak and dependent on the existing power structure, be it for race, ethnicity, or politics, the former will always seek to disarm the latter.

  8. I just don’t see how these white guiltists manage to live with themselves each day. Must be a hell of a burden living with all that self hatred.

    • I have one of those too, my home blaster. Thing is stout. Better f/f than the Remington 1100 I bought for clays. Matter o’ fact, that 1100 is a roach.

  9. The list.
    #1 Winchester SXP Defender
    #2 Rock Island Armory/Armscor M5
    #3 Savage/Stevens 350
    #4 Interstate Arms – Hawk
    #5 H&R 5+1 pump

  10. “Proano did not testify in his own defense. [Proano’s attorney Daniel Herbert] argued that the officer did exactly as he was trained to stop the threat and also protect the life of one of the teens, whom he said was hanging from a passenger window as the car reversed.”

    Wait a sec. The Chicago PD trains their officers to hold their weapons sideways?


    And to shoot at people to “protect life?”

    If the CPD doesn’t protest this testimony in court, then I think it’s time to simply shut them down, on grounds of epic incompetence.

  11. Just remember this when you buy a cheap shotgun:

    When something breaks, and you want a gunsmith to repair it, it might be cheaper to just buy another $200- shotgun.

    I get into this discussion all… the… time… with owners of these (and other) cheap shotguns. Something breaks in their cheap shotguns, and they come to me, thinking that because they bought the gun new for less than $200 or $250, that my time should be discounted accordingly to replace broken parts in their guns.

    A half-dozen owners of these guns have been told that they should simply park their broken gun in the corner of their closet, go buy another one of the same model, and they should learn how to replace the parts themselves. Many times, the parts aren’t cheap either, and that’s another rude surprise for the owners. My advice to park the broken gun in the corner and turn it into a parts queen is sound financial advice, but some people just can’t seem to wrap their heads around the numbers.

  12. It’s Black Lives Matter’s job to appeal to racists.

    Blue Lives Matter appeals to cops and and the pro-cop public. Funny how even facts which are that obvious fly right over the collective heads of Salon’s editorial staff. Maybe they should hire a 7 year old of normal intelligence to be managing editor in charge of all the mental defectives who write for them. Just think of how much that would improve their writing if the 7 year old took his or her job seriously.

  13. No need to even ask this question, good against everything that is not as heavily armored as a tank. It will chew things up just as long as you can keep feeding it and if you can see it, you can most likely hit it.

  14. Was this even a serious question?
    When all of the rest of St.John the Browning’s inventions have been relegated to the dustbin of history and are used only by reenactors and collectors, we will still be fighting the enemy with the Ma Deuce.

  15. Really, to this day, I can hear SFC Whilhite and MSG Geise on the guns, making them talk. To my left: WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP… To my right: WHUP WHUP WHUP WHUP…Total sense of calm comes over me. I can’t help but smile. Everything’s going to be ok. Everything’s going to be just fine.

    The M2, when mounted in front of men who know how to use it, transcends the term “machine gun”. It is the mechanical avatar of fury and devastation.

  16. “The Gun maker’s strategy: marketing products to men’s basest instincts”

    Yeah! Who can forget the gun, and ammunition, makers cashing in on anti-zombie bigotry a few years ago. Oh, the humanity!

  17. these guys are just paid shills trying to spin the fuds against AR weaponry.

    I’m sure doxxing them will turn up their DNC / anti-gun ties.

  18. How can this even be a thing??? Leave her alone! Why attack a child over something like this?

    She is a just a kid not many seasoned hunters can properly identify all the types of game in the field in low light behind brush etc……

    In bird hunting which takes a keen eye and experience to identify a fast moving duck in a split second there wa no penalty as long as you did not pick it up or have it in your possession which seemed a waste but, kept you out of jail,fines etc.

    Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

    Tasty Animals are here for our use….they are not people get over yourself or naw…

  19. Another confirmation of the eternal truth: Getting ambushed sucks.

    I’m glad she survived unharmed, and also glad that she seems to have a very clear-eyed view of reality.

  20. And how many firearms does the .gov (all levels) “lose” per year? And how many did Obama and co. sell to the cartels?
    Nevermind, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

  21. It is frustrating to read words from a racist claiming people who value the 2nd Amendment are racist. Liz, do you not realize that your hate shows in every word you write? Or, do you just don’t care?

  22. So, there we were. The last survivors of my unit formed a small circle on top of a hill. We had pledged to one another to make a final stand rather than being captured. We knew that resupply was not going to happen until the fighting was over, so we decided to make every bullet count. Mostly, our M4s could out duel their AKs. And inside pistol range no one seemed to care if they were hit with a 9mm from our sidearms or theirs. It was mostly a stalemate. My blood ran cold when I first heard the shriek. We had fought off a few waves when our enemies realized they could not break through man-to-man or with the few technicals they had. I saw the dust over the hilltops. I prayed it was our armor moving into to relieve us. But when I heard the first shriek, I knew we were going to die. The dust clouds were moving too fast. Our armor could not possibly maneuver in the mountain passes that quickly. The first riders strode over the crest of the hill. As a battle-hardened veteran, it causes me no shame to admit I pissed my pants. I listened as two of my teammates had this exchange Billy: I’m scared Poncho. Poncho: Bullshit. You ain’t afraid of no man. Billy: There’s something out there waiting for us, and it ain’t no man. We’re all gonna die.They were riding velociraptors. The human ear can barely detect the human war cry over the roaring hiss of the beast it is riding. Their speed was like lightning. I knew we did not have long to live and our deaths would be gruesome. And then it happened. MSG Blain bellowed “time to let Old Painless out of the bag!” Blain had been carrying a GAU 19B. He cut through their front line like canister shot on Pickett’s Charge. The beasts approached the last stonewall that separated us from them. But our line held.

    I would not be here typing this if not for MSG Blain and the GAU 19B. And that is why I nominate it for the Greatest Machine Gun Ever Made. You never know when the terrorists are going to be riding velociraptors.

  23. Unfortunately those words don’t have very powerful magic, because Lord Voldemort and his followers keep hitting them with counter-curses and chipping away at them.

  24. No constitutional right is absolute. My First Amendment right to freely exercise my religion does not mean that I can sacrifice my son to God on an altar in my backyard. My First Amendment right to free speech does not mean that I can lie under oath, defame you, or distribute child pornography. My Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches does not mean that the police can never search my home. My Sixth Amendment rights do not mean that I can demand that the state provide me with a lawyer and a jury trial for a +10 mph speeding ticket. My Eighth Amendment right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment does not mean that I can’t be thrown into solitary confinement.

    Yes, the Second Amendment is not absolute. Five-year-olds cannot own firearms, you can’t take guns on airplanes or to school, felons and the mentally deranged cannot keep and bear arms, you can’t carry a gun when you tour the White House, etc.

    Where the professor goes wrong, however, is in saying that the Second Amendment permits “reasonable” gun regulations. Such laws should be subjected at the very least to heightened judicial scrutiny, which requires that the state have an important interest for having the regulation and that the regulation be narrowly tailored so that it doesn’t unnecessarily burden the 2A rights of law-abiding citizens.

    When gun laws interfere with law-abiding citizens’ ability to select or use guns for self defense, the laws should be subject to even more exacting judicial scrutiny, under which the state must have a compelling interest for the law and there be no less restrictive means of achieving that interest than imposing the law.

    Alas, lower courts have not taken the Supreme Court’s decision in Heller seriously and have subjected gun laws to only mild scrutiny that requires nothing more than that the law be “reasonable.” That is wrong.

  25. Had a conversation with a young liberal progressive ( voted for Sanders, does the rally march thing) today and we both kept it civil and low keyed. This he told me,” you old white fat guys(,? I’m not fat? ), ” You old fat white guys don’t get it, your holding on to the past, and there’s just not that many of you left.Us kids are the new generation and we see things differently then you do.” There was no animosity, ranting, or 2a rights brought up. It did give me pause to consider the future. Statistically, ha, there are way more anti 2a web sites then pro 2a web sites. Something to think about


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