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I think I qualify as an adult onset hunter, but I sure as sh*t hunt in jeans. And ‘worse.’

For instance, there’s a picture of me having brutally murdered a hog with a short barreled rifle made by breeding a Heritage Arms Barkeep with a Rough Rider Rancher Carbine, all while wearing boardshorts, a t-shirt, and shoes with no socks. To be fair, I suppose the shorts are camo pattern…with flowers (these ones; they’re great).


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  1. Being a firearm manufacturer with an SOT added to your FFL definitely has it’s benefits. That is a formorphodite looking SBR. How many shots did it take to send the pig to Hogg Heaven?

  2. I hate that yer still younger n me and can run up to a hog close enough to kill it with that thing. Fortunately I’m still way better lookin than you so that helps a bit.

      • We got pigs up here too possum. And hogs. Or are you saying us canucks is all ugly n stuff? And is “yur” the southerly spelling of “yer”? Wouldn’t that make it “Old Yellur”? Or “Ben Her”?

  3. I guess you can get away with shorts in that part of the country without dense vegetation. It isn’t worth it here, no matter how hot it is.

    • Yeah it depends on what I’m doing. Bow hunting, or duck hunting, any kind of bird hunting I suppose, It’ll be the camo. Deer or hog is really whatever I feel like wearing.

    • They can count.
      They can recognize faces.
      I’d say a crow is the smartest bird in the U.S.
      I quit hunting them after I went back to my truck and the truck and trees was covered in crows.
      Somthing out of Alfred Hitchcok I tell yah. I was out of shells but I was winging that Wingmaster like a ball bat, * whew* gives me chills just thinking about it, anyway it was down hill most of the way home and I finally got the truck going faster then the crows could fly. Made it home 6 minutes before they did and had the wife run out and shake her apron at them.
      That was it for me and crow hunting
      Besides sparrows taste better.

      • We get monster crows out here. Big buggers with claws that look like fish hooks. I’ve watched them beat hawks up.

        You’ve earned it when you get one of those.

      • Shotguns for crow? Pfft. Up here in the queens colonies, personal fiefdom of the Idiot Manchild, we just use spears. Atlatls if yer well heeled. Need to register the atlatl but spears under 72 metric inches are non-restricted. One day I hope the Long Spear Registry will be found un-Charterable…

  4. I usually just hold up a box of 6.5 Creedmoor ammo. They die from fright right then and there.


  5. Gee and I pissed off that one guy when I said you could kill a pig with a .22LR, and with that short of a barrel it ain’t hitting much harder then a .22short.

  6. Deer can see Blue about 20 times better than humans.

    Hogs can see low wavelength light (blue light, e.g. the color blue) fairly well. But as the wavelength increases (light frequency changes e.g. color changes from blue) they have a more difficult time perceiving the light. Red and green light fall into the category of higher wavelengths which is why hogs have more difficulty recognizing it. But, the whiter (and more lighter color) the light the more hogs will react to it even they do not see it very well, ‘white person’ flesh tones and whiter/lighter colors are among these like those splashes of whiter/lighter colors in the (almost, and flowery,) ‘camo’ish pattern’ shorts in the pic with the article.

    Light is why humans and animals and insects and birds and water critters (e.g. mantis shrimp), most mammals, see color, not that it is a certain color but rather that the light is reflected off a ‘thing’ in certain frequency ranges. So its more accurate to say, in the nerd’ish technical aspect, for example, “see blue light” rather than “see the color blue”. Newton observed that color isn’t inherent in objects but rather the surface of an object reflects light in some some colors and absorbs all the others so what we see as color is really a reflection of light in certain wavelengths (frequency ranges). For example, bananas are not yellow but rather the surface of the banana reflects the light wavelength (frequency) we perceive (see) as yellow and absorbs all the other wavelengths.

    Primates (humans) generally have the best color vision of all mammals, the human (typically) can perceive up to 10 million colors (including shades).

    For the human eye, yellow is also the most visible color in the darkness. For example, this is why the color yellow is used in roads/streets caution signs. In the daylight, the most visible color for the human eye is a wavelength (frequency) of 550nm which is green (well, very technically actually between green and yellow but said to be green for all practical purposes because there is so much green). But overall red and orange are also among the most visible colors for human eyes and because of their sharpness our eyes distinguish them the fastest but also at the same time generally, red, orange, and yellow can be disturbing to our eyes and sometimes cause headaches in some people.

    For the human eye, the color red is the most difficult to see in darkness and low light conditions. This is why, for example, red light is used to not disturb night vision. But, while red light is best for preserving night vision it makes it more difficult to make out finer details in the dark. However, green light is just behind behind red when it comes to preserving night vision (although not preserving it as long as red does) and its better for improving clarity and contrast in the dark and its the best color for use in the dark. Blue lights are a little bit better than white when it comes to night vision but worse than red or green for night vision. But blue light has qualities red and green do not, blue is able to pick up blood trails (for you hunters looking for that shot prey at night), spot bodily fluids(saliva, sweat, urine, semen, etc.) and help find oil and fluid leaks better. White light is the worse for night vision and the eye takes a lot longer to recover night vision after exposure to white light.

    Overall birds are the best for seeing color. They are able to see the colors humans do, but not only that as they are also able to perceive the familiar rainbow of colors as well as parts of the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum that are invisible to human eyes. This means birds can determine (extremely, in relation to other creatures including humans) subtle differences between similar shades of color, gradations the human eye is not able to perceive.

      • @Pb_fan59

        “This is why Schrodinger used Calico cats inside the box…. or did he ??”

        No, he didn’t.

        Schrödinger’s cat did not actually exist, there was no cat in the box and it was a hypothetical cat. I know you were joking around, but there are people (even today) who actually believe there was actually a cat in a box (just left there to die apparently) when they hear the phrase ‘Schrödinger’s cat’. It was a thought experiment, an example, a teaching tool, that Schrodinger (a physicist) used to illustrate how some people were misinterpreting quantum theory and used to illustrate a paradox of quantum superposition. In the experiment, a hypothetical cat (in a box so it can not be seen) may be considered both alive and dead simultaneously as a result of its fate being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur.

        This experiment was created in 1935 by Erwin Schrödinger in a discussion with Albert Einstein to illustrate what Schrödinger saw as the issues with the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.

        • Booger, has the entanglement theory been explained? If it has, I haven’t read about it; however, I don’t read much these days due to poor vision.

        • @Booger
          Thanks for the link. My knowledge of quantum physics will fit in a thimble with room left over. “Explained” was not the word I should have used and after reading the linked article it is now evident that “explained” does exist. The one part I find most interesting is “This “spooky action at a distance,” as Einstein called it,”
          It also seems to me that the author of the link is combining the uncertainty principle into his explanation. Please keep in mind my comments at the onset of this reply. Thanks for your time and the link.
          I appreciate your reply and supplied link.

    • Notes:

      Color perception can change with luminescence. For example, blue light is able to pick up blood trails and spot bodily fluids (saliva, sweat, urine, semen, etc.) better. But, enhancing the luminosity of the reflected light can greatly enhance seeing these things better than just with the blue light alone, for example, crime scene investigations apply luminol to areas where blood is suspected to be and the blood is much easier to see under a blue light even though to the naked eye or even under blue light alone it may not be seen and even (sometimes) if the area has been cleaned. Of course there are a lot of things that show up with luminol that are not blood or other bodily fluids, for example, and contrary to the impressions from many movies and TV shows and general public perception, a lot of common household/industrial/commercial cleaners will show up with luminol and appear to be as blood or other bodily fluids does under the blue light so investigators need to actually apply other tests to determine if its blood or not.

      The color Yellow: The most eye fatiguing color is pure bright lemon yellow. And yellow is also, overall, the most visible color of all the colors for the human eye while at the same time actually being an eye irritant (for looking at for longer periods). Yellow is also the most irritating color for humans, for example, babies cry more in yellow rooms and people are more prone to tantrums and anger and arguments in yellow rooms and people wearing yellow clothing are more prone to being the target of someones anger. But yellow, out of all the colors the human can see, is actually the first color that the human eye ‘notices’ out of a range of colors (if yellow is included) even though the human doesn’t realize they are noticing it first. So you folks with yellow walls in kitchens or yellow on your home walls, this may be the reason your kids or spouse get irritated or angry with you at times without reason.

      Yes, light can radiate in colors. The light its self is not that color, rather its the frequency of the light that is generating that color you perceive.

      • “Blue is high (short) wavelength light, red is long wavelength light…”

        It is somewhat ambiguous upon reading it again so I understand what you are saying, and ‘wavelengths’ should have been ‘frequency’ here. So to correct to make it more clear…

        “Red and green light fall into the category of higher frequency compared to the ranges a hog can see which is why hogs have more difficulty recognizing it.”

        Hogs and pigs can see these colors only at certain frequency ranges, “blue” at about 439 nm and a “red/green” combo at around 556 nm. Overall outside their ranges they can not really see red and green at frequencies greater or lesser than their range. A color is not confined to a specific frequency as a predominate or mixed color may dominate over a range of frequencies in various ‘shades’ where as a pure color is only one frequency.

        (note: The higher the frequency the shorter the wave length – the lower the frequency the longer the wave length).

        • The wavelength *is* literally the frequency.

          Shorter wavelengths are higher in frequency. Blue light is higher in frequency than red light.

          The AM broadcast band is 0.5 to 1.7 Mhz in frequency, the ‘Short Wave radio band is about 2 to 30 Mhz in frequency.

          The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength. Microwaves are literally millimeters in height…

        • @Geoff “I’m getting too old for this shit”

          Yes, I know about wavelength being frequency. but sometimes it isn’t and that’s the case with color. Visible color light is not like radio frequency where one frequency is it, not like switching from one channel to the other to get a different program. With color a range of frequencies can represent the same visible light color, like receiving the same program on all channels even though each channel is a separate frequency.

          Visible color light is broken down into ranges thus:

          Violet: 380–450 nm (688–789 THz frequency)
          Blue: 450–495 nm
          Green: 495–570 nm
          Yellow: 570–590 nm
          Orange: 590–620 nm
          Red: 620–750 nm (400–484 THz frequency)

          When these colors mix they are seen for the more dominate color in the resulting wavelength of the mix because of how the eye and brain perceives it. So for example, its possible to have the actual light perceived by the eyes and brain at a higher or lower wavelength (frequency for you) than the dominate color.

        • correction:

          “So for example, its possible to have the actual light perceived by the eyes and brain at a higher or lower wavelength (frequency for you) than the dominate color.”

          should have been …

          So for example, its possible to have the actual light perceived by the eyes and brain at a higher or lower wavelength (frequency for you) than the dominate color because other than only pure light out in the world we (and animals) do not see an actual color frequency but rather a mix with a dominate color so we call it that dominate color.

          I don’t know a simple way to explain this right now because its really long and complicated, but a simple clarification; For example – if you point a firearms green laser beam at a red surface the laser dot still looks green but now the light that’s coming back to our eyes that our eyes is a mixture or the green and red even though the dot looks green. This is because the green is dominate. But that at our eye is a mixture of red and green and has produced a light wavelength lower than green so what we are actually seeing is a different frequency than green frequency even though our brain and eyes perceive the dominate color of green more (in this case because of intensity) and we call it green because of that dominate color of the mix.

        • Basically; By the way. Although wavelength is frequency. In physics we tend towards separating things into their components if they are a mix when in writing. When dealing with color light mix (like whats in the real world and is actually what we see) its more appropriate to refer to wavelength because its possible to have a lower or higher frequency of light color while a mix produces a different wavelength overall than the dominate color. It depends on if you are referring to the dominate color or the mix, for mix its wavelength and for the dominate color its frequency. So although wavelength is frequency, its a way to separate the two in a mix in writing and the context defines whats being talked about.

    • correction:

      “Hogs can see low wavelength light (blue light, e.g. the color blue) fairly well. But as the wavelength increases (light frequency changes e.g. color changes from blue) they have a more difficult time perceiving the light. Red and green light fall into the category of higher wavelengths…”

      “Hogs can see low wavelength light (blue light, e.g. the color blue) fairly well.” the “low” should have been “high”

    • Well I learned last night from Sheldon and his dumb neighbor that not only can zero not be proven, it doesn’t even exist…. BAM !!

      • It depends.

        In math, zero does exist as an even number and it also represents the number of items in an empty set.

    • I’m on the nerd train today. In the lab waiting for the results of an experiment verification by peer review out of London.

      • yeah, well yesterday on the news I discovered that in Great Britain, not only is the prime minister not only a zero, she doesn’t even exist….
        BAM !!

  7. Jeans are fine, but I wore BDU pants of various patterns/no pattern because I like the pockets and the fit was nice and loose.

    Bottom line, wear what works for you.

    • White Snow camo for called winter yotes around here. Oh, and insulation – lots of insulation. Twenty below windchill a coupla days after a heavy snow makes em hungry and a little more careless.

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