It’s actually not that hard*.

… * if you have a third hand


        • Well it’s for your own protection. Who knows what those crackpots at Sturm, Ruger & Co. have cooked up these days – .22 caliber hand grenades most likely. Best let the other 48 states test them out for a few decades before the state of California allows it’s residents to risk life and limb doing R&D for Ruger.

        • I have an original Mk 1. Now *that’s* a party.

          It was mfd (amd I turned 21) before handgun registration was implemented here in CA, so it’s one of the (several) unregistered pistols I legally own here. Such off-the-radar-yet-legal items are increasingly rare in this state.

  1. … a third hand . Or, if you have a pair of scissors, an old beer can, and a modicum of folding skills.

      • Aiming at tall boy bottles on a fence-post in the back yard, from the back porch, with a .45 LC single-action six-shooter with cowboy loads, that’s a target as God himself intended… 🙂

        • Those are worth a nickel in IA. Pretty sure they’re still worth a nickel after they’re shot up though.

      • Yes a fresh can WILL work, but cause the contents to leak out with reckless abandon. A tall boy even moreso.

  2. I don’t get it? I’ve owned several mkll’s still have 2 a 6″ standard and a 22/45 4″ target bbl. After learning now to reassemble the first one ,witch did take some trial and error, it’s never been a problem.
    It’s not rocket surgery. Read the manual.

      • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR

        “Aren’t you special!”

        Compared to a waste of viable protoplasm like yourself, yes, he is special.

        Now go suck on a shotgun and paint your cranial contents on your ceiling like a good little boy, m’kay? 🙂

      • Not as special as you, short bus bouncy house guy. But thanks for continuously regaling us all with your rapier wit and truly mind numbing social commentary and insights. Where would humanity, body piercing parlors and green hair dye manufacturers be without you and your fellow travellers?

    • Field stripping or full disassembly? Hearing the safety detent fall out and down through the frame for the thousandth time when you try and put it all back together becomes a painful learning experience in patience.

    • Congrats to you and the fantastic engineer that decided a pistol of no great importance should be hard enough to assemble that you actually need instructions.

  3. I just bought a Ruger MK 1 .22 LR 5 1/2″ bull barrel. The second one I’ve owned. The first was stolen. In between I’ve owned a Ruger MK II 5 1/2″ bull barrel. Stainless its a good pistol, but squirrels see the stainless as soon as I draw it out of my Bianchi .22 protector. The blue pistol not so much. I gave my stainless MK II to John. He likes free guns. A lot.

    • “I gave my stainless MK II to John. He likes free guns. A lot.”

      Have I ever told you how much I consider you the Dad I never had?

      (You’re not buying it, are you? 🙂 At least please consider the Possum… 🙂 )

      • G Flag offered me a Glock however I told him they dont work very well as a boat anchor. And no, he wont get rid of his HiPoint.

      • “..I consider you the Dad I never had”

        And that is a surprise to….

        No One….


        • Dance for that banana, little boy.

          (Very *small*, I’ll bet! 🙂 )

  4. My Mk. I inspired me to purchase a Mk. 4 several years ago….never have gotten the hang of assembling the Mk. I’s angle of the dangle. Usually (finally) after trying for a while and several %$#@#! oaths cursing Loki.

    • Montana, I know exactly what you mean. I also have a standard model 4 3/4″? Is that right? Anyway, all Ruger standard models, MK I and MK II are a pain to disassemble. And reassemble. But they shoot like a house of fire. That said I will not own a post MK II Ruger .22 pistol. They are just not right.

      • Honestly, I don’t think I’ve fired a whole box of mags out of mine in the years that I’ve owned it. I have more potent guns if I need the punch. LR is my preferred food for it.

        • I take it you keep well stocked on .22LR ammo during times of plenty.

        • Gotz lotz of grandkids. Keep stocked in rimfire and pellets.

          I do shoot more pellets these days. Easier and cheaper to find and they are great trainers.

    • jwm, yeah, I’ll take a 5 1/2 ” Single Six every day and twice on Sunday. Stainless or blue. Especially if it has both cylinders. If it only has the magnum cylinder (common) pass. If it only has the LR cylinder I really want it. Those are less expensive and a lot more practical.



      • Well I’m pissed, I haven’t seen an avocado peeling in the trash dumpster for weeks.
        Sucks licking the crumbs out of a corn chip bag with no avocados.

        • Soon, possum, soon. The idiot manchild has nearly all the trucks and bank accounts transferred to his Foundationâ„¢/daddy’s trust fund (exactly which daddy we’re not quite sure) by now so the diversity hiring of pink pussy hat wearing, Class 1 drivers shall no doubt begin forthwith. You n Ntexass there will once again be rolling in fresh guacamole before months end.

  6. I don’t get it. I have had numerous (ok, three) and never had a problem putting MK1 Rugers back together. But then again, I am only mildly retarded. I don’t think the Rugers are that hard to re-assemble, but then again, I rebuild automatic transmissions as a hobby.

    • Many, maybe even most, struggle with changing a tire, or operating a toaster. It explains much of what we see around us today. Evolution is, indeed, a thing.

      • I dunno, Rider. If it was, then to say someone got Darwinized would be less of a joke. Seems to me the dunderheads, dimwits, and democrats are thriving, worse than rabbits.

        • Hawkeye, those worthies are thriving precisely because evolution is a thing. But in this case society/culture and coddling has replaced the usual natural selection process. We don’t see signs of other ‘advanced’ civilizations out there because eventually no one can figure out how to put the gas in their rocket thingys.

      • Eh, to each his own skill. I know surgeons who can’t navigate their way out of an old 1970’s era V8 engine bay but could sew up an artery while discussing last night’s game with you.

        It’s just what you’ve trained to do.

        • True enough but when you ask your buddy’s 23yr old son to pass you the 1/2″ box end wrench and you just get a blank look I begin to lose hope. And he’s far from the only 20+yr old adolescent male I’ve seen this way.

  7. Urban legend. Nobody that’s to be taken seriously really struggles with the MKII. Perhaps if you’ve only ever field stripped a Glock or assembled an AR it might seem bad. But that’s on your for being a sheeple with your gun tastes and not exploring more 😉

    • Bullseye. And as I mention just above we further the process by catering to the dumbed down masses. It would be awesome to have guns that disassembled and cleaned themselves by pressing an app on our now smarter than us handheld surveillance and daily instructional social credit score devices but in a hundred years the Colt SAA will be an unfathomable mystery. It apparently already is in some circles.

      • And of course I am once more “awaiting moderation”. Again. Still. Always. I sincerely hope your constant Orwellian proclivities are saving us tender souls from some truly disturbing comments. Otherwise, what would be the point, right TTAG? Oh, but you have an unspoken ‘no ban’ policy so it can’t be that, can it? So what gives, is it like a random background check, which you label Kabuki theatre? Is it some alphabet agency Mandatingâ„¢ it? Is TTAG itself under “moderation”? It would be nice to see a ‘housekeeping’ article on how, why and when this “moderating” of our speech occurs, it’s tangible results and exactly how it squares with your, our, professed views of Freedom and Liberty. Will we be given a chance to moderate said article to our personal approval if and when it occurs?

    • In my experience, there are people who have no mechanical aptitude. They lack “the knack” for things mechanical and electrical. That’s OK.

      Some of these people like guns. That’s better than OK.

      Some of these people should just bring their gun into a gunsmith for service and cleaning, rather than start the job and then bring the bucket of results into the gunsmith. That would be best.

      • If it was something I couldn’t handle I’d be quite happy to bring it to you, DG. I think I speak for all of us when I say we miss your more technical posts and knowledge bombs. TTAG needs you, otherwise we just end up with guys like me.

  8. I never understood why folks had some much trouble assembling the MKII.

    I would still like to find a 6 inch standard MKII. But I never see them for sale.

    The MKIV looks ok but I don’t want to have buy new magazines.

  9. Had one , and took it apart and put it together and said, ” yah kno?! the way that’s designed a person really dont need to take it apart no more.”
    Thought I’d bought me a life time pistol , and I did until a fire.
    That’s the only reason to have a gunm safe if they do what they’re supposed to do in a fire.
    Sadly I did not have a gunm safe .
    However it did reinforce my philosophy of ‘Never put all your eggs in one basket’. If yah kno what I mean.

      • I’ve got a real shiny, bigass, high end Browning fireproof safe with all the pinstripng but for all it’s glory two minutes with a grinder and a guys prob through the side. Sure does have a purty mouth though.

      • And condolences on the fire thing, possum. A buddy lost his house just before Xmas to a fire but he only owned an old shotgun and a .22. He was at work and his 1yr old shepherd was trapped inside. Damn brutal way to go. Hope everything’s worked out ok for you.

  10. If you can’t manage to learn how to field strip and reassemble a MKIII or earlier, maybe a padded helmet would be a good fit for you.

  11. All you need is a Motie Watchmaker who has four hands and will flawlessly customize the grip for you.

    • Bravo, Elmer. A reference to Larry Niven’s SciFi. You win the obscure comment award.

  12. All I can say is this:

    If you have trouble putting a Ruger MkI, II, or III back together after a detailed disassembly, then please, do not do a detailed disassembly on:

    – A Browning Buckmark
    – A Marlin Model 60
    – A Beretta M9/ Model 9x
    – A S&W Model 41

    And several other guns I’ve seen, but you probably won’t, unless you’re a collector. The Ruger MkI/II/III are really pretty easy guns to strip and re-assemble, with few flying parts.

  13. 6 7/8″ govt.
    ran thirty years before needing “battery assist.”
    first time urethane knocking the barrel off was quite the deliberate gesture.
    something done so rarely i read to refresh; it’s quite simple but i forget which is the angle on the dangle.

  14. In 1965 the manual for a Honda motorcycle gave maintenance instructions including how to adjust the valves and brakes.

    Today the manual tells you not to drink the brake fluid

    The dangle angle you many mangle will untangle the more you wrangle……it!

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