That’s some next order thinking right there!



  1. Looks like bombs, RPGs, mortars, etc. still welcome. I suppose that’s somewhere in Times Square under Adams, Hochul and Leticia James. 😉

    Seriously, though, as far as the UN is concerned, governments have the green light to murder their own and always refuse attempts for the citizenry to arm up to protect themselves. (Well, except Ukraine, cuz, we’ll- Putin.)

    The purpose and intent of The Second Amendment still scares the hell out of the controlling elitists.

  2. “The purpose and intent of The Second Amendment still scares the hell out of the controlling elitists.”
    And I hope it stays that way…

  3. Looks like the the Ukraine war may have spilled over into Polska. Dumbazz conscripts killing Poles could start WW3. It took less in 1914…and Slow Joe is at the helm🙄

    • Came here to say they’ll need to put one of these signs up in Poland! And then the rest of Europe when this thing really kicks off.

    • I’ve thought about this many times. If Putin just said “fuck it” and launched a full nuclear salvo at like 3am EST. Imagine that. Old joe Biden being woke up to that. He’d have 4 minuets before the sub launched nukes hit and 20 some minuets before the ICBMs. I really don’t think he could get it together in time to even comprehend what was going on.

      • Although many of missiles will fail either on launch or inflight, enough will reach their targets. Actual warhead yields may not be as intended because of a lack of maintenance and tritium to restock the boost.

        • Oh I don’t doubt Russia’s arsenal is far weaker then they put on, just like the rest of their sham ass military. But it still remains concerning to think about an 82 year old dementia patient being awoke at 3am being told, “the nuclear war has started, you have 4 minuets to decide.”

          Of course being a democrat he may simply welcome America’s destruction.

        • The trouble is enough missiles will reach the targets with enough yield to do serious damage. Inefficient bombs add to the fallout.

        • The risk of Tritium decay on the strategic warheads is minimal, since they were designed for periodic replacement, the same goes for ours.

          The ones to worry about are the ones pilfered decades back sitting somewhere not getting the required maintenance. Those may blow with a yield of a few kilotons, still nothing I want to be around when detonated…

      • @Ron

        “Old joe Biden being woke up to that.”

        Joe would say one of three things.

        “What does Nancy want me to do?”

        “Is there any more ice cream?”

        “Let me sign an executive order directing the ATF to redefine nukes as firearms so we can ban them and make them go away.”

        • @Ron: Slow Joe is is not 82, but rather 79.
          He will be 80 Nov 20, Thanksgiving week.
          Hope it doesn’t ruin your Thanksgiving.
          I’ll be 80 Thanksgiving day and I’m thinking of
          changing my birth month. Since they do gender
          changes I should be able to change my birth month!

      • Not him, but the secret service might get their act together, although with all the carousing and fornicating they have been doing when on foreign assignment, I doubt it.

  4. I remembered a time Americans portrayed Ruskians as “The people who never smile. ”
    Walk out a grocery store here today in America and notice all the happy smiling people skipping back to their cars.
    How about You Cranes blomb Polands to drag them in their War.

  5. I remembered a time Americans referred to Ruskians as “The people who never smile. ”
    Walk out a grocery store here
    today in America and notice all the happy smiling people skipping back to their cars.
    How about You Cranes blomb Polands to drag them in their War.

  6. I just watched the worlds most expensive single shot get discharged (Artemus) makes that .50 each .45 seem reasonable. Oh wait that came outta our ammo budget!

  7. Mass ‘knifing’ > Four Idaho college students were killed in a ‘targeted attack’ with an ‘edged weapon,’ police say >

    “Police in Idaho said Tuesday they believe an ‘edged weapon,’ such as a knife, was used in the ‘targeted attack’ on the four students, shedding light on a case that has left a shocked local community grappling with unanswered questions.’ ”

    just to mention….~1,300 criminal knife attacks on victims daily in the United States. They rarely make the news even when there are deaths.

    To clarify, the term ‘knife’ also includes (sharp) edged weapons.

  8. The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia has had devastating consequences for both sides, including loss of life, displacement of civilians, and economic instability. The situation remains complex and deeply entrenched, with no clear end in sight. It is crucial that all parties involved work towards a peaceful resolution and prioritize the safety and well-being of those affected by the conflict.

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